blob: 11b335e252a1d963c27d135899dd2c55723b85ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <span>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "pw_blob_store/blob_store.h"
#include "pw_kvs/crc16_checksum.h"
#include "pw_kvs/fake_flash_memory.h"
#include "pw_kvs/flash_memory.h"
#include "pw_kvs/test_key_value_store.h"
#include "pw_log/log.h"
#include "pw_random/xor_shift.h"
namespace pw::blob_store {
namespace {
class DeferredWriteTest : public ::testing::Test {
DeferredWriteTest() : flash_(kFlashAlignment), partition_(&flash_) {}
void InitFlashTo(std::span<const std::byte> contents) {
.IgnoreError(); // TODO(pwbug/387): Handle Status properly
std::memcpy(flash_.buffer().data(),, contents.size());
void InitBufferToRandom(uint64_t seed) {
.IgnoreError(); // TODO(pwbug/387): Handle Status properly
random::XorShiftStarRng64 rng(seed);
rng.Get(buffer_).IgnoreError(); // TODO(pwbug/387): Handle Status properly
void InitBufferToFill(char fill) {
.IgnoreError(); // TODO(pwbug/387): Handle Status properly
std::memset(, fill, buffer_.size());
// Fill the source buffer with random pattern based on given seed, written to
// BlobStore in specified chunk size.
void ChunkWriteTest(size_t chunk_size, size_t flush_interval) {
constexpr size_t kWriteSize = 64;
kvs::ChecksumCrc16 checksum;
size_t bytes_since_flush = 0;
char name[16] = {};
snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "Blob%u", static_cast<unsigned>(chunk_size));
BlobStoreBuffer<kBufferSize> blob(
name, partition_, &checksum, kvs::TestKvs(), kWriteSize);
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), blob.Init());
BlobStore::DeferredWriterWithBuffer writer(blob);
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), writer.Open());
ByteSpan source = buffer_;
while (source.size_bytes() > 0) {
const size_t write_size = std::min(source.size_bytes(), chunk_size);
PW_LOG_DEBUG("Do write of %u bytes, %u bytes remain",
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), writer.Write(source.first(write_size)));
// TODO: Add check that the write did not go to flash yet.
source = source.subspan(write_size);
bytes_since_flush += write_size;
if (bytes_since_flush >= flush_interval) {
bytes_since_flush = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), writer.Flush());
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), writer.Close());
// Use reader to check for valid data.
BlobStore::BlobReader reader(blob);
ASSERT_EQ(OkStatus(), reader.Open());
Result<ConstByteSpan> result = reader.GetMemoryMappedBlob();
EXPECT_EQ(OkStatus(), reader.Close());
void VerifyFlash(ConstByteSpan verify_bytes) {
// Should be defined as same size.
EXPECT_EQ(buffer_.size(), flash_.buffer().size_bytes());
// Can't allow it to march off the end of buffer_.
ASSERT_LE(verify_bytes.size_bytes(), buffer_.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < verify_bytes.size_bytes(); i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(buffer_[i], verify_bytes[i]);
static constexpr size_t kFlashAlignment = 16;
static constexpr size_t kSectorSize = 1024;
static constexpr size_t kSectorCount = 4;
static constexpr size_t kBufferSize = 2 * kSectorSize;
kvs::FakeFlashMemoryBuffer<kSectorSize, kSectorCount> flash_;
kvs::FlashPartition partition_;
std::array<std::byte, kSectorCount * kSectorSize> buffer_;
TEST_F(DeferredWriteTest, ChunkWrite1) {
ChunkWriteTest(1, 16);
TEST_F(DeferredWriteTest, ChunkWrite2) {
ChunkWriteTest(2, 16);
TEST_F(DeferredWriteTest, ChunkWrite3) {
ChunkWriteTest(3, 16);
TEST_F(DeferredWriteTest, ChunkWrite4) {
ChunkWriteTest(4, 64);
TEST_F(DeferredWriteTest, ChunkWrite5) {
ChunkWriteTest(5, 64);
TEST_F(DeferredWriteTest, ChunkWrite16) {
ChunkWriteTest(16, 128);
TEST_F(DeferredWriteTest, ChunkWrite64) {
ChunkWriteTest(64, 128);
TEST_F(DeferredWriteTest, ChunkWrite64FullBufferFill) {
ChunkWriteTest(64, kBufferSize);
TEST_F(DeferredWriteTest, ChunkWrite256) {
ChunkWriteTest(256, 256);
// TODO: test that has dirty flash, invalidated blob, open writer, invalidate
// (not erase) and start writing (does the auto/implicit erase).
// TODO: test that has dirty flash, invalidated blob, open writer, explicit
// erase and start writing.
// TODO: test start with dirty flash/invalid blob, open writer, write, close.
// Verifies erase logic when write buffer has contents.
} // namespace
} // namespace pw::blob_store