blob: 9a2899ee6d202dd7a4a7fb3bcc628990cf15f448 [file] [log] [blame]
// By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
// If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
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// Intel License Agreement
// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2000, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
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// * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
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// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
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#include "_cv.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define IPCV_MORPHOLOGY_PTRS( morphtype, flavor ) \
icv##morphtype##Rect_##flavor##_C1R_t \
icv##morphtype##Rect_##flavor##_C1R_p = 0; \
icv##morphtype##Rect_GetBufSize_##flavor##_C1R_t \
icv##morphtype##Rect_GetBufSize_##flavor##_C1R_p = 0; \
icv##morphtype##Rect_##flavor##_C3R_t \
icv##morphtype##Rect_##flavor##_C3R_p = 0; \
icv##morphtype##Rect_GetBufSize_##flavor##_C3R_t \
icv##morphtype##Rect_GetBufSize_##flavor##_C3R_p = 0; \
icv##morphtype##Rect_##flavor##_C4R_t \
icv##morphtype##Rect_##flavor##_C4R_p = 0; \
icv##morphtype##Rect_GetBufSize_##flavor##_C4R_t \
icv##morphtype##Rect_GetBufSize_##flavor##_C4R_p = 0; \
icv##morphtype##_##flavor##_C1R_t \
icv##morphtype##_##flavor##_C1R_p = 0; \
icv##morphtype##_##flavor##_C3R_t \
icv##morphtype##_##flavor##_C3R_p = 0; \
icv##morphtype##_##flavor##_C4R_t \
icv##morphtype##_##flavor##_C4R_p = 0;
icvMorphInitAlloc_##flavor##_C1R_t \
icvMorphInitAlloc_##flavor##_C1R_p = 0; \
icvMorphInitAlloc_##flavor##_C3R_t \
icvMorphInitAlloc_##flavor##_C3R_p = 0; \
icvMorphInitAlloc_##flavor##_C4R_t \
icvMorphInitAlloc_##flavor##_C4R_p = 0;
icvMorphFree_t icvMorphFree_p = 0;
Basic Morphological Operations: Erosion & Dilation
static void icvErodeRectRow_8u( const uchar* src, uchar* dst, void* params );
static void icvErodeRectRow_16u( const ushort* src, ushort* dst, void* params );
static void icvErodeRectRow_32f( const int* src, int* dst, void* params );
static void icvDilateRectRow_8u( const uchar* src, uchar* dst, void* params );
static void icvDilateRectRow_16u( const ushort* src, ushort* dst, void* params );
static void icvDilateRectRow_32f( const int* src, int* dst, void* params );
static void icvErodeRectCol_8u( const uchar** src, uchar* dst, int dst_step,
int count, void* params );
static void icvErodeRectCol_16u( const ushort** src, ushort* dst, int dst_step,
int count, void* params );
static void icvErodeRectCol_32f( const int** src, int* dst, int dst_step,
int count, void* params );
static void icvDilateRectCol_8u( const uchar** src, uchar* dst, int dst_step,
int count, void* params );
static void icvDilateRectCol_16u( const ushort** src, ushort* dst, int dst_step,
int count, void* params );
static void icvDilateRectCol_32f( const int** src, int* dst, int dst_step,
int count, void* params );
static void icvErodeAny_8u( const uchar** src, uchar* dst, int dst_step,
int count, void* params );
static void icvErodeAny_16u( const ushort** src, ushort* dst, int dst_step,
int count, void* params );
static void icvErodeAny_32f( const int** src, int* dst, int dst_step,
int count, void* params );
static void icvDilateAny_8u( const uchar** src, uchar* dst, int dst_step,
int count, void* params );
static void icvDilateAny_16u( const ushort** src, ushort* dst, int dst_step,
int count, void* params );
static void icvDilateAny_32f( const int** src, int* dst, int dst_step,
int count, void* params );
element = 0;
el_sparse = 0;
CvMorphology::CvMorphology( int _operation, int _max_width, int _src_dst_type,
int _element_shape, CvMat* _element,
CvSize _ksize, CvPoint _anchor,
int _border_mode, CvScalar _border_value )
element = 0;
el_sparse = 0;
init( _operation, _max_width, _src_dst_type,
_element_shape, _element, _ksize, _anchor,
_border_mode, _border_value );
void CvMorphology::clear()
cvReleaseMat( &element );
cvFree( &el_sparse );
void CvMorphology::init( int _operation, int _max_width, int _src_dst_type,
int _element_shape, CvMat* _element,
CvSize _ksize, CvPoint _anchor,
int _border_mode, CvScalar _border_value )
CV_FUNCNAME( "CvMorphology::init" );
int depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(_src_dst_type);
int el_type = 0, nz = -1;
if( _operation != ERODE && _operation != DILATE )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Unknown/unsupported morphological operation" );
if( _element_shape == CUSTOM )
if( !CV_IS_MAT(_element) )
"structuring element should be valid matrix if CUSTOM element shape is specified" );
el_type = CV_MAT_TYPE(_element->type);
if( el_type != CV_8UC1 && el_type != CV_32SC1 )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "the structuring element must have 8uC1 or 32sC1 type" );
_ksize = cvGetMatSize(_element);
CV_CALL( nz = cvCountNonZero(_element));
if( nz == _ksize.width*_ksize.height )
_element_shape = RECT;
operation = _operation;
el_shape = _element_shape;
CV_CALL( CvBaseImageFilter::init( _max_width, _src_dst_type, _src_dst_type,
_element_shape == RECT, _ksize, _anchor, _border_mode, _border_value ));
if( el_shape == RECT )
if( operation == ERODE )
if( depth == CV_8U )
x_func = (CvRowFilterFunc)icvErodeRectRow_8u,
y_func = (CvColumnFilterFunc)icvErodeRectCol_8u;
else if( depth == CV_16U )
x_func = (CvRowFilterFunc)icvErodeRectRow_16u,
y_func = (CvColumnFilterFunc)icvErodeRectCol_16u;
else if( depth == CV_32F )
x_func = (CvRowFilterFunc)icvErodeRectRow_32f,
y_func = (CvColumnFilterFunc)icvErodeRectCol_32f;
assert( operation == DILATE );
if( depth == CV_8U )
x_func = (CvRowFilterFunc)icvDilateRectRow_8u,
y_func = (CvColumnFilterFunc)icvDilateRectCol_8u;
else if( depth == CV_16U )
x_func = (CvRowFilterFunc)icvDilateRectRow_16u,
y_func = (CvColumnFilterFunc)icvDilateRectCol_16u;
else if( depth == CV_32F )
x_func = (CvRowFilterFunc)icvDilateRectRow_32f,
y_func = (CvColumnFilterFunc)icvDilateRectCol_32f;
int i, j, k = 0;
int cn = CV_MAT_CN(src_type);
CvPoint* nz_loc;
if( !(element && el_sparse &&
_ksize.width == element->cols && _ksize.height == element->rows) )
cvReleaseMat( &element );
cvFree( &el_sparse );
CV_CALL( element = cvCreateMat( _ksize.height, _ksize.width, CV_8UC1 ));
CV_CALL( el_sparse = (uchar*)cvAlloc(
ksize.width*ksize.height*(2*sizeof(int) + sizeof(uchar*))));
if( el_shape == CUSTOM )
CV_CALL( cvConvert( _element, element ));
CV_CALL( init_binary_element( element, el_shape, anchor ));
if( operation == ERODE )
if( depth == CV_8U )
y_func = (CvColumnFilterFunc)icvErodeAny_8u;
else if( depth == CV_16U )
y_func = (CvColumnFilterFunc)icvErodeAny_16u;
else if( depth == CV_32F )
y_func = (CvColumnFilterFunc)icvErodeAny_32f;
assert( operation == DILATE );
if( depth == CV_8U )
y_func = (CvColumnFilterFunc)icvDilateAny_8u;
else if( depth == CV_16U )
y_func = (CvColumnFilterFunc)icvDilateAny_16u;
else if( depth == CV_32F )
y_func = (CvColumnFilterFunc)icvDilateAny_32f;
nz_loc = (CvPoint*)el_sparse;
for( i = 0; i < ksize.height; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < ksize.width; j++ )
if( element->data.ptr[i*element->step+j] )
nz_loc[k++] = cvPoint(j*cn,i);
if( k == 0 )
nz_loc[k++] = cvPoint(anchor.x*cn,anchor.y);
el_sparse_count = k;
if( depth == CV_32F && border_mode == IPL_BORDER_CONSTANT )
int i, cn = CV_MAT_CN(src_type);
int* bt = (int*)border_tab;
for( i = 0; i < cn; i++ )
bt[i] = CV_TOGGLE_FLT(bt[i]);
void CvMorphology::init( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
bool _is_separable, CvSize _ksize,
CvPoint _anchor, int _border_mode,
CvScalar _border_value )
CvBaseImageFilter::init( _max_width, _src_type, _dst_type, _is_separable,
_ksize, _anchor, _border_mode, _border_value );
void CvMorphology::start_process( CvSlice x_range, int width )
CvBaseImageFilter::start_process( x_range, width );
if( el_shape == RECT )
// cut the cyclic buffer off by 1 line if need, to make
// the vertical part of separable morphological filter
// always process 2 rows at once (except, may be,
// for the last one in a stripe).
int t = buf_max_count - max_ky*2;
if( t > 1 && t % 2 != 0 )
buf_end -= buf_step;
int CvMorphology::fill_cyclic_buffer( const uchar* src, int src_step,
int y0, int y1, int y2 )
int i, y = y0, bsz1 = border_tab_sz1, bsz = border_tab_sz;
int pix_size = CV_ELEM_SIZE(src_type);
int width_n = (prev_x_range.end_index - prev_x_range.start_index)*pix_size;
if( CV_MAT_DEPTH(src_type) != CV_32F )
return CvBaseImageFilter::fill_cyclic_buffer( src, src_step, y0, y1, y2 );
// fill the cyclic buffer
for( ; buf_count < buf_max_count && y < y2; buf_count++, y++, src += src_step )
uchar* trow = is_separable ? buf_end : buf_tail;
for( i = 0; i < width_n; i += sizeof(int) )
int t = *(int*)(src + i);
*(int*)(trow + i + bsz1) = CV_TOGGLE_FLT(t);
if( border_mode != IPL_BORDER_CONSTANT )
for( i = 0; i < bsz1; i++ )
int j = border_tab[i];
trow[i] = trow[j];
for( ; i < bsz; i++ )
int j = border_tab[i];
trow[i + width_n] = trow[j];
const uchar *bt = (uchar*)border_tab;
for( i = 0; i < bsz1; i++ )
trow[i] = bt[i];
for( ; i < bsz; i++ )
trow[i + width_n] = bt[i];
if( is_separable )
x_func( trow, buf_tail, this );
buf_tail += buf_step;
if( buf_tail >= buf_end )
buf_tail = buf_start;
return y - y0;
void CvMorphology::init_binary_element( CvMat* element, int element_shape, CvPoint anchor )
CV_FUNCNAME( "CvMorphology::init_binary_element" );
int type;
int i, j, cols, rows;
int r = 0, c = 0;
double inv_r2 = 0;
if( !CV_IS_MAT(element) )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "element must be valid matrix" );
type = CV_MAT_TYPE(element->type);
if( type != CV_8UC1 && type != CV_32SC1 )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "element must have 8uC1 or 32sC1 type" );
if( anchor.x == -1 )
anchor.x = element->cols/2;
if( anchor.y == -1 )
anchor.y = element->rows/2;
if( (unsigned)anchor.x >= (unsigned)element->cols ||
(unsigned)anchor.y >= (unsigned)element->rows )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsOutOfRange, "anchor is outside of element" );
if( element_shape != RECT && element_shape != CROSS && element_shape != ELLIPSE )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Unknown/unsupported element shape" );
rows = element->rows;
cols = element->cols;
if( rows == 1 || cols == 1 )
element_shape = RECT;
if( element_shape == ELLIPSE )
r = rows/2;
c = cols/2;
inv_r2 = r ? 1./((double)r*r) : 0;
for( i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
uchar* ptr = element->data.ptr + i*element->step;
int j1 = 0, j2 = 0, jx, t = 0;
if( element_shape == RECT || (element_shape == CROSS && i == anchor.y) )
j2 = cols;
else if( element_shape == CROSS )
j1 = anchor.x, j2 = j1 + 1;
int dy = i - r;
if( abs(dy) <= r )
int dx = cvRound(c*sqrt(((double)r*r - dy*dy)*inv_r2));
j1 = MAX( c - dx, 0 );
j2 = MIN( c + dx + 1, cols );
for( j = 0, jx = j1; j < cols; )
for( ; j < jx; j++ )
if( type == CV_8UC1 )
ptr[j] = (uchar)t;
((int*)ptr)[j] = t;
if( jx == j2 )
jx = cols, t = 0;
jx = j2, t = 1;
#define ICV_MORPH_RECT_ROW( name, flavor, arrtype, \
worktype, update_extr_macro ) \
static void \
icv##name##RectRow_##flavor( const arrtype* src, \
arrtype* dst, void* params ) \
{ \
const CvMorphology* state = (const CvMorphology*)params;\
int ksize = state->get_kernel_size().width; \
int width = state->get_width(); \
int cn = CV_MAT_CN(state->get_src_type()); \
int i, j, k; \
width *= cn; ksize *= cn; \
if( ksize == cn ) \
{ \
for( i = 0; i < width; i++ ) \
dst[i] = src[i]; \
return; \
} \
for( k = 0; k < cn; k++, src++, dst++ ) \
{ \
for( i = 0; i <= width - cn*2; i += cn*2 ) \
{ \
const arrtype* s = src + i; \
worktype m = s[cn], t; \
for( j = cn*2; j < ksize; j += cn ) \
{ \
t = s[j]; update_extr_macro(m,t); \
} \
t = s[0]; update_extr_macro(t,m); \
dst[i] = (arrtype)t; \
t = s[j]; update_extr_macro(t,m); \
dst[i+cn] = (arrtype)t; \
} \
for( ; i < width; i += cn ) \
{ \
const arrtype* s = src + i; \
worktype m = s[0], t; \
for( j = cn; j < ksize; j += cn ) \
{ \
t = s[j]; update_extr_macro(m,t); \
} \
dst[i] = (arrtype)m; \
} \
} \
ICV_MORPH_RECT_ROW( Erode, 8u, uchar, int, CV_CALC_MIN_8U )
ICV_MORPH_RECT_ROW( Dilate, 8u, uchar, int, CV_CALC_MAX_8U )
ICV_MORPH_RECT_ROW( Erode, 16u, ushort, int, CV_CALC_MIN )
ICV_MORPH_RECT_ROW( Dilate, 16u, ushort, int, CV_CALC_MAX )
ICV_MORPH_RECT_ROW( Erode, 32f, int, int, CV_CALC_MIN )
ICV_MORPH_RECT_ROW( Dilate, 32f, int, int, CV_CALC_MAX )
#define ICV_MORPH_RECT_COL( name, flavor, arrtype, \
worktype, update_extr_macro, toggle_macro ) \
static void \
icv##name##RectCol_##flavor( const arrtype** src, \
arrtype* dst, int dst_step, int count, void* params ) \
{ \
const CvMorphology* state = (const CvMorphology*)params;\
int ksize = state->get_kernel_size().height; \
int width = state->get_width(); \
int cn = CV_MAT_CN(state->get_src_type()); \
int i, k; \
width *= cn; \
dst_step /= sizeof(dst[0]); \
for( ; ksize > 1 && count > 1; count -= 2, \
dst += dst_step*2, src += 2 ) \
{ \
for( i = 0; i <= width - 4; i += 4 ) \
{ \
const arrtype* sptr = src[1] + i; \
worktype s0 = sptr[0], s1 = sptr[1], \
s2 = sptr[2], s3 = sptr[3], t0, t1; \
for( k = 2; k < ksize; k++ ) \
{ \
sptr = src[k] + i; \
t0 = sptr[0]; t1 = sptr[1]; \
update_extr_macro(s0,t0); \
update_extr_macro(s1,t1); \
t0 = sptr[2]; t1 = sptr[3]; \
update_extr_macro(s2,t0); \
update_extr_macro(s3,t1); \
} \
sptr = src[0] + i; \
t0 = sptr[0]; t1 = sptr[1]; \
update_extr_macro(t0,s0); \
update_extr_macro(t1,s1); \
dst[i] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(t0); \
dst[i+1] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(t1); \
t0 = sptr[2]; t1 = sptr[3]; \
update_extr_macro(t0,s2); \
update_extr_macro(t1,s3); \
dst[i+2] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(t0); \
dst[i+3] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(t1); \
sptr = src[k] + i; \
t0 = sptr[0]; t1 = sptr[1]; \
update_extr_macro(t0,s0); \
update_extr_macro(t1,s1); \
dst[i+dst_step] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(t0); \
dst[i+dst_step+1] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(t1); \
t0 = sptr[2]; t1 = sptr[3]; \
update_extr_macro(t0,s2); \
update_extr_macro(t1,s3); \
dst[i+dst_step+2] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(t0); \
dst[i+dst_step+3] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(t1); \
} \
for( ; i < width; i++ ) \
{ \
const arrtype* sptr = src[1] + i; \
worktype s0 = sptr[0], t0; \
for( k = 2; k < ksize; k++ ) \
{ \
sptr = src[k] + i; t0 = sptr[0]; \
update_extr_macro(s0,t0); \
} \
sptr = src[0] + i; t0 = sptr[0]; \
update_extr_macro(t0,s0); \
dst[i] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(t0); \
sptr = src[k] + i; t0 = sptr[0]; \
update_extr_macro(t0,s0); \
dst[i+dst_step] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(t0); \
} \
} \
for( ; count > 0; count--, dst += dst_step, src++ ) \
{ \
for( i = 0; i <= width - 4; i += 4 ) \
{ \
const arrtype* sptr = src[0] + i; \
worktype s0 = sptr[0], s1 = sptr[1], \
s2 = sptr[2], s3 = sptr[3], t0, t1; \
for( k = 1; k < ksize; k++ ) \
{ \
sptr = src[k] + i; \
t0 = sptr[0]; t1 = sptr[1]; \
update_extr_macro(s0,t0); \
update_extr_macro(s1,t1); \
t0 = sptr[2]; t1 = sptr[3]; \
update_extr_macro(s2,t0); \
update_extr_macro(s3,t1); \
} \
dst[i] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(s0); \
dst[i+1] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(s1); \
dst[i+2] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(s2); \
dst[i+3] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(s3); \
} \
for( ; i < width; i++ ) \
{ \
const arrtype* sptr = src[0] + i; \
worktype s0 = sptr[0], t0; \
for( k = 1; k < ksize; k++ ) \
{ \
sptr = src[k] + i; t0 = sptr[0]; \
update_extr_macro(s0,t0); \
} \
dst[i] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(s0); \
} \
} \
ICV_MORPH_RECT_COL( Erode, 8u, uchar, int, CV_CALC_MIN_8U, CV_NOP )
ICV_MORPH_RECT_COL( Dilate, 8u, uchar, int, CV_CALC_MAX_8U, CV_NOP )
ICV_MORPH_RECT_COL( Erode, 16u, ushort, int, CV_CALC_MIN, CV_NOP )
ICV_MORPH_RECT_COL( Dilate, 16u, ushort, int, CV_CALC_MAX, CV_NOP )
#define ICV_MORPH_ANY( name, flavor, arrtype, worktype, \
update_extr_macro, toggle_macro ) \
static void \
icv##name##Any_##flavor( const arrtype** src, arrtype* dst, \
int dst_step, int count, void* params ) \
{ \
CvMorphology* state = (CvMorphology*)params; \
int width = state->get_width(); \
int cn = CV_MAT_CN(state->get_src_type()); \
int i, k; \
CvPoint* el_sparse = (CvPoint*)state->get_element_sparse_buf();\
int el_count = state->get_element_sparse_count(); \
const arrtype** el_ptr = (const arrtype**)(el_sparse + el_count);\
const arrtype** el_end = el_ptr + el_count; \
width *= cn; \
dst_step /= sizeof(dst[0]); \
for( ; count > 0; count--, dst += dst_step, src++ ) \
{ \
for( k = 0; k < el_count; k++ ) \
el_ptr[k] = src[el_sparse[k].y]+el_sparse[k].x; \
for( i = 0; i <= width - 4; i += 4 ) \
{ \
const arrtype** psptr = el_ptr; \
const arrtype* sptr = *psptr++; \
worktype s0 = sptr[i], s1 = sptr[i+1], \
s2 = sptr[i+2], s3 = sptr[i+3], t; \
while( psptr != el_end ) \
{ \
sptr = *psptr++; \
t = sptr[i]; \
update_extr_macro(s0,t); \
t = sptr[i+1]; \
update_extr_macro(s1,t); \
t = sptr[i+2]; \
update_extr_macro(s2,t); \
t = sptr[i+3]; \
update_extr_macro(s3,t); \
} \
dst[i] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(s0); \
dst[i+1] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(s1); \
dst[i+2] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(s2); \
dst[i+3] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(s3); \
} \
for( ; i < width; i++ ) \
{ \
const arrtype* sptr = el_ptr[0] + i; \
worktype s0 = sptr[0], t0; \
for( k = 1; k < el_count; k++ ) \
{ \
sptr = el_ptr[k] + i; \
t0 = sptr[0]; \
update_extr_macro(s0,t0); \
} \
dst[i] = (arrtype)toggle_macro(s0); \
} \
} \
ICV_MORPH_ANY( Erode, 8u, uchar, int, CV_CALC_MIN, CV_NOP )
ICV_MORPH_ANY( Dilate, 8u, uchar, int, CV_CALC_MAX, CV_NOP )
ICV_MORPH_ANY( Erode, 16u, ushort, int, CV_CALC_MIN, CV_NOP )
ICV_MORPH_ANY( Dilate, 16u, ushort, int, CV_CALC_MAX, CV_NOP )
ICV_MORPH_ANY( Erode, 32f, int, int, CV_CALC_MIN, CV_TOGGLE_FLT )
ICV_MORPH_ANY( Dilate, 32f, int, int, CV_CALC_MAX, CV_TOGGLE_FLT )
/////////////////////////////////// External Interface /////////////////////////////////////
CV_IMPL IplConvKernel *
cvCreateStructuringElementEx( int cols, int rows,
int anchorX, int anchorY,
int shape, int *values )
IplConvKernel *element = 0;
int i, size = rows * cols;
int element_size = sizeof(*element) + size*sizeof(element->values[0]);
CV_FUNCNAME( "cvCreateStructuringElementEx" );
if( !values && shape == CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM )
if( cols <= 0 || rows <= 0 ||
(unsigned) anchorX >= (unsigned) cols ||
(unsigned) anchorY >= (unsigned) rows )
CV_CALL( element = (IplConvKernel *)cvAlloc(element_size + 32));
if( !element )
element->nCols = cols;
element->nRows = rows;
element->anchorX = anchorX;
element->anchorY = anchorY;
element->nShiftR = shape < CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE ? shape : CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM;
element->values = (int*)(element + 1);
if( shape == CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM )
if( !values )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "Null pointer to the custom element mask" );
for( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
element->values[i] = values[i];
CvMat el_hdr = cvMat( rows, cols, CV_32SC1, element->values );
CV_CALL( CvMorphology::init_binary_element(&el_hdr,
shape, cvPoint(anchorX,anchorY)));
if( cvGetErrStatus() < 0 )
cvReleaseStructuringElement( &element );
return element;
CV_IMPL void
cvReleaseStructuringElement( IplConvKernel ** element )
CV_FUNCNAME( "cvReleaseStructuringElement" );
if( !element )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "" );
cvFree( element );
typedef CvStatus (CV_STDCALL * CvMorphRectGetBufSizeFunc_IPP)
( int width, CvSize el_size, int* bufsize );
typedef CvStatus (CV_STDCALL * CvMorphRectFunc_IPP)
( const void* src, int srcstep, void* dst, int dststep,
CvSize roi, CvSize el_size, CvPoint el_anchor, void* buffer );
typedef CvStatus (CV_STDCALL * CvMorphCustomInitAllocFunc_IPP)
( int width, const uchar* element, CvSize el_size,
CvPoint el_anchor, void** morphstate );
typedef CvStatus (CV_STDCALL * CvMorphCustomFunc_IPP)
( const void* src, int srcstep, void* dst, int dststep,
CvSize roi, int bordertype, void* morphstate );
static void
icvMorphOp( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr, IplConvKernel* element,
int iterations, int mop )
CvMorphology morphology;
void* buffer = 0;
int local_alloc = 0;
void* morphstate = 0;
CvMat* temp = 0;
CV_FUNCNAME( "icvMorphOp" );
int i, coi1 = 0, coi2 = 0;
CvMat srcstub, *src = (CvMat*)srcarr;
CvMat dststub, *dst = (CvMat*)dstarr;
CvMat el_hdr, *el = 0;
CvSize size, el_size;
CvPoint el_anchor;
int el_shape;
int type;
bool inplace;
if( !CV_IS_MAT(src) )
CV_CALL( src = cvGetMat( src, &srcstub, &coi1 ));
if( src != &srcstub )
srcstub = *src;
src = &srcstub;
if( dstarr == srcarr )
dst = src;
CV_CALL( dst = cvGetMat( dst, &dststub, &coi2 ));
if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( src, dst ))
CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "" );
if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( src, dst ))
CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );
if( dst != &dststub )
dststub = *dst;
dst = &dststub;
if( coi1 != 0 || coi2 != 0 )
CV_ERROR( CV_BadCOI, "" );
type = CV_MAT_TYPE( src->type );
size = cvGetMatSize( src );
inplace = src->data.ptr == dst->data.ptr;
if( iterations == 0 || (element && element->nCols == 1 && element->nRows == 1))
if( src->data.ptr != dst->data.ptr )
cvCopy( src, dst );
if( element )
el_size = cvSize( element->nCols, element->nRows );
el_anchor = cvPoint( element->anchorX, element->anchorY );
el_shape = (int)(element->nShiftR);
el_shape = el_shape < CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM ? el_shape : CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM;
el_size = cvSize(3,3);
el_anchor = cvPoint(1,1);
el_shape = CV_SHAPE_RECT;
if( el_shape == CV_SHAPE_RECT && iterations > 1 )
el_size.width = 1 + (el_size.width-1)*iterations;
el_size.height = 1 + (el_size.height-1)*iterations;
el_anchor.x *= iterations;
el_anchor.y *= iterations;
iterations = 1;
if( el_shape == CV_SHAPE_RECT && icvErodeRect_GetBufSize_8u_C1R_p )
CvMorphRectFunc_IPP rect_func = 0;
CvMorphRectGetBufSizeFunc_IPP rect_getbufsize_func = 0;
if( mop == 0 )
if( type == CV_8UC1 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvErodeRect_GetBufSize_8u_C1R_p,
rect_func = icvErodeRect_8u_C1R_p;
else if( type == CV_8UC3 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvErodeRect_GetBufSize_8u_C3R_p,
rect_func = icvErodeRect_8u_C3R_p;
else if( type == CV_8UC4 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvErodeRect_GetBufSize_8u_C4R_p,
rect_func = icvErodeRect_8u_C4R_p;
else if( type == CV_16UC1 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvErodeRect_GetBufSize_16u_C1R_p,
rect_func = icvErodeRect_16u_C1R_p;
else if( type == CV_16UC3 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvErodeRect_GetBufSize_16u_C3R_p,
rect_func = icvErodeRect_16u_C3R_p;
else if( type == CV_16UC4 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvErodeRect_GetBufSize_16u_C4R_p,
rect_func = icvErodeRect_16u_C4R_p;
else if( type == CV_32FC1 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvErodeRect_GetBufSize_32f_C1R_p,
rect_func = icvErodeRect_32f_C1R_p;
else if( type == CV_32FC3 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvErodeRect_GetBufSize_32f_C3R_p,
rect_func = icvErodeRect_32f_C3R_p;
else if( type == CV_32FC4 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvErodeRect_GetBufSize_32f_C4R_p,
rect_func = icvErodeRect_32f_C4R_p;
if( type == CV_8UC1 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvDilateRect_GetBufSize_8u_C1R_p,
rect_func = icvDilateRect_8u_C1R_p;
else if( type == CV_8UC3 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvDilateRect_GetBufSize_8u_C3R_p,
rect_func = icvDilateRect_8u_C3R_p;
else if( type == CV_8UC4 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvDilateRect_GetBufSize_8u_C4R_p,
rect_func = icvDilateRect_8u_C4R_p;
else if( type == CV_16UC1 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvDilateRect_GetBufSize_16u_C1R_p,
rect_func = icvDilateRect_16u_C1R_p;
else if( type == CV_16UC3 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvDilateRect_GetBufSize_16u_C3R_p,
rect_func = icvDilateRect_16u_C3R_p;
else if( type == CV_16UC4 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvDilateRect_GetBufSize_16u_C4R_p,
rect_func = icvDilateRect_16u_C4R_p;
else if( type == CV_32FC1 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvDilateRect_GetBufSize_32f_C1R_p,
rect_func = icvDilateRect_32f_C1R_p;
else if( type == CV_32FC3 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvDilateRect_GetBufSize_32f_C3R_p,
rect_func = icvDilateRect_32f_C3R_p;
else if( type == CV_32FC4 )
rect_getbufsize_func = icvDilateRect_GetBufSize_32f_C4R_p,
rect_func = icvDilateRect_32f_C4R_p;
if( rect_getbufsize_func && rect_func )
int bufsize = 0;
CvStatus status = rect_getbufsize_func( size.width, el_size, &bufsize );
if( status >= 0 && bufsize > 0 )
if( bufsize < CV_MAX_LOCAL_SIZE )
buffer = cvStackAlloc( bufsize );
local_alloc = 1;
CV_CALL( buffer = cvAlloc( bufsize ));
if( status >= 0 )
int src_step, dst_step = dst->step ? dst->step : CV_STUB_STEP;
if( inplace )
CV_CALL( temp = cvCloneMat( dst ));
src = temp;
src_step = src->step ? src->step : CV_STUB_STEP;
status = rect_func( src->data.ptr, src_step, dst->data.ptr,
dst_step, size, el_size, el_anchor, buffer );
if( status >= 0 )
else if( el_shape == CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM && icvMorphInitAlloc_8u_C1R_p && icvMorphFree_p &&
src->data.ptr != dst->data.ptr )
CvMorphCustomFunc_IPP custom_func = 0;
CvMorphCustomInitAllocFunc_IPP custom_initalloc_func = 0;
const int bordertype = 1; // replication border
if( type == CV_8UC1 )
custom_initalloc_func = icvMorphInitAlloc_8u_C1R_p,
custom_func = mop == 0 ? icvErode_8u_C1R_p : icvDilate_8u_C1R_p;
else if( type == CV_8UC3 )
custom_initalloc_func = icvMorphInitAlloc_8u_C3R_p,
custom_func = mop == 0 ? icvErode_8u_C3R_p : icvDilate_8u_C3R_p;
else if( type == CV_8UC4 )
custom_initalloc_func = icvMorphInitAlloc_8u_C4R_p,
custom_func = mop == 0 ? icvErode_8u_C4R_p : icvDilate_8u_C4R_p;
else if( type == CV_16UC1 )
custom_initalloc_func = icvMorphInitAlloc_16u_C1R_p,
custom_func = mop == 0 ? icvErode_16u_C1R_p : icvDilate_16u_C1R_p;
else if( type == CV_16UC3 )
custom_initalloc_func = icvMorphInitAlloc_16u_C3R_p,
custom_func = mop == 0 ? icvErode_16u_C3R_p : icvDilate_16u_C3R_p;
else if( type == CV_16UC4 )
custom_initalloc_func = icvMorphInitAlloc_16u_C4R_p,
custom_func = mop == 0 ? icvErode_16u_C4R_p : icvDilate_16u_C4R_p;
else if( type == CV_32FC1 )
custom_initalloc_func = icvMorphInitAlloc_32f_C1R_p,
custom_func = mop == 0 ? icvErode_32f_C1R_p : icvDilate_32f_C1R_p;
else if( type == CV_32FC3 )
custom_initalloc_func = icvMorphInitAlloc_32f_C3R_p,
custom_func = mop == 0 ? icvErode_32f_C3R_p : icvDilate_32f_C3R_p;
else if( type == CV_32FC4 )
custom_initalloc_func = icvMorphInitAlloc_32f_C4R_p,
custom_func = mop == 0 ? icvErode_32f_C4R_p : icvDilate_32f_C4R_p;
if( custom_initalloc_func && custom_func )
uchar *src_ptr, *dst_ptr = dst->data.ptr;
int src_step, dst_step = dst->step ? dst->step : CV_STUB_STEP;
int el_len = el_size.width*el_size.height;
uchar* el_mask = (uchar*)cvStackAlloc( el_len );
CvStatus status;
for( i = 0; i < el_len; i++ )
el_mask[i] = (uchar)(element->values[i] != 0);
status = custom_initalloc_func( size.width, el_mask, el_size,
el_anchor, &morphstate );
if( status >= 0 && (inplace || iterations > 1) )
CV_CALL( temp = cvCloneMat( src ));
src = temp;
src_ptr = src->data.ptr;
src_step = src->step ? src->step : CV_STUB_STEP;
for( i = 0; i < iterations && status >= 0 && morphstate; i++ )
uchar* t_ptr;
int t_step;
status = custom_func( src_ptr, src_step, dst_ptr, dst_step,
size, bordertype, morphstate );
CV_SWAP( src_ptr, dst_ptr, t_ptr );
CV_SWAP( src_step, dst_step, t_step );
if( i == 0 && temp )
dst_ptr = temp->data.ptr;
dst_step = temp->step ? temp->step : CV_STUB_STEP;
if( status >= 0 )
if( iterations % 2 == 0 )
cvCopy( temp, dst );
if( el_shape != CV_SHAPE_RECT )
el_hdr = cvMat( element->nRows, element->nCols, CV_32SC1, element->values );
el = &el_hdr;
el_shape = CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM;
CV_CALL( morphology.init( mop, src->cols, src->type,
el_shape, el, el_size, el_anchor ));
for( i = 0; i < iterations; i++ )
CV_CALL( morphology.process( src, dst ));
src = dst;
if( !local_alloc )
cvFree( &buffer );
if( morphstate )
icvMorphFree_p( morphstate );
cvReleaseMat( &temp );
CV_IMPL void
cvErode( const void* src, void* dst, IplConvKernel* element, int iterations )
icvMorphOp( src, dst, element, iterations, 0 );
CV_IMPL void
cvDilate( const void* src, void* dst, IplConvKernel* element, int iterations )
icvMorphOp( src, dst, element, iterations, 1 );
CV_IMPL void
cvMorphologyEx( const void* src, void* dst,
void* temp, IplConvKernel* element, int op, int iterations )
CV_FUNCNAME( "cvMorhologyEx" );
if( (op == CV_MOP_GRADIENT ||
((op == CV_MOP_TOPHAT || op == CV_MOP_BLACKHAT) && src == dst)) && temp == 0 )
CV_ERROR( CV_HeaderIsNull, "temp image required" );
if( temp == src || temp == dst )
CV_ERROR( CV_HeaderIsNull, "temp image is equal to src or dst" );
switch (op)
CV_CALL( cvErode( src, dst, element, iterations ));
CV_CALL( cvDilate( dst, dst, element, iterations ));
CV_CALL( cvDilate( src, dst, element, iterations ));
CV_CALL( cvErode( dst, dst, element, iterations ));
CV_CALL( cvErode( src, temp, element, iterations ));
CV_CALL( cvDilate( src, dst, element, iterations ));
CV_CALL( cvSub( dst, temp, dst ));
if( src != dst )
temp = dst;
CV_CALL( cvErode( src, temp, element, iterations ));
CV_CALL( cvDilate( temp, temp, element, iterations ));
CV_CALL( cvSub( src, temp, dst ));
if( src != dst )
temp = dst;
CV_CALL( cvDilate( src, temp, element, iterations ));
CV_CALL( cvErode( temp, temp, element, iterations ));
CV_CALL( cvSub( temp, src, dst ));
CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "unknown morphological operation" );
/* End of file. */