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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2008 PacketVideo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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// -*- c++ -*-
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// O S C L _ C L O C K C L A S S
// This file contains a general clock class and utils
// needed for multimedia softwares
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
/*! \addtogroup osclutil OSCL Util
* @{
* \file oscl_clock.h
* \brief Provides a time clock that can be paused and resumed,
* set the start time, adjusted based on outside source feedback,
* and accepts user specified source for the free running clock.
#include "oscl_base.h"
#include "oscl_tickcount.h"
#include "oscl_int64_utils.h"
#include "oscl_vector.h"
#include "oscl_mem.h"
* Enum for the time units used in OSCL Clock
enum OsclClock_TimeUnits
OsclClockObserver is an observer class for OsclClock. Modules
can optionally register themselves as clock observers. There
can be multiple observers for a single clock.
class OsclClockObserver
** This event happens when the timebase for this clock
** has been updated
virtual void ClockTimebaseUpdated() = 0;
** This event happens for counting timebases only, when the
** count has been updated.
virtual void ClockCountUpdated() = 0;
** This event happens when the clock has been adjusted
virtual void ClockAdjusted() = 0;
virtual ~OsclClockObserver() {}
OsclClockStateObserver is an observer class for OsclClock. Modules
can optionally register themselves as clock state observers. There
can be multiple observers for a single clock.
class OsclClockStateObserver
** This event happens when the clock state has changed.
virtual void ClockStateUpdated() = 0;
virtual ~OsclClockStateObserver() {}
OsclCountTimebase is an extension to the standard timebase to allow
controlled stepping rather than continuous flow timebase.
class OsclCountTimebase
** Set a new value for the count. Will trigger a ClockCountUpdated callback
** to all observers of the clock in which this timebase resides.
** @param aCount (input): the new count
virtual void SetCount(int64 aCount) = 0;
** Read current value of the count.
** @param aCount (output): the current count
virtual void GetCount(int64& aCount) = 0;
virtual ~OsclCountTimebase() {}
** Each OsclCountTimebase will be contained within an OsclClock
** class. That OsclClock instance will set itself as the observer of
** the OsclCountTimebase. To get notices from the timebase, modules
** can register through the SetClockObserver method of the OsclClock.
friend class OsclClock;
virtual void SetClockObserver(OsclClockObserver* aObserver) = 0;
OsclTimebase is a base class to obtain the timebase clock time.
Common source of the timebase clock is the system tickcount which is implemented
as OsclTimebase_Tickcount further below. OsclTimebase is expected to return the time
in units of microseconds even if the timebase itself does not have the resolution of microseconds.
class OsclTimebase
Virtual destructor for OsclTimebase
virtual ~OsclTimebase() {}
Returns the timebase clock's smallest time resolution in microseconds
@param aResolution: unsigned 32-bit value for the clock resolution
virtual void GetTimebaseResolution(uint32& aResolution) = 0;
Returns the current clock time as unsigned 64-bit integer object in the specified time units
@param aTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to return the current time
@param aUnits: the requested time units for aTime
virtual void GetCurrentTime64(uint64& aTime, OsclClock_TimeUnits aUnits)
// Call the version that returns the timebase time as well to get current time
uint64 tmp64 = 0;
GetCurrentTime64(aTime, aUnits, tmp64);
Returns the current timebase time as unsigned 64-bit integer object in the specified time units
@param aTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to return the current time
@param aUnits: the requested time units for aTime
@param aTimebaseTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to return the timebase time
virtual void GetCurrentTime64(uint64& aTime, OsclClock_TimeUnits aUnits, uint64& aTimebaseTime) = 0;
Returns the current timebase time as unsigned 32-bit integer in the specified time units
@param aTime: a reference to an unsigned 32-bit integer to return the current time
@param aOverflow: a reference to a flag which is set if time value cannot fit in unsigned 32-bit integer
@param aUnits: the requested time units for aTime
virtual void GetCurrentTime32(uint32& aTime, bool& aOverflow, OsclClock_TimeUnits aUnits)
// Use the 64-bit version to get the current time
// Check for value overflow as well
uint64 time64 = 0;
GetCurrentTime64(time64, aUnits);
aTime = Oscl_Int64_Utils::get_uint64_lower32(time64);
aOverflow = (Oscl_Int64_Utils::get_uint64_upper32(time64) > 0 ? true : false);
Returns a pointer to the OsclCountTimebase class instance, if
this timebase supports OsclCountTimebase.
@return pointer to OsclCountTimebase implementation, or NULL if not supported.
virtual OsclCountTimebase* GetCountTimebase() = 0;
class OsclClock : public OsclTimebase, public OsclClockObserver
The default constructor initializes the clock to 0 and goes to STOPPED state
The default destructor
Sets the timebase to use for this clock.
Will trigger an ClockTimebaseUpdated notice to all observers of this clock.
The clock timebase can only be set while in STOPPED and PAUSED states.
Returns true if the new clock timebase has been accepted, false otherwise
@param aTimebase: a reference to an OsclTimebase-derived object
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool SetClockTimebase(OsclTimebase& aTimebase);
Starts the clock from the start time or
resumes the clock from the last paused time. Clock goes to RUNNING state.
Returns true if the clock is resumed or started, false otherwise
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool Start();
Pauses the running clock. Saves the clock time when pausing as the
paused time. Clock goes to PAUSED state.
Returns true if the clock is paused, false otherwise
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool Pause();
Stops the running or paused clock and start time is reset to 0. Clock goes to STOPPED state.
Returns true if the clock is stopped, false otherwise
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool Stop();
Sets the starting clock time with unsigned 32-bit integer in the specified time
units while in STOPPED state.
Returns true if the start time has been set, false otherwise
@param aTime: a reference to an unsigned 32-bit integer to set the start time
@param aUnits: the time units of aTime
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool SetStartTime32(uint32& aTime, OsclClock_TimeUnits aUnits);
Gets the starting clock time as an unsigned 32-bit integer in the specified time units
@param aTime: a reference to an unsigned 32-bit integer to copy the start time
@param aOverflow: a reference to a flag which is set if time value cannot fit in unsigned 32-bit integer
@param aUnits: the requested time units for aTime
OSCL_IMPORT_REF void GetStartTime32(uint32& aTime, bool& aOverflow, OsclClock_TimeUnits aUnits);
Sets the starting clock time with unsigned 64-bit integer in the specified time
units while in STOPPED state.
Returns true if the start time has been set, false otherwise
@param aTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to set the start time
@param aUnits: the time units of aTime
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool SetStartTime64(uint64& aTime, OsclClock_TimeUnits aUnits);
Gets the starting clock time as an unsigned 64-bit integer in the specified time units
@param aTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to copy the start time
@param aUnits: the requested time units for aTime
OSCL_IMPORT_REF void GetStartTime64(uint64& aTime, OsclClock_TimeUnits aUnits);
Adjusts the clock time with unsigned 32-bit integer in the specified time
units while in RUNNING state.
Returns true if the clock time has been adjusted, false otherwise
@param aClockTime: a reference to an unsigned 32-bit integer to the observation clock time
@param aTimebaseTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to the observation timebase time
@param aAdjustedTime: a reference to an unsigned 32-bit integer to the adjusted clock time
@param aUnits: the time units of aClockTime and aAdjustedTime
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool AdjustClockTime32(uint32& aClockTime, uint64& aTimebaseTime, uint32& aAdjustedTime, OsclClock_TimeUnits aUnits);
Adjusts the clock time with unsigned 64-bit integer in the specified time
units while in RUNNING state.
Returns true if the clock time has been adjusted, false otherwise
@param aClockTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to the observation clock time
@param aTimebaseTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to the observation timebase time
@param aAdjustedTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to the adjusted clock time
@param aUnits: the time units of aClockTime and aAdjustedTime
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool AdjustClockTime64(uint64& aClockTime, uint64& aTimebaseTime, uint64& aAdjustedTime, OsclClock_TimeUnits aUnits);
// From OsclTimebase
/** Returns the clock's smallest time resolution in microseconds
@param aResolution: unsigned 32-bit value for the clock resolution
OSCL_IMPORT_REF void GetTimebaseResolution(uint32& aResolution);
Returns the current clock time as unsigned 64-bit integer object in the specified time units
@param aTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to return the current time
@param aUnits: the requested time units for aTime
OSCL_IMPORT_REF void GetCurrentTime64(uint64& aClockTime, OsclClock_TimeUnits aUnits);
Returns the current clock time as unsigned 64-bit integer object in the specified time units
@param aTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to return the current time
@param aUnits: the requested time units for aTime
@param aTimebaseTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to return the timebase time
OSCL_IMPORT_REF void GetCurrentTime64(uint64& aClockTime, OsclClock_TimeUnits aUnits, uint64& aTimebaseTime);
Sets an observer for this clock. May leave if memory allocation fails.
@param aObserver: the observer implemenation
OSCL_IMPORT_REF void SetClockObserver(OsclClockObserver& aObserver);
Removes an observer for this clock. If the observer is not registered, this
call does nothing.
@param aObserver: the observer implemenation
OSCL_IMPORT_REF void RemoveClockObserver(OsclClockObserver& aObserver);
Sets an observer for this clock. May leave if memory allocation fails.
@param aObserver: the observer implemenation
OSCL_IMPORT_REF void SetClockStateObserver(OsclClockStateObserver& aObserver);
Removes an observer for this clock. If the observer is not registered, this
call does nothing.
@param aObserver: the observer implemenation
OSCL_IMPORT_REF void RemoveClockStateObserver(OsclClockStateObserver& aObserver);
* Enum for OsclClock's internal states
enum OsclClockState
OsclClockState GetState()
return iState;
Retreive the OsclCountTimebase implementation from this clock's timebase,
or NULL if the timebase is not a counted timebase.
@return the OsclCountTimebase, or NULL.
OsclCountTimebase* GetCountTimebase()
if (iClockTimebase)
return iClockTimebase->GetCountTimebase();
return NULL;
Changes the clock's state to the specified state
@param aState: the new state to change to
void SetClockState(OsclClockState aState);
Updates the iLatestTime and iLatestSourceVal to specified values
@param aTime: the new iLatestTime value to change to
@param aSourceVal: the new iLatestSourceVal value to change to
void UpdateLatestTimes(uint64& aTime, uint64& aSourceVal);
Converts a time value in the specified time units to microseconds
@param aSrcVal: unsigned 64-bit time value in units specified by aSrcUnits
@param aSrcUnits: time units of aSrcVal
@param aUSecVal: reference to unsigned 64-bit integer to store the microsecond time value
void ToUSec(uint64& aSrcVal, OsclClock_TimeUnits aSrcUnits, uint64& aUSecVal);
Converts a microsecond time value to the specified time units
@param aUSecVal: unsigned 64-bit integer in microsecond time value
@param aDstVal: reference to unsigned 64-bit integer which will contain aUSecVal in the
specified aDstUnits time units
@param aDstUnits: requested time units for aDstVal
void FromUSec(uint64& aUSecVal, uint64& aDstVal, OsclClock_TimeUnits aDstUnits);
Updates the internal clock parameters based on the adjustment information provided.
This function can be overridden in the derived classes to allow variety in the adjustment algorithm
@param aObsTime: unsigned 64-bit integer in microsecond for the observed clock time
@param aObsTimebase: unsigned 64-bit integer in microsecond for the observed timebase time
@param aAdjTime: unsigned 64-bit integer in microsecond for the adjusted clock time
@param aCurrentTime: unsigned 64-bit integer in microsecond for the current clock time
@param aCurrentTimebase: unsigned 64-bit integer in microsecond for the current timebase time
virtual bool AdjustClock(uint64& aObsTime, uint64& aObsTimebase, uint64& aAdjTime,
uint64& aCurrentTime, uint64& aCurrentTimebase);
Returns the adjusted current clock time when the clock is running
This function can be overridden in the derived classes to allow variety in the adjustment algorithm
@param aDstTime: unsigned 64-bit integer in microseconds to output the adjusted current clock time
@param aTimebaseVal: unsigned 64-bit integer in microseconds of the current timebase time
virtual void GetAdjustedRunningClockTime(uint64& aDstTime, uint64& aTimebaseVal);
// Clock time is stored as unsigned 64-bit value in microseconds
// Timebase time is stored as unsigned 64-bit value in microseconds
uint64 iLatestRunningClockTime; // Last reference clock time due to starting/resuming, pausing, and adjustment
uint64 iLatestRunningTimebaseTime; // Timebase time corresponding to the latest running clock time
uint64 iStartClockTime; // Starting clock time. Set by the SetStartTime...() APIs
uint64 iPauseClockTime; // Clock time when Pause() API is called.
uint64 iLastAdjustTimebaseTime; // The observed timebase time corresponding to the adjusted time passed in
uint64 iAdjustmentTimebaseTime; // The timebase time of the last successful AdjustClockTime...() call
OsclClockState iState; // Internal state of the clock
OsclTimebase* iClockTimebase; // Pointer to this clock's timebase
//vector of clock observers.
Oscl_Vector<OsclClockObserver*, OsclMemAllocator> iClockObservers;
Oscl_Vector<OsclClockStateObserver*, OsclMemAllocator> iClockStateObservers;
//from OsclClockObserver, for callbacks from an OsclCountTimebase.
void ClockCountUpdated();
void ClockTimebaseUpdated();
void ClockAdjusted();
#include "osclconfig_compiler_warnings.h"
OsclTimebase_Tickcount is OsclTimebase-derived class which uses
the OSCL's system tickcount as the timebase. This class is provided
as the default OsclTimebase that is available on any platform with OSCL support.
class OsclTimebase_Tickcount : public OsclTimebase
Constructor. Retrieves the constant to convert OSCL tickcount value to microseconds
Oscl_Int64_Utils::set_uint64(iMicrosecPerTick, 0, OsclTickCount::TickCountPeriod());
iTickcountHCounter = 0;
iPrevTickcount = 0;
// From OsclTimebase
Returns the OSCL tickcount's time resolution in microseconds
Implementation of virtual function from OsclTimebase
@param aResolution: On function completion, contains OSCL tickcount resolution
void GetTimebaseResolution(uint32& aResolution)
aResolution = Oscl_Int64_Utils::get_uint64_lower32(iMicrosecPerTick);
Returns the current clock time as unsigned 64-bit integer object in the specified time units
@param aTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to return the current time
@param aUnits: the requested time units for aTime
@param aTimebaseTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to return the timebase time
void GetCurrentTime64(uint64& aTime, OsclClock_TimeUnits aUnits, uint64& aTimebaseTime)
// Check to see if the tickcount wrapped around
uint32 currenttickcount = OsclTickCount::TickCount();
if (iPrevTickcount > currenttickcount)
// Set the time and convert to microseconds
Oscl_Int64_Utils::set_uint64(aTime, iTickcountHCounter, currenttickcount);
aTimebaseTime = aTime;
aTime *= iMicrosecPerTick;
// Determine the divider constant for the specified units
uint64 divconst = UINT64_HILO(0, 1);
switch (aUnits)
divconst = UINT64_HILO(0, 1000);
divconst = UINT64_HILO(0, 1000000);
divconst = UINT64_HILO(0, 60000000);
divconst = UINT64_HILO(0, OSCL_UNSIGNED_CONST(0xD693A400));
divconst = UINT64_HILO(0x14, 0x1DD76000);
// Convert usec val to specified units
if (divconst != (UINT64_HILO(0, 1)))
aTime /= divconst;
// Save the current tickcount for next comparison
iPrevTickcount = currenttickcount;
OsclCountTimebase* GetCountTimebase()
return NULL;
uint64 iMicrosecPerTick;
uint32 iTickcountHCounter;
uint32 iPrevTickcount;
OsclTimebase_Counter is OsclTimebase-derived class that can be used to
implement a simple count-based timebase.
class OsclTimebase_Count : public OsclTimebase, public OsclCountTimebase
iCurrentCount = 0;
iObserver = NULL;
// From OsclTimebase
Returns the OSCL tickcount's time resolution in microseconds
Implementation of virtual function from OsclTimebase
@param aResolution: On function completion, contains OSCL tickcount resolution
void GetTimebaseResolution(uint32& aResolution)
aResolution = 0;//not meaningful for a count-based timebase.
Returns the current clock time as unsigned 64-bit integer object in the specified time units
@param aTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to return the current time
@param aUnits: the requested time units for aTime
@param aTimebaseTime: a reference to an unsigned 64-bit integer to return the timebase time
void GetCurrentTime64(uint64& aTime, OsclClock_TimeUnits aUnits, uint64& aTimebaseTime)
//not meaningful for a count-based timebase.
aTime = 0;
aTimebaseTime = 0;
Returns the OsclCountTimebase implementation pointer
OsclCountTimebase* GetCountTimebase()
return this;
//From OsclCountTimebase
Used to adjust the current count.
@param aCount (input): new count value.
void SetCount(int64 aCount)
iCurrentCount = aCount;
if (iObserver)
Used to retreive the current count.
@param aCount (output): new count value.
void GetCount(int64& aCount)
aCount = iCurrentCount;
int64 iCurrentCount;
OsclClockObserver* iObserver;
friend class OsclClock;
//From OsclCountTimebase
void SetClockObserver(OsclClockObserver* aObserver)
iObserver = aObserver;