blob: 858339bf707bde51912d6f8db9278221d1ded5dd [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package cast.platform;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// Platform service. Implemented and hosted by Platform.
service PlatformService {
// Starts a runtime. Called by CastCoreService which endpoint is fetched from
// the ServerContext.
rpc StartRuntime(StartRuntimeRequest) returns (StartRuntimeResponse);
// Stops a runtime.
rpc StopRuntime(StopRuntimeRequest) returns (StopRuntimeResponse);
// Gets device info.
rpc GetDeviceInfo(GetDeviceInfoRequest) returns (GetDeviceInfoResponse);
message StartRuntimeRequest {
string runtime_id = 1;
message StartRuntimeResponse {}
message StopRuntimeRequest {
string runtime_id = 1;
message StopRuntimeResponse {}
message GetDeviceInfoRequest {}
message GetDeviceInfoResponse {
// TODO: Add device information that Cast needs. Below is an approximation of
// such information.
bool has_surface = 1;