blob: b01a4fd02aa1342a2a7785bbaa34d831f530962f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the
* names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
* @file
* @brief
* This file defines the top-level functions for the OpenThread library.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <openthread-types.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @defgroup api API
* @brief
* This module includes the application programming interface to the OpenThread stack.
* @{
* @defgroup execution Execution
* @defgroup commands Commands
* @defgroup config Configuration
* @defgroup diags Diagnostics
* @defgroup messages Message Buffers
* @defgroup ip6 IPv6
* @defgroup udp UDP
* @}
* @defgroup platform Platform Abstraction
* @brief
* This module includes the platform abstraction used by the OpenThread stack.
* @{
* @}
* @defgroup core Core
* @brief
* This module includes the core OpenThread stack.
* @{
* @defgroup core-6lowpan 6LoWPAN
* @defgroup core-coap CoAP
* @defgroup core-ipv6 IPv6
* @defgroup core-mac MAC
* @defgroup core-mesh-forwarding Mesh Forwarding
* @defgroup core-message Message
* @defgroup core-mle MLE
* @defgroup core-netdata Network Data
* @defgroup core-netif Network Interface
* @defgroup core-arp RLOC Mapping
* @defgroup core-security Security
* @defgroup core-tasklet Tasklet
* @defgroup core-timer Timer
* @defgroup core-udp UDP
* @}
* @addtogroup execution Execution
* @brief
* This module includes functions that control the Thread stack's execution.
* @{
* Initialize the OpenThread library.
void otInit(void);
* Run the next queued tasklet in OpenThread.
void otProcessNextTasklet(void);
* Indicates whether or not OpenThread has tasklets pending.
* @retval TRUE If there are tasklets pending.
* @retval FALSE If there are no tasklets pending.
bool otAreTaskletsPending(void);
* OpenThread calls this function when the tasklet queue transitions from empty to non-empty.
extern void otSignalTaskletPending(void);
* @}
* @addtogroup commands Commands
* @brief
* This module includes functions for OpenThread commands.
* @{
* Enable the Thread interface.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully enabled the Thread interface.
ThreadError otEnable(void);
* Disable the Thread interface.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully disabled the Thread interface.
ThreadError otDisable(void);
* This function pointer is called during an IEEE 802.15.4 Active Scan when an IEEE 802.15.4 Beacon is received or
* the scan completes.
* @param[in] aResult A valid pointer to the beacon information or NULL when the active scan completes.
typedef void (*otHandleActiveScanResult)(otActiveScanResult *aResult);
* This function starts an IEEE 802.15.4 Active Scan
* @param[in] aScanChannels A bit vector indicating which channels to scan.
* @param[in] aScanDuration The time in milliseconds to spend scanning each channel.
* @param[in] aCallback A pointer to a function that is called when a beacon is received or the scan completes.
* @retval kThreadError_None Accepted the Active Scan request.
* @retval kThreadError_Busy Already performing an Active Scan.
ThreadError otActiveScan(uint16_t aScanChannels, uint16_t aScanDuration, otHandleActiveScanResult aCallback);
* This function determines if an IEEE 802.15.4 Active Scan is currently in progress.
* @returns true if an active scan is in progress.
bool otActiveScanInProgress(void);
* @}
* @addtogroup config Configuration
* @brief
* This module includes functions for configuration.
* @{
* @defgroup config-general General
* @brief
* This module includes functions that manage configuration parameters for the Thread Child, Router, and Leader rols.
* @{
* Get the IEEE 802.15.4 channel.
* @returns The IEEE 802.15.4 channel.
* @sa otSetChannel
uint8_t otGetChannel(void);
* Set the IEEE 802.15.4 channel
* @param[in] aChannel The IEEE 802.15.4 channel.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully set the channel.
* @retval kThreadErrorInvalidArgs If @p aChnanel is not in the range [11, 26].
* @sa otGetChannel
ThreadError otSetChannel(uint8_t aChannel);
* Get the Thread Child Timeout used when operating in the Child role.
* @returns The Thread Child Timeout value.
* @sa otSetChildTimeout
uint32_t otGetChildTimeout(void);
* Set the Thread Child Timeout used when operating in the Child role.
* @sa otSetChildTimeout
void otSetChildTimeout(uint32_t aTimeout);
* Get the IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address.
* @returns A pointer to the IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address.
const uint8_t *otGetExtendedAddress(void);
* Get the IEEE 802.15.4 Extended PAN ID.
* @returns A pointer to the IEEE 802.15.4 Extended PAN ID.
* @sa otSetExtendedPanId
const uint8_t *otGetExtendedPanId(void);
* Set the IEEE 802.15.4 Extended PAN ID.
* @param[in] aExtendedPanId A pointer to the IEEE 802.15.4 Extended PAN ID.
* @sa otGetExtendedPanId
void otSetExtendedPanId(const uint8_t *aExtendedPanId);
* This function returns a pointer to the Leader's RLOC.
* @param[out] aLeaderRloc A pointer to where the Leader's RLOC will be written.
* @retval kThreadError_None The Leader's RLOC was successfully written to @p aLeaderRloc.
* @retval kThreadError_InvalidArgs @p aLeaderRloc was NULL.
* @retval kThreadError_Detached Not currently attached to a Thread Partition.
ThreadError otGetLeaderRloc(otIp6Address *aLeaderRloc);
* Get the MLE Link Mode configuration.
* @returns The MLE Link Mode configuration.
* @sa otSetLinkMode
otLinkModeConfig otGetLinkMode(void);
* Set the MLE Link Mode configuration.
* @param[in] aConfig A pointer to the Link Mode configuration.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully set the MLE Link Mode configuration.
* @sa otGetLinkMode
ThreadError otSetLinkMode(otLinkModeConfig aConfig);
* Get the thrMasterKey.
* @param[out] aKeyLength A pointer to an unsigned 8-bit value that the function will set to the number of bytes that
* represent the thrMasterKey. Caller may set to NULL.
* @returns A pointer to a buffer containing the thrMasterKey.
* @sa otSetMasterKey
const uint8_t *otGetMasterKey(uint8_t *aKeyLength);
* Set the thrMasterKey.
* @param[in] aKey A pointer to a buffer containing the thrMasterKey.
* @param[in] aKeyLength Number of bytes representing the thrMasterKey stored at aKey. Valid range is [0, 16].
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully set the thrMasterKey.
* @retval kThreadErrorInvalidArgs If aKeyLength is larger than 16.
* @sa otGetMasterKey
ThreadError otSetMasterKey(const uint8_t *aKey, uint8_t aKeyLength);
* This function returns a pointer to the Mesh Local EID.
* @returns A pointer to the Mesh Local EID.
const otIp6Address *otGetMeshLocalEid(void);
* This function returns a pointer to the Mesh Local Prefix.
* @returns A pointer to the Mesh Local Prefix.
const uint8_t *otGetMeshLocalPrefix(void);
* This function sets the Mesh Local Prefix.
* @param[in] aMeshLocalPrefix A pointer to the Mesh Local Prefix.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully set the Mesh Local Prefix.
ThreadError otSetMeshLocalPrefix(const uint8_t *aMeshLocalPrefix);
* This method provides a full or stable copy of the Leader's Thread Network Data.
* @param[in] aStable TRUE when copying the stable version, FALSE when copying the full version.
* @param[out] aData A pointer to the data buffer.
* @param[inout] aDataLength On entry, size of the data buffer pointed to by @p aData.
* On exit, number of copied bytes.
ThreadError otGetNetworkDataLeader(bool aStable, uint8_t *aData, uint8_t *aDataLength);
* This method provides a full or stable copy of the local Thread Network Data.
* @param[in] aStable TRUE when copying the stable version, FALSE when copying the full version.
* @param[out] aData A pointer to the data buffer.
* @param[inout] aDataLength On entry, size of the data buffer pointed to by @p aData.
* On exit, number of copied bytes.
ThreadError otGetNetworkDataLocal(bool aStable, uint8_t *aData, uint8_t *aDataLength);
* Get the Thread Network Name.
* @returns A pointer to the Thread Network Name.
* @sa otSetNetworkName
const char *otGetNetworkName(void);
* Set the Thread Network Name.
* @param[in] aNetworkName A pointer to the Thread Network Name.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully set the Thread Network Name.
* @sa otGetNetworkName
ThreadError otSetNetworkName(const char *aNetworkName);
* Get the IEEE 802.15.4 PAN ID.
* @returns The IEEE 802.15.4 PAN ID.
* @sa otSetPanId
otPanId otGetPanId(void);
* Set the IEEE 802.15.4 PAN ID.
* @param[in] aPanId The IEEE 802.15.4 PAN ID.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully set the PAN ID.
* @retval kThreadErrorInvalidArgs If aPanId is not in the range [0, 65534].
* @sa otGetPanId
ThreadError otSetPanId(otPanId aPanId);
* Get the IEEE 802.15.4 Short Address.
* @returns A pointer to the IEEE 802.15.4 Short Address.
otShortAddress otGetShortAddress(void);
* Get the list of IPv6 addresses assigned to the Thread interface.
* @returns A pointer to the first Network Inteface Address.
const otNetifAddress *otGetUnicastAddresses(void);
* Add a Network Interface Address to the Thread interface.
* @param[in] aAddress A pointer to a Network Interface Address.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully added the Network Interface Address.
* @retval kThreadErrorBusy The Network Interface Address pointed to by @p aAddress is already added.
ThreadError otAddUnicastAddress(otNetifAddress *aAddress);
* Remove a Network Interface Address from the Thread interface.
* @param[in] aAddress A pointer to a Network Interface Address.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully removed the Network Interface Address.
* @retval kThreadErrorNotFound The Network Interface Address point to by @p aAddress was not added.
ThreadError otRemoveUnicastAddress(otNetifAddress *aAddress);
* @}
* @defgroup config-router Router/Leader
* @brief
* This module includes functions that manage configuration parameters for the Thread Router and Leader roles.
* @{
* Get the Thread Leader Weight used when operating in the Leader role.
* @returns The Thread Child Timeout value.
* @sa otSetLeaderWeight
uint8_t otGetLocalLeaderWeight(void);
* Set the Thread Leader Weight used when operating in the Leader role.
* @param[in] aWeight The Thread Leader Weight value..
* @sa otGetLeaderWeight
void otSetLocalLeaderWeight(uint8_t aWeight);
* @}
* @defgroup config-br Border Router
* @brief
* This module includes functions that manage configuration parameters that apply to the Thread Border Router role.
* @{
* Add a border router configuration to the local network data.
* @param[in] aConfig A pointer to the border router configuration.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully added the configuration to the local network data.
* @retval kThreadErrorInvalidArgs One or more configuration parameters were invalid.
* @retval kThreadErrorSize Not enough room is available to add the configuration to the local network data.
* @sa otRemoveBorderRouter
* @sa otSendServerData
ThreadError otAddBorderRouter(const otBorderRouterConfig *aConfig);
* Remove a border router configuration from the local network data.
* @param [in] aPrefix A pointer to an IPv6 prefix.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully removed the configuration from the local network data.
* @sa otAddBorderRouter
* @sa otSendServerData
ThreadError otRemoveBorderRouter(const otIp6Prefix *aPrefix);
* Add an external route configuration to the local network data.
* @param[in] aConfig A pointer to the external route configuration.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully added the configuration to the local network data.
* @retval kThreadErrorInvalidArgs One or more configuration parameters were invalid.
* @retval kThreadErrorSize Not enough room is available to add the configuration to the local network data.
* @sa otRemoveExternalRoute
* @sa otSendServerData
ThreadError otAddExternalRoute(const otExternalRouteConfig *aConfig);
* Remove an external route configuration from the local network data.
* @param[in] aPrefix A pointer to an IPv6 prefix.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully removed the configuration from the local network data.
* @sa otAddExternalRoute
* @sa otSendServerData
ThreadError otRemoveExternalRoute(const otIp6Prefix *aPrefix);
* Immediately register the local network data with the Leader.
* retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully queued a Server Data Request message for delivery.
* @sa otAddBorderRouter
* @sa otRemoveBorderRouter
* @sa otAddExternalRoute
* @sa otRemoveExternalRoute
ThreadError otSendServerData(void);
* @}
* @defgroup config-test Test
* @brief
* This module includes functions that manage configuration parameters required for Thread Certification testing.
* @{
* Get the CONTEXT_ID_REUSE_DELAY parameter used in the Leader role.
* @returns The CONTEXT_ID_REUSE_DELAY value.
* @sa otSetContextIdReuseDelay
uint32_t otGetContextIdReuseDelay(void);
* Set the CONTEXT_ID_REUSE_DELAY parameter used in the Leader role.
* @param[in] aDelay The CONTEXT_ID_REUSE_DELAY value.
* @sa otGetContextIdReuseDelay
void otSetContextIdReuseDelay(uint32_t aDelay);
* Get the thrKeySequenceCounter.
* @returns The thrKeySequenceCounter value.
* @sa otSetKeySequenceCounter
uint32_t otGetKeySequenceCounter(void);
* Set the thrKeySequenceCounter.
* @param[in] aKeySequenceCounter The thrKeySequenceCounter value.
* @sa otGetKeySequenceCounter
void otSetKeySequenceCounter(uint32_t aKeySequenceCounter);
* Get the NETWORK_ID_TIMEOUT parameter used in the Router role.
* @returns The NETWORK_ID_TIMEOUT value.
* @sa otSetNetworkIdTimeout
uint32_t otGetNetworkIdTimeout(void);
* Set the NETWORK_ID_TIMEOUT parameter used in the Leader role.
* @param[in] aTimeout The NETWORK_ID_TIMEOUT value.
* @sa otGetNetworkIdTimeout
void otSetNetworkIdTimeout(uint32_t aTimeout);
* Get the ROUTER_UPGRADE_THRESHOLD parameter used in the REED role.
* @returns The ROUTER_UPGRADE_THRESHOLD value.
* @sa otSetRouterUpgradeThreshold
uint8_t otGetRouterUpgradeThreshold(void);
* Set the ROUTER_UPGRADE_THRESHOLD parameter used in the Leader role.
* @param[in] aThreshold The ROUTER_UPGRADE_THRESHOLD value.
* @sa otGetRouterUpgradeThreshold
void otSetRouterUpgradeThreshold(uint8_t aThreshold);
* Release a Router ID that has been allocated by the device in the Leader role.
* @param[in] aRouterId The Router ID to release. Valid range is [0, 62].
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully released the Router ID specified by aRouterId.
ThreadError otReleaseRouterId(uint8_t aRouterId);
* Add an IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address to the MAC whitelist.
* @param[in] aExtAddr A pointer to the IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully added to the MAC whitelist.
* @retval kThreadErrorNoBufs No buffers available for a new MAC whitelist entry.
* @sa otAddMacWhitelistRssi
* @sa otRemoveMacWhitelist
* @sa otClearMacWhitelist
* @sa otDisableMacWhitelist
* @sa otEnableMacWhitelist
ThreadError otAddMacWhitelist(const uint8_t *aExtAddr);
* Add an IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address to the MAC whitelist and fix the RSSI value.
* @param[in] aExtAddr A pointer to the IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address.
* @param[in] aRssi The RSSI in dBm to use when receiving messages from aExtAddr.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully added to the MAC whitelist.
* @retval kThreadErrorNoBufs No buffers available for a new MAC whitelist entry.
* @sa otAddMacWhitelistRssi
* @sa otRemoveMacWhitelist
* @sa otClearMacWhitelist
* @sa otDisableMacWhitelist
* @sa otEnableMacWhitelist
ThreadError otAddMacWhitelistRssi(const uint8_t *aExtAddr, int8_t aRssi);
* Remove an IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address from the MAC whitelist.
* @param[in] aExtAddr A pointer to the IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address.
* @sa otAddMacWhitelist
* @sa otAddMacWhitelistRssi
* @sa otClearMacWhitelist
* @sa otDisableMacWhitelist
* @sa otEnableMacWhitelist
void otRemoveMacWhitelist(const uint8_t *aExtAddr);
* Remove all entries from the MAC whitelist.
* @sa otAddMacWhitelist
* @sa otAddMacWhitelistRssi
* @sa otRemoveMacWhitelist
* @sa otDisableMacWhitelist
* @sa otEnableMacWhitelist
void otClearMacWhitelist(void);
* Disable MAC whitelist filtering.
* @sa otAddMacWhitelist
* @sa otAddMacWhitelistRssi
* @sa otRemoveMacWhitelist
* @sa otClearMacWhitelist
* @sa otEnableMacWhitelist
void otDisableMacWhitelist(void);
* Enable MAC whitelist filtering.
* @sa otAccMacWhitelist
* @sa otAddMacWhitelistRssi
* @sa otRemoveMacWhitelist
* @sa otClearMacWhitelist
* @sa otDisableMacWhitelist
void otEnableMacWhitelist(void);
* Detach from the Thread network.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully detached from the Thread network.
* @retval kThreadErrorBusy Thread is disabled.
ThreadError otBecomeDetached(void);
* Attempt to reattach as a child.
* @param[in] aFilter Identifies whether to join any, same, or better partition.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully begin attempt to become a child.
* @retval kThreadErrorBusy Thread is disabled or in the middle of an attach process.
ThreadError otBecomeChild(otMleAttachFilter aFilter);
* Attempt to become a router.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully begin attempt to become a router.
* @retval kThreadErrorBusy Thread is disabled or already operating in a router or leader role.
ThreadError otBecomeRouter(void);
* Become a leader and start a new partition.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully became a leader and started a new partition.
ThreadError otBecomeLeader(void);
* @}
* @}
* @addtogroup diags Diagnostics
* @brief
* This module includes functions that expose internal state.
* @{
* Get the device role.
* @retval ::kDeviceRoleDisabled The Thread stack is disabled.
* @retval ::kDeviceRoleDetached The device is not currently participating in a Thread network/partition.
* @retval ::kDeviceRoleChild The device is currently operating as a Thread Child.
* @retval ::kDeviceRoleRouter The device is currently operating as a Thread Router.
* @retval ::kDeviceRoleLeader The device is currently operating as a Thread Leader.
otDeviceRole otGetDeviceRole(void);
* Get the Leader's Router ID.
* @returns The Leader's Router ID.
uint8_t otGetLeaderRouterId(void);
* Get the Leader's Weight.
* @returns The Leader's Weight.
uint8_t otGetLeaderWeight(void);
* Get the Network Data Version.
* @returns The Network Data Version.
uint8_t otGetNetworkDataVersion(void);
* Get the Partition ID.
* @returns The Partition ID.
uint32_t otGetPartitionId(void);
* Get the RLOC16.
* @returns The RLOC16.
uint16_t otGetRloc16(void);
* Get the current Router ID Sequence.
* @returns The Router ID Sequence.
uint8_t otGetRouterIdSequence(void);
* Get the Stable Network Data Version.
* @returns The Stable Network Data Version.
uint8_t otGetStableNetworkDataVersion(void);
* @}
* Test if two IPv6 addresses are the same.
* @param[in] a A pointer to the first IPv6 address to compare.
* @param[in] b A pointer to the second IPv6 address to compare.
* @retval TRUE The two IPv6 addresses are the same.
* @retval FALSE The two IPv6 addresses are not the same.
bool otIsIp6AddressEqual(const otIp6Address *a, const otIp6Address *b);
* Convert a human-readable IPv6 address string into a binary representation.
* @param[in] aString A pointer to a NULL-terminated string.
* @param[out] aAddress A pointer to an IPv6 address.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully parsed the string.
* @retval kThreadErrorInvalidArg Failed to parse the string.
ThreadError otIp6AddressFromString(const char *aString, otIp6Address *aAddress);
* @addtogroup messages Message Buffers
* @brief
* This module includes functions that manipulate OpenThread message buffers
* @{
* This type points to an OpenThread message buffer.
typedef void *otMessage;
* Free an allocated message buffer.
* @param[in] aMessage A pointer to a message buffer.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully freed the message buffer.
* @sa otNewUdpMessage
* @sa otAppendMessage
* @sa otGetMessageLength
* @sa otSetMessageLength
* @sa otGetMessageOffset
* @sa otSetMessageOffset
* @sa otReadMessage
* @sa otWriteMessage
ThreadError otFreeMessage(otMessage aMessage);
* Get the message length in bytes.
* @param[in] aMessage A pointer to a message buffer.
* @returns The message length in bytes.
* @sa otNewUdpMessage
* @sa otFreeMessage
* @sa otAppendMessage
* @sa otSetMessageLength
* @sa otGetMessageOffset
* @sa otSetMessageOffset
* @sa otReadMessage
* @sa otWriteMessage
* @sa otSetMessageLength
uint16_t otGetMessageLength(otMessage aMessage);
* Set the message length in bytes.
* @param[in] aMessage A pointer to a message buffer.
* @param[in] aLength A length in bytes.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully set the message length.
* @retval kThreadErrorNoBufs No available buffers to grow the message.
* @sa otNewUdpMessage
* @sa otFreeMessage
* @sa otAppendMessage
* @sa otGetMessageLength
* @sa otGetMessageOffset
* @sa otSetMessageOffset
* @sa otReadMessage
* @sa otWriteMessage
ThreadError otSetMessageLength(otMessage aMessage, uint16_t aLength);
* Get the message offset in bytes.
* @param[in] aMessage A pointer to a message buffer.
* @returns The message offset value.
* @sa otNewUdpMessage
* @sa otFreeMessage
* @sa otAppendMessage
* @sa otGetMessageLength
* @sa otSetMessageLength
* @sa otSetMessageOffset
* @sa otReadMessage
* @sa otWriteMessage
uint16_t otGetMessageOffset(otMessage aMessage);
* Set the message offset in bytes.
* @param[in] aMessage A pointer to a message buffer.
* @param[in] aOffset An offset in bytes.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully set the message offset.
* @retval kThreadErrorInvalidArg The offset is beyond the message length.
* @sa otNewUdpMessage
* @sa otFreeMessage
* @sa otAppendMessage
* @sa otGetMessageLength
* @sa otSetMessageLength
* @sa otGetMessageOffset
* @sa otReadMessage
* @sa otWriteMessage
ThreadError otSetMessageOffset(otMessage aMessage, uint16_t aOffset);
* Append bytes to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A pointer to a message buffer.
* @param[in] aBuf A pointer to the data to append.
* @param[in] aLength Number of bytes to append.
* @returns The number of bytes appended.
* @sa otNewUdpMessage
* @sa otFreeMessage
* @sa otGetMessageLength
* @sa otSetMessageLength
* @sa otGetMessageOffset
* @sa otSetMessageOffset
* @sa otReadMessage
* @sa otWriteMessage
int otAppendMessage(otMessage aMessage, const void *aBuf, uint16_t aLength);
* Read bytes from a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A pointer to a message buffer.
* @param[in] aOffset An offset in bytes.
* @param[in] aBuf A pointer to a buffer that message bytes are read to.
* @param[in] aLength Number of bytes to read.
* @returns The number of bytes read.
* @sa otNewUdpMessage
* @sa otFreeMessage
* @sa otAppendMessage
* @sa otGetMessageLength
* @sa otSetMessageLength
* @sa otGetMessageOffset
* @sa otSetMessageOffset
* @sa otWriteMessage
int otReadMessage(otMessage aMessage, uint16_t aOffset, void *aBuf, uint16_t aLength);
* Write bytes to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A pointer to a message buffer.
* @param[in] aOffset An offset in bytes.
* @param[in] aBuf A pointer to a buffer that message bytes are written from.
* @param[in] aLength Number of bytes to write.
* @returns The number of bytes written.
* @sa otNewUdpMessage
* @sa otFreeMessage
* @sa otAppendMessage
* @sa otGetMessageLength
* @sa otSetMessageLength
* @sa otGetMessageOffset
* @sa otSetMessageOffset
* @sa otReadMessage
int otWriteMessage(otMessage aMessage, uint16_t aOffset, const void *aBuf, uint16_t aLength);
* @}
* @addtogroup ip6 IPv6
* @brief
* This module includes functions that control IPv6 communication.
* @{
* This function pointer is called when an IPv6 datagram is received.
* @param[in] aMessage A pointer to the message buffer containing the received IPv6 datagram.
typedef void (*otReceiveIp6DatagramCallback)(otMessage aMessage);
* This function registers a callback to provide received IPv6 datagrams.
* @param[in] aCallback A pointer to a function that is called when an IPv6 datagram is received or NULL to disable
* the callback.
void otSetReceiveIp6DatagramCallback(otReceiveIp6DatagramCallback aCallback);
* This function sends an IPv6 datagram via the Thread interface.
* @param[in] aMessage A pointer to the message buffer containing the IPv6 datagram.
ThreadError otSendIp6Datagram(otMessage aMessage);
* @}
* @addtogroup udp UDP
* @brief
* This module includes functions that control UDP communication.
* @{
* Allocate a new message buffer for sending a UDP message.
* @returns A pointer to the message buffer or NULL if no message buffers are available.
* @sa otFreeMessage
otMessage otNewUdpMessage(void);
* Open a UDP/IPv6 socket.
* @param[in] aSocket A pointer to a UDP socket structure.
* @param[in] aCallback A pointer to the application callback function.
* @param[in] aContext A pointer to application-specific context.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully openned the socket.
* @retval kThreadErrorBusy Socket is already openned.
* @sa otNewUdpMessage
* @sa otCloseUdpSocket
* @sa otBindUdpSocket
* @sa otSendUdp
ThreadError otOpenUdpSocket(otUdpSocket *aSocket, otUdpReceive aCallback, void *aContext);
* Close a UDP/IPv6 socket.
* @param[in] aSocket A pointer to a UDP socket structure.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Successfully closed the socket.
* @sa otNewUdpMessage
* @sa otOpenUdpSocket
* @sa otBindUdpSocket
* @sa otSendUdp
ThreadError otCloseUdpSocket(otUdpSocket *aSocket);
* Bind a UDP/IPv6 socket.
* @param[in] aSocket A pointer to a UDP socket structure.
* @param[in] aSockName A pointer to an IPv6 socket address structure.
* @retval kThreadErrorNone Bind operation was successful.
* @sa otNewUdpMessage
* @sa otOpenUdpSocket
* @sa otCloseUdpSocket
* @sa otSendUdp
ThreadError otBindUdpSocket(otUdpSocket *aSocket, otSockAddr *aSockName);
* Send a UDP/IPv6 message.
* @param[in] aSocket A pointer to a UDP socket structure.
* @param[in] aMessage A pointer to a message buffer.
* @param[in] aMessageInfo A pointer to a message info structure.
* @sa otNewUdpMessage
* @sa otOpenUdpSocket
* @sa otCloseUdpSocket
* @sa otBindUdpSocket
* @sa otSendUdp
ThreadError otSendUdp(otUdpSocket *aSocket, otMessage aMessage, const otMessageInfo *aMessageInfo);
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // OPENTHREAD_H_