blob: d8d353e40253767edf0d72d84d72756340a433f6 [file] [log] [blame]
See below for build instructions. The sample player app is a single threaded implementation that exercises the PV player engine in the following manner:
- plays from a media file specified as argument in command line or from default file "testqvga30fps.mp4"
if argument had been omitted.
- writes raw PCM16 samples into an output file, the default is "sample_player_app_test_mp4_audio.dat"
- writes YUV420 frames into another output file, the default is "sample_player_app_test_mp4_video.dat"
- during the playback, the duration metadata of the media clip is displayed
- the media time is also displayed at 1 second interval during the playback
- the application will continue playback until the end of clip has been reached.
- after playback is stopped due to end of clip reached, all the resources are freed.
- After building all the libraries necessary for the player engine
(see makefile under pv/engines/player/build/<architecture>), the sample
application can be built from pv/engines/player/sample_app/build/<architecture>
by running "make".
NOTE: The sample app makefile assumes that the "crypto" library in the
original release has been renamed to "pvcrypto" (i.e., the release version
of the library would have the full name libpvcrypto.a). The name change
was done to avoid a conflict with the libraries in openssl.
- Using command line prompt, start application with specific file to pay back:
for example, ./sample_player_app play_this_file.mp4
- If file is not specified, the application will look for the default input file
in the same directory as it is executed from, so it may be convenient to run it
from the pv/engines/player/sample_app/data directory where the test.mp4 file
is located.