blob: b8d5c62780286d1d0bbd3e1d597c32b616f7512a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
# Silence all C/C++ warnings in external code.
# Note that this will not silence warnings from external headers #include'd in
# first-party code.
common --per_file_copt=external/.*@-w
common --host_per_file_copt=external/.*@-w
# Don't automatically create files.
# This prevents spurious package name collisions at import time, and should be
# the default ( It's
# particularly helpful for Pigweed, because we have many potential package name
# collisions due to a profusion of stuttering paths like
# pw_transfer/py/pw_transfer.
common --incompatible_default_to_explicit_init_py
# Required for new toolchain resolution API.
build --incompatible_enable_cc_toolchain_resolution
# Do not attempt to configure an autodetected (local) toolchain. We vendor all
# our toolchains, and CI VMs may not have any local toolchain to detect.
# Required for combined code coverage reports.
coverage --experimental_generate_llvm_lcov
coverage --combined_report=lcov
# Suppress the DEBUG: log messages from bazel. We get lots of spammy DEBUG:
# messages from our third-party dependencies.
build --ui_event_filters=-debug
# Enforces consistent action environment variables. This is important to
# address Protobuf's rebuild sensitivity on changes to the environment
# variables.
build --incompatible_strict_action_env
# Workaround for
build --java_runtime_version=remotejdk_11
build --repo_env=JAVA_HOME=../bazel_tools/jdk
# Silence compiler warnings from external repositories.
# This is supported by Bazel's default C++ toolchain, but not yet by
# rules_cc_toolchain
# (
build --features=external_include_paths
# This feature can't be enabled until __unordtf2 and __letf2 are implemented by
# compiler-rt. See
# build --features=fully_static_link
build --@mbedtls//:mbedtls_config=//third_party/mbedtls:default_config
# Define the --config=asan-libfuzzer configuration.
build:asan-libfuzzer \
build:asan-libfuzzer \
build:asan-libfuzzer --@rules_fuzzing//fuzzing:cc_engine_sanitizer=asan
# Include FuzzTest build configurations.
try-import %workspace%/third_party/fuzztest/fuzztest.bazelrc
build:fuzztest \
build:fuzztest \
# We use non-default labels for the STM32Cube repositories upstream (to reserve
# the option of building for more than one MCU family down the road), so need to
# override the three labels below.
common --//third_party/stm32cube:hal_driver=@stm32f4xx_hal_driver//:hal_driver
common --@stm32f4xx_hal_driver//:cmsis_device=@cmsis_device_f4//:cmsis_device
common --@stm32f4xx_hal_driver//:cmsis_init=@cmsis_device_f4//:default_cmsis_init
# Config for the stm32f429i_disc1_stm32cube platform.
# TODO: b/301334234 - Make the platform set the flags below.
build:stm32f429i --platforms=//targets/stm32f429i_disc1_stm32cube:platform
build:stm32f429i --copt="-DSTM32CUBE_HEADER=\"stm32f4xx.h\""
build:stm32f429i --copt="-DSTM32F429xx"
build:stm32f429i --@stm32f4xx_hal_driver//:hal_config=//targets/stm32f429i_disc1_stm32cube:hal_config
build:stm32f429i --//pw_log:backend_impl=@pigweed//pw_log_tokenized:impl
build:stm32f429i --//targets:pw_log_backend=@pigweed//pw_log_tokenized
build:stm32f429i --//targets:pw_log_tokenized_handler_backend=@pigweed//pw_system:log_backend
# Specifies desired output mode for running tests.
# Valid values are
# 'summary' to output only test status summary
# 'errors' to also print test logs for failed tests
# 'all' to print logs for all tests
# 'streamed' to output logs for all tests in real time
# (this will force tests to be executed locally one at a time regardless
# of --test_strategy value).
test --test_output=errors
# User bazelrc file; see
# Note: this should be at the bottom of the file, so that user-specified
# options override anything in this file
# (
try-import %workspace%/user.bazelrc