blob: 4ded8895e0b53b71d6fcb21e668a7544e5ca0ef4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "cast/streaming/answer_messages.h"
#include "cast/streaming/environment.h"
#include "cast/streaming/message_port.h"
#include "cast/streaming/offer_messages.h"
#include "cast/streaming/receiver.h"
#include "cast/streaming/receiver_packet_router.h"
#include "cast/streaming/session_config.h"
#include "util/json/json_serialization.h"
namespace cast {
namespace channel {
class CastSocket;
class CastMessage;
class VirtualConnectionRouter;
class VirtualConnection;
} // namespace channel
namespace streaming {
class ReceiverSession final : public MessagePort::Client {
// Upon successful negotiation, a set of configured receivers is constructed
// for handling audio and video. Note that either receiver may be null.
class ConfiguredReceivers {
// In practice, we may have 0, 1, or 2 receivers configured, depending
// on if the device supports audio and video, and if we were able to
// successfully negotiate a receiver configuration.
// NOTES ON LIFETIMES: The audio and video receiver pointers are expected
// to be valid until the OnReceiversDestroyed event is fired, at which
// point they become invalid and need to replaced by the results of
// the ensuing OnNegotiated call.
Receiver* audio_receiver,
const absl::optional<SessionConfig> audio_receiver_config,
Receiver* video_receiver,
const absl::optional<SessionConfig> video_receiver_config);
ConfiguredReceivers(const ConfiguredReceivers&) = delete;
ConfiguredReceivers(ConfiguredReceivers&&) noexcept;
ConfiguredReceivers& operator=(const ConfiguredReceivers&) = delete;
ConfiguredReceivers& operator=(ConfiguredReceivers&&) noexcept;
// If the receiver is audio- or video-only, either of the receivers
// may be nullptr. However, in the majority of cases they will be populated.
Receiver* audio_receiver() const { return audio_receiver_; }
const absl::optional<SessionConfig>& audio_session_config() const {
return audio_receiver_config_;
Receiver* video_receiver() const { return video_receiver_; }
const absl::optional<SessionConfig>& video_session_config() const {
return video_receiver_config_;
Receiver* audio_receiver_;
absl::optional<SessionConfig> audio_receiver_config_;
Receiver* video_receiver_;
absl::optional<SessionConfig> video_receiver_config_;
// The embedder should provide a client for handling connections.
// When a connection is established, the OnNegotiated callback is called.
class Client {
// This method is called when a new set of receivers has been negotiated.
virtual void OnNegotiated(ReceiverSession* session,
ConfiguredReceivers receivers) = 0;
// This method is called immediately preceding the invalidation of
// this session's receivers.
virtual void OnReceiversDestroyed(ReceiverSession* session) = 0;
virtual void OnError(ReceiverSession* session, openscreen::Error error) = 0;
// The embedder has the option of providing a list of prioritized
// preferences for selecting from the offer.
enum class AudioCodec : int { kAac, kOpus };
enum class VideoCodec : int { kH264, kVp8, kHevc, kVp9 };
// Note: embedders are required to implement the following
// codecs to be Cast V2 compliant: H264, VP8, AAC, Opus.
// TODO(jophba): add additional fields for preferences.
struct Preferences {
Preferences(std::vector<VideoCodec> video_codecs,
std::vector<AudioCodec> audio_codecs);
Preferences(std::vector<VideoCodec> video_codecs,
std::vector<AudioCodec> audio_codecs,
std::unique_ptr<Constraints> constraints,
std::unique_ptr<DisplayDescription> description);
Preferences(Preferences&&) noexcept;
Preferences(const Preferences&) = delete;
Preferences& operator=(Preferences&&) noexcept;
Preferences& operator=(const Preferences&) = delete;
std::vector<VideoCodec> video_codecs{VideoCodec::kVp8, VideoCodec::kH264};
std::vector<AudioCodec> audio_codecs{AudioCodec::kOpus, AudioCodec::kAac};
// The embedder has the option of directly specifying the display
// information and video/audio constraints that will be passed along to
// senders during the offer/answer exchange. If nullptr, these are ignored.
std::unique_ptr<Constraints> constraints;
std::unique_ptr<DisplayDescription> display_description;
ReceiverSession(Client* const client,
std::unique_ptr<Environment> environment,
std::unique_ptr<MessagePort> message_port,
Preferences preferences);
ReceiverSession(const ReceiverSession&) = delete;
ReceiverSession(ReceiverSession&&) = delete;
ReceiverSession& operator=(const ReceiverSession&) = delete;
ReceiverSession& operator=(ReceiverSession&&) = delete;
// MessagePort::Client overrides
void OnMessage(absl::string_view sender_id,
absl::string_view message_namespace,
absl::string_view message) override;
void OnError(openscreen::Error error) override;
struct Message {
const std::string sender_id = {};
const std::string message_namespace = {};
const int sequence_number = 0;
Json::Value body;
// Message handlers
void OnOffer(Message* message);
std::pair<SessionConfig, std::unique_ptr<Receiver>> ConstructReceiver(
const Stream& stream);
// Either stream input to this method may be null, however if both
// are null this method returns error.
openscreen::ErrorOr<ConfiguredReceivers> TrySpawningReceivers(
const AudioStream* audio,
const VideoStream* video);
// Callers of this method should ensure at least one stream is non-null.
Answer ConstructAnswer(Message* message,
const AudioStream* audio,
const VideoStream* video);
void SendMessage(Message* message);
// Handles resetting receivers and notifying the client.
void ResetReceivers();
Client* const client_;
const std::unique_ptr<Environment> environment_;
const std::unique_ptr<MessagePort> message_port_;
const Preferences preferences_;
CastMode cast_mode_;
bool supports_wifi_status_reporting_ = false;
ReceiverPacketRouter packet_router_;
std::unique_ptr<Receiver> current_audio_receiver_;
std::unique_ptr<Receiver> current_video_receiver_;
} // namespace streaming
} // namespace cast