blob: 97c0db981e84cb0525d0ca57a2e9eb3a1d936413 [file] [log] [blame]
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// Copyright (C) 2000, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
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// Loading and saving IPL images.
#include "_highgui.h"
#include "grfmts.h"
#if 0
* Path class (list of search folders) *
class CvFilePath
// preprocess folder or file name - calculate its length,
// check for invalid symbols in the name and substitute
// all backslashes with simple slashes.
// the result is put into the specified buffer
static int Preprocess( const char* filename, char* buffer );
// add folder to the path
bool Add( const char* path );
// clear the path
void Clear();
// return the path - string, where folders are separated by ';'
const char* Get() const { return m_path; };
// find the file in the path
const char* Find( const char* filename, char* buffer ) const;
// return the first folder from the path
// the returned string is not terminated by '\0'!!!
// its length is returned via len parameter
const char* First( int& len ) const;
// return the folder, next in the path after the specified folder.
// see also note to First() method
const char* Next( const char* folder, int& len ) const;
char* m_path;
int m_maxsize;
int m_len;
void CvFilePath::Clear()
delete[] m_path;
m_maxsize = m_len = 0;
m_path = 0;
m_maxsize = m_len = 0;
bool CvFilePath::Add( const char* path )
char buffer[_MAX_PATH + 1];
int len = Preprocess( path, buffer );
if( len < 0 )
return false;
if( m_len + len + 3 // +1 for one more ';',
// another +1 for possible additional '/',
// and the last +1 is for '\0'
> m_maxsize )
int new_size = (m_len + len + 3 + 1023) & -1024;
char* new_path = new char[new_size];
if( m_path )
memcpy( new_path, m_path, m_len );
delete[] m_path;
m_path = new_path;
m_maxsize = new_size;
m_path[m_len++] = ';';
memcpy( m_path + m_len, buffer, len );
m_len += len;
if( m_path[m_len] != '/' )
m_path[m_len++] = '/';
m_path[m_len] = '\0'; // '\0' is not counted in m_len.
return true;
const char* CvFilePath::First( int& len ) const
const char* path = (const char*)(m_path ? m_path : "");
const char* path_end = path;
while( *path_end && *path_end != ';' )
len = path_end - path;
return path;
const char* CvFilePath::Next( const char* folder, int& len ) const
if( !folder || folder < m_path || folder >= m_path + m_len )
return 0;
folder = strchr( folder, ';' );
if( folder )
const char* folder_end = ++folder;
while( *folder_end && *folder_end != ';' )
len = folder_end - folder;
return folder;
const char* CvFilePath::Find( const char* filename, char* buffer ) const
char path0[_MAX_PATH + 1];
int len = Preprocess( filename, path0 );
int folder_len = 0;
const char* folder = First( folder_len );
char* name_only = 0;
char* name = path0;
FILE* f = 0;
if( len < 0 )
return 0;
if( folder_len + len <= _MAX_PATH )
memcpy( buffer, folder, folder_len );
strcpy( buffer + folder_len, name );
f = fopen( buffer, "rb" );
if( f )
if( name != name_only )
name_only = strrchr( path0, '/' );
if( !name_only )
name_only = path0;
len = strlen( name_only );
name = name_only;
while( (folder = Next( folder, folder_len )) != 0 );
filename = 0;
if( f )
filename = (const char*)buffer;
return filename;
int CvFilePath::Preprocess( const char* str, char* buffer )
int i;
if( !str || !buffer )
return -1;
for( i = 0; i <= _MAX_PATH; i++ )
buffer[i] = str[i];
if( isalnum(str[i])) // fast check to skip most of characters
if( str[i] == '\0' )
if( str[i] == '\\' ) // convert back slashes to simple slashes
// (for Win32-*NIX compatibility)
buffer[i] = '/';
if (str[i] == '*' || str[i] == '?' || str[i] == '\"' ||
str[i] == '>' || str[i] == '<' ||
str[i] == ';' || /* used as a separator in the path */
#ifndef WIN32
str[i] == ',' || str[i] == '%' ||
str[i] == '|')
return -1;
return i <= _MAX_PATH ? i : -1;
* Image Readers & Writers Class *
class CvImageFilters
GrFmtReader* FindReader( const char* filename ) const;
GrFmtWriter* FindWriter( const char* filename ) const;
//const CvFilePath& Path() const { return (const CvFilePath&)m_path; };
//CvFilePath& Path() { return m_path; };
GrFmtFactoriesList* m_factories;
m_factories = new GrFmtFactoriesList;
m_factories->AddFactory( new GrFmtImageIO() );
m_factories->AddFactory( new GrFmtBmp() );
m_factories->AddFactory( new GrFmtJpeg() );
m_factories->AddFactory( new GrFmtSunRaster() );
m_factories->AddFactory( new GrFmtPxM() );
m_factories->AddFactory( new GrFmtTiff() );
#ifdef HAVE_PNG
m_factories->AddFactory( new GrFmtPng() );
m_factories->AddFactory( new GrFmtJpeg2000() );
m_factories->AddFactory( new GrFmtExr() );
delete m_factories;
GrFmtReader* CvImageFilters::FindReader( const char* filename ) const
return m_factories->FindReader( filename );
GrFmtWriter* CvImageFilters::FindWriter( const char* filename ) const
return m_factories->FindWriter( filename );
* HighGUI loading & saving function implementation *
static int icvSetCXCOREBindings(void)
int cxcore_bindings_initialized = icvSetCXCOREBindings();
// global image I/O filters
static CvImageFilters g_Filters;
#if 0
CV_IMPL void
cvAddSearchPath( const char* path )
CV_FUNCNAME( "cvAddSearchPath" );
if( !path || strlen(path) == 0 )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "Null path" );
g_Filters.AddPath( path );
cvHaveImageReader( const char* filename )
GrFmtReader* reader = g_Filters.FindReader( filename );
if( reader ) {
delete reader;
return 1;
return 0;
CV_IMPL int cvHaveImageWriter( const char* filename )
GrFmtWriter* writer = g_Filters.FindWriter( filename );
if( writer ) {
delete writer;
return 1;
return 0;
static void*
icvLoadImage( const char* filename, int flags, bool load_as_matrix )
GrFmtReader* reader = 0;
IplImage* image = 0;
CvMat hdr, *matrix = 0;
int depth = 8;
CV_FUNCNAME( "cvLoadImage" );
CvSize size;
int iscolor;
int cn;
if( !filename || strlen(filename) == 0 )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "null filename" );
reader = g_Filters.FindReader( filename );
if( !reader )
if( !reader->ReadHeader() )
size.width = reader->GetWidth();
size.height = reader->GetHeight();
if( flags == -1 )
iscolor = reader->IsColor();
if( (flags & CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) != 0 ||
((flags & CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR) != 0 && reader->IsColor()) )
iscolor = 1;
iscolor = 0;
if( (flags & CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH) != 0 )
depth = reader->GetDepth();
cn = iscolor ? 3 : 1;
if( load_as_matrix )
int type;
if(reader->IsFloat() && depth != 8)
type = CV_32F;
type = ( depth <= 8 ) ? CV_8U : ( depth <= 16 ) ? CV_16U : CV_32S;
CV_CALL( matrix = cvCreateMat( size.height, size.width, CV_MAKETYPE(type, cn) ));
int type;
if(reader->IsFloat() && depth != 8)
type = IPL_DEPTH_32F;
type = ( depth <= 8 ) ? IPL_DEPTH_8U : ( depth <= 16 ) ? IPL_DEPTH_16U : IPL_DEPTH_32S;
CV_CALL( image = cvCreateImage( size, type, cn ));
matrix = cvGetMat( image, &hdr );
if( !reader->ReadData( matrix->data.ptr, matrix->step, iscolor ))
if( load_as_matrix )
cvReleaseMat( &matrix );
cvReleaseImage( &image );
delete reader;
if( cvGetErrStatus() < 0 )
if( load_as_matrix )
cvReleaseMat( &matrix );
cvReleaseImage( &image );
return load_as_matrix ? (void*)matrix : (void*)image;
CV_IMPL IplImage*
cvLoadImage( const char* filename, int iscolor )
return (IplImage*)icvLoadImage( filename, iscolor, false );
cvLoadImageM( const char* filename, int iscolor )
return (CvMat*)icvLoadImage( filename, iscolor, true );
cvSaveImage( const char* filename, const CvArr* arr )
int origin = 0;
GrFmtWriter* writer = 0;
CvMat *temp = 0, *temp2 = 0;
CV_FUNCNAME( "cvSaveImage" );
CvMat stub, *image;
int channels, ipl_depth;
if( !filename || strlen(filename) == 0 )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "null filename" );
CV_CALL( image = cvGetMat( arr, &stub ));
if( CV_IS_IMAGE( arr ))
origin = ((IplImage*)arr)->origin;
channels = CV_MAT_CN( image->type );
if( channels != 1 && channels != 3 && channels != 4 )
CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels, "" );
writer = g_Filters.FindWriter( filename );
if( !writer )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsError, "could not find a filter for the specified extension" );
if( origin )
CV_CALL( temp = cvCreateMat(image->rows, image->cols, image->type) );
CV_CALL( cvFlip( image, temp, 0 ));
image = temp;
ipl_depth = cvCvToIplDepth(image->type);
if( !writer->IsFormatSupported(ipl_depth) )
assert( writer->IsFormatSupported(IPL_DEPTH_8U) );
CV_CALL( temp2 = cvCreateMat(image->rows,
image->cols, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_8U,channels)) );
CV_CALL( cvConvertImage( image, temp2 ));
image = temp2;
ipl_depth = IPL_DEPTH_8U;
if( !writer->WriteImage( image->data.ptr, image->step, image->width,
image->height, ipl_depth, channels ))
CV_ERROR( CV_StsError, "could not save the image" );
delete writer;
cvReleaseMat( &temp );
cvReleaseMat( &temp2 );
return cvGetErrStatus() >= 0;
/* End of file. */