blob: 858038b533f14d6ec5edcabf2df1d3e767faff3a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cast/streaming/offer_messages.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "absl/strings/numbers.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
#include "cast/streaming/capture_recommendations.h"
#include "cast/streaming/constants.h"
#include "cast/streaming/receiver_session.h"
#include "platform/base/error.h"
#include "util/big_endian.h"
#include "util/enum_name_table.h"
#include "util/json/json_helpers.h"
#include "util/json/json_serialization.h"
#include "util/osp_logging.h"
#include "util/stringprintf.h"
namespace openscreen {
namespace cast {
namespace {
constexpr char kSupportedStreams[] = "supportedStreams";
constexpr char kAudioSourceType[] = "audio_source";
constexpr char kVideoSourceType[] = "video_source";
constexpr char kStreamType[] = "type";
ErrorOr<RtpPayloadType> ParseRtpPayloadType(const Json::Value& parent,
const std::string& field) {
auto t = json::ParseInt(parent, field);
if (!t) {
return t.error();
uint8_t t_small = t.value();
if (t_small != t.value() || !IsRtpPayloadType(t_small)) {
return Error(Error::Code::kParameterInvalid,
"Received invalid RTP Payload Type.");
return static_cast<RtpPayloadType>(t_small);
ErrorOr<int> ParseRtpTimebase(const Json::Value& parent,
const std::string& field) {
auto error_or_raw = json::ParseString(parent, field);
if (!error_or_raw) {
return error_or_raw.error();
// The spec demands a leading 1, so this isn't really a fraction.
const auto fraction = SimpleFraction::FromString(error_or_raw.value());
if (fraction.is_error() || !fraction.value().is_positive() ||
fraction.value().numerator != 1) {
return json::CreateParseError("RTP timebase");
return fraction.value().denominator;
// For a hex byte, the conversion is 4 bits to 1 character, e.g.
// 0b11110001 becomes F1, so 1 byte is two characters.
constexpr int kHexDigitsPerByte = 2;
constexpr int kAesBytesSize = 16;
constexpr int kAesStringLength = kAesBytesSize * kHexDigitsPerByte;
ErrorOr<std::array<uint8_t, kAesBytesSize>> ParseAesHexBytes(
const Json::Value& parent,
const std::string& field) {
auto hex_string = json::ParseString(parent, field);
if (!hex_string) {
return hex_string.error();
constexpr int kHexDigitsPerScanField = 16;
constexpr int kNumScanFields = kAesStringLength / kHexDigitsPerScanField;
uint64_t quads[kNumScanFields];
int chars_scanned;
if (hex_string.value().size() == kAesStringLength &&
sscanf(hex_string.value().c_str(), "%16" SCNx64 "%16" SCNx64 "%n",
&quads[0], &quads[1], &chars_scanned) == kNumScanFields &&
chars_scanned == kAesStringLength &&
std::none_of(hex_string.value().begin(), hex_string.value().end(),
[](char c) { return std::isspace(c); })) {
std::array<uint8_t, kAesBytesSize> bytes;
WriteBigEndian(quads[1], + 8);
return bytes;
return json::CreateParseError("AES hex string bytes");
ErrorOr<Stream> ParseStream(const Json::Value& value, Stream::Type type) {
auto index = json::ParseInt(value, "index");
if (!index) {
return index.error();
// If channel is omitted, the default value is used later.
auto channels = json::ParseInt(value, "channels");
if (channels.is_value() && channels.value() <= 0) {
return json::CreateParameterError("channel");
auto rtp_profile = json::ParseString(value, "rtpProfile");
if (!rtp_profile) {
return rtp_profile.error();
auto rtp_payload_type = ParseRtpPayloadType(value, "rtpPayloadType");
if (!rtp_payload_type) {
return rtp_payload_type.error();
auto ssrc = json::ParseUint(value, "ssrc");
if (!ssrc) {
return ssrc.error();
auto aes_key = ParseAesHexBytes(value, "aesKey");
if (!aes_key) {
return aes_key.error();
auto aes_iv_mask = ParseAesHexBytes(value, "aesIvMask");
if (!aes_iv_mask) {
return aes_iv_mask.error();
auto rtp_timebase = ParseRtpTimebase(value, "timeBase");
if (!rtp_timebase) {
return rtp_timebase.error();
if (rtp_timebase.value() <
kRtpVideoTimebase) ||
rtp_timebase.value() > kRtpVideoTimebase) {
return json::CreateParameterError("rtp_timebase (sample rate)");
auto target_delay = json::ParseInt(value, "targetDelay");
std::chrono::milliseconds target_delay_ms = kDefaultTargetPlayoutDelay;
if (target_delay) {
auto d = std::chrono::milliseconds(target_delay.value());
if (kMinTargetPlayoutDelay <= d && d <= kMaxTargetPlayoutDelay) {
target_delay_ms = d;
auto receiver_rtcp_event_log = json::ParseBool(value, "receiverRtcpEventLog");
auto receiver_rtcp_dscp = json::ParseString(value, "receiverRtcpDscp");
return Stream{index.value(),
channels.value(type == Stream::Type::kAudioSource
? kDefaultNumAudioChannels
: kDefaultNumVideoChannels),
ErrorOr<AudioStream> ParseAudioStream(const Json::Value& value) {
auto stream = ParseStream(value, Stream::Type::kAudioSource);
if (!stream) {
return stream.error();
auto bit_rate = json::ParseInt(value, "bitRate");
if (!bit_rate) {
return bit_rate.error();
auto codec_name = json::ParseString(value, "codecName");
if (!codec_name) {
return codec_name.error();
ErrorOr<AudioCodec> codec = StringToAudioCodec(codec_name.value());
if (!codec) {
return Error(Error::Code::kUnknownCodec,
"Codec is not known, can't use stream");
// A bit rate of 0 is valid for some codec types, so we don't enforce here.
if (bit_rate.value() < 0) {
return json::CreateParameterError("bit rate");
return AudioStream{stream.value(), codec.value(), bit_rate.value()};
ErrorOr<Resolution> ParseResolution(const Json::Value& value) {
auto width = json::ParseInt(value, "width");
if (!width) {
return width.error();
auto height = json::ParseInt(value, "height");
if (!height) {
return height.error();
if (width.value() <= 0 || height.value() <= 0) {
return json::CreateParameterError("resolution");
return Resolution{width.value(), height.value()};
ErrorOr<std::vector<Resolution>> ParseResolutions(const Json::Value& parent,
const std::string& field) {
std::vector<Resolution> resolutions;
// Some legacy senders don't provide resolutions, so just return empty.
const Json::Value& value = parent[field];
if (!value.isArray() || value.empty()) {
return resolutions;
for (Json::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i) {
auto r = ParseResolution(value[i]);
if (!r) {
return r.error();
return resolutions;
ErrorOr<VideoStream> ParseVideoStream(const Json::Value& value) {
auto stream = ParseStream(value, Stream::Type::kVideoSource);
if (!stream) {
return stream.error();
auto codec_name = json::ParseString(value, "codecName");
if (!codec_name) {
return codec_name.error();
ErrorOr<VideoCodec> codec = StringToVideoCodec(codec_name.value());
if (!codec) {
return Error(Error::Code::kUnknownCodec,
"Codec is not known, can't use stream");
auto resolutions = ParseResolutions(value, "resolutions");
if (!resolutions) {
return resolutions.error();
auto raw_max_frame_rate = json::ParseString(value, "maxFrameRate");
SimpleFraction max_frame_rate{kDefaultMaxFrameRate, 1};
if (raw_max_frame_rate.is_value()) {
auto parsed = SimpleFraction::FromString(raw_max_frame_rate.value());
if (parsed.is_value() && parsed.value().is_positive()) {
max_frame_rate = parsed.value();
auto profile = json::ParseString(value, "profile");
auto protection = json::ParseString(value, "protection");
auto max_bit_rate = json::ParseInt(value, "maxBitRate");
auto level = json::ParseString(value, "level");
auto error_recovery_mode = json::ParseString(value, "errorRecoveryMode");
return VideoStream{stream.value(),
max_bit_rate.value(4 << 20),
absl::string_view ToString(Stream::Type type) {
switch (type) {
case Stream::Type::kAudioSource:
return kAudioSourceType;
case Stream::Type::kVideoSource:
return kVideoSourceType;
default: {
EnumNameTable<CastMode, 2> kCastModeNames{
{{"mirroring", CastMode::kMirroring}, {"remoting", CastMode::kRemoting}}};
} // namespace
ErrorOr<Json::Value> Stream::ToJson() const {
if (channels < 1 || index < 0 || target_delay.count() <= 0 ||
target_delay.count() > std::numeric_limits<int>::max() ||
rtp_timebase < 1) {
return json::CreateParameterError("Stream");
Json::Value root;
root["index"] = index;
root["type"] = std::string(ToString(type));
root["channels"] = channels;
root["rtpPayloadType"] = static_cast<int>(rtp_payload_type);
// rtpProfile is technically required by the spec, although it is always set
// to cast. We set it here to be compliant with all spec implementers.
root["rtpProfile"] = "cast";
static_assert(sizeof(ssrc) <= sizeof(Json::UInt),
"this code assumes Ssrc fits in a Json::UInt");
root["ssrc"] = static_cast<Json::UInt>(ssrc);
root["targetDelay"] = static_cast<int>(target_delay.count());
root["aesKey"] = HexEncode(aes_key);
root["aesIvMask"] = HexEncode(aes_iv_mask);
root["receiverRtcpEventLog"] = receiver_rtcp_event_log;
root["receiverRtcpDscp"] = receiver_rtcp_dscp;
root["timeBase"] = "1/" + std::to_string(rtp_timebase);
return root;
ErrorOr<Json::Value> AudioStream::ToJson() const {
// A bit rate of 0 is valid for some codec types, so we don't enforce here.
if (bit_rate < 0) {
return json::CreateParameterError("AudioStream");
auto error_or_stream = stream.ToJson();
if (error_or_stream.is_error()) {
return error_or_stream;
error_or_stream.value()["codecName"] = CodecToString(codec);
error_or_stream.value()["bitRate"] = bit_rate;
return error_or_stream;
ErrorOr<Json::Value> Resolution::ToJson() const {
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
return json::CreateParameterError("Resolution");
Json::Value root;
root["width"] = width;
root["height"] = height;
return root;
ErrorOr<Json::Value> VideoStream::ToJson() const {
if (max_bit_rate <= 0 || !max_frame_rate.is_positive()) {
return json::CreateParameterError("VideoStream");
auto error_or_stream = stream.ToJson();
if (error_or_stream.is_error()) {
return error_or_stream;
auto& stream = error_or_stream.value();
stream["codecName"] = CodecToString(codec);
stream["maxFrameRate"] = max_frame_rate.ToString();
stream["maxBitRate"] = max_bit_rate;
stream["protection"] = protection;
stream["profile"] = profile;
stream["level"] = level;
stream["errorRecoveryMode"] = error_recovery_mode;
Json::Value rs;
for (auto resolution : resolutions) {
auto eoj = resolution.ToJson();
if (eoj.is_error()) {
return eoj;
stream["resolutions"] = std::move(rs);
return error_or_stream;
// static
ErrorOr<Offer> Offer::Parse(const Json::Value& root) {
if (!root.isObject()) {
return json::CreateParseError("null offer");
ErrorOr<CastMode> cast_mode =
GetEnum(kCastModeNames, root["castMode"].asString());
const ErrorOr<bool> get_status = json::ParseBool(root, "receiverGetStatus");
Json::Value supported_streams = root[kSupportedStreams];
if (!supported_streams.isArray()) {
return json::CreateParseError("supported streams in offer");
std::vector<AudioStream> audio_streams;
std::vector<VideoStream> video_streams;
for (Json::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < supported_streams.size(); ++i) {
const Json::Value& fields = supported_streams[i];
auto type = json::ParseString(fields, kStreamType);
if (!type) {
return type.error();
if (type.value() == kAudioSourceType) {
auto stream = ParseAudioStream(fields);
if (!stream) {
if (stream.error().code() == Error::Code::kUnknownCodec) {
OSP_DVLOG << "Dropping audio stream due to unknown codec: "
<< stream.error();
} else {
return stream.error();
} else if (type.value() == kVideoSourceType) {
auto stream = ParseVideoStream(fields);
if (!stream) {
if (stream.error().code() == Error::Code::kUnknownCodec) {
OSP_DVLOG << "Dropping video stream due to unknown codec: "
<< stream.error();
} else {
return stream.error();
return Offer{cast_mode.value(CastMode::kMirroring), get_status.value({}),
std::move(audio_streams), std::move(video_streams)};
ErrorOr<Json::Value> Offer::ToJson() const {
Json::Value root;
root["castMode"] = GetEnumName(kCastModeNames, cast_mode).value();
root["receiverGetStatus"] = supports_wifi_status_reporting;
Json::Value streams;
for (auto& as : audio_streams) {
auto eoj = as.ToJson();
if (eoj.is_error()) {
return eoj;
for (auto& vs : video_streams) {
auto eoj = vs.ToJson();
if (eoj.is_error()) {
return eoj;
root[kSupportedStreams] = std::move(streams);
return root;
} // namespace cast
} // namespace openscreen