blob: 66083d57a72e4043b5f6a19ca96decae62f143bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "osp/impl/discovery/mdns/domain_name.h"
#include "osp/impl/discovery/mdns/mdns_responder_platform.h"
#include "platform/api/network_interface.h"
#include "platform/api/time.h"
#include "platform/api/udp_socket.h"
#include "platform/base/error.h"
#include "platform/base/ip_address.h"
namespace openscreen {
namespace osp {
struct QueryEventHeader {
enum class Type {
kAdded = 0,
QueryEventHeader(Type response_type, UdpSocket* socket);
QueryEventHeader(QueryEventHeader&&) noexcept;
QueryEventHeader& operator=(QueryEventHeader&&) noexcept;
Type response_type;
UdpSocket* socket;
struct PtrEvent {
PtrEvent(QueryEventHeader header, DomainName service_instance);
PtrEvent(PtrEvent&&) noexcept;
PtrEvent& operator=(PtrEvent&&) noexcept;
QueryEventHeader header;
DomainName service_instance;
struct SrvEvent {
SrvEvent(QueryEventHeader header,
DomainName service_instance,
DomainName domain_name,
uint16_t port);
SrvEvent(SrvEvent&&) noexcept;
SrvEvent& operator=(SrvEvent&&) noexcept;
QueryEventHeader header;
DomainName service_instance;
DomainName domain_name;
uint16_t port;
struct TxtEvent {
TxtEvent(QueryEventHeader header,
DomainName service_instance,
std::vector<std::string> txt_info);
TxtEvent(TxtEvent&&) noexcept;
TxtEvent& operator=(TxtEvent&&) noexcept;
QueryEventHeader header;
DomainName service_instance;
// NOTE: mDNS does not specify a character encoding for the data in TXT
// records.
std::vector<std::string> txt_info;
struct AEvent {
AEvent(QueryEventHeader header, DomainName domain_name, IPAddress address);
AEvent(AEvent&&) noexcept;
AEvent& operator=(AEvent&&) noexcept;
QueryEventHeader header;
DomainName domain_name;
IPAddress address;
struct AaaaEvent {
AaaaEvent(QueryEventHeader header, DomainName domain_name, IPAddress address);
AaaaEvent(AaaaEvent&&) noexcept;
AaaaEvent& operator=(AaaaEvent&&) noexcept;
QueryEventHeader header;
DomainName domain_name;
IPAddress address;
enum class MdnsResponderErrorCode {
kNoError = 0,
// This interface wraps all the functionality of mDNSResponder, which includes
// both listening and publishing. As a result, some methods are only used by
// listeners, some are only used by publishers, and some are used by both.
// Listening for records might look like this:
// adapter->Init();
// // Once for each interface, the meaning of false is described below.
// adapter->RegisterInterface(..., false);
// adapter->StartPtrQuery("_openscreen._udp");
// adapter->RunTasks();
// // When receiving multicast UDP traffic from port 5353.
// adapter->OnDataReceived(...);
// adapter->RunTasks();
// // Check |ptrs| for responses after pulling.
// auto ptrs = adapter->TakePtrResponses();
// // Eventually...
// adapter->StopPtrQuery("_openscreen._udp");
// Publishing a service might look like this:
// adapter->Init();
// // Once for each interface, the meaning of true is described below.
// adapter->RegisterInterface(..., true);
// adapter->SetHostLabel("deadbeef");
// adapter->RegisterService("living-room", "_openscreen._udp", ...);
// adapter->RunTasks();
// // When receiving multicast UDP traffic from port 5353.
// adapter->OnDataReceived(...);
// adapter->RunTasks();
// // Eventually...
// adapter->DeregisterService("living-room", "_openscreen", "_udp");
// Additionally, it's important to understand that mDNSResponder may defer some
// tasks (e.g. parsing responses, sending queries, etc.) and those deferred
// tasks are only run when RunTasks is called. Therefore, RunTasks should be
// called after any sequence of calls to mDNSResponder. It also returns a
// timeout value, after which it must be called again (e.g. for maintaining its
// cache).
class MdnsResponderAdapter : public UdpSocket::Client {
virtual ~MdnsResponderAdapter() = 0;
// Initializes mDNSResponder. This should be called before any queries or
// service registrations are made.
virtual Error Init() = 0;
// Stops all open queries and service registrations. If this is not called
// before destruction, any registered services will not send their goodbye
// messages.
virtual void Close() = 0;
// Called to change the name published by the A and AAAA records for the host
// when any service is active (via RegisterService). Returns true if the
// label was set successfully, false otherwise (e.g. the label did not meet
// DNS name requirements).
virtual Error SetHostLabel(const std::string& host_label) = 0;
// The following methods register and deregister a network interface with
// mDNSResponder. |socket| will be used to identify which interface received
// the data in OnDataReceived and will be used to send data via the platform
// layer.
virtual Error RegisterInterface(const InterfaceInfo& interface_info,
const IPSubnet& interface_address,
UdpSocket* socket) = 0;
virtual Error DeregisterInterface(UdpSocket* socket) = 0;
// Returns the time period after which this method must be called again, if
// any.
virtual Clock::duration RunTasks() = 0;
virtual std::vector<PtrEvent> TakePtrResponses() = 0;
virtual std::vector<SrvEvent> TakeSrvResponses() = 0;
virtual std::vector<TxtEvent> TakeTxtResponses() = 0;
virtual std::vector<AEvent> TakeAResponses() = 0;
virtual std::vector<AaaaEvent> TakeAaaaResponses() = 0;
virtual MdnsResponderErrorCode StartPtrQuery(
UdpSocket* socket,
const DomainName& service_type) = 0;
virtual MdnsResponderErrorCode StartSrvQuery(
UdpSocket* socket,
const DomainName& service_instance) = 0;
virtual MdnsResponderErrorCode StartTxtQuery(
UdpSocket* socket,
const DomainName& service_instance) = 0;
virtual MdnsResponderErrorCode StartAQuery(UdpSocket* socket,
const DomainName& domain_name) = 0;
virtual MdnsResponderErrorCode StartAaaaQuery(
UdpSocket* socket,
const DomainName& domain_name) = 0;
virtual MdnsResponderErrorCode StopPtrQuery(
UdpSocket* socket,
const DomainName& service_type) = 0;
virtual MdnsResponderErrorCode StopSrvQuery(
UdpSocket* socket,
const DomainName& service_instance) = 0;
virtual MdnsResponderErrorCode StopTxtQuery(
UdpSocket* socket,
const DomainName& service_instance) = 0;
virtual MdnsResponderErrorCode StopAQuery(UdpSocket* socket,
const DomainName& domain_name) = 0;
virtual MdnsResponderErrorCode StopAaaaQuery(
UdpSocket* socket,
const DomainName& domain_name) = 0;
// The following methods concern advertising a service via mDNS. The
// arguments correspond to values needed in the PTR, SRV, and TXT records that
// will be published for the service. An A or AAAA record will also be
// published with the service for each active interface known to mDNSResponder
// via RegisterInterface.
virtual MdnsResponderErrorCode RegisterService(
const std::string& service_instance,
const std::string& service_name,
const std::string& service_protocol,
const DomainName& target_host,
uint16_t target_port,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& txt_data) = 0;
virtual MdnsResponderErrorCode DeregisterService(
const std::string& service_instance,
const std::string& service_name,
const std::string& service_protocol) = 0;
virtual MdnsResponderErrorCode UpdateTxtData(
const std::string& service_instance,
const std::string& service_name,
const std::string& service_protocol,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& txt_data) = 0;
} // namespace osp
} // namespace openscreen