blob: 4d714b33117251895d3d8b14768ae44cd525b219 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <mutex> // NOLINT
#include "platform/api/network_runner.h"
#include "platform/api/network_waiter.h"
#include "platform/api/task_runner.h"
#include "platform/api/time.h"
namespace openscreen {
namespace platform {
// This is the class responsible for watching sockets for readable data, then
// calling the function associated with these sockets once that data is read.
// NOTE: This class will only function as intended while its RunUntilStopped
// method is running.
class NetworkReader {
// Create a type for readability
using Callback = std::function<void(UdpPacket)>;
// Creates a new instance of this object.
// NOTE: The provided TaskRunner must be running and must live for the
// duration of this instance's life.
explicit NetworkReader(TaskRunner* task_runner);
virtual ~NetworkReader();
// Waits for |socket| to be readable and then posts a task to the currently
// set TaskRunner to run the provided |callback|.
// NOTE: Only one read callback can be registered per socket. If
// ReadRepeatedly is called on a socket already being watched, the new call
// will be ignored and an error will be returned.
// NOTE: The first read on any newly watched socket may be delayed up to 50
// ms.
Error ReadRepeatedly(UdpSocket* socket, Callback callback);
// Cancels any pending wait on reading |socket|. Following this call, any
// pending reads will proceed but their associated callbacks will not fire.
// This function returns false only if the socket was not yet being watched,
// and true if the operation is successful and the socket is no longer
// watched.
bool CancelRead(UdpSocket* socket);
// Runs the Wait function in a loop until the below RequestStopSoon function
// is called.
void RunUntilStopped();
// Signals for the RunUntilStopped loop to cease running.
void RequestStopSoon();
// Creates a new instance of this object.
// NOTE: The provided TaskRunner must be running and must live for the
// duration of this instance's life.
NetworkReader(TaskRunner* task_runner, std::unique_ptr<NetworkWaiter> waiter);
// Waits for any writes to occur or for timeout to pass, whichever is sooner.
// If an error occurs when calling WaitAndRead, then no callbacks will have
// been called during the method's execution, but it is still safe to
// immediately call again.
// NOTE: Must be protected rather than private for UT purposes.
// NOTE: If a socket callback is removed in the middle of a wait call, data
// may be read on this socket and but the callback may not be called. If a
// socket callback is added in the middle of a wait call, the new socket may
// not be watched until after this wait call ends.
Error WaitAndRead(Clock::duration timeout);
// Associations between sockets and callbacks, plus the platform-level
// EventWaiter. Note that the EventWaiter has not been rolled into this class
// and the callbacks have not been pushed to the socket layer in order to
// keep the platform-specific code as simple as possible and maximize
// code reusability.
std::map<UdpSocket*, Callback> read_callbacks_;
// Callback to call when a socket is deleted. This method will cancel any
// pending wait on reading |socket| and then block until deletion is safe.
// TODO(rwkeane): Discuss with the team to see if this is the correct approach
// or what a better approach may be long-term.
void CancelReadForSocketDeletion(UdpSocket* socket);
// Abstractions around socket handling to ensure platform independence.
std::unique_ptr<NetworkWaiter> waiter_;
// The task runner on which all callbacks should be run
TaskRunner* task_runner_;
// Mutex to protect against concurrent modification of socket info.
std::mutex mutex_;
// Atomic so that we can perform atomic exchanges.
std::atomic_bool is_running_;
// Blocks deletion of sockets until they are no longer being watched.
std::condition_variable socket_deletion_block_;
} // namespace platform
} // namespace openscreen