blob: 3048b47a6bcd2de90b5596c137e00b745db1ea16 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _docs-get-started:
Get Started
Stay tuned for a tutorial on getting started with Pigweed in a Bazel-based project,
:ref:`Pigweed's primary build system <seed-0111>` going forward.
.. grid:: 2
.. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`code` Sample Project
:link-type: url
:class-item: sales-pitch-cta-primary
Fork the Sample Project, a repository that outlines the recommended way to use
Pigweed in a broader GN-based project.
.. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`code` Kudzu
:link: docs-kudzu
:link-type: ref
:class-item: sales-pitch-cta-secondary
Study the code of Kudzu, a just-for-fun Maker Faire 2023 project that
demonstrates complex Pigweed usage.
.. grid:: 2
.. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`list-ordered` Upstream Pigweed
:link: docs-get-started-upstream
:link-type: ref
:class-item: sales-pitch-cta-secondary
Get set up to contribute to upstream Pigweed.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Upstream Pigweed <upstream>