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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -*- c++ -*-
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// OSCL_T H R E A D (T H R E A D I M P L E M E N T A T I O N)
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/*! \file oscl_thread.h .This file provides THREAD implementation that can be ported
// Definition file for OSCL Threads
#include "osclconfig_proc.h"
#include "oscl_procstatus.h"
#include "oscl_base.h"
// Thread state on creation
enum OsclThread_State
, Suspend_on_creation
// Enumerated Priority Values
enum OsclThreadPriority
, ThreadPriorityLow
, ThreadPriorityBelowNormal
, ThreadPriorityNormal
, ThreadPriorityAboveNormal
, ThreadPriorityHighest
, ThreadPriorityTimeCritical
//thread function pointer type.
typedef TOsclThreadFuncRet(OSCL_THREAD_DECL *TOsclThreadFuncPtr)(TOsclThreadFuncArg);
* Thread Class. A subset of Thread APIs.
* It implements platform independendent APIs for thread creation, exiting, suspend, resume, priority
* and termination. With the use of proper defines it implements the basic thread festures.
* It provides an opaque layer through which user doesn't need to worry about OS specific data.
class OsclThread
* Class constructor
* Class destructor
OSCL_IMPORT_REF ~OsclThread();
* This routine will create a thread. The thread may be
* launched immediately or may be created in a suspended
* state and launched with a Resume call.
* @param
* func = Name of the thread Function
* stack_size = Size of the thread stack. If zero, then the
* platform-specific default stack size will be used.
* argument = Argument to be passed to thread function
* state = Enumeration which specifies the state of the thread on creation
* with values Running and Suspend. Note: the Suspend option
* may not be available on all platforms. If it is not supported,
* the Create call will return INVALID_PARAM_ERROR.
* @return eOsclProcError
OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError Create(TOsclThreadFuncPtr func,
int32 stack_size,
TOsclThreadFuncArg argument,
OsclThread_State state = Start_on_creation,
bool isJoinable = false);
* Exit is a static function which is used to end the current thread. When called it
* just ends the execution of the current thread.
* @param
* exitcode = Exitcode of the thread. This can be used by other threads to know the
* exit status of this thread.
* @return None
OSCL_IMPORT_REF static void Exit(OsclAny* exitcode);
* EnableKill is a static function which can
* be called by the thread routine in order to enable
* thread termination without waiting for cancellation
* points.
* EnableKill only applies to pthread implementations.
* For other implementations this function will do nothing.
* @return None
OSCL_IMPORT_REF static void EnableKill();
* GetThreadPriority gets the priority of the thread. It takes reference of the input argument
* and assigns priority to it from one of the already defined priorities.
* @param
* int16& refThreadPriority : Output Priority value
* @return Error code
OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError GetPriority(OsclThreadPriority& refThreadPriority);
* SetThreadPriority sets the priority of the thread. It takes priority as the input argument
* and assigns it to the thread referred.
* @param
* ePriorityLevel : Input Priority value
* @return Error code
* Note: this function may not be supported on all platforms, and
* may return NOT_IMPLEMENTED.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError SetPriority(OsclThreadPriority ePriority);
* This API suspends the thread being referred. The thread can later be brought into execution
* by calling OSCL_ResumeThread() on it.
* @param None
* @return Error code
* Note: this function may not be supported on all platforms, and
* may return NOT_IMPLEMENTED.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError Suspend();
* ResumeThread resumes the suspended thread and brings it into execution.
* @param None
* @return Error code
* Note: this function may not be supported on all platforms, and
* may return NOT_IMPLEMENTED.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError Resume();
* Terminate a thread other than the calling thread.
* Note: for pthread implementations, the Terminate call will
* block until the thread has terminated. By default,
* threads will not terminate until a cancellation point
* is reached. The EnableKill method may be used to override
* this default behavior and allow immediate termination.
* @param
* exitcode = Exitcode of the thread.
* @return Error code
OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError Terminate(OsclAny* exitcode);
* Static routine to retrieve ID of calling thread.
* @param Thread ID passed by the application
* @return Error code
OSCL_IMPORT_REF static OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError GetId(TOsclThreadId& refThreadId);
* Static routine to compare whether two thread ID's are equal.
* @param t1, t2: thread ID passed by the application
* @return true if equal.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF static bool CompareId(TOsclThreadId &t1, TOsclThreadId &t2);
* Suspend current thread execution for specified time.
* @param msec, t2: sleep time in milliseconds.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF static void SleepMillisec(const int32 msec);
* Helper Function
* Map the Operating system errors to OSCL defined erros
* @param
* error : Input error as one of the OS errors
* @return Error code ( User defined )
OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError MapOsclError(int16 error);
TOsclMutexObject mutex;
TOsclConditionObject condition;
uint8 suspend;
TOsclThreadObject ObjThread;
bool bCreated;
bool iJoined;