blob: 94d7f3b511d13e2916ea98938af6b6f1bcf8f79e [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package cast.v2;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// A collection of rules.
message UrlRequestRewriteRules {
// The order of rules specifies the order in which they will be applied.
repeated UrlRequestRewriteRule rules = 1;
message UrlRequestRewriteRule {
// Specifies the action to be taken for a UrlRequestRewriteRule.
enum UrlRequestAction {
// Default value.
// Allow the request to be processed.
ALLOW = 1;
// Block the request.
DENY = 2;
// Set of hosts to apply the rules to. If not set, the rule will apply to
// every request, independent of host.
repeated string host_filters = 1;
// Set of schemes to apply the rules to. If not set, the rule will apply to
// every request, independent of scheme.
repeated string scheme_filters = 2;
// URL request rewrites to apply.
repeated UrlRequestRewrite rewrites = 3;
// Specifies the action to take for requests matching the filter criteria.
// Requests are allowed by default.
UrlRequestAction action = 4;
message UrlRequestRewrite {
oneof action {
// Adds a set of headers to a URL request.
UrlRequestRewriteAddHeaders add_headers = 1;
// Removes a header based on the presence of a pattern in the URL query.
UrlRequestRewriteRemoveHeader remove_header = 2;
// Substitutes a pattern in the URL query.
UrlRequestRewriteSubstituteQueryPattern substitute_query_pattern = 3;
// Replaces a URL if the original URL ends with a pattern.
UrlRequestRewriteReplaceUrl replace_url = 4;
// Appends to the URL query.
UrlRequestRewriteAppendToQuery append_to_query = 5;
// An HTTP header field.
message UrlHeader {
string name = 1;
string value = 2;
// Adds `headers` to the URL request. If a header is already present in the
// original URL request, it will be overwritten.
// - `headers` must be set.
// - Each [`UrlHeader`] in `headers` must have a valid HTTP header name and
// value,
// per [RFC 7230
// section 3.2](
message UrlRequestRewriteAddHeaders {
repeated UrlHeader headers = 1;
// If `query_pattern` is in the URL query, removes `header_name` from the list
// of headers. If `query_pattern` is not set, removes `header_name` from the
// list of headers unconditionally.
// - `header_name` must be set.
// - `header_name` must be a valid HTTP header name, per
// [RFC 7230 section 3.2](
message UrlRequestRewriteRemoveHeader {
string query_pattern = 1;
string header_name = 2;
// If `pattern` is found in the URL request query, replaces it with
// `substitution`.
// - `pattern` and `substitution` must be set.
// - `substitution` must be a valid
// [URL-query string](
message UrlRequestRewriteSubstituteQueryPattern {
string pattern = 1;
string substitution = 2;
// If the URL in the URL request ends with `url_ends_with`, rewrites the URL to
// `new_url`.
// - `url_ends_with` and `new_url` must be set.
// - `url_ends_with` must be a valid
// [path-relative-URL
// string](
// - `new_url` must be a [valid URL
// string](
message UrlRequestRewriteReplaceUrl {
string url_ends_with = 1;
string new_url = 2;
// Appends `query` to the URL query. If the URL request already has a query,
// `query` will be appended to it, preceded by `&`. Otherwise, the URL's query
// will be set to `query`.
// - `query` must be set.
// - `query` must be a valid [URL-query
// string](
message UrlRequestRewriteAppendToQuery {
string query = 1;