blob: e93aa3e424d229086e9c06515a43cbd713fa80fa [file] [log] [blame]
! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
! License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
! version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! Lesser General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
! Contact:
<project name="ASM" default="compile">
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
<!-- This file requires the org.objectweb.util.ant.MultipleAnt class -->
<!-- This file requires the org.objectweb.util.ant.MultipleCopy class -->
<!-- This file requires the org.objectweb.util.ant.JavadocMultipleLink class -->
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
! load the following user properties from a file:
! - build.compiler: wich compiler do you want use ? (optional)
! - build: where do you want generate compilate object ?
! - dist: where do you want put the distribution ?
! - testResult: where do you want put the test results ?
<property file=""/>
<!-- ==================================== -->
<!-- ======== PROPERTY DEFINITION ======= -->
<!-- ==================================== -->
<property name="src" value="${basedir}/src"/>
<property name="doc" value="${basedir}/doc"/>
<property name="jdoc" value="${basedir}/jdoc"/>
<property name="web" value="${basedir}/web"/>
<property name="examples" value="${basedir}/examples"/>
<property name="examples.common" value="${examples}/common"/>
<property name="tst" value="${basedir}/test"/>
<property name="tstConform" value="${tst}/conform"/>
<property name="tstDeviance" value="${tst}/deviance"/>
<property name="tstThread" value="${tst}/thread"/>
<property name="tstStress" value="${tst}/stress"/>
<property name="tstPerf" value="${tst}/perf"/>
<property name="config" value="${basedir}/config"/>
<property name="archive" value="${basedir}/archive"/>
<property name="jdoc.links" value=""/>
<property name="zip" value="../zip"/>
<property name="dist.lib" value="${dist}/lib"/>
<property name="dist.doc" value="${dist}/doc"/>
<property name="dist.jdoc" value="${dist.doc}/javadoc"/>
<property name="dist.examples" value="${dist}/examples"/>
<!-- Build a path that contains the external jars -->
<path id="externals.classpath">
<pathelement path="${classpath}"/>
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="externals/**/*.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${build}"/>
<!-- ================================== -->
<!-- ======== TARGET DEFINITION ======= -->
<!-- ================================== -->
<taskdef name="multipleAnt"
<taskdef name="javadocMultipleLink"
<taskdef name="multipleCopy"
<!-- ==================================== -->
<!-- ========== HELP ========== -->
<!-- ==================================== -->
<target name="help">
<echo message="The available targets are the following:"/>
<echo message=" compile: compiles the product into ${build}"/>
<echo message=" dist: creates the product's distributions into ${dist}"/>
<echo message=" zip: creates the product's distributions zip files into ${zip}"/>
<echo message=" clean: removes all generated files."/>
<echo message=" jar: creates all jars in ${dist.lib}"/>
<echo message=" test: run all tests"/>
<echo message=""/>
<echo message="There are some options to run tests:"/>
<echo message=";group name&gt; Only a group of test: The default target of"/>
<echo message=" the xml file is called the contains the xml file name with"/>
<echo message=" directory ex: ant test =&gt; calls the default"/>
<echo message=" target of the file ${test}/conform/toto.xml"/>
<echo message=" -Dtest.type=&lt;type name&gt; Only a type of test: conform, deviance, stress,"/>
<echo message=" thread or perf. The test.type properties contains the directory name of"/>
<echo message=" the test type ex: ant -Dtest.type=conform test"/>
<echo message=";test name&gt; Only a single test. The target &lt;test name&gt; is called"/>
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- ========== COMPILE ========== -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<target name="compile">
<mkdir dir="${build}"/>
<antcall target="compile.source.core"/>
<condition property="test.conform.dir.exist">
<available file="${tstConform}"/>
<antcall target="compile.test.conform"/>
<condition property="test.deviance.dir.exist">
<available file="${tstDeviance}"/>
<antcall target="compile.test.deviance"/>
<condition property="test.thread.dir.exist">
<available file="${tstThread}"/>
<antcall target="compile.test.thread"/>
<condition property="test.stress.dir.exist">
<available file="${tstStress}"/>
<antcall target="compile.test.stress"/>
<condition property="test.perf.dir.exist">
<available file="${tstPerf}"/>
<antcall target="compile.test.perf"/>
<!-- Compile the main code of the product -->
<target name="compile.source.core">
<mkdir dir="${build}"/>
<javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}" optimize="on">
<classpath refid="externals.classpath"/>
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<!-- Compile the code of the conformance tests -->
<target name="compile.test.conform" if="test.conform.dir.exist">
<javac srcdir="${tstConform}" destdir="${build}">
<classpath refid="externals.classpath"/>
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<!-- Compile the code of the deviance tests -->
<target name="compile.test.deviance" if="test.deviance.dir.exist">
<javac srcdir="${tstDeviance}" destdir="${build}">
<classpath refid="externals.classpath"/>
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<!-- Compile the code of the multithreading tests -->
<target name="compile.test.thread" if="test.thread.dir.exist">
<javac srcdir="${tstThread}" destdir="${build}">
<classpath refid="externals.classpath"/>
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<!-- Compile the code of the stress tests -->
<target name="compile.test.stress" if="test.stress.dir.exist">
<javac srcdir="${tstStress}" destdir="${build}">
<classpath refid="externals.classpath"/>
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<!-- Compile the code of the performance tests -->
<target name="compile.test.perf" if="test.perf.dir.exist">
<javac srcdir="${tstPerf}" destdir="${build}">
<path refid="externals.classpath"/>
<pathelement location="${BCEL}"/>
<pathelement location="${SERP}"/>
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- ========== WEB ========== -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<target name="web">
<ant dir="${web}"/>
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- ========== DIST ========== -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- Produce a distribution (jars, javadocs, examples and scripts) -->
<target name="dist">
<mkdir dir="${dist}"/>
<mkdir dir="${dist.doc}"/>
<!-- create a zip of the src directory, in the dist directory -->
<zip zipFile="${dist}/" basedir="${src}"/>
<!-- copy all files and all non empty directories available in the doc -->
<!-- directory into dist/doc -->
<copy todir="${dist.doc}"
<fileset dir="${doc}">
<include name="**/*"/>
<!-- create all jars -->
<antcall target="jar"/>
<!-- create all javadoc-->
<antcall target="jdoc"/>
<!-- distribute the examples if they exist -->
<condition property="examples.dir.exist">
<available file="${examples}"/>
<antcall target="dist.examples"/>
<!-- Distribute the example -->
<target name="dist.examples" if="examples.dir.exist">
<mkdir dir="${dist.examples}"/>
<!-- Copy the examples -->
<copy todir="${dist.examples}"
<fileset dir="${examples}">
<exclude name="common"/>
<exclude name="common/**/*"/>
<!-- Copy the common build.xml into each examples if a build.xml -->
<!-- doest not already exist -->
<multipleCopy file="${examples}/common/build.xml"
<include name="*"/>
<exclude name="etc"/>
<exclude name="lib"/>
<!-- Copy the common part of the examples -->
<copy toDir="${dist.examples}" preservelastmodified="yes">
<fileset dir="${examples.common}">
<include name="**/*"/>
<exclude name="build.xml"/>
<!-- calls the default target of each xml file in ${archive} directory -->
<target name="jar" depends="compile">
<mkdir dir="${dist.lib}"/>
<!-- copies the external libraries -->
<copy todir="${dist}">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="externals/*.jar"/>
<!-- creates the project's libraries -->
<multipleAnt dir="${archive}" />
<!-- calls the default target of each xml file in ${jdoc} directory -->
<target name="jdoc">
<mkdir dir="${dist.jdoc}"/>
<multipleAnt dir="${jdoc}" />
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- ========== ZIP ========== -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- creates zip files of the different distribution (source, binaries) -->
<target name="zip" depends="dist">
<mkdir dir="${zip}"/>
<zip zipFile="${zip}/${}_${product.version}">
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}" prefix="${}/dev">
<exclude name="web/**/*"/>
<exclude name="CVSROOT/**/*"/>
<exclude name="CVSROOT"/>
<zip zipFile="${zip}/${}_${product.version}">
<zipfileset dir="${dist}" prefix="${}"/>
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- ========== CLEAN ========== -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- remove all directories -->
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${build}"/>
<delete dir="${dist}"/>
<delete dir="${zip}"/>
<delete dir="${testResult.dir}"/>
<condition property="web.exist">
<available file="${web}/build.xml"/>
<antcall target="clean.web"/>
<target name="clean.web" if="web.exist">
<ant dir="${web}" target="clean"/>
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- ========== TEST ========== -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<target name="test" depends="jar">
<mkdir dir="${testResult.dir}"/>
<antcall target="testAll"/>
<antcall target="testType"/>
<antcall target="testGroup"/>
<antcall target="testName"/>
<!-- All tests -->
<target name="testAll" depends="checkTest" if="test.all">
<multipleAnt dir="${tstConform}"/>
<multipleAnt dir="${tstDeviance}"/>
<multipleAnt dir="${tstThread}"/>
<multipleAnt dir="${tstStress}"/>
<multipleAnt dir="${tstPerf}"/>
<target name="checkTest">
<property name="test.type.check" value="$${test.type}"/>
<property name="" value="$${}"/>
<property name="" value="$${}"/>
<condition property="test.all">
<equals arg1="${test.type.check}" arg2="${test.type}"/>
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="${}"/>
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="${}"/>
! Only a type of test: conform, deviance, stress, thread, or perf.
! The test.type property contains the directory name of the test type.
! example: ant -Dtest.type=conform test
<target name="testType" if="test.type">
<multipleAnt dir="${tst}/${test.type}"/>
! Only a group of test: The default target of the xml file is called.
! The property contains the xml file name with directory.
! example: ant test
! => calls the default target of the file ${test}/conform/toto.xml
<target name="testGroup" if="">
<ant antfile="${tst}/${}.xml"/>
<!-- Only a single test: a target is specified -->
<target name="testName" if="">
<multipleAnt dir="${tstConform}" target="${}"/>
<multipleAnt dir="${tstDeviance}" target="${}"/>
<multipleAnt dir="${tstThread}" target="${}"/>
<multipleAnt dir="${tstStress}" target="${}"/>
<multipleAnt dir="${tstPerf}" target="${}"/>
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- ========== EXAMPLES ========== -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<target name="example" depends="jar">
<condition property="examples.dir.exist">
<available file="${examples}"/>
<antcall target="dist.examples"/>