blob: 3c139b4ef2bc4011acf0008aab488ff3b9240359 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "discovery/dnssd/public/dns_sd_instance.h"
#include "platform/base/error.h"
namespace openscreen {
namespace discovery {
class DnsSdInstanceEndpoint;
class DnsSdPublisher {
class Client {
virtual ~Client() = default;
// Callback called when an endpoint is successfully claimed and published
// via the Register() method. These values are expected to only differ in
// the DnsSdInstance::instance_id() field, or to be equal. This callback is
// purely for informational purposes and the caller is not required to act
// on it.
virtual void OnEndpointClaimed(
const DnsSdInstance& requested_instance,
const DnsSdInstanceEndpoint& claimed_endpoint) = 0;
virtual ~DnsSdPublisher() = default;
// Publishes the PTR, SRV, TXT, A, and AAAA records provided in the
// DnsSdInstance. If the record already exists, an error with code
// kItemAlreadyExists is returned. On success, Error::None is returned.
// NOTE: Some embedders may return errors on other conditions (for instance,
// android will return an error if the resulting TXT record has values not
// encodable with UTF8).
virtual Error Register(const DnsSdInstance& instance, Client* client) = 0;
// Updates the TXT, A, and AAAA records associated with the provided record,
// if any changes have occurred. The instance and domain names must match
// those of a previously published record. If either this is not true, no
// changes have occurred, or additional embedder-specific requirements have
// been violated, an error is returned. Else, Error::None is returned.
virtual Error UpdateRegistration(const DnsSdInstance& instance) = 0;
// Unpublishes any PTR, SRV, TXT, A, and AAAA records associated with this
// service id, where the service id is the second part of the
// <instance>.<service>.<domain> domain name as described in RFC 6763. If no
// such records are published, this operation will be a no-op. Returns the
// number of records which were removed, or an error code on error.
virtual ErrorOr<int> DeregisterAll(const std::string& service) = 0;
} // namespace discovery
} // namespace openscreen