blob: 5a9e8271e5fc5f354ae312133b5559227ddd54ed [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package cast.core;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "cast/cast_core/api/common/runtime_metadata.proto";
import "cast/cast_core/api/common/service_info.proto";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// CastCore service.
service CastCoreService {
// Registers a Cast Runtime. Usually called by platform.
rpc RegisterRuntime(RegisterRuntimeRequest) returns (RegisterRuntimeResponse);
// Unregisters a Cast Runtime. Usually called by platform.
rpc UnregisterRuntime(UnregisterRuntimeRequest)
returns (UnregisterRuntimeResponse);
// Called by the Runtime when it starts up.
rpc RuntimeStarted(RuntimeStartedNotification)
returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Called when the runtime is shutdown. May be called for an active Cast
// session.
rpc RuntimeStopped(RuntimeStoppedNotification)
returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
message RegisterRuntimeRequest {
// Platform-generated runtime ID associated with this runtime. Uniqueness is
// guaranteed by the CastCore service.
string runtime_id = 1;
// Metadata about the runtime.
cast.common.RuntimeMetadata runtime_metadata = 2;
message RegisterRuntimeResponse {}
message UnregisterRuntimeRequest {
// Runtime ID.
string runtime_id = 1;
message UnregisterRuntimeResponse {}
message RuntimeStartedNotification {
// Runtime ID.
string runtime_id = 1;
// Runtime service info.
cast.common.ServiceInfo runtime_service_info = 2;
message RuntimeStoppedNotification {
// Runtime ID.
string runtime_id = 1;