blob: 35b090cccb6d55df82a0d8b80b8ac61f40a8e847 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
namespace openscreen {
namespace cast {
// Transport system on top of CastSocket that allows routing messages over a
// single socket to different virtual endpoints (e.g. system messages vs.
// messages for a particular app).
struct VirtualConnection {
// Virtual connections can have slightly different semantics for a particular
// endpoint based on its type.
enum class Type : int8_t {
// Normal connections. Receiver applications should not exit while they
// still have strong connections open (e.g. active senders).
kStrong = 0,
// Same as strong except if the connected endpoint is a receiver
// application, it may stop if its only remaining open connections are all
// weak.
kWeak = 1,
// Receiver applications do not receive connected/disconnected notifications
// about these connections. The following additional conditions apply:
// - Receiver app can still receive ""
// messages over invisible connections.
// - Receiver app can only send broadcast messages over an invisible
// connection.
kInvisible = 2,
kMinValue = kStrong,
kMaxValue = kInvisible,
// Cast V2 protocol version constants. Must be in sync with
// proto/cast_channel.proto.
enum class ProtocolVersion {
enum CloseReason {
kFirstReason = kUnknown,
// Underlying socket has been closed by peer. This happens when Cast sender
// closed transport connection normally without graceful virtual connection
// close. Though it is not an error, graceful virtual connection in advance
// is better.
// Underlying socket has been aborted by peer. Peer is no longer reachable
// because of app crash or network error.
// Messages sent from peer are in wrong format or too long.
// Underlying socket has been idle for a long period. This only happens when
// heartbeat is enabled and there is a network error.
// The virtual connection has been closed by this endpoint.
// The virtual connection has been closed by the peer gracefully.
kLastReason = kClosedByPeer,
struct AssociatedData {
Type type;
std::string user_agent;
// Last two bytes of the peer's IP address, whether IPv4 or IPv6.
std::array<uint8_t, 2> ip_fragment;
ProtocolVersion max_protocol_version;
// |local_id| and |peer_id| can be one of several formats:
// - sender-0 or receiver-0: identifies the appropriate platform endpoint of
// the device. Authentication and transport-related messages use these.
// - sender-12345: Possible form of a Cast sender ID. The number portion is
// intended to be unique within that device (i.e., unique per CastSocket).
// - Random decimal number: Possible form of a Cast sender ID. Also randomly
// intended to be unique within that device (i.e., unique per CastSocket).
// - GUID-style hex string: Random string identifying a particular receiver
// app on the device.
// Additionally, |peer_id| can be an asterisk when broadcast-sending.
std::string local_id;
std::string peer_id;
int socket_id;
inline bool operator==(const VirtualConnection& a, const VirtualConnection& b) {
return a.local_id == b.local_id && a.peer_id == b.peer_id &&
a.socket_id == b.socket_id;
inline bool operator!=(const VirtualConnection& a, const VirtualConnection& b) {
return !(a == b);
} // namespace cast
} // namespace openscreen