blob: 0cc46215c3d4a2d21ce964890ed9371dabb05645 [file] [log] [blame]
@echo off
:: Launch FindBugs on a Windows system.
:: Adapted from scripts found at
:: This will only work on Windows NT or later!
:: Don't affect environment outside of this invocation
:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Set up default values
:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set appjar=findbugs.jar
set javahome=
set launcher=java.exe
set start=start "FindBugs"
set jvmargs=
set debugArg=
set conserveSpaceArg=
set workHardArg=
set args=
set javaProps=
set maxheap=768
REM default UI is gui2
set launchUI=2
:: Try finding the default FINDBUGS_HOME directory
:: from the directory path of this script
set default_findbugs_home=%~dp0..
:: Honor JAVA_HOME environment variable if it is set
if "%JAVA_HOME%"=="" goto nojavahome
if not exist "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javaw.exe" goto nojavahome
set javahome=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\
goto loop
:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Process command-line arguments
:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Remove surrounding quotes from %1 and %2
set firstArg=%~1
set secondArg=%~2
if "%firstArg%"=="" goto launch
:: AddMessages
if not "%firstArg%"=="-addMessages" goto notAddMessages
set fb_mainclass=edu.umd.cs.findbugs.AddMessages
goto shift1
:: computeBugHistory
if not "%firstArg%"=="-computeBugHistory" goto notUpdate
set fb_mainclass=edu.umd.cs.findbugs.workflow.Update
goto shift1
:: convertXmlToText
if not "%firstArg%"=="-xmltotext" goto notXmlToText
set fb_mainclass=edu.umd.cs.findbugs.PrintingBugReporter
goto shift1
:: copyBuggySource
if not "%firstArg%"=="-copyBS" goto notCopyBS
set fb_mainclass=edu.umd.cs.findbugs.workflow.CopyBuggySource
goto shift1
:: defectDensity
if not "%firstArg%"=="-defectDensity" goto notDefectDensity
set fb_mainclass=edu.umd.cs.findbugs.workflow.DefectDensity
goto shift1
:: filterBugs
if not "%firstArg%"=="-filterBugs" goto notFilterBugs
set fb_mainclass=edu.umd.cs.findbugs.workflow.Filter
goto shift1
:: listBugDatabaseInfo
if not "%firstArg%"=="-listBugDatabaseInfo" goto notListBugDatabaseInfo
set fb_mainclass=edu.umd.cs.findbugs.workflow.ListBugDatabaseInfo
goto shift1
:: mineBugHistory
if not "%firstArg%"=="-mineBugHistory" goto notMineBugHistory
set fb_mainclass=edu.umd.cs.findbugs.workflow.MineBugHistory
goto shift1
:: printAppVersion
if not "%firstArg%"=="-printAppVersion" goto notPrintAppVersion
set fb_mainclass=edu.umd.cs.findbugs.workflow.PrintAppVersion
goto shift1
:: printClass
if not "%firstArg%"=="-printClass" goto notPrintClass
set fb_mainclass=edu.umd.cs.findbugs.workflow.PrintClass
goto shift1
:: rejarForAnalysis
if not "%firstArg%"=="-rejar" goto notRejar
set fb_mainclass=edu.umd.cs.findbugs.workflow.RejarClassesForAnalysis
goto shift1
:: setBugDatabaseInfo
if not "%firstArg%"=="-setInfo" goto notSetBugDatabaseInfo
set fb_mainclass=edu.umd.cs.findbugs.workflow.SetBugDatabaseInfo
goto shift1
:: unionBugs
if not "%firstArg%"=="-unionBugs" goto notUnionBugs
set fb_mainclass=edu.umd.cs.findbugs.workflow.UnionResults
goto shift1
:: xpathFind
if not "%firstArg%"=="-xpathFind" goto notXPathFind
set fb_mainclass=edu.umd.cs.findbugs.workflow.XPathFind
goto shift1
if not "%firstArg%"=="-gui" goto notGui
set launchUI=2
set launcher=javaw.exe
goto shift1
if not "%firstArg%"=="-gui1" goto notGui1
set launchUI=1
set javaProps=-Dfindbugs.launchUI=1 %javaProps%
set launcher=javaw.exe
goto shift1
if not "%firstArg%"=="-textui" goto notTextui
set launchUI=0
set launcher=java.exe
set start=
goto shift1
if not "%firstArg%"=="-debug" goto notDebug
set launcher=java.exe
set start=
set debugArg=-Dfindbugs.debug=true
goto shift1
if not "%firstArg%"=="-help" goto notHelp
set launchUI=help
set launcher=java.exe
set start=
goto shift1
if not "%firstArg%"=="-version" goto notVersion
set launchUI=version
set launcher=java.exe
set start=
goto shift1
if "%firstArg%"=="-home" set FINDBUGS_HOME=%secondArg%
if "%firstArg%"=="-home" goto shift2
if "%firstArg%"=="-jvmArgs" set jvmargs=%secondArg%
if "%firstArg%"=="-jvmArgs" goto shift2
if "%firstArg%"=="-maxHeap" set maxheap=%secondArg%
if "%firstArg%"=="-maxHeap" goto shift2
if "%firstArg%"=="-conserveSpace" set conserveSpaceArg=-Dfindbugs.conserveSpace=true
if "%firstArg%"=="-conserveSpace" goto shift1
if "%firstArg%"=="-workHard" set workHardArg=-Dfindbugs.workHard=true
if "%firstArg%"=="-workHard" goto shift1
if "%firstArg%"=="-javahome" set javahome=%secondArg%\bin\
if "%firstArg%"=="-javahome" goto shift2
if "%firstArg%"=="-property" set javaProps=-D%secondArg% %javaProps%
if "%firstArg%"=="-property" goto shift2
if "%firstArg%"=="" goto launch
set args=%args% "%firstArg%"
goto shift1
:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Launch FindBugs
:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Make sure FINDBUGS_HOME is set.
:: If it isn't, try using the default value based on the
:: directory path of the invoked script.
:: Note that this will fail miserably if the value of FINDBUGS_HOME
:: has quote characters in it.
if not "%FINDBUGS_HOME%"=="" goto checkHomeValid
set FINDBUGS_HOME=%default_findbugs_home%
if not exist "%FINDBUGS_HOME%\lib\%appjar%" goto homeNotSet
:: Launch FindBugs!
if "%fb_mainclass%"=="" goto runJar
"%javahome%%launcher%" %debugArg% %conserveSpaceArg% %workHardArg% %javaProps% "-Dfindbugs.home=%FINDBUGS_HOME%" -Xmx%maxheap%m %jvmargs% "-Dfindbugs.launchUI=%launchUI%" -cp "%FINDBUGS_HOME%\lib\%appjar%" %fb_mainclass% %args%
goto end
%start% "%javahome%%launcher%" %debugArg% %conserveSpaceArg% %workHardArg% %javaProps% "-Dfindbugs.home=%FINDBUGS_HOME%" -Xmx%maxheap%m %jvmargs% "-Dfindbugs.launchUI=%launchUI%" -jar "%FINDBUGS_HOME%\lib\%appjar%" %args%
goto end
:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Report that FINDBUGS_HOME is not set (and was not specified)
:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Could not find FindBugs home directory. There may be a problem
echo with the FindBugs installation. Try setting FINDBUGS_HOME, or
echo re-installing.
goto end