blob: cd776a3b637490dab1c6196292c789362f84db64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
option java_outer_classname = "HostProto";
package pandora;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
// Service to trigger Bluetooth Host procedures
// At startup, the Host must be in BR/EDR connectable mode
// (see GAP connectability modes).
service Host {
// Factory reset the host.
// **After** responding to this command, the gRPC server should loose
// all its state.
// This is comparable to a process restart or an hardware reset.
// The gRPC server might take some time to be available after
// this command.
rpc FactoryReset(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Reset the host by performing an HCI reset. Previous bonds must
// not be removed and the gRPC server must not be restarted.
rpc Reset(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Read the local Bluetooth device address.
// This should return the same value as a Read BD_ADDR HCI command.
rpc ReadLocalAddress(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ReadLocalAddressResponse);
// Create an ACL BR/EDR connection to a peer.
// If the two devices have not established a previous bond,
// the peer must be discoverable.
// Whether this also triggers pairing (i.e. authentication and/or encryption)
// is implementation defined:
// some Bluetooth Host stack trigger pairing when ACL connection is being
// established, others when a profile or service requiring a specific
// security level is being opened. If it does trigger pairing, pairing events
// shall be handled through `Security.OnPairing` if a corresponding stream
// has been opened prior to this call, otherwise, they shall be automatically
// confirmed by the host before this method returns.
rpc Connect(ConnectRequest) returns (ConnectResponse);
// Wait for an active ACL BR/EDR connection from a peer.
// If the peer has been connected prior to this call, the server will
// return it. This shall return the same connection only once.
rpc WaitConnection(WaitConnectionRequest) returns (WaitConnectionResponse);
// Create an ACL LE connection.
// Unlike BR/EDR `Connect`, this must not trigger or wait any
// pairing/encryption and return as soon as the connection is complete.
rpc ConnectLE(ConnectLERequest) returns (ConnectLEResponse);
// Waits for an ACL LE connection update and returns the new values of the
// connection parameters. Subsequent calls will wait for new connection
// updates before returning. Servers should cache connection updates so that
// none are lost before and in between calls.
rpc WaitConnectionUpdate(WaitConnectionUpdateRequest) returns (WaitConnectionUpdateResponse);
// Returns the current ACL LE connection parameters.
rpc GetConnectionParameters(GetConnectionParametersRequest) returns (GetConnectionParametersResponse);
// Disconnect an ACL connection.
// The related Connection must not be reused afterwards.
rpc Disconnect(DisconnectRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Wait for the disconnection of an ACL connection.
rpc WaitDisconnection(WaitDisconnectionRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Start an advertising set using legacy or extended advertising,
// except periodic advertising.
// If it is set as connectable, the advertisement may lead to a connection,
// the server shall restart advertising again after any incoming connection has
// been established.
// Canceling the `Advertise` call shall stop advertising.
rpc Advertise(AdvertiseRequest) returns (stream AdvertiseResponse);
// Run LE scanning and return each device found.
// Canceling the `Scan` call shall stop scanning.
rpc Scan(ScanRequest) returns (stream ScanningResponse);
// Start BR/EDR inquiry and returns each device found.
// Canceling the `Inquiry` call shall stop inquiry.
rpc Inquiry(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream InquiryResponse);
// Set BR/EDR discoverability mode.
rpc SetDiscoverabilityMode(SetDiscoverabilityModeRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Set BR/EDR connectability mode.
rpc SetConnectabilityMode(SetConnectabilityModeRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Bluetooth device own address type.
enum OwnAddressType {
PUBLIC = 0x0;
RANDOM = 0x1;
// Advertisement primary PHY types.
enum PrimaryPhy {
// Advertisement secondary PHY types.
enum SecondaryPhy {
// Discoverability modes.
enum DiscoverabilityMode {
// Connectability modes (BR/EDR only).
enum ConnectabilityMode {
// A Token representing an ACL connection.
// It's acquired via a `Connect` or `ConnectLE`.
message Connection {
// Opaque value filled by the gRPC server, must not be modified nor crafted.
google.protobuf.Any cookie = 1;
// Data types notably used for Extended Inquiry Response and Advertising Data.
// The Flags data type is mandatory must be automatically set by the IUT and is
// not exposed here.
// include_<data type> are used in advertising requests for data types
// which may not be exposed to the user and that must be set by the IUT
// when specified.
// See Core Supplement, Part A, Data Types for details.
message DataTypes {
repeated string incomplete_service_class_uuids16 = 1; // Incomplete List of 16bit Service Class UUIDs
repeated string complete_service_class_uuids16 = 2; // Complete List of 16bit Service Class UUIDs
repeated string incomplete_service_class_uuids32 = 3; // Incomplete List of 32bit Service Class UUIDs
repeated string complete_service_class_uuids32 = 4; // Complete List of 32bit Service Class UUIDs
repeated string incomplete_service_class_uuids128 = 5; // Incomplete List of 128bit Service Class UUIDs
repeated string complete_service_class_uuids128 = 6; // Complete List of 128bit Service Class UUIDs
// Shortened Local Name
oneof shortened_local_name_oneof {
string shortened_local_name = 7;
bool include_shortened_local_name = 8;
// Complete Local Name
oneof complete_local_name_oneof {
string complete_local_name = 9;
bool include_complete_local_name = 10;
// Tx Power Level
oneof tx_power_level_oneof {
uint32 tx_power_level = 11;
bool include_tx_power_level = 12;
// Class of Device
oneof class_of_device_oneof {
uint32 class_of_device = 13;
bool include_class_of_device = 14;
uint32 peripheral_connection_interval_min = 15; // Peripheral Connection Interval Range minimum value, 16 bits
uint32 peripheral_connection_interval_max = 16; // Peripheral Connection Interval Range maximum value, 16 bits
repeated string service_solicitation_uuids16 = 17; // List of 16bit Service Solicitation UUIDs
repeated string service_solicitation_uuids128 = 18; // List of 128bit Service Solicitation UUIDs
map<string, bytes> service_data_uuid16 = 19; // Service Data 16bit UUID
repeated bytes public_target_addresses = 20; // Public Target Addresses
repeated bytes random_target_addresses = 21; // Random Target Addresses
uint32 appearance = 22; // Appearance (16bits)
// Advertising Interval
oneof advertising_interval_oneof {
uint32 advertising_interval = 23; // 16 bits
bool include_advertising_interval = 24;
repeated string service_solicitation_uuids32 = 25; // List of 32bit Service Solicitation UUIDs
map<string, bytes> service_data_uuid32 = 26; // Service Data 32bit UUID
map<string, bytes> service_data_uuid128 = 27; // Service Data 128bit UUID
string uri = 28; // URI
bytes le_supported_features = 29; // LE Supported Features
bytes manufacturer_specific_data = 30; // Manufacturer Specific Data
DiscoverabilityMode le_discoverability_mode = 31; // Flags LE Discoverability Mode
DataTypes encrypted_data = 32;
// Response of the `ReadLocalAddress` method.
message ReadLocalAddressResponse {
// Local Bluetooth device address as array of 6 bytes.
bytes address = 1;
// Request of the `Connect` method.
message ConnectRequest {
// Peer Bluetooth device address as array of 6 bytes.
bytes address = 1;
// Response of the `Connect` method.
message ConnectResponse {
// Response result.
oneof result {
// Connection on `Connect` success
Connection connection = 1;
// Peer not found error.
google.protobuf.Empty peer_not_found = 2;
// A connection with peer already exists.
google.protobuf.Empty connection_already_exists = 3;
// Pairing failure error.
google.protobuf.Empty pairing_failure = 4;
// Authentication failure error.
google.protobuf.Empty authentication_failure = 5;
// Encryption failure error.
google.protobuf.Empty encryption_failure = 6;
// Request of the `WaitConnection` method.
message WaitConnectionRequest {
// Peer Bluetooth device address as array of 6 bytes.
bytes address = 1;
// Response of the `WaitConnection` method.
message WaitConnectionResponse {
// Response result.
oneof result {
// Connection on `WaitConnection` success
Connection connection = 1;
// Request of the `ConnectLE` method.
message ConnectLERequest {
// Own address type.
OwnAddressType own_address_type = 1;
// Peer Bluetooth device address as array of 6 bytes.
oneof address {
// Public device address.
bytes public = 2;
// Random device address.
bytes random = 3;
// Public identity device address.
bytes public_identity = 4;
// Random (static) identity device address.
bytes random_static_identity = 5;
// Response of the `ConnectLE` method.
message ConnectLEResponse {
// Response result.
oneof result {
// Connection on `ConnectLE` success
Connection connection = 1;
// Peer not found error.
google.protobuf.Empty peer_not_found = 2;
// A connection with peer already exists.
google.protobuf.Empty connection_already_exists = 3;
// Request of the `WaitConnectionUpdate` method.
message WaitConnectionUpdateRequest {
// Connection on which to wait for connection updates.
Connection connection = 1;
// Response of the `WaitConnectionUpdate` method.
message WaitConnectionUpdateResponse {
// Response result.
oneof result {
// The new connection parameters on success.
ConnectionParameters connection_parameters = 1;
// No LE connection matching the Connection in the request was found.
google.protobuf.Empty connection_not_found = 2;
// Request of the `GetConnectionParameters` method.
message GetConnectionParametersRequest {
// Connection whose parameters will be returned.
Connection connection = 1;
// Response of the `GetConnectionParameters` method.
message GetConnectionParametersResponse {
// Response result.
oneof result {
// The current connection parameters on success.
ConnectionParameters connection_parameters = 1;
// No LE connection matching the Connection in the request was found.
google.protobuf.Empty connection_not_found = 2;
// Response of the `WaitConnectionUpdate` method.
message ConnectionParameters {
// Connection interval used on this connection.
// Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
// Time = N × 1.25 ms
// Time Range: 7.5 ms to 4000 ms.
uint32 connection_interval = 1;
// Peripheral latency for the connection in number of subrated connection
// events.
// Range: 0x0000 to 0x01F3
uint32 peripheral_latency = 2;
// Supervision timeout for this connection.
// Range: 0x000A to 0x0C80
// Time = N × 10 ms
// Time Range: 100 ms to 32000 ms
uint32 supervision_timeout = 3;
// Request of the `Disconnect` method.
message DisconnectRequest {
// Connection that should be disconnected.
Connection connection = 1;
// Request of the `WaitDisconnection` method.
message WaitDisconnectionRequest {
// Connection to wait disconnection from.
Connection connection = 1;
// Request of the `Advertise` method.
message AdvertiseRequest {
// `true` to use legacy advertising.
// The implementation shall fail when set to `false` and
// extended advertising is not supported.
bool legacy = 1;
// Advertisement data.
DataTypes data = 2;
// If none, the device is not scannable.
DataTypes scan_response_data = 3;
// Target Bluetooth device address as array of 6 bytes.
// If none, advertisement is undirected.
oneof target {
// Public device address or public identity address.
bytes public = 4;
// Random device address or random (static) identity address.
bytes random = 5;
// Own address type to advertise.
OwnAddressType own_address_type = 6;
// `true` if the device is connectable.
bool connectable = 7;
// Interval & range of the advertisement.
float interval = 8;
// If not specified, the IUT is free to select any interval min and max
// which comprises the specified interval.
float interval_range = 9;
// Extended only: primary PHYs.
PrimaryPhy primary_phy = 10;
// Extended only: secondary PHYs.
SecondaryPhy secondary_phy = 11;
// Response of the `Advertise` method.
message AdvertiseResponse {
// Connection of a connectable `Advertise`.
Connection connection = 1;
// Request of the `Scan` method.
message ScanRequest {
// `true` the use legacy scanning.
// The implementation shall fail when set to `false` and
// extended scanning is not supported.
bool legacy = 1;
// Scan in passive mode (versus active one).
bool passive = 2;
// Own address type.
OwnAddressType own_address_type = 3;
// Interval & window of the scan.
float interval = 4;
float window = 5;
// Scanning PHYs.
repeated PrimaryPhy phys = 6;
// Response of the `Scan` method.
message ScanningResponse {
// `true` if the response is legacy.
bool legacy = 1;
// Peer Bluetooth device address as array of 6 bytes.
oneof address {
// Public device address.
bytes public = 2;
// Random device address.
bytes random = 3;
// Public identity device address (corresponds to resolved private address).
bytes public_identity = 4;
// Random (static) identity device address (corresponds to resolved private address).
bytes random_static_identity = 5;
// Direct Bluetooth device address as array of 6 bytes.
oneof direct_address {
// Public device address.
bytes direct_public = 6;
// Non-resolvable private address or static device address.
bytes direct_non_resolvable_random = 7;
// Resolvable private address (resolved by controller).
bytes direct_resolved_public = 8;
// Resolvable private address (resolved by controller).
bytes direct_resolved_random = 9;
// Resolvable private address (controller unable to resolve).
bytes direct_unresolved_random = 10;
// `true` if the peer is connectable.
bool connectable = 11;
// `true` if the peer is scannable.
bool scannable = 12;
// `true` if the `` is truncated.
// This indicates that the advertisement data are truncated.
bool truncated = 13;
// Advertising SID from 0x00 to 0x0F.
uint32 sid = 14;
// On extended only: primary PHYs.
PrimaryPhy primary_phy = 15;
// On extended only: secondary PHYs.
SecondaryPhy secondary_phy = 16;
// TX power in dBm, range: -127 to +20.
int32 tx_power = 17;
// Received Signal Strength Indication in dBm, range: -127 to +20.
int32 rssi = 18;
// Interval of the periodic advertising, 0 if not periodic
// or within 7.5 ms to 81,918.75 ms range.
float periodic_advertising_interval = 19;
// Scan response data.
DataTypes data = 20;
// Response of the `Inquiry` method.
message InquiryResponse {
bytes address = 1;
uint32 page_scan_repetition_mode = 2;
uint32 class_of_device = 3;
uint32 clock_offset = 4;
int32 rssi = 5;
DataTypes data = 6;
// Request of the `SetDiscoverabilityMode` method.
message SetDiscoverabilityModeRequest {
DiscoverabilityMode mode = 1;
// Request of the `SetConnectabilityMode` method.
message SetConnectabilityModeRequest {
ConnectabilityMode mode = 1;