blob: a5e1b1add1ca9e5a5672451d122b86af2b309e55 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package blueberry;
import "blueberry/host.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
// Service to trigger A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) procedures.
// Requirement for the implementor:
// - Streams must not be automaticaly opened, even if discovered.
// - The `Host` service should be implemented
// References:
// - [A2DP] Bluetooth SIG, Specification of the Bluetooth System,
// Advanced Audio Distribution, Version 1.3 or Later
// - [AVDTP] Bluetooth SIG, Specification of the Bluetooth System,
// Audio/Video Distribution Transport Protocol, Version 1.3 or Later
service A2DP {
// Open a stream from a local **Source** endpoint to a remote **Sink**
// endpoint.
// The returned source should be in the AVDTP_OPEN state (see [AVDTP] 9.1).
// The function must block until the stream has reached this state
// A cancellation of this call must result in aborting the current
// AVDTP procedure (see [AVDTP] 9.9)
rpc OpenSource(OpenSourceRequest) returns (OpenSourceResponse);
// Open a stream from a local **Sink** endpoint to a remote **Source**
// endpoint.
// The returned sink must be in the AVDTP_OPEN state (see [AVDTP] 9.1).
// The function must block until the stream has reached this state
// A cancellation of this call must result in aborting the current
// AVDTP procedure (see [AVDTP] 9.9)
rpc OpenSink(OpenSinkRequest) returns (OpenSinkResponse);
// Wait for a stream from a local **Source** endpoint to
// a remote **Sink** endpoint to open.
// If the peer has opened a source prior to this call, the server will
// return it. The server must return the same source only once.
rpc WaitSource(WaitSourceRequest) returns (WaitSourceResponse);
// Wait for a stream from a local **Sink** endpoint to
// a remote **Source** endpoint to open.
// If the peer has opened a sink prior to this call, the server will
// return it. The server must return the same sink only once.
rpc WaitSink(WaitSinkRequest) returns (WaitSinkResponse);
// Get if the stream is suspended
rpc IsSuspended(IsSuspendedRequest) returns (google.protobuf.BoolValue);
// Start a suspended stream.
rpc Start(StartRequest) returns (StartResponse);
// Suspend a started stream.
rpc Suspend(SuspendRequest) returns (SuspendResponse);
// Close a stream, the source or sink tokens must not be reused afterwards.
rpc Close(CloseRequest) returns (CloseResponse);
// Get the `AudioEncoding` value of a stream
rpc GetAudioEncoding(GetAudioEncodingRequest) returns (GetAudioEncodingResponse);
// Playback audio by a `Source`
rpc PlaybackAudio(stream PlaybackAudioRequest) returns (PlaybackAudioResponse);
// Capture audio from a `Sink`
rpc CaptureAudio(CaptureAudioRequest)returns (stream CaptureAudioResponse);
// Audio encoding formats.
enum AudioEncoding {
// Interleaved stereo frames with 16-bit signed little-endian linear PCM
// samples at 44100Hz sample rate
PCM_S16_LE_44K1_STEREO = 0;
// Interleaved stereo frames with 16-bit signed little-endian linear PCM
// samples at 48000Hz sample rate
PCM_S16_LE_48K_STEREO = 1;
// A Token representing a Source stream (see [A2DP] 2.2).
// It's acquired via an OpenSource on the A2DP service.
message Source {
// Opaque value filled by the GRPC server, must not
// be modified nor crafted.
bytes cookie = 1;
// A Token representing a Sink stream (see [A2DP] 2.2).
// It's acquired via an OpenSink on the A2DP service.
message Sink {
// Opaque value filled by the GRPC server, must not
// be modified nor crafted.
bytes cookie = 1;
// Request for the `OpenSource` method.
message OpenSourceRequest {
// The connection that will open the stream.
Connection connection = 1;
// Response for the `OpenSource` method.
message OpenSourceResponse {
// Result of the `OpenSource` call:
// - If successfull: a Source
oneof result {
Source source = 1;
// Request for the `OpenSink` method.
message OpenSinkRequest {
// The connection that will open the stream.
Connection connection = 1;
// Response for the `OpenSink` method.
message OpenSinkResponse {
// Result of the `OpenSink` call:
// - If successfull: a Sink
oneof result {
Sink sink = 1;
// Request for the `WaitSource` method.
message WaitSourceRequest {
// The connection that is awaiting the stream.
Connection connection = 1;
// Response for the `WaitSource` method.
message WaitSourceResponse {
// Result of the `WaitSource` call:
// - If successfull: a Source
oneof result {
Source source = 1;
// Request for the `WaitSink` method.
message WaitSinkRequest {
// The connection that is awaiting the stream.
Connection connection = 1;
// Response for the `WaitSink` method.
message WaitSinkResponse {
// Result of the `WaitSink` call:
// - If successfull: a Sink
oneof result {
Sink sink = 1;
// Request for the `IsSuspended` method.
message IsSuspendedRequest {
// The stream on which the function will check if it's suspended
oneof target {
Sink sink = 1;
Source source = 2;
// Request for the `Start` method.
message StartRequest {
// Target of the start, either a Sink or a Source.
oneof target {
Sink sink = 1;
Source source = 2;
// Response for the `Start` method.
message StartResponse {}
// Request for the `Suspend` method.
message SuspendRequest {
// Target of the suspend, either a Sink or a Source.
oneof target {
Sink sink = 1;
Source source = 2;
// Response for the `Suspend` method.
message SuspendResponse {}
// Request for the `Close` method.
message CloseRequest {
// Target of the close, either a Sink or a Source.
oneof target {
Sink sink = 1;
Source source = 2;
// Response for the `Close` method.
message CloseResponse {}
// Request for the `GetAudioEncoding` method.
message GetAudioEncodingRequest {
// The stream on which the function will read the `AudioEncoding`.
oneof target {
Sink sink = 1;
Source source = 2;
// Response for the `GetAudioEncoding` method.
message GetAudioEncodingResponse {
// Audio encoding of the stream.
AudioEncoding encoding = 1;
// Request for the `PlaybackAudio` method.
message PlaybackAudioRequest {
// Source that will playback audio.
Source source = 1;
// Audio data to playback.
// The audio data must be encoded in the specified `AudioEncoding` value
// obtained in response of a `GetAudioEncoding` method call.
bytes data = 2;
// Response for the `PlaybackAudio` method.
message PlaybackAudioResponse {}
// Request for the `CaptureAudio` method.
message CaptureAudioRequest {
// Sink that will capture audio
Sink sink = 1;
// Response for the `CaptureAudio` method.
message CaptureAudioResponse {
// Captured audio data.
// The audio data is encoded in the specified `AudioEncoding` value
// obained in response of a `GetAudioEncoding` method call.
bytes data = 1;