blob: 34c22d85ae6c88fe91b98e59369ce2fc28ff731a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "api/impl/screen_list.h"
#include "api/public/screen_info.h"
#include "api/public/screen_listener.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace openscreen {
class ScreenListenerImpl final : public ScreenListener {
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate();
void SetListenerImpl(ScreenListenerImpl* listener);
virtual void StartListener() = 0;
virtual void StartAndSuspendListener() = 0;
virtual void StopListener() = 0;
virtual void SuspendListener() = 0;
virtual void ResumeListener() = 0;
virtual void SearchNow(ScreenListenerState from) = 0;
void SetState(ScreenListenerState state) { listener_->SetState(state); }
ScreenListenerImpl* listener_ = nullptr;
// |observer| is optional. If it is provided, it will receive appropriate
// notifications about this ScreenListener. |delegate| is required and is
// used to implement state transitions.
ScreenListenerImpl(ScreenListenerObserver* observer, Delegate* delegate);
~ScreenListenerImpl() override;
// Called by |delegate_| when there are updates to the available screens.
void OnScreenAdded(const ScreenInfo& info);
void OnScreenChanged(const ScreenInfo& info);
void OnScreenRemoved(const ScreenInfo& info);
void OnAllScreensRemoved();
// Called by |delegate_| when an internal error occurs.
void OnError(ScreenListenerErrorInfo error);
// ScreenListener overrides.
bool Start() override;
bool StartAndSuspend() override;
bool Stop() override;
bool Suspend() override;
bool Resume() override;
bool SearchNow() override;
const std::vector<ScreenInfo>& GetScreens() const override;
// Called by |delegate_| to transition the state machine (except kStarting and
// kStopping which are done automatically).
void SetState(ScreenListenerState state);
// Notifies |observer_| if the transition from |from| to |state_| is one that
// is watched by the observer interface.
void MaybeNotifyObserver(ScreenListenerState from);
Delegate* const delegate_;
ScreenList screen_list_;
} // namespace openscreen