blob: c339da4f5a102421d85ca96cba5c3184b72a58eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
enum TrafficDirection {
// NetworkPacketEvent records the details of a single packet sent or received
// on the network (in Linux kernel terminology, one sk_buff struct).
message NetworkPacketEvent {
// The direction traffic is flowing for this event.
optional TrafficDirection direction = 1;
// The name of the interface if available (e.g. 'rmnet0').
optional string interface = 2;
// The length of the packet in bytes (wire_size - L2_header_size). Ignored
// when using NetworkPacketEvent as the ctx in either NetworkPacketBundle or
// NetworkPacketContext.
optional uint32 length = 3;
// The Linux user id associated with the packet's socket.
optional uint32 uid = 4;
// The Android network tag associated with the packet's socket.
optional uint32 tag = 5;
// The packet's IP protocol (TCP=6, UDP=17, etc).
optional uint32 ip_proto = 6;
// The packet's TCP flags as a bitmask (FIN=0x1, SYN=0x2, RST=0x4, etc).
optional uint32 tcp_flags = 7;
// The local udp/tcp port of the packet.
optional uint32 local_port = 8;
// The remote udp/tcp port of the packet.
optional uint32 remote_port = 9;
// The 1-byte ICMP type identifier.
optional uint32 icmp_type = 10;
// The 1-byte ICMP code identifier.
optional uint32 icmp_code = 11;
// NetworkPacketBundle bundles one or more packets sharing the same attributes.
message NetworkPacketBundle {
oneof packet_context {
// The intern id for looking up the associated packet context.
uint64 iid = 1;
// The inlined context for events in this bundle.
NetworkPacketEvent ctx = 2;
// The timestamp of the i-th packet encoded as the nanoseconds since the
// enclosing TracePacket's timestamp.
repeated uint64 packet_timestamps = 3 [packed = true];
// The length of the i-th packet in bytes (wire_size - L2_header_size).
repeated uint32 packet_lengths = 4 [packed = true];
// Total number of packets in the bundle (when above aggregation_threshold).
optional uint32 total_packets = 5;
// Duration between first and last packet (when above aggregation_threshold).
optional uint64 total_duration = 6;
// Total packet length in bytes (when above aggregation_threshold).
optional uint64 total_length = 7;
// An internable packet context.
message NetworkPacketContext {
optional uint64 iid = 1;
optional NetworkPacketEvent ctx = 2;