blob: 48072896c3347469cad695b39caaac161da6ae19 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
import "protos/perfetto/trace_processor/trace_processor.proto";
// RPC interface for a BigTrace Orchestrator.
// Each BigTrace instance has a single Orchestrator which is
// responsible for receiving requests for loading and querying traces from
// clients and shards these requests among a set of "Workers".
service BigTraceOrchestrator {
// Creates a TracePool with the specified arguments.
// A TracePool is a logical group of traces which can be addressed with a
// single id.
// Pools are shared: the trace processor instances backing the pool are shared
// among a group of users. This implicitly means that the pools are
// "stateless" (i.e. do not preserve trace processor state between RPCs) as
// the state of one user should not interfere with the state of another.
rpc TracePoolCreate(TracePoolCreateArgs) returns (TracePoolCreateResponse);
// Changes the set of traces associated with the specified TracePool.
// If this operation completes successfully, any future requests to this pool
// will refer to this set of traces.
rpc TracePoolSetTraces(TracePoolSetTracesArgs)
returns (TracePoolSetTracesResponse);
// Executes a SQL query on the specified TracePool and returns a stream
// with each element being the response for executing the query on the
// associated trace.
// Note that each trace can return >1 result due to chunking of protos at the
// TraceProcessor::QueryResult level.
rpc TracePoolQuery(TracePoolQueryArgs)
returns (stream TracePoolQueryResponse);
// Destroys the TracePool with the specified id.
// Any future requests to this pool will return an error. However, the
// same pool id can be used to create a new pool.
rpc TracePoolDestroy(TracePoolDestroyArgs) returns (TracePoolDestroyResponse);
// Request/Response for Orchestrator::TracePoolCreate.
message TracePoolCreateArgs {
// The name which should be refer to the pool. This name will form part of
// |pool_id|.
optional string pool_name = 2;
message TracePoolCreateResponse {
// The id of the pool which should be used to reference the pool in all future
// RPCs. This id is expected to be a stable transformation of |pool_name|.
optional string pool_id = 1;
// Request/Response for Orchestrator::TracePoolSetTraces.
message TracePoolSetTracesArgs {
optional string pool_id = 1;
// The list of traces which should be associated with this pool. The existing
// loaded trace list will be diffed against this list. Traces not present in
// this list and loaded will be unloaded while traces present in this list
// and unloaded will be loaded.
repeated string traces = 2;
message TracePoolSetTracesResponse {}
// Request/Response for Orchestrator::TracePoolQuery.
message TracePoolQueryArgs {
optional string pool_id = 1;
optional string sql_query = 2;
message TracePoolQueryResponse {
optional string trace = 1;
optional QueryResult result = 2;
// Request/Response for Orchestrator::TracePoolDestroy.
message TracePoolDestroyArgs {
optional string pool_id = 1;
message TracePoolDestroyResponse {}