blob: 6950f233081d223673acdcf0c6e4fd5b0b2348ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "discovery/dnssd/public/dns_sd_instance.h"
#include "discovery/dnssd/public/dns_sd_querier.h"
#include "discovery/dnssd/public/dns_sd_service.h"
#include "platform/base/error.h"
#include "util/hashing.h"
#include "util/osp_logging.h"
namespace openscreen {
namespace discovery {
// This class represents a top-level discovery API which sits on top of DNS-SD.
// T is the service-specific type which stores information regarding a specific
// service instance.
// TODO(rwkeane): Include reporting client as ctor parameter once parallel CLs
// are in.
// NOTE: This class is not thread-safe and calls will be made to DnsSdService in
// the same sequence and on the same threads from which these methods are
// called. This is to avoid forcing design decisions on embedders who write
// their own implementations of the DNS-SD layer.
template <typename T>
class DnsSdServiceWatcher : public DnsSdQuerier::Callback {
using ConstRefT = std::reference_wrapper<const T>;
enum class ServicesUpdatedState {
// The method which will be called when any new service instance is
// discovered, a service instance changes its data (such as TXT or A data), or
// a previously discovered service instance ceases to be available. The vector
// is the set of all currently active service instances which have been
// discovered so far.
// NOTE: This callback may not modify the DnsSdServiceWatcher instance from
// which it is called.
using ServicesUpdatedCallback =
std::function<void(std::vector<ConstRefT> services,
ConstRefT service,
ServicesUpdatedState state)>;
// This function type is responsible for converting from a DNS service
// instance (received from another mDNS endpoint) to a T type to be returned
// to the caller.
using ServiceConverter =
std::function<ErrorOr<T>(const DnsSdInstanceEndpoint&)>;
DnsSdServiceWatcher(DnsSdService* service,
std::string service_name,
ServiceConverter conversion,
ServicesUpdatedCallback callback)
: conversion_(conversion),
querier_(service ? service->GetQuerier() : nullptr) {
~DnsSdServiceWatcher() = default;
// Starts service discovery.
void StartDiscovery() {
is_running_ = true;
querier_->StartQuery(service_name_, this);
// Stops service discovery.
void StopDiscovery() {
is_running_ = false;
querier_->StopQuery(service_name_, this);
// Returns whether or not discovery is currently ongoing.
bool is_running() const { return is_running_; }
// Re-initializes the process of service discovery, even if the underlying
// implementation would not normally do so at this time. All previously
// received service data is discarded.
// NOTE: This call will return an error if StartDiscovery has not yet been
// called.
Error ForceRefresh() {
if (!is_running_) {
return Error::Code::kOperationInvalid;
return Error::None();
// Re-initializes the process of service discovery, even if the underlying
// implementation would not normally do so at this time. All previously
// received service data is persisted.
// NOTE: This call will return an error if StartDiscovery has not yet been
// called.
Error DiscoverNow() {
if (!is_running_) {
return Error::Code::kOperationInvalid;
return Error::None();
// Returns the set of services which have been received so far.
std::vector<ConstRefT> GetServices() const {
std::vector<ConstRefT> refs;
for (const auto& pair : records_) {
OSP_DVLOG << "Currently " << records_.size()
<< " known service instances: [" << GetInstanceNames() << "]";
return refs;
friend class TestServiceWatcher;
using EndpointKey = std::pair<std::string, NetworkInterfaceIndex>;
// DnsSdQuerier::Callback overrides.
void OnEndpointCreated(const DnsSdInstanceEndpoint& new_endpoint) override {
// NOTE: existence is not checked because records may be overwritten after
// querier_->ReinitializeQueries() is called.
ErrorOr<T> record = conversion_(new_endpoint);
if (record.is_error()) {
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Conversion of received record failed with error: "
<< record.error();
records_[GetKey(new_endpoint)] =
callback_(GetServices(), *records_[GetKey(new_endpoint)].get(), ServicesUpdatedState::EndpointCreated);
void OnEndpointUpdated(
const DnsSdInstanceEndpoint& modified_endpoint) override {
auto it = records_.find(GetKey(modified_endpoint));
if (it != records_.end()) {
ErrorOr<T> record = conversion_(modified_endpoint);
if (record.is_error()) {
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Conversion of received record failed with error: "
<< record.error();
auto ptr = std::make_unique<T>(std::move(record.value()));
callback_(GetServices(), *it->second.get(), ServicesUpdatedState::EndpointUpdated);
} else {
<< "Received modified record for non-existent DNS-SD Instance "
<< modified_endpoint.instance_id();
void OnEndpointDeleted(const DnsSdInstanceEndpoint& old_endpoint) override {
auto it = records_.find(GetKey(old_endpoint));
if (it != records_.end()) {
auto ptr = std::move(it->second);
callback_(GetServices(), *ptr.get(), ServicesUpdatedState::EndpointDeleted);
} else {
<< "Received deletion of record for non-existent DNS-SD Instance "
<< old_endpoint.instance_id();
EndpointKey GetKey(const DnsSdInstanceEndpoint& endpoint) const {
return std::make_pair(endpoint.instance_id(), endpoint.network_interface());
std::string GetInstanceNames() const {
auto it = records_.begin();
if (it == records_.end()) {
return "";
std::stringstream ss;
ss << it->first.first << "/" << it->first.second;
while (++it != records_.end()) {
ss << ", " << it->first.first << "/" << it->first.second;
return ss.str();
// Set of all instance ids found so far, mapped to the T type that it
// represents. unique_ptr<T> entities are used so that the const refs returned
// from GetServices() and the ServicesUpdatedCallback can persist even once
// this map is resized.
// NOTE: Unordered map is used because this set is in many cases expected to
// be large.
std::unordered_map<EndpointKey, std::unique_ptr<T>, PairHash> records_;
// Represents whether discovery is currently running or not.
bool is_running_ = false;
// Converts from the DNS-SD representation of a service to the outside
// representation.
ServiceConverter conversion_;
std::string service_name_;
ServicesUpdatedCallback callback_;
DnsSdQuerier* const querier_;
} // namespace discovery
} // namespace openscreen