blob: 59f23f067975ed19149d61e233993ac286d63354 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* ==============================================================================
* Name : pv_player_interface.h
* Part of :
* Interface :
* Description : Interface class and supporting definitions for the pvPlayer engine
* Version : (see RELEASE field in copyright header above)
* ==============================================================================
#include "oscl_base.h"
#include "oscl_string.h"
#include "oscl_vector.h"
#include "oscl_mem.h"
#include "pvlogger.h"
#include "pvmf_return_codes.h"
#include "pv_engine_types.h"
#include "pv_player_types.h"
#include "pv_player_events.h"
#include "pv_player_datasource.h"
#include "pv_player_datasink.h"
#include "pvmi_kvp.h"
#include "pvmf_media_clock.h"
* PVPlayerInterface is the interface to the pvPlayer SDK, which
* allows control of a multimedia playback engine.
* The PVPlayerFactory factory class is to be used to create and
* delete instances of this object
class PVPlayerInterface
* Object destructor function
* Releases all resources prior to destruction
virtual ~PVPlayerInterface() {};
* Returns information about all modules currently used by pvPlayer SDK.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aSDKModuleInfo
* A reference to a PVSDKModuleInfo structure which contains the number of modules currently used by
* pvPlayer SDK and the PV UUID and description string for each module. The PV UUID and description string
* for modules will be returned in one string buffer allocated by the client. If the string buffer
* is not large enough to hold the all the module's information, the information will be written
* up to the length of the buffer and truncated.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command ID for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId GetSDKModuleInfo(PVSDKModuleInfo &aSDKModuleInfo, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* Allows a logging appender to be attached at some point in the
* logger tag tree. The location in the tag tree is specified by the
* input tag string. A single appender can be attached multiple times in
* the tree, but it may result in duplicate copies of log messages if the
* appender is not attached in disjoint portions of the tree.
* A logging appender is responsible for actually writing the log message
* to its final location (e.g., memory, file, network, etc).
* This API can be called anytime after creation of pvPlayer.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aTag
* Specifies the logger tree tag where the appender should be attached.
* @param aAppender
* The log appender to attach.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @exception This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command ID for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId SetLogAppender(const char* aTag, OsclSharedPtr<PVLoggerAppender>& aAppender, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* Allows a logging appender to be removed from the logger tree at the
* point specified by the input tag. If the input tag is NULL then the
* appender will be removed from locations in the tree.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aTag
* Specifies the logger tree tag where the appender should be removed.
* Can be NULL to remove at all locations.
* @param aAppender
* The log appender to remove.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @exception This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command ID for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId RemoveLogAppender(const char* aTag, OsclSharedPtr<PVLoggerAppender>& aAppender, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* Allows the logging level to be set for the logging node specified by the
* tag. A larger log level will result in more messages being logged. A message
* will only be logged if its level is LESS THAN or equal to the current log level.
* The aSetSubtree flag will allow an entire subtree, with the specified tag as the root,
* to be reset to the specified value.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aTag
* Specifies the logger tree tag where the log level should be set.
* @param aLevel
* Specifies the log level to set.
* @param aSetSubtree
* Specifies whether the entire subtree with aTag as the root should
* be reset to the log level.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @exception This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command ID for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId SetLogLevel(const char* aTag, int32 aLevel, bool aSetSubtree = false, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* Allows the logging level to be queried for a particular logging tag.
* A larger log level will result in more messages being logged.
* In the asynchronous response, this should return the log level along with an
* indication of where the level was inherited (i.e., the ancestor tag).
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aTag
* Specifies the logger tree tag where the log level should be retrieved.
* @param aLogInfo
* An output parameter which will be filled in with the log level information.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @exception This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command ID for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId GetLogLevel(const char* aTag, PVLogLevelInfo& aLogInfo, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This API is to allow for extensibility of the pvPlayer interface.
* It allows a caller to ask for all UUIDs associated with a particular MIME type.
* If interfaces of the requested MIME type are found within the system, they are added
* to the UUIDs array.
* Also added to the UUIDs array will be all interfaces which have the requested MIME
* type as a base MIME type. This functionality can be turned off.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aMimeType
* The MIME type of the desired interfaces
* @param aUuids
* An array to hold the discovered UUIDs
* @param aExactUuidsOnly
* Turns on/off the retrival of UUIDs with aMimeType as a base type
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @exception This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command ID for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId QueryUUID(const PvmfMimeString& aMimeType, Oscl_Vector<PVUuid, OsclMemAllocator>& aUuids,
bool aExactUuidsOnly = false, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This API is to allow for extensibility of the pvPlayer interface.
* It allows a caller to ask for an instance of a particular interface object to be returned.
* The mechanism is analogous to the COM IUnknown method. The interfaces are identified with
* an interface ID that is a UUID as in DCE and a pointer to the interface object is
* returned if it is supported. Otherwise the returned pointer is NULL.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aUuid
* The UUID of the desired interface
* @param aInterfacePtr
* A reference to the output pointer to the desired interface
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @exception This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrNotSupported if the specified interface UUID is not supported
* @returns A unique command ID for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId QueryInterface(const PVUuid& aUuid, PVInterface*& aInterfacePtr, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This API is to allow user of the SDK to cancel any specific command which is pending on pvPlayer.
* If the request is to cancel a command which still has to be processed pvPlayer will just remove
* the command from its queue of commands to be processed. If the request is to cancel a command that
* is ongoing then player will attempt to interrupt the ongoing command. The state of player after a cancel
* can vary. So the user of pvPlayerSDK must always query for state before issuing any subsequent
* commands.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aCancelCmdId
* Command Id to be cancelled.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId CancelCommand(PVCommandId aCancelCmdId, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This API is to allow the user to cancel all pending requests in pvPlayer. The current request being
* processed, if any, will also be aborted. The user of PV-SDK should get the state of
* PVPlayer Engine after the command completes and before issuing any other command.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId CancelAllCommands(const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function returns the current state of pvPlayer.
* Application may use this info for updating display or determine if the
* pvPlayer is ready for the next request.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aState
* A reference to a PVPlayerState. Upon successful completion of this command,
* it will contain the current state of pvPlayer.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId GetPVPlayerState(PVPlayerState& aState, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function returns the current state of pvPlayer as a synchronous command.
* Application may use this info for updating display or determine if the
* pvPlayer is ready for the next request.
* @param aState
* A reference to a PVPlayerState. Upon successful completion of this command,
* it will contain the current state of pvPlayer.
* @returns Status indicating whether the command succeeded or not.
virtual PVMFStatus GetPVPlayerStateSync(PVPlayerState& aState) = 0;
* This function allows a player data source to be specified for playback. This function must be called
* when pvPlayer is in PVP_STATE_IDLE state and before calling Init. The specified data source must be a valid PVPlayerDataSource to
* be accepted for use in playback.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aDataSource
* Reference to the player data source to be used for playback
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrNotSupported if the format of the source is incompatible with what the SDK can handle
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @return A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId AddDataSource(PVPlayerDataSource& aDataSource, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function switches pvPlayer from PVP_STATE_IDLE state to the PVP_STATE_INITIALIZED state.
* During the transition, pvPlayer is in the PVP_STATE_INITIALIZING transitional state and
* the data source is being initialized to obtain metadata and track information of the source media.
* If initialization fails, pvPlayer will revert to PVP_STATE_IDLE state and the data source
* will be closed.
* The Command should only be called in PVP_STATE_IDLE.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId Init(const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function makes a request to return the list of all or segment of available metadata keys in the current pvPlayer state.
* The metadata key list is dynamic and can change during the course of pvPlayer usage.
* The list can be used to retrieve the metadata values with GetMetadataValues function.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aKeyList
* Reference to a vector to place the metadata key list.
* @param aStartingIndex
* Input parameter to specify the starting index for aKeyList. This parameter along with aMaxEntries
* allows us to retrieve the metadata key list in segments.
* @param aMaxEntries
* Input parameter to specify the maximum number of entries to be added to aKeyList. If there is no limit, set to -1.
* @param aQueryKey
* Input parameter to narrow down the list of requested keys. For example,
* "track-info/video" indicates all keys related to "track-info/video". for eg:
* "track-info/video/width" "track-info/video/height". A NULL value indicates that all
* keys are requested.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId GetMetadataKeys(PVPMetadataList& aKeyList, int32 aStartingIndex = 0, int32 aMaxEntries = -1,
char* aQueryKey = NULL, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* The function makes a request to return the metadata value(s) specified by the passed in metadata key list.
* If the requeted metadata value is unavailable or the metadata key is invalid, the returned list will not contain
* a KVP entry for the key. Note that value indexed in the returned aValueList does not necessary match the same index into
* the specified aKeyList since this command can return none or more than one KVP for a specified key.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aKeyList
* Reference to a list of metadata keys for which metadata values are requested.
* @param aStartingValueIndex
* The starting index refers to the an index into the whole value list specified by the keys in aKeyList. This command
* would populate the aValueList starting from the specified index.
* @param aMaxValueEntries
* Input parameter to specify the maximum number of entries to be added to aValueList. If there is no limit, set to -1.
* @param aNumAvailableValueEntries
* Output parameter which will be filled with number of available values for the specified key list.
* @param aValueList
* Reference to a vector of KVP to place the specified metadata values
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @param aMetadataValuesCopiedInCallBack
* Boolean to let engine know if metadata values are copied by User of SDK in command complete callback.
* By default the SDK assumes this to be the case. If this argument is set to false by the caller,
* then SDK assumes that user will call ReleaseMetaDataValues at a later point.
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId GetMetadataValues(PVPMetadataList& aKeyList, int32 aStartingValueIndex, int32 aMaxValueEntries, int32& aNumAvailableValueEntries,
Oscl_Vector<PvmiKvp, OsclMemAllocator>& aValueList, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL, bool aMetadataValuesCopiedInCallBack = true) = 0;
* The function makes a request to release the metadata value(s) specified by the passed in metadata value list.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.If a GetMetaDataValues were called in
* PVP_STATE_INITIALIZED state, then corresponding ReleaseMetaDataValues must be called before Reset.
* If a GetMetaDataValues were called in PVP_STATE_PREPARED, PVP_STATE_STARTED, PVP_STATE_PAUSED states,
* then corresponding ReleaseMetaDataValues must be called before Stop.
* @param aValueList
* Reference to a vector of KVP to place the specified metadata values
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId ReleaseMetadataValues(Oscl_Vector<PvmiKvp, OsclMemAllocator>& aValueList, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function allows a player data sink to be specified for playback. This function must be called
* when pvPlayer is in PVP_STATE_INITIALIZED state. The specified data sink must be a valid PVPlayerDataSink to
* be accepted for use in playback.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aDataSink
* The player data sink to be used for playback.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrNotSupported if the format of the sink is incompatible with what the SDK can handle
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @return A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId AddDataSink(PVPlayerDataSink& aDataSink, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function sets the begin and end positions for the new playback range or changes the end position of the
* current playback range. This function must be called when pvPlayer is in PVP_STATE_INITIALIZED, PVP_STATE_PREPARED,
* PVP_STATE_STARTED, or PVP_STATE_PAUSED state. The specified positions must be between beginning of clip and
* clip duration. The units of position is specified in the passed-in parameter PVPPlaybackPosition.
* If either of the positions is indeterminate, use the indeterminate flag in PVPPlaybackPosition structure.
* The queued playback range can be done using aQueueRange flag which is Not Supported as of now by PV-SDK.
* This function will overwrite any previous playback range info. The only exception is the changing of end position
* for the current playback range during playback.
* Command if called in player state as PVP_STATE_INITIALISED or PVP_STATE_PAUSED, will complete in one Engine AO run without actually
* changing the position. The change in position will come into affect when Prepare or Resume respectively is called on Engine by the app.
* If reposition request is not honored by the source node during Prepare or Resume, engine will continue to complete Prepare or Resume
* but will send an informational event "PVMFInfoChangePlaybackPositionNotSupported" to the app informing that the SetPlaybackRange request
* could not be honored.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aBeginPos
* Beginning position for the new playback range
* @param aEndPos
* Ending position for the new playback range.
* @param aQueueRange
* Input flag to tell pvPlayer to queue the new playback range (Set/true) or use the
* new playback range right away (Reset/false)
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId SetPlaybackRange(PVPPlaybackPosition aBeginPos, PVPPlaybackPosition aEndPos, bool aQueueRange, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function retrieves the playback range information for the current or queued playback range.
* The user can choose which playback range by the aQueued flag. This function can be called when pvPlayer is in
* The units of position is specified in the passed-in PVPlaybackPosition parameters which will be filled in when the command completes.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aBeginPos
* Reference to place the begin position for the playback range
* @param aEndPos
* Reference to place the end position for the playback range
* @param aQueued
* Input flag to choose inof of which playback range to return. Set(true)for queued range. Reset(false) for current range.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId GetPlaybackRange(PVPPlaybackPosition &aBeginPos, PVPPlaybackPosition &aEndPos, bool aQueued, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function allows querying of the current playback position. The playback position units
* will be in the one specified by the passed-in reference to PVPPlaybackPosition. If no units
* are specified, the units will default to milliseconds.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aPos
* Reference to place the current playback position
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId GetCurrentPosition(PVPPlaybackPosition &aPos, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function allows the setting of the playback rate. The playback rate can be set
* as millipercent of "real-time" playback rate. For example, 100000 means 1X "real-time", 400000
* means 4X, 25000 means 0.25X, and -100000 means 1X backward.
* The playback rate can also be modified by specifying the timebase to use for the playback
* clock. This is accomplished by setting the aRate parameter to 0 and passing in a pointer
* to an PVMFTimebase.
* This function can be called when pvPlayer is in PVP_STATE_PREPARED, PVP_STATE_STARTED, or PVP_STATE_PAUSED state.
* Changing to or from an outside timebase is only allowed in PVP_STATE_PREPARED.
* Command if called in player state PVP_STATE_PAUSED with a direction change, will complete in one Engine AO run without actually
* changing the direction. The change in direction will come into affect when Resume is called on Engine by the app. If the request
* is not honored by the source node during Resume, engine will continue to complete Resume but will send an informational event
* "PVMFInfoChangePlaybackPositionNotSupported" to the app informing that the SetPlaybackRate request could not be honored.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aRate
* The playback rate specified as millipercent of "real-time".
* A millipercent is 1/1000 of a percent. So 2X = 200% of realtime is
* 200,000 millipercent. The motivation is to povide precision with an integer parameter.
* Negative rates specify backward playback.
* The valid range of absolute value of playback rates will be limited to the
* minimum and maximum returned by GetPlaybackMinMaxRate().
* @param aTimebase
* Reference to an PVMFTimebase which will be used to drive the playback clock. aRate must be
* set to 0, 1X, or -1X to use the timebase.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrArgument if rate or timebase is invalid
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId SetPlaybackRate(int32 aRate, PVMFTimebase* aTimebase = NULL, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function retrieves the current playback rate setting. If the playback rate is set as a millipercent of "real-time"
* playback rate, then aRate will be filled in with the milliperecent value when this command completes
* successfully. If the playback rate is set by an outside timebase, aRate will be set to 0 and aTimebase pointer
* will point to the PVMFTimebase being used when the command completes successfully.
* This function can be called when pvPlayer is in
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aRate
* A reference to an integer which will be filled in with the current playback rate expressed
* as millipercent of "real-time" playback rate. If an outside timebase is being used, aRate would
* be set to 0.
* @param aTimebase
* Reference to an PVMFTimebase pointer which will be valid if an outside timebase is being used
* for the playback clock.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId GetPlaybackRate(int32& aRate, PVMFTimebase*& aTimebase, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function retrieves the minimum and maximum playback rate expressed as a millipercent of "real-time"
* playback rate.
* This function can be called anytime between pvPlayer instantiation and destruction.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aMinRate
* A reference to an integer which will be filled in with the minimum playback rate allowed expressed
* as millipercent of "real-time" playback rate.
* @param aMaxRate
* A reference to an integer which will be filled in with the maximum playback rate allowed expressed
* as millipercent of "real-time" playback rate.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId GetPlaybackMinMaxRate(int32& aMinRate, int32& aMaxRate, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function allows querying of the current playback position as a synchronous command. The playback position units
* will be in the one specified by the passed-in reference to PVPPlaybackPosition. If no units
* are specified, the units will default to milliseconds.
* @param aPos
* Reference to place the current playback position
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* @returns Status indicating whether the command succeeded or not.
virtual PVMFStatus GetCurrentPositionSync(PVPPlaybackPosition &aPos) = 0;
* This functions prepares pvPlayer for playback. pvPlayer connects the data source with the data sinks and starts
* the data source to queue the media data for playback(e.g. for 3GPP streaming, fills the jitter buffer).
* pvPlayer also checks to make sure each component needed for
* playback is ready and capable. When successful, pvPlayer will be in PVP_STATE_PREPARED state,
* The command should be called only in PVP_STATE_INITIALISED.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId Prepare(const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function kicks off the actual playback. Media data are sent out from the data source to the data sink(s).
* pvPlayer will transition to PVP_STATE_STARTED state after playback starts successfully.
* The command should be called only in PVP_STATE_PREPARED.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId Start(const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function pauses the currently ongoing playback. pvPlayer must be in PVP_STATE_STARTED state
* to call this function. When pause successfully completes, pvPlayer will be in PVP_STATE_PAUSED state.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId Pause(const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function resumes the currently paused playback. pvPlayer must be in
* PVP_STATE_PAUSED state to call this function. When resume successfully completes,
* pvPlayer will be in PVP_STATE_STARTED state.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId Resume(const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function stops the current playback and transitions pvPlayer to the PVP_STATE_INITIALIZED
* state. During the transition, data transmission from data source to all data sinks are
* terminated. Also all connections between data source and data sinks
* are torn down.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId Stop(const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function may be used to close and unbind a data sink that has been previously added.
* This function must be called when pvPlayer is in PVP_STATE_INITIALIZED state. If the data sink
* is in use for playback, Stop must be called first to stop the playback and free the data sink.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aDataSink
* Reference to the data sink to be removed
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrBadHandle if the passed in sink parameter is invalid
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId RemoveDataSink(PVPlayerDataSink& aDataSink, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function cleans up resources used for playback to transition pvPlayer to PVP_STATE_IDLE state.
* While processing this command, pvPlayer is in the PVP_STATE_RESETTING state.
* If any data sinks are still referenced by pvPlayer when this function is called, the data sinks
* will be closed and removed from pvPlayer during the Reset.
* If already in PVP_STATE_IDLE state, then nothing will occur.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId Reset(const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* This function may be used to close and unbind a data source that has been previously added.
* This function must be called when pvPlayer is in PVP_STATE_IDLE state. If the data source
* has already been initialized, Reset must be called first.
* This command request is asynchronous. PVCommandStatusObserver's CommandCompleted()
* callback handler will be called when this command request completes.
* @param aDataSource
* Reference to the data source to be removed.
* @param aContextData
* Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response
* @leave This method can leave with one of the following error codes
* OsclErrBadHandle if the passed in sink parameter is invalid
* OsclErrInvalidState if invoked in the incorrect state
* OsclErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
* @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
virtual PVCommandId RemoveDataSource(PVPlayerDataSource& aDataSource, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL) = 0;
* Returns SDK version information about pvPlayer.
* @param aSDKInfo
* A reference to a PVSDKInfo structure which contains product name, supported hardware platform,
* supported software platform, version, part number, and PV UUID. These fields will contain info
* .for the currently instantiated pvPlayer engine when this function returns success.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF static void GetSDKInfo(PVSDKInfo& aSDKInfo);