blob: 18b73b218b86ea6a699e38e77b39b9ae523d7237 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2008 PacketVideo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// File: cczoomrotation12.cpp //
// //
/** Class ColorConvert12, YUV to RGB12 bit with dithering. 4bit empty */
#include "colorconv_config.h"
#include "cczoomrotation12.h"
//for debug only
//#define OUTPUT_RGB_565
OSCL_EXPORT_REF ColorConvertBase* ColorConvert12::NewL(void)
ColorConvert12* self = OSCL_NEW(ColorConvert12, ());
return OSCL_STATIC_CAST(ColorConvertBase*, self);
mErr_horz[0] = (NULL);
mClip = NULL;
OSCL_EXPORT_REF ColorConvert12::~ColorConvert12()
if (mErr_horz[0])
if (mClip)
mClip -= 384;
int32 ColorConvert12::Init(int32 Src_width, int32 Src_height, int32 Src_pitch, int32 Dst_width, int32 Dst_height, int32 Dst_pitch, int32 nRotation)
if (ColorConvertBase::Init(Src_width, Src_height, Src_pitch, Dst_width, Dst_height, Dst_pitch, nRotation) == 0)
return 0;
//local init
_mInitialized = false;
if (mErr_horz[0])
mErr_horz[0] = NULL;
int32 leavecode = 0;
if (_mRotation&0x1)
OSCL_TRY(leavecode, mErr_horz[0] = OSCL_ARRAY_NEW(uint8, _mSrc_height * 4));
return 0;
oscl_memset((void*)(mErr_horz[0]), 0, _mSrc_height*4);
mErr_horz[1] = mErr_horz[0] + _mSrc_height + 1;
mErr_horz[2] = mErr_horz[1] + _mSrc_height + 1;
OSCL_TRY(leavecode, mErr_horz[0] = OSCL_ARRAY_NEW(uint8, _mSrc_width * 4));
return 0;
oscl_memset((void*)(mErr_horz[0]), 0, _mSrc_width*4);
mErr_horz[1] = mErr_horz[0] + _mSrc_width + 1;
mErr_horz[2] = mErr_horz[1] + _mSrc_width + 1;
if (mClip)
mClip -= 384;
mClip = NULL;
leavecode = 0;
OSCL_TRY(leavecode, mClip = OSCL_ARRAY_NEW(uint8, 1024));
return 0;
mClip += 384;
int32 tmp;
for (int32 i = -384; i < 640; i++)
tmp = (int32)(1.164 * (i - 16));
mClip[i] = (tmp < 0) ? 0 : ((tmp > 255) ? 255 : (uint8)tmp);
//default no zoom
_mInitialized = true;
SetMode(0); // called after init
return 1;
int32 ColorConvert12::SetYuvFullRange(bool range)
OSCL_ASSERT(_mInitialized == true);
if (range == true)
return 0; // error this mode is not supported yet
return 1;
int32 ColorConvert12::SetMode(int32 nMode) //nMode : 0 Off, 1 On
OSCL_ASSERT(_mInitialized == true);
if (nMode == 0)
mPtrYUV2RGB = &ColorConvert12::get_frame12;
_mState = 0;
_mDisp.src_pitch = _mSrc_pitch ;
_mDisp.dst_pitch = _mSrc_width ;
_mDisp.src_width = _mSrc_width ;
_mDisp.src_height = _mSrc_height ;
_mDisp.dst_width = _mSrc_width ;
_mDisp.dst_height = _mSrc_height ;
if (_mIsZoom)
if (_mRotation&0x1) /* zoom and rotate */
mPtrYUV2RGB = &ColorConvert12::cc12ZoomRotate;
else /* zoom only */
mPtrYUV2RGB = &ColorConvert12::cc12ZoomIn;
if (_mRotation&0x1) /* rotate only*/
mPtrYUV2RGB = &ColorConvert12::cc12Rotate;
else /* no zoom, no rotate, SetMode(1) = SetMode(0) */
mPtrYUV2RGB = &ColorConvert12::get_frame12;
_mState = nMode;
_mDisp.src_pitch = _mSrc_pitch ;
_mDisp.dst_pitch = _mDst_pitch ;
_mDisp.src_width = _mSrc_width ;
_mDisp.src_height = _mSrc_height ;
_mDisp.dst_width = _mDst_width ;
_mDisp.dst_height = _mDst_height ;
return 1;
int32 ColorConvert12::GetOutputBufferSize(void)
OSCL_ASSERT(_mInitialized == true);
// for zoom, need extra line of RGB buffer for processing otherwise memory will corrupt.
return _mState ? ((_mDst_height + 1)*_mDst_pitch*2) : (_mSrc_width*_mSrc_height*2);
int32 ColorConvert12::Convert(uint8 **yuvBuf, uint8 *rgbBuf)
OSCL_ASSERT(_mInitialized == true);
//reset the row dither error buffer
if (((uint)rgbBuf)&0x3 || ((uint)yuvBuf[0])&0x3) /* address is not word align */
return 0;
if (_mRotation&0x1)
oscl_memset((void*)(mErr_horz[0]), 0, _mSrc_height*4);
oscl_memset((void*)(mErr_horz[0]), 0, _mSrc_width*4);
(*this.*mPtrYUV2RGB)(yuvBuf, rgbBuf, &_mDisp, mClip, (uint8 *)(mErr_horz[0]));
return 1;
int32 ColorConvert12::Convert(uint8 *yuvBuf, uint8 *rgbBuf)
OSCL_ASSERT(_mInitialized == true);
//this conversion will cause problems when do src clipping. However, if they want, they must give more info
uint8 *TmpYuvBuf[3];
if (((uint)rgbBuf)&0x3 || ((uint)yuvBuf)&0x3) /* address is not word align */
return 0;
TmpYuvBuf[0] = yuvBuf;
TmpYuvBuf[1] = yuvBuf + (_mSrc_pitch) * (_mSrc_mheight);
TmpYuvBuf[2] = TmpYuvBuf[1] + (_mSrc_pitch * _mSrc_mheight) / 4;
(*this.*mPtrYUV2RGB)(TmpYuvBuf, rgbBuf, &_mDisp, mClip, (uint8 *)(mErr_horz[0]));
return 1;
int32 ColorConvert12::get_frame12(uint8 **src, uint8 *dst,
DisplayProperties *disp, uint8 *ClipTable, uint8 *pExtraParam)
asm("stmfd sp!, {r0, r4-r11, r14}");
asm("mov r0, r1"); //src
asm("mov r1, r2"); //dst
asm("mov r2, r3"); //disp
asm("ldr r3, [sp, #40]"); //COFF_TBL
asm("ldmfd r2, {r4-r9};");
asm("rsb r8, r6, r4, lsl #1;"); //r8 = src_pitch*2-src_width
asm("sub r9, r4, r6;"); //r9 = src_pitch - src_width
asm("mov r9, r9, lsr #1;"); //r9 = (src_pitch - src_width)/2
asm("rsb r10,r6, r5, lsl #1;"); //r10= (dst_pitch - src_width)
asm("mov r10, r10, lsl #1;"); //r10= (dst_pitch - src_width)*2
asm("sub r6, r6, #1;"); //r6 = src_width-1
asm("orr r6, r4, r6, lsl #18;"); //r6 = src_pitch | ( (src_width-1)<<18)
//dst_pitch, r6, src_height, src_pitch*2-src_width, (src_pitch - src_width)/2, (dst_pitch - src_width)*2
asm("stmfd sp!, {r5-r10};");
asm("ldmfd r0, {r4, r5, r7};"); //pY, pCb, pCr
asm("stmfd sp!, { r5, r7 };"); //push pCb, pCr
asm("ldr r9, [sp, #76]"); //load r9 = ErrRow
asm("mov r8, #0"); //; reset error from left pixel
asm("ldmfd sp!, { r5, r7 }"); //load pCb, pCr
asm("ldrb r0, [r5], #1"); //Cb
asm("ldrb r2, [r7], #1"); //Cr
asm("stmfd sp!, { r5, r7 }");
asm("mov r10, r6, lsl #16"); //r10 = src_pitch <<16;
asm("ldrb r10, [r4, r10, lsr #16]");//r10 = Y (bottom left)
asm("sub r0, r0, #128;"); //r0 = Cb-128
asm("sub r2, r2, #128;"); //r2 = Cr-128
asm("ldr r7, =45774");
asm("ldr r11, =22014");
asm("mul r7, r2, r7"); //r7 = (Cr-128)*JCoeff[0];
asm("mla r7, r0, r11, r7"); //r7 = (Cb-128)*22014 + (Cr-128)*JCoeff[0];
asm("ldr r11, =89859");
asm("mul r2, r11, r2"); //r2 = (Cr-128)*89859
asm("ldr r11, =113618");
asm("mul r0, r11, r0"); //r0 = (Cb-128)*113618
asm("add r11, r2, r10, lsl #16"); // (Cr-128)*89859 + (Y<<16)
asm("rsb r12, r7, r10, lsl #16"); // (Y<<16) - ((Cb-128)*22014 + (Cr-128)*JCoeff[0])
asm("add r14, r0, r10, lsl #16"); // (Cb-128)*113618 + (Y<<16)
asm("ldr r10, [r9, r6, lsr #16]"); //;load error from upper row/pixel
asm("add r8, r8, r10, lsr #1"); //get the bottom error, only the LSB 16 bits is meaningful
asm("and r10, r8, #0xF"); //error B
asm("add r14, r14, r10");
asm("and r10, r8, #0xF0"); //error G
asm("add r12, r12, r10, lsr #4");
asm("and r10, r8, #0xF00"); //error R
asm("add r11, r11, r10, lsr #8");
asm("ldrb r11, [r3, r11, asr #16]");
asm("ldrb r12, [r3, r12, asr #16]");
asm("ldrb r14, [r3, r14, asr #16]");
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
// get RGB_565
asm("mov r10, r11, lsr #3");
asm("mov r10, r10, lsl #6");
asm("orr r10, r10, r12, lsr #2");
asm("mov r10, r10, lsl #5");
asm("orr r10, r10, r14, lsr #3");
asm("and r10, r12, #0xF0"); //G
asm("orr r10, r10, r14, lsr #4"); //B
asm("and r11, r11, #0xF0");
asm("orr r10, r10, r11, lsl #4"); //R
asm("and r11, r11, #0xE");
asm("and r12, r12, #0xE");
asm("and r14, r14, #0xE");
asm("orr r11, r11, r12, lsl #4");
asm("ldr r12, [sp, #8]"); //should be det_pitch
asm("add r1, r1, r12, lsl #1"); //pDst move to bottom left pixel
asm("strh r10, [r1]"); // store bottom left pixel
asm("sub r1, r1, r12, lsl #1");
asm("orr r10, r11, r14, lsl #8"); //RGB dither error
asm("mov r8, r8, lsr #16");
asm("mov r8, r8, lsl #16");
asm("orr r8, r8, r10, lsr #1");
asm("ldrb r14, [r4], #1"); // p14 = Y (top left)
asm("add r11, r2, r14, lsl #16");
asm("rsb r12, r7, r14, lsl #16");
asm("add r14, r0, r14, lsl #16");
asm("add r8, r8, r10, lsl #15"); //get the top error, only the HSB 16 bits is meaningful
asm("and r10, r8, #0xF0000"); //error B
asm("add r14, r14, r10, lsr #16");
asm("and r10, r8, #0xF00000"); //error G
asm("add r12, r12, r10, lsr #20");
asm("and r10, r8, #0xF000000"); //error R
asm("add r11, r11, r10, lsr #24");
asm("ldrb r11, [r3, r11, asr #16]");
asm("ldrb r12, [r3, r12, asr #16]");
asm("ldrb r14, [r3, r14, asr #16]");
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
// get RGB_565
asm("mov r10, r11, lsr #3");
asm("mov r10, r10, lsl #6");
asm("orr r10, r10, r12, lsr #2");
asm("mov r10, r10, lsl #5");
asm("orr r10, r10, r14, lsr #3");
asm("and r10, r12, #0xF0"); //G
asm("orr r10, r10, r14, lsr #4"); //B
asm("and r11, r11, #0xF0");
asm("orr r10, r10, r11, lsl #4"); //R
asm("strh r10, [r1], #2"); //strore top left RGB
asm("and r11, r11, #0xE");
asm("and r12, r12, #0xE");
asm("and r14, r14, #0xE");
asm("orr r11, r11, r12, lsl #4");
asm("orr r11, r11, r14, lsl #8");
asm("mov r8, r8, lsl #16");
asm("mov r8, r8, lsr #16");
asm("orr r8, r8, r11, lsl #15");
asm("str r11, [r9, r6, lsr #16]");
asm("sub r6, r6, #0x40000"); //col
/********************************LEFT END, RIGHT BEGIN****************/
asm("mov r10, r6, lsl #16");
asm("ldrb r10, [r4, r10, lsr #16]");
asm("add r11, r2, r10, lsl #16");
asm("rsb r12, r7, r10, lsl #16");
asm("add r14, r0, r10, lsl #16");
asm("ldr r10, [r9, r6, lsr #16]");
asm("add r8, r8, r10, lsr #1");
asm("and r10, r8, #0xF");
asm("add r14, r14, r10");
asm("and r10, r8, #0xF0");
asm("add r12, r12, r10, lsr #4");
asm("and r10, r8, #0xF00");
asm("add r11, r11, r10, lsr #8");
asm("ldrb r11, [r3, r11, asr #16]");
asm("ldrb r12, [r3, r12, asr #16]");
asm("ldrb r14, [r3, r14, asr #16]");
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
// get RGB_565
asm("mov r10, r11, lsr #3");
asm("mov r10, r10, lsl #6");
asm("orr r10, r10, r12, lsr #2");
asm("mov r10, r10, lsl #5");
asm("orr r10, r10, r14, lsr #3");
asm("and r10, r12, #0xF0"); //G
asm("orr r10, r10, r14, lsr #4"); //B
asm("and r11, r11, #0xF0");
asm("orr r10, r10, r11, lsl #4"); //R
asm("and r11, r11, #0xE");
asm("and r12, r12, #0xE");
asm("and r14, r14, #0xE");
asm("orr r11, r11, r12, lsl #4");
asm("ldr r12, [sp, #8]");
asm("add r1, r1, r12, lsl #1");
asm("strh r10, [r1]"); //store RGB bottom right
asm("sub r1, r1, r12, lsl #1");
asm("orr r10, r11, r14, lsl #8");
asm("mov r8, r8, lsr #16");
asm("mov r8, r8, lsl #16");
asm("orr r8, r8, r10, lsr #1");
asm("ldrb r14, [r4], #1"); //r14 = Y (top right pixel)
asm("add r11, r2, r14, lsl #16");
asm("rsb r12, r7, r14, lsl #16");
asm("add r14, r0, r14, lsl #16");
asm("add r8, r8, r10, lsl #15");
asm("and r10, r8, #0xF0000");
asm("add r14, r14, r10, lsr #16");
asm("and r10, r8, #0xF00000");
asm("add r12, r12, r10, lsr #20");
asm("and r10, r8, #0xF000000");
asm("add r11, r11, r10, lsr #24");
asm("ldrb r11, [r3, r11, asr #16]");
asm("ldrb r12, [r3, r12, asr #16]");
asm("ldrb r14, [r3, r14, asr #16]");
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
// get RGB_565
asm("mov r10, r11, lsr #3");
asm("mov r10, r10, lsl #6");
asm("orr r10, r10, r12, lsr #2");
asm("mov r10, r10, lsl #5");
asm("orr r10, r10, r14, lsr #3");
asm("and r10, r12, #0xF0"); //G
asm("orr r10, r10, r14, lsr #4"); //B
asm("and r11, r11, #0xF0");
asm("orr r10, r10, r11, lsl #4"); //R
asm("strh r10, [r1], #2"); //store RGB (top right pixel)
asm("and r11, r11, #0xE");
asm("and r12, r12, #0xE");
asm("and r14, r14, #0xE");
asm("orr r11, r11, r12, lsl #4");
asm("orr r11, r11, r14, lsl #8");
asm("mov r8, r8, lsl #16");
asm("mov r8, r8, lsr #16");
asm("orr r8, r8, r11, lsl #15");
asm("str r11, [r9, r6, lsr #16] ; ");//Att: error left shift by 1 bit
asm("subs r6, r6, #0x40000");
asm("bgt LOOP_COL");
asm("add sp, sp, #8");
asm("ldmfd sp, {r5-r10}");
asm("add r4, r4, r8");
asm("add r5, r5, r9");
asm("add r7, r7, r9");
asm("add r1, r1, r10");
asm("subs r7, r7, #2;");
asm("str r7, [sp, #8]");
asm("sub sp, sp, #8");
asm("bgt LOOP_ROW");
asm("mov r0, #1");
asm("add sp, sp, #32");
asm("ldmfd sp!, {r0, r4-r11, pc}");
// asm(".ltorg");
return 1;
#else // straight C version
int32 ColorConvert12::get_frame12(uint8 **src, uint8 *dst,
DisplayProperties *disp, uint8 *clip, uint8 *pErr_horz)
const static uint32 JCoeff[4] =
45774, //65536*0.813/1.164;
89859, //65536*1.596/1.164;
22014, //65536*0.391/1.164;
113618 //65536*2.018/1.164;
uint8 *pCb, *pCr;
uint16 *pY;
uint16 *pDst;
int32 src_width, dst_width, display_width;
int32 Y, Cb, Cr, Cg;
uint32 left_err_t, left_err_b; /* error from the left pixels */
uint32 top_err_l, top_err_r; /* error from the top pixels */
int32 deltaY, deltaDst, deltaCbCr;
int32 row, col;
int32 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2;
uint32 rgb;
src_width = disp->src_pitch;
dst_width = disp->dst_pitch;
display_width = disp->src_width;
deltaY = (src_width << 1) - display_width;
deltaCbCr = (src_width - display_width) >> 1;
deltaDst = (dst_width << 1) - display_width;
pY = (uint16 *) src[0];
src_width >>= 1;
pCb = src[1];
pCr = src[2];
pDst = (uint16 *)dst;
for (row = disp->src_height; row > 0; row -= 2)
left_err_t = left_err_b = 0; /* reset left pixel errors */
for (col = display_width - 2; col >= 0; col -= 2)
Cb = *pCb++;
Cr = *pCr++;
//load the bottom two pixels
Y = pY[src_width];
Cb -= 128;
Cr -= 128;
Cg = Cr * JCoeff[0];
Cg += Cb * JCoeff[2];
Cr *= JCoeff[1];
Cb *= JCoeff[3];
tmp0 = Y & 0xFF; //Low endian left pixel
//tmp0 = pY[src_width];
tmp1 = (tmp0 << 16) - Cg;
tmp2 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cb;
tmp0 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cr;
//add the error from top and left
//This is not exact error diffusion since
//we process the bottom two pixels first !!
tmp0 += ((left_err_b & 0xFF) << 16);// err_vert[0];
tmp1 += (((left_err_b >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[1];
tmp2 += (((left_err_b >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[2];
top_err_l = *((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2)));
tmp0 += ((top_err_l & 0xFF) << 16);//pErr_horz[col];
tmp1 += (((top_err_l >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[1][col];
tmp2 += (((top_err_l >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[2][col];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
rgb = (tmp0 >> 3);
rgb = (tmp1 >> 2) | (rgb << 6);
rgb = (tmp2 >> 3) | (rgb << 5);
rgb = (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 4;
rgb |= (tmp1 & 0xF0);
rgb |= (tmp2 >> 4);
tmp0 &= 0xE;
tmp1 &= 0xE;
tmp2 &= 0xE;
tmp0 >>= 1;
tmp1 >>= 1;
tmp2 >>= 1;
//save error
top_err_l = tmp0 | (tmp1 << 8) | (tmp2 << 16);
Y >>= 8;
//Y = pY[src_width+1];
// error from the left already available
tmp1 = (Y << 16) - Cg + (tmp1 << 16);
tmp2 = (Y << 16) + Cb + (tmp2 << 16);
tmp0 = (Y << 16) + Cr + (tmp0 << 16);
//add the error from top
top_err_r = *((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2) + 4));
tmp0 += ((top_err_r & 0xFF) << 16);//pErr_horz[col+1];
tmp1 += (((top_err_r >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[1][col+1];
tmp2 += (((top_err_r >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[2][col+1];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
rgb |= ((tmp0 >> 3) << 27);
rgb |= ((tmp1 >> 2) << 21);
rgb |= ((tmp2 >> 3) << 16);
rgb |= (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 20;
rgb |= (tmp1 & 0xF0) << 16;
rgb |= (tmp2 >> 4) << 16;
*((uint*)(pDst + dst_width)) = rgb;
tmp0 &= 0xE;
tmp1 &= 0xE;
tmp2 &= 0xE;
tmp0 >>= 1;
tmp1 >>= 1;
tmp2 >>= 1;
//save error
left_err_b = tmp0 | (tmp1 << 8) | (tmp2 << 16);
top_err_r = left_err_b;
//load the top two pixels
//Y = *((uint16 *)pY)++;
Y = *pY++;
tmp0 = Y & 0xFF; //Low endian left pixel
//tmp0 = *pY++;
tmp1 = (tmp0 << 16) - Cg;
tmp2 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cb;
tmp0 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cr;
//add the error from top and left
tmp0 += ((left_err_t & 0xFF) << 16);// err_vert[3];
tmp1 += (((left_err_t >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[4];
tmp2 += (((left_err_t >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[5];
tmp0 += ((top_err_l & 0xFF) << 16);//pErr_horz[col];
tmp1 += (((top_err_l >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[1][col];
tmp2 += (((top_err_l >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[2][col];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
rgb = (tmp0 >> 3);
rgb = (tmp1 >> 2) | (rgb << 6);
rgb = (tmp2 >> 3) | (rgb << 5);
rgb = (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 4;
rgb |= (tmp1 & 0xF0);
rgb |= (tmp2 >> 4);
// calculate error
tmp0 &= 0xE;
tmp1 &= 0xE;
tmp2 &= 0xE;
tmp0 >>= 1;
tmp1 >>= 1;
tmp2 >>= 1;
top_err_l = tmp0 | (tmp1 << 8) | (tmp2 << 16);
*((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2))) = top_err_l;
Y >>= 8;
//Y = *pY++;
//error from the left is already available
tmp1 = (Y << 16) - Cg + (tmp1 << 16);
tmp2 = (Y << 16) + Cb + (tmp2 << 16);
tmp0 = (Y << 16) + Cr + (tmp0 << 16);
//add the error from top
tmp0 += ((top_err_r & 0xFF) << 16);//pErr_horz[col+1];
tmp1 += (((top_err_r >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[1][col+1];
tmp2 += (((top_err_r >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[2][col+1];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
rgb |= ((tmp0 >> 3) << 27);
rgb |= ((tmp1 >> 2) << 21);
rgb |= ((tmp2 >> 3) << 16);
rgb |= (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 20;
rgb |= (tmp1 & 0xF0) << 16;
rgb |= (tmp2 >> 4) << 16;
// *( (uint *)pDst)++ = rgb;
*((uint *)pDst) = rgb;
pDst += 2;
tmp0 &= 0xE;
tmp1 &= 0xE;
tmp2 &= 0xE;
tmp0 >>= 1;
tmp1 >>= 1;
tmp2 >>= 1;
// save error
left_err_t = tmp0 | (tmp1 << 8) | (tmp2 << 16); // = top_err_r
*((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2) + 4)) = left_err_t;
}//end of COL
pY += (deltaY >> 1);
pCb += deltaCbCr;
pCr += deltaCbCr;
pDst += (deltaDst); //coz pDst defined as UINT *
return 1;
int32 ColorConvert12::cc12Rotate(uint8 **src, uint8 *dst,
DisplayProperties *disp, uint8 *clip, uint8 *pExtraParam)
asm("STMFD sp!,{r0-r11,lr}");
asm("SUB sp,sp,#0x3c");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#0x48]");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x74]");
asm("LDR lr,[sp,#0x70]");
asm("LDMIA r3,{r9,r11}");
asm("MOV r12,r1");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x30]");
asm("LDR r3,[r3,#8]");
asm("LDR r4,[sp,#0x48]");
asm("MOV r5,#1");
asm("LDR r1,[r4,#0x10]");
asm("RSB r1,r1,r11,LSL #1");
asm("STR r1,[sp,#0x24]");
asm("LDR r7,[r0,#0x50]");
asm("LDMIA r12,{r0,r1,r4}");
asm("LDR r12,[sp,#0x48]");
asm("CMP r7,#0");
asm("LDR r8,[r12,#0]");
asm("LDR r12,[r12,#0xc]");
asm("MUL r6,r8,r12");
asm("ADD r5,r5,r6,ASR #2");
asm("ADD r6,r6,#2");
asm("STRNE r6,[sp,#0x28]");
asm("STRNE r5,[sp,#0x20]");
asm("MOV r8,r8,ASR #1");
asm("BNE L1.1716");
asm("RSB r6,r6,#0");
asm("RSB r5,r5,#0");
asm("STR r5,[sp,#0x20]");
asm("STR r6,[sp,#0x28]");
asm("BEQ L1.1748");
asm("SUB r5,r12,#1");
asm("MLA r0,r5,r9,r0");
asm("MVN r5,#0");
asm("ADD r12,r5,r12,ASR #1");
asm("MLA r1,r12,r8,r1");
asm("MLA r12,r8,r12,r4");
asm("B L1.1772");
asm("ADD r0,r0,r3");
asm("ADD r1,r1,r3,ASR #1");
asm("ADD r12,r4,r3,ASR #1");
asm("SUB r12,r12,#1");
asm("SUB r1,r1,#1");
asm("SUB r0,r0,#1");
asm("BEQ L1.1800");
asm("RSB r8,r8,#0");
asm("MOV r4,#1");
asm("STMIB sp,{r4,r8}");
asm("RSB r9,r9,#0");
asm("STR r9,[sp,#0]");
asm("B L1.1812");
asm("MVN r4,#0");
asm("STMIB sp,{r4,r8}");
asm("STR r9,[sp,#0]");
asm("STR r3,[sp,#0x1c]");
asm("CMP r3,#0");
asm("BLE L1.2824");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#4]");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0]");
asm("ADD r3,r3,r9");
asm("STR r3,[sp,#0x38]");
asm("LDR r4,[sp,#0x48]");
asm("MOV r3,#0");
asm("LDR r4,[r4,#0xc]");
asm("MOV r5,r3");
asm("SUBS r4,r4,#2");
asm("BMI L1.2776");
asm("LDRB r6,[r1,#0]");
asm("LDR r8,[sp,#8]");
asm("MOV r9,#0xce");
asm("LDRB r7,[r12],r8");
asm("ADD r9,r9,#0xb200");
asm("ADD r1,r1,r8");
asm("SUB r7,r7,#0x80");
asm("MOV r11,#0xff");
asm("ADD r11,r11,#0x2a00");
asm("MUL r8,r9,r7");
asm("SUB r6,r6,#0x80");
asm("MUL r9,r11,r6");
asm("ADD r8,r8,r9,LSL #1");
asm("LDR r9,L1.2840");//asm("LDR r9, =0x00015f03 ");
asm("MUL r7,r9,r7");
asm("LDR r9,L1.2844");//asm("LDR r9, =0x0001bbd2");
asm("MUL r6,r9,r6");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#4]");
asm("LDRB r9,[r0,r9]");
asm("RSB r11,r8,r9,LSL #16");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("ADD r11,r6,r9,LSL #16");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("AND r11,r3,#0xff");
asm("ADD r9,r7,r9,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r11,r9,r11,LSL #16");
asm("MOV r9,#0xff0000");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("AND r9,r9,r3,LSL #8");
asm("ADD r11,r9,r11");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("AND r3,r3,#0xff0000");
asm("ADD r9,r3,r9");
asm("STR r9,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("LDR r3,[r10,r4,LSL #2]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("AND r9,r3,#0xff");
asm("ADD r9,r11,r9,LSL #16");
asm("STR r9,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("MOV r9,#0xff0000");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("AND r9,r9,r3,LSL #8");
asm("ADD r11,r9,r11");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("AND r3,r3,#0xff0000");
asm("ADD r3,r3,r9");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDRB r9,[lr,r9,ASR #16]");
asm("STR r9,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDRB r9,[lr,r11,ASR #16]");
asm("STR r9,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("LDRB r3,[lr,r3,ASR #16]");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("AND r9,r9,#0xf0");
asm("MOV r11,r9,LSL #4");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("AND r9,r9,#0xf0");
asm("ORR r9,r9,r11");
asm("ORR r11,r9,r3,ASR #4");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("AND r3,r3,#0xe");
asm("AND r11,r11,#0xe");
asm("MOV r11,r11,LSR #1");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("MOV r11,r3,LSR #1");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("AND r9,r9,#0xe");
asm("MOV r9,r9,LSR #1");
asm("ORR r3,r9,r11,LSL #8");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("STR r9,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("ORR r9,r3,r11,LSL #16");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#0x38]");
asm("STR r9,[sp,#0x2c]");
asm("LDRB r3,[r0,r3]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("RSB r9,r8,r3,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r11,r9,r11,LSL #16");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("ADD r9,r6,r3,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r11,r9,r11,LSL #16");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("ADD r3,r7,r3,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r11,r3,r9,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r3,r10,r4,LSL #2");
asm("STR r3,[sp,#0x34]");
asm("LDR r9,[r3,#4]");
asm("AND r3,r9,#0xff");
asm("ADD r3,r11,r3,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("MOV r3,#0xff0000");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("AND r3,r3,r9,LSL #8");
asm("ADD r3,r3,r11");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("AND r9,r9,#0xff0000");
asm("ADD r9,r9,r11");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDRB r11,[lr,r11,ASR #16]");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDRB r3,[lr,r3,ASR #16]");
asm("STR r3,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("LDRB r3,[lr,r9,ASR #16]");
asm("AND r9,r11,#0xf0");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("ORR r9,r11,r9,LSL #20");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("AND r11,r11,#0xf0");
asm("ORR r9,r9,r11,LSL #16");
asm("MOV r11,r3,LSR #4");
asm("ORR r9,r9,r11,LSL #16");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x30]");
asm("AND r3,r3,#0xe");
asm("STR r9,[r2,r11,LSL #1]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("MOV r3,r3,ASR #1");
asm("AND r9,r11,#0xe");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("MOV r9,r9,ASR #1");
asm("AND r11,r11,#0xe");
asm("MOV r11,r11,ASR #1");
asm("ORR r9,r9,r11,LSL #8");
asm("ORR r3,r9,r3,LSL #16");
asm("LDRB r9,[r0,#0]");
asm("RSB r11,r8,r9,LSL #16");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("ADD r11,r6,r9,LSL #16");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("ADD r11,r7,r9,LSL #16");
asm("AND r9,r5,#0xff");
asm("ADD r9,r11,r9,LSL #16");
asm("STR r9,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("MOV r9,#0xff0000");
asm("AND r9,r9,r5,LSL #8");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("AND r5,r5,#0xff0000");
asm("ADD r9,r9,r11");
asm("STR r9,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x2c]");
asm("ADD r5,r5,r11");
asm("AND r11,r9,#0xff");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("ADD r9,r9,r11,LSL #16");
asm("STR r9,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x2c]");
asm("MOV r11,#0xff0000");
asm("AND r9,r11,r9,LSL #8");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("ADD r5,r9,r5");
asm("ADD r11,r9,r11");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDRB r9,[lr,r9,ASR #16]");
asm("STR r9,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDRB r9,[lr,r11,ASR #16]");
asm("STR r9,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("LDRB r5,[lr,r5,ASR #16]");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("AND r9,r9,#0xf0");
asm("MOV r11,r9,LSL #4");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("AND r9,r9,#0xf0");
asm("ORR r9,r9,r11");
asm("ORR r9,r9,r5,ASR #4");
asm("STR r9,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("AND r5,r5,#0xe");
asm("AND r11,r9,#0xe");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("MOV r11,r11,LSR #1");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("AND r9,r9,#0xe");
asm("MOV r11,r9,LSR #1");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("MOV r5,r5,LSR #1");
asm("ORR r9,r9,r11,LSL #8");
asm("ORR r9,r9,r5,LSL #16");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("STR r9,[r10,r4,LSL #2]");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0]");
asm("LDRB r9,[r0,r9]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0]");
asm("ADD r0,r0,r11,LSL #1");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("RSB r8,r8,r9,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r6,r6,r9,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r5,r6,r5,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r8,r8,r11,LSL #16");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("ADD r6,r7,r9,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r6,r6,r11,LSL #16");
asm("AND r7,r3,#0xff");
asm("ADD r6,r6,r7,LSL #16");
asm("MOV r9,#0xff0000");
asm("AND r7,r9,r3,LSL #8");
asm("ADD r7,r7,r8");
asm("AND r8,r3,r9");
asm("ADD r5,r8,r5");
asm("LDRB r6,[lr,r6,ASR #16]");
asm("LDRB r7,[lr,r7,ASR #16]");
asm("LDRB r5,[lr,r5,ASR #16]");
asm("AND r8,r6,#0xf0");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("AND r6,r6,#0xe");
asm("ORR r8,r9,r8,LSL #20");
asm("AND r9,r7,#0xf0");
asm("ORR r8,r8,r9,LSL #16");
asm("MOV r9,r5,ASR #4");
asm("AND r7,r7,#0xe");
asm("MOV r7,r7,ASR #1");
asm("AND r5,r5,#0xe");
asm("MOV r6,r6,ASR #1");
asm("ORR r6,r6,r7,LSL #8");
asm("MOV r5,r5,ASR #1");
asm("ORR r8,r8,r9,LSL #16");
asm("STR r8,[r2],#4");
asm("ORR r5,r6,r5,LSL #16");
asm("LDR r6,[sp,#0x34]");
asm("SUBS r4,r4,#2");
asm("STR r5,[r6,#4]");
asm("BPL L1.1864");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#0x28]");
asm("ADD r0,r0,r3");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#0x20]");
asm("ADD r1,r1,r3");
asm("ADD r12,r12,r3");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#0x24]");
asm("ADD r2,r2,r3,LSL #1");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#0x1c]");
asm("SUB r3,r3,#2");
asm("STR r3,[sp,#0x1c]");
asm("CMP r3,#0");
asm("BGT L1.1840");
asm("ADD sp,sp,#0x4c");
asm("LDMFD sp!,{r4-r11,lr}");
asm("MOV r0,#1");
// asm("BX lr");
asm(".align 0");
asm(".word 0x00015f03");
asm(".word 0x0001bbd2");
return 1;
return 0;
#endif // CCROTATE
#else // straight C version
int32 ColorConvert12::cc12Rotate(uint8 **src, uint8 *dst,
DisplayProperties *disp, uint8 *clip, uint8 *pErr_horz)
const static uint32 JCoeff[4] =
45774, //65536*0.813/1.164;
89859, //65536*1.596/1.164;
22014, //65536*0.391/1.164;
113618 //65536*2.018/1.164;
uint8 *pCb, *pCr;
uint8 *pY;
uint16 *pDst;
int32 src_width, dst_width, display_width;
int32 Y, Cb, Cr, Cg;
uint32 left_err_t, left_err_b; /* error from the left pixels */
uint32 top_err_l, top_err_r; /* error from the top pixels */
int32 deltaY, deltaDst, deltaCbCr;
int32 row, col;
int32 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2;
uint32 rgb;
src_width = disp->src_pitch;
dst_width = disp->dst_pitch;
display_width = disp->src_width;
deltaDst = (disp->dst_pitch << 1) - disp->dst_width; // (dst_pitch<<1) - src_height
if (_mRotation == CCROTATE_CLKWISE)
{ // go from top-left to bottom-left
deltaY = src_width * disp->src_height + 2;
deltaCbCr = ((src_width * disp->src_height) >> 2) + 1;
else // rotate counterclockwise
{ // go from bottom-right back to top-right
deltaY = -(src_width * disp->src_height + 2);
deltaCbCr = -(((src_width * disp->src_height) >> 2) + 1);
// map origin of the destination to the source
if (_mRotation == CCROTATE_CLKWISE)
{ // goto bottom-left
pY = src[0] + src_width * (disp->src_height - 1);
pCb = src[1] + ((src_width >> 1) * ((disp->src_height >> 1) - 1));
pCr = src[2] + ((src_width >> 1) * ((disp->src_height >> 1) - 1));
else // rotate counterclockwise
{ // goto top-right
pY = src[0] + display_width - 1;
pCb = src[1] + (display_width >> 1) - 1;
pCr = src[2] + (display_width >> 1) - 1;
pDst = (uint16 *)dst;
int half_src_width, read_idx, tmp_src_width;
if (_mRotation == CCROTATE_CLKWISE)
half_src_width = -(src_width >> 1);
read_idx = 1;
tmp_src_width = -src_width;
else // rotate counterclockwise
half_src_width = (src_width >> 1);
read_idx = -1;
tmp_src_width = src_width;
for (row = display_width; row > 0; row -= 2)
left_err_t = left_err_b = 0; /* reset left pixel errors */
for (col = disp->src_height - 2; col >= 0; col -= 2)
Cb = *pCb;
pCb += half_src_width;
Cr = *pCr;
pCr += half_src_width;
Cb -= 128;
Cr -= 128;
Cg = Cr * JCoeff[0];
Cg += Cb * JCoeff[2];
Cr *= JCoeff[1];
Cb *= JCoeff[3];
//process the bottom two pixels in RGB plane
tmp0 = pY[read_idx]; /* top-left pixel */
tmp1 = (tmp0 << 16) - Cg;
tmp2 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cb;
tmp0 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cr;
//add the error from top and left
//This is not exact error diffusion since
//we process the bottom two pixels first !!
tmp0 += ((left_err_b & 0xFF) << 16);// err_vert[0];
tmp1 += (((left_err_b >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[1];
tmp2 += (((left_err_b >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[2];
top_err_l = *((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2)));
tmp0 += ((top_err_l & 0xFF) << 16);//pErr_horz[col];
tmp1 += (((top_err_l >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[1][col];
tmp2 += (((top_err_l >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[2][col];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
rgb = (tmp0 >> 3);
rgb = (tmp1 >> 2) | (rgb << 6);
rgb = (tmp2 >> 3) | (rgb << 5);
rgb = (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 4;
rgb |= (tmp1 & 0xF0);
rgb |= (tmp2 >> 4);
tmp0 &= 0xE;
tmp1 &= 0xE;
tmp2 &= 0xE;
tmp0 >>= 1;
tmp1 >>= 1;
tmp2 >>= 1;
//save error
top_err_l = tmp0 | (tmp1 << 8) | (tmp2 << 16);
Y = pY[read_idx+tmp_src_width]; /* bottom-left pixel */
// error from the left already available
tmp1 = (Y << 16) - Cg + (tmp1 << 16);
tmp2 = (Y << 16) + Cb + (tmp2 << 16);
tmp0 = (Y << 16) + Cr + (tmp0 << 16);
//add the error from top
top_err_r = *((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2) + 4));
tmp0 += ((top_err_r & 0xFF) << 16);//pErr_horz[col+1];
tmp1 += (((top_err_r >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[1][col+1];
tmp2 += (((top_err_r >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[2][col+1];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
rgb |= ((tmp0 >> 3) << 27);
rgb |= ((tmp1 >> 2) << 21);
rgb |= ((tmp2 >> 3) << 16);
rgb |= (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 20;
rgb |= (tmp1 & 0xF0) << 16;
rgb |= (tmp2 >> 4) << 16;
*((uint*)(pDst + dst_width)) = rgb;
tmp0 &= 0xE;
tmp1 &= 0xE;
tmp2 &= 0xE;
tmp0 >>= 1;
tmp1 >>= 1;
tmp2 >>= 1;
//save error
left_err_b = tmp0 | (tmp1 << 8) | (tmp2 << 16);
top_err_r = left_err_b;
//process the top two pixels in RGB plane
tmp0 = *pY; /*upper-right pixel */
tmp1 = (tmp0 << 16) - Cg;
tmp2 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cb;
tmp0 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cr;
//add the error from top and left
tmp0 += ((left_err_t & 0xFF) << 16);// err_vert[3];
tmp1 += (((left_err_t >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[4];
tmp2 += (((left_err_t >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[5];
tmp0 += ((top_err_l & 0xFF) << 16);//pErr_horz[col];
tmp1 += (((top_err_l >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[1][col];
tmp2 += (((top_err_l >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[2][col];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
rgb = (tmp0 >> 3);
rgb = (tmp1 >> 2) | (rgb << 6);
rgb = (tmp2 >> 3) | (rgb << 5);
rgb = (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 4;
rgb |= (tmp1 & 0xF0);
rgb |= (tmp2 >> 4);
tmp0 &= 0xE;
tmp1 &= 0xE;
tmp2 &= 0xE;
tmp0 >>= 1;
tmp1 >>= 1;
tmp2 >>= 1;
top_err_l = tmp0 | (tmp1 << 8) | (tmp2 << 16);
*((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2))) = top_err_l;
Y = pY[tmp_src_width]; /* bottom-right pixel */
pY += (tmp_src_width << 1);
//error from the left is already available
tmp1 = (Y << 16) - Cg + (tmp1 << 16);
tmp2 = (Y << 16) + Cb + (tmp2 << 16);
tmp0 = (Y << 16) + Cr + (tmp0 << 16);
//add the error from top
tmp0 += ((top_err_r & 0xFF) << 16);//pErr_horz[col+1];
tmp1 += (((top_err_r >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[1][col+1];
tmp2 += (((top_err_r >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[2][col+1];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
rgb |= ((tmp0 >> 3) << 27);
rgb |= ((tmp1 >> 2) << 21);
rgb |= ((tmp2 >> 3) << 16);
rgb |= (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 20;
rgb |= (tmp1 & 0xF0) << 16;
rgb |= (tmp2 >> 4) << 16;
*((uint *)pDst) = rgb;
pDst += 2;
tmp0 &= 0xE;
tmp1 &= 0xE;
tmp2 &= 0xE;
tmp0 >>= 1;
tmp1 >>= 1;
tmp2 >>= 1;
// save error
left_err_t = tmp0 | (tmp1 << 8) | (tmp2 << 16); // = top_err_r
*((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2) + 4)) = left_err_t;
}//end of COL
pY += deltaY;
pCb += deltaCbCr;
pCr += deltaCbCr;
pDst += (deltaDst); //coz pDst defined as UINT *
return 1;
return 0;
#endif // CCROTATE
// platform specific C function
int32 cc12scaling(uint8 **src, uint8 *dst, int *disp,
uint8 *clip, uint8 *pErr_horz,
uint8 *_mRowPix, uint8 *_mColPix);
// Note:: This zoom algorithm needs an extra line of RGB buffer. So, users
// have to use GetRGBBufferSize API to get the size it needs. See GetRGBBufferSize().
int32 ColorConvert12::cc12ZoomIn(uint8 **src, uint8 *dst,
DisplayProperties *disp, uint8 *clip, uint8 *pErr_horz)
int32 disp_prop[6];
disp_prop[0] = disp->src_pitch;
disp_prop[1] = disp->dst_pitch;
disp_prop[2] = disp->src_width;
disp_prop[3] = disp->src_height;
disp_prop[4] = disp->dst_width;
disp_prop[5] = disp->dst_height;
return cc12scaling(src, dst, disp_prop, clip, pErr_horz, _mRowPix, _mColPix);
int32 cc12scaling(uint8 **src, uint8 *dst, int *disp,
uint8 *clip, uint8 *pErr_horz,
uint8 *_mRowPix, uint8 *_mColPix)
asm("STMFD sp!,{r4-r11,lr}");
asm("SUB sp,sp,#0x44");
asm("LDR r7,[sp,#0x6c]");
asm("LDR r12,[r2,#0]");
asm("MOV r5,r3");
asm("STR r12,[sp,#0x24]");
asm("LDR r3,[r2,#8]");
asm("LDR r4,[r2,#4]");
asm("RSB r12,r3,r12,LSL #1");
asm("STR r12,[sp,#0x1c]");
asm("LDR r12,[sp,#0x24]");
asm("SUB r12,r12,r3");
asm("MOV r12,r12,ASR #1");
asm("STR r12,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("LDR r12,[r2,#0x10]");
asm("STR r12,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDMIA r0,{r6,lr}");
asm("STR lr,[sp,#0x2c]");
asm("LDR r8,[r0,#8]");
asm("MOV r0,r1");
asm("STR r8,[sp,#0x28]");
asm("LDR r1,[r2,#0xc]");
asm("SUB r2,r1,#1");
asm("STR r2,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("CMP r2,#0");
asm("BLT L1.4684");
asm("SUB r1,r3,#2");
asm("STR r1,[sp,#0x40]");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("MOV r1,r1,LSL #1");
asm("STR r1,[sp,#0x3c]");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x70]");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("ADD r1,r1,r2");
asm("STR r1,[sp,#0x38]");
asm("LDRB r1,[r1,#-1]");
asm("CMP r1,#0");
asm("BNE L1.3104");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x70]");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("LDRB r1,[r1,r2]");
asm("CMP r1,#0");
asm("BNE L1.3104");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#0x24]");
asm("LDR lr,[sp,#0x2c]");
asm("LDR r8,[sp,#0x28]");
asm("ADD lr,lr,r3,ASR #1");
asm("ADD r8,r8,r3,ASR #1");
asm("STR r8,[sp,#0x28]");
asm("STR lr,[sp,#0x2c]");
asm("ADD r6,r6,r3,LSL #1");
asm("B L1.4664");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x40]");
asm("MOV r2,#0");
asm("MOV r12,r2");
asm("CMP r1,#0");
asm("BLT L1.4364");
asm("LDR lr,[sp,#0x2c]");
asm("MOV r9,#0xce");
asm("LDRB r3,[lr],#1");
asm("LDR r8,[sp,#0x28]");
asm("STR lr,[sp,#0x2c]");
asm("LDRB lr,[r8],#1");
asm("STR r8,[sp,#0x28]");
asm("ADD r9,r9,#0xb200");
asm("SUB lr,lr,#0x80");
asm("MOV r10,#0xff");
asm("ADD r10,r10,#0x2a00");
asm("MUL r8,r9,lr");
asm("SUB r3,r3,#0x80");
asm("MUL r9,r10,r3");
asm("LDR r10,L1.4692");
asm("ADD r9,r8,r9,LSL #1");
asm("MUL r8,r10,lr");
asm("LDR r10,L1.4696");
asm("MUL lr,r10,r3");
asm("LDRB r3,[r7,r1]");
asm("CMP r3,#0");
asm("ADDEQ r6,r6,#1");
asm("BEQ L1.3796");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#0x24]");
asm("TST r0,#3");
asm("LDRB r10,[r6,r3]");
asm("RSB r11,r9,r10,LSL #16");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#8]");
asm("ADD r11,r8,r10,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r3,lr,r10,LSL #16");
asm("AND r10,r12,#0xff");
asm("ADD r11,r11,r10,LSL #16");
asm("MOV r10,#0xff0000");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#8]");
asm("AND r10,r10,r12,LSL #8");
asm("ADD r11,r10,r11");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#8]");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x68]");
asm("AND r12,r12,#0xff0000");
asm("ADD r12,r12,r3");
asm("LDR r3,[r10,r1,LSL #2]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("AND r10,r3,#0xff");
asm("ADD r10,r11,r10,LSL #16");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("MOV r10,#0xff0000");
asm("AND r10,r10,r3,LSL #8");
asm("AND r3,r3,#0xff0000");
asm("ADD r3,r3,r12");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#8]");
asm("LDR r12,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("ADD r10,r10,r11");
asm("LDRB r11,[r5,r12,ASR #16]");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("LDRB r10,[r5,r10,ASR #16]");
asm("LDRB r12,[r5,r3,ASR #16]");
asm("AND r3,r11,#0xf0");
asm("MOV r11,r3,LSL #4");
asm("AND r3,r10,#0xf0");
asm("ORR r3,r3,r11");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("AND r10,r10,#0xe");
asm("AND r11,r11,#0xe");
asm("MOV r11,r11,LSR #1");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("MOV r11,r10,LSR #1");
asm("ORR r3,r3,r12,ASR #4");
asm("AND r12,r12,#0xe");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#8]");
asm("MOV r11,r12,LSR #1");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#4]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("LDR r12,[sp,#8]");
asm("ORR r12,r11,r12,LSL #8");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#4]");
asm("LDRB r10,[r6],#1");
asm("ORR r12,r12,r11,LSL #16");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#8]");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0x20]");
asm("RSB r10,r9,r10,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r10,r10,r11,LSL #16");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#8]");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x20]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#4]");
asm("ADD r10,lr,r10,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r10,r10,r11,LSL #16");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#4]");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x20]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("ADD r10,r8,r10,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r10,r10,r11,LSL #16");
asm("AND r11,r2,#0xff");
asm("ADD r10,r10,r11,LSL #16");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("MOV r10,#0xff0000");
asm("AND r11,r10,r2,LSL #8");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#8]");
asm("AND r2,r2,#0xff0000");
asm("ADD r11,r11,r10");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#4]");
asm("ADD r2,r2,r10");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("LDRB r10,[r5,r10,ASR #16]");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("LDRB r11,[r5,r11,ASR #16]");
asm("LDRB r10,[r5,r2,ASR #16]");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#4]");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("MOV r2,r10,LSL #28");
asm("MOV r2,r2,LSR #29");
asm("AND r10,r11,#0xe");
asm("ORR r2,r2,r10,LSL #7");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#4]");
asm("AND r11,r11,#0xf0");
asm("AND r10,r10,#0xe");
asm("ORR r2,r2,r10,LSL #15");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x68]");
asm("STR r2,[r10,r1,LSL #2]");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("AND r10,r10,#0xf0");
asm("MOV r10,r10,LSL #4");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("ORR r10,r11,r10");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#4]");
asm("ORR r10,r10,r11,ASR #4");
asm("LDRB r11,[r7,r1]");
asm("BEQ L1.3720");
asm("CMP r11,#2");
asm("BNE L1.3668");
asm("ADD r11,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRH r3,[r11,#0]");
asm("STRH r3,[r11,#2]");
asm("STRH r10,[r0,#0]");
asm("STRH r10,[r0,#2]");
asm("B L1.3796");
asm("CMP r11,#3");
asm("ADD r11,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRNEH r3,[r11,#0]");
asm("STRNEH r10,[r0,#0]");
asm("BNE L1.3796");
asm("STRH r3,[r11],#2");
asm("ORR r3,r3,r3,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r11,#0]");
asm("STRH r10,[r0,#0]");
asm("ORR r3,r10,r10,LSL #16");
asm("MOV r10,#2");
asm("STR r3,[r10,r0]");
asm("B L1.3796");
asm("CMP r11,#2");
asm("BNE L1.3748");
asm("ORR r3,r3,r3,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r0,r4,LSL #1]");
asm("ORR r3,r10,r10,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r0,#0]");
asm("B L1.3796");
asm("CMP r11,#3");
asm("ADDNE r11,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRNEH r3,[r11,#0]");
asm("STRNEH r10,[r0,#0]");
asm("BNE L1.3796");
asm("ORR r11,r3,r3,LSL #16");
asm("STR r11,[r0,r4,LSL #1]");
asm("ADD r11,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRH r3,[r11,#4]");
asm("ORR r3,r10,r10,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r0,#0]");
asm("STRH r10,[r0,#4]");
asm("LDRB r3,[r7,r1]");
asm("ADD r0,r0,r3,LSL #1");
asm("ADD r3,r7,r1");
asm("STR r3,[sp,#0x34]");
asm("LDRB r3,[r3,#1]");
asm("CMP r3,#0");
asm("ADDEQ r6,r6,#1");
asm("BEQ L1.4344");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#0x24]");
asm("TST r0,#3");
asm("LDRB r10,[r6,r3]");
asm("RSB r11,r9,r10,LSL #16");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#8]");
asm("ADD r11,r8,r10,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r3,lr,r10,LSL #16");
asm("AND r10,r12,#0xff");
asm("ADD r11,r11,r10,LSL #16");
asm("MOV r10,#0xff0000");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#8]");
asm("AND r10,r10,r12,LSL #8");
asm("ADD r11,r10,r11");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#8]");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x68]");
asm("AND r12,r12,#0xff0000");
asm("ADD r12,r12,r3");
asm("ADD r3,r10,r1,LSL #2");
asm("STR r3,[sp,#0x30]");
asm("LDR r3,[r3,#4]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("AND r10,r3,#0xff");
asm("ADD r10,r11,r10,LSL #16");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("MOV r10,#0xff0000");
asm("AND r10,r10,r3,LSL #8");
asm("AND r3,r3,#0xff0000");
asm("ADD r3,r3,r12");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#8]");
asm("LDR r12,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("ADD r10,r10,r11");
asm("LDRB r11,[r5,r12,ASR #16]");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("LDRB r10,[r5,r10,ASR #16]");
asm("LDRB r12,[r5,r3,ASR #16]");
asm("AND r3,r11,#0xf0");
asm("AND r11,r10,#0xf0");
asm("ORR r3,r11,r3,LSL #4");
asm("AND r10,r10,#0xe");
asm("MOV r10,r10,LSR #1");
asm("ORR r3,r3,r12,ASR #4");
asm("AND r12,r12,#0xe");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#8]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("MOV r10,r12,LSR #1");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#4]");
asm("AND r11,r11,#0xe");
asm("MOV r11,r11,LSR #1");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#8]");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("ORR r12,r11,r10,LSL #8");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#4]");
asm("LDRB r11,[r6],#1");
asm("ORR r12,r12,r10,LSL #16");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#8]");
asm("RSB r9,r9,r11,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r9,r9,r10,LSL #16");
asm("ADD lr,lr,r11,LSL #16");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#4]");
asm("ADD r8,r8,r11,LSL #16");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("ADD lr,lr,r10,LSL #16");
asm("AND r10,r2,#0xff");
asm("ADD r8,r8,r11,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r8,r8,r10,LSL #16");
asm("MOV r10,#0xff0000");
asm("AND r10,r10,r2,LSL #8");
asm("AND r2,r2,#0xff0000");
asm("ADD r2,r2,lr");
asm("LDRB lr,[r5,r8,ASR #16]");
asm("ADD r9,r10,r9");
asm("LDRB r8,[r5,r9,ASR #16]");
asm("LDRB r9,[r5,r2,ASR #16]");
asm("MOV r2,lr,LSL #28");
asm("AND r10,r8,#0xe");
asm("MOV r2,r2,LSR #29");
asm("ORR r2,r2,r10,LSL #7");
asm("AND r10,r9,#0xe");
asm("ORR r2,r2,r10,LSL #15");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x30]");
asm("AND r8,r8,#0xf0");
asm("AND lr,lr,#0xf0");
asm("ORR lr,r8,lr,LSL #4");
asm("STR r2,[r10,#4]");
asm("LDR r8,[sp,#0x34]");
asm("ORR lr,lr,r9,ASR #4");
asm("LDRB r8,[r8,#1]");
asm("BEQ L1.4268");
asm("CMP r8,#2");
asm("BNE L1.4216");
asm("ADD r8,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRH r3,[r8,#0]");
asm("STRH r3,[r8,#2]");
asm("STRH lr,[r0,#0]");
asm("STRH lr,[r0,#2]");
asm("B L1.4344");
asm("CMP r8,#3");
asm("ADD r8,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRNEH r3,[r8,#0]");
asm("STRNEH lr,[r0,#0]");
asm("BNE L1.4344");
asm("STRH r3,[r8],#2");
asm("ORR r3,r3,r3,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r8,#0]");
asm("STRH lr,[r0,#0]");
asm("ORR r3,lr,lr,LSL #16");
asm("MOV lr,#2");
asm("STR r3,[lr,r0]");
asm("B L1.4344");
asm("CMP r8,#2");
asm("BNE L1.4296");
asm("ORR r3,r3,r3,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r0,r4,LSL #1]");
asm("ORR r3,lr,lr,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r0,#0]");
asm("B L1.4344");
asm("CMP r8,#3");
asm("ADDNE r8,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRNEH r3,[r8,#0]");
asm("STRNEH lr,[r0,#0]");
asm("BNE L1.4344");
asm("ORR r8,r3,r3,LSL #16");
asm("STR r8,[r0,r4,LSL #1]");
asm("ADD r8,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRH r3,[r8,#4]");
asm("ORR r3,lr,lr,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r0,#0]");
asm("STRH lr,[r0,#4]");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#0x34]");
asm("SUBS r1,r1,#2");
asm("LDRB r3,[r3,#1]");
asm("ADD r0,r0,r3,LSL #1");
asm("BPL L1.3124");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x1c]");
asm("LDR lr,[sp,#0x2c]");
asm("ADD r6,r6,r1");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("LDR r8,[sp,#0x28]");
asm("ADD lr,lr,r1");
asm("ADD r8,r8,r1");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("STR r8,[sp,#0x28]");
asm("SUB r8,r0,r1,LSL #1");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x70]");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("STR lr,[sp,#0x2c]");
asm("LDRB r0,[r1,r2]");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x38]");
asm("LDRB r1,[r1,#-1]");
asm("MUL r9,r4,r0");
asm("CMP r1,#0");
asm("BEQ L1.4552");
asm("CMP r0,#1");
asm("BEQ L1.4464");
asm("ADD r1,r8,r4,LSL #1");
asm("ADD r0,r8,r9,LSL #1");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x3c]");
asm("BL memcpy");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x38]");
asm("LDRB r0,[r1,#-1]");
asm("CMP r0,#2");
asm("BNE L1.4504");
asm("ADD r0,r8,r9,LSL #1");
asm("ADD r0,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("ADD r1,r8,r4,LSL #1");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x3c]");
asm("BL memcpy");
asm("B L1.4552");
asm("CMP r0,#3");
asm("BNE L1.4552");
asm("ADD r10,r8,r9,LSL #1");
asm("ADD r9,r8,r4,LSL #1");
asm("MOV r1,r9");
asm("ADD r0,r10,r4,LSL #1");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x3c]");
asm("BL memcpy");
asm("ADD r0,r10,r4,LSL #2");
asm("MOV r1,r9");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x3c]");
asm("BL memcpy");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x70]");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("LDRB r0,[r1,r2]");
asm("CMP r0,#2");
asm("BNE L1.4592");
asm("ADD r0,r8,r4,LSL #1");
asm("MOV r1,r8");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x3c]");
asm("BL memcpy");
asm("B L1.4632");
asm("CMP r0,#3");
asm("BNE L1.4632");
asm("ADD r0,r8,r4,LSL #1");
asm("MOV r1,r8");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x3c]");
asm("BL memcpy");
asm("ADD r0,r8,r4,LSL #2");
asm("MOV r1,r8");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x3c]");
asm("BL memcpy");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x38]");
asm("LDRB r0,[r1,#-1]");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x70]");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("LDRB r1,[r1,r2]");
asm("ADD r0,r0,r1");
asm("MUL r0,r4,r0");
asm("ADD r0,r8,r0,LSL #1");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("SUB r2,r2,#2");
asm("STR r2,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("CMP r2,#0");
asm("BGE L1.3020");
asm("ADD sp,sp,#0x44");
asm("LDMFD sp!,{r4-r11,lr}");
asm("MOV r0,#1");
// asm("BX lr");
asm(".align 0");
asm(".word 0x00015f03");
asm(".word 0x0001bbd2");
return 1;
return 0;
#endif // CCSCALING
#else // straight C version
int32 cc12scaling(uint8 **src, uint8 *dst, int *disp,
uint8 *clip, uint8 *pErr_horz,
uint8 *_mRowPix, uint8 *_mColPix)
const static uint32 JCoeff[4] =
45774, //65536*0.813/1.164;
89859, //65536*1.596/1.164;
22014, //65536*0.391/1.164;
113618 //65536*2.018/1.164;
uint8 *pCb, *pCr, *pY;
uint16 *pDst;
int32 src_pitch, dst_pitch, src_width;
int32 Y, Cb, Cr, Cg;
uint32 left_err_t, left_err_b; /* error from the left pixels */
uint32 top_err_l, top_err_r; /* error from the top pixels */
int32 deltaY, dst_width, deltaCbCr;
int32 row, col;
int32 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2;
uint32 rgb;
int32 offset;
src_pitch = disp[0];
dst_pitch = disp[1];
src_width = disp[2];
deltaY = (src_pitch << 1) - src_width;
deltaCbCr = (src_pitch - src_width) >> 1;
dst_width = disp[4];
pY = src[0];
pCb = src[1];
pCr = src[2];
pDst = (uint16 *)dst;
for (row = disp[3] - 1; row >= 0; row -= 2)
{/* decrement index, _mColPix[.] is
symmetric to increment index */
if ((_mColPix[row-1] == 0) && (_mColPix[row] == 0))
pCb += (src_pitch >> 1);
pCr += (src_pitch >> 1);
pY += (src_pitch << 1);
left_err_t = left_err_b = 0; /* reset left pixel errors */
for (col = src_width - 2; col >= 0; col -= 2)
{ /* decrement index, _mRowPix[.] is
symmetric to increment index */
Cb = *pCb++;
Cr = *pCr++;
//load the bottom two pixels
//Y = *(((uint16 *)pY)+src_pitch);
//Y = *((uint16 *)(((uint16 *)pY) + src_pitch));
Cb -= 128;
Cr -= 128;
Cg = Cr * JCoeff[0];
Cg += Cb * JCoeff[2];
Cr *= JCoeff[1];
Cb *= JCoeff[3];
if (_mRowPix[col]) /* compute this pixel */
tmp0 = pY[src_pitch]; //bottom left
tmp1 = (tmp0 << 16) - Cg;
tmp2 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cb;
tmp0 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cr;
tmp0 += ((left_err_b & 0xFF) << 16);// err_vert[0];
tmp1 += (((left_err_b >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[1];
tmp2 += (((left_err_b >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[2];
top_err_l = *((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2)));
tmp0 += ((top_err_l & 0xFF) << 16);//pErr_horz[col];
tmp1 += (((top_err_l >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[1][col];
tmp2 += (((top_err_l >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[2][col];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
rgb = (tmp0 >> 3);
rgb = (tmp1 >> 2) | (rgb << 6);
rgb = (tmp2 >> 3) | (rgb << 5);
rgb = (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 4;
rgb |= (tmp1 & 0xF0);
rgb |= (tmp2 >> 4);
tmp0 &= 0xE;
tmp1 &= 0xE;
tmp2 &= 0xE;
tmp0 >>= 1;
tmp1 >>= 1;
tmp2 >>= 1;
//save error
left_err_b = tmp0 | (tmp1 << 8) | (tmp2 << 16); // = top_err_l also
Y = *pY++; //upper left
// error from the top already available
tmp1 = (Y << 16) - Cg + (tmp1 << 16);
tmp2 = (Y << 16) + Cb + (tmp2 << 16);
tmp0 = (Y << 16) + Cr + (tmp0 << 16);
//add the error from left
tmp0 += ((left_err_t & 0xFF) << 16);// err_vert[3];
tmp1 += (((left_err_t >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[4];
tmp2 += (((left_err_t >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[5];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
//save error
left_err_t = ((tmp0 & 0xE) >> 1) | ((tmp1 & 0xE) << 7) | ((tmp2 & 0xE) << 15); //= top_err_l also
*((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2))) = left_err_t; // =top_err_l;
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
tmp0 = (tmp0 >> 3);
tmp0 = (tmp1 >> 2) | (tmp0 << 6);
tmp0 = (tmp2 >> 3) | (tmp0 << 5);
tmp0 = (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 4;
tmp0 |= (tmp1 & 0xF0);
tmp0 |= (tmp2 >> 4);
if (((uint)pDst) & 3) //half word aligned
if (_mRowPix[col] == 2)
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*(pDst + dst_pitch + 1) = rgb;
*(pDst) = tmp0;
*(pDst + 1) = tmp0;
else if (_mRowPix[col] == 3)
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*((uint*)(pDst + dst_pitch + 1)) = rgb | (rgb << 16);
*(pDst) = tmp0;
*((uint*)(pDst + 1)) = tmp0 | (tmp0 << 16);
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*(pDst) = tmp0;
else //word aligned
if (_mRowPix[col] == 2)
*((uint*)(pDst + dst_pitch)) = rgb | (rgb << 16);
*((uint*)(pDst)) = tmp0 | (tmp0 << 16);
else if (_mRowPix[col] == 3)
*((uint*)(pDst + dst_pitch)) = rgb | (rgb << 16);
*(pDst + dst_pitch + 2) = rgb;
*((uint*)(pDst)) = tmp0 | (tmp0 << 16);
*(pDst + 2) = tmp0;
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*(pDst) = tmp0;
} /* if(_mRowPix[col]) */
pDst += _mRowPix[col];
if (_mRowPix[col+1]) /* compute this pixel */
//load the top two pixels
//Y = *((uint16 *)pY)++;
tmp0 = pY[src_pitch]; //bottom right
tmp1 = (tmp0 << 16) - Cg;
tmp2 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cb;
tmp0 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cr;
//add the error from top and left
tmp0 += ((left_err_b & 0xFF) << 16);// err_vert[0];
tmp1 += (((left_err_b >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[1];
tmp2 += (((left_err_b >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[2];
top_err_r = *((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2) + 4));
tmp0 += ((top_err_r & 0xFF) << 16);//pErr_horz[col+1];
tmp1 += (((top_err_r >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[1][col+1];
tmp2 += (((top_err_r >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[2][col+1];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
rgb = (tmp0 >> 3);
rgb = (tmp1 >> 2) | (rgb << 6);
rgb = (tmp2 >> 3) | (rgb << 5);
rgb = (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 4;
rgb |= (tmp1 & 0xF0);
rgb |= (tmp2 >> 4);
tmp0 &= 0xE;
tmp1 &= 0xE;
tmp2 &= 0xE;
tmp0 >>= 1;
tmp1 >>= 1;
tmp2 >>= 1;
//save error
left_err_b = tmp0 | (tmp1 << 8) | (tmp2 << 16); // = top_err_r also
Y = *pY++;
// error from the top already available
tmp1 = (Y << 16) - Cg + (tmp1 << 16);
tmp2 = (Y << 16) + Cb + (tmp2 << 16);
tmp0 = (Y << 16) + Cr + (tmp0 << 16);
//add the error from left
tmp0 += ((left_err_t & 0xFF) << 16);// err_vert[3];
tmp1 += (((left_err_t >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[4];
tmp2 += (((left_err_t >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[5];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
//save error
left_err_t = ((tmp0 & 0xE) >> 1) | ((tmp1 & 0xE) << 7) | ((tmp2 & 0xE) << 15);//= top_err_r also
*((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2) + 4)) = left_err_t;// =top_err_r;
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
tmp0 = (tmp0 >> 3);
tmp0 = (tmp1 >> 2) | (tmp0 << 6);
tmp0 = (tmp2 >> 3) | (tmp0 << 5);
tmp0 = (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 4;
tmp0 |= (tmp1 & 0xF0);
tmp0 |= (tmp2 >> 4);
if (((uint)pDst) & 3) //half word aligned
if (_mRowPix[col+1] == 2)
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*(pDst + dst_pitch + 1) = rgb;
*(pDst) = tmp0;
*(pDst + 1) = tmp0;
else if (_mRowPix[col+1] == 3)
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*((uint*)(pDst + dst_pitch + 1)) = rgb | (rgb << 16);
*(pDst) = tmp0;
*((uint*)(pDst + 1)) = tmp0 | (tmp0 << 16);
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*(pDst) = tmp0;
else //word aligned
if (_mRowPix[col+1] == 2)
*((uint*)(pDst + dst_pitch)) = rgb | (rgb << 16);
*((uint*)(pDst)) = tmp0 | (tmp0 << 16);
else if (_mRowPix[col+1] == 3)
*((uint*)(pDst + dst_pitch)) = rgb | (rgb << 16);
*(pDst + dst_pitch + 2) = rgb;
*((uint*)(pDst)) = tmp0 | (tmp0 << 16);
*(pDst + 2) = tmp0;
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*(pDst) = tmp0;
} /* if(_mRowPix[col]) */
pDst += _mRowPix[col+1];
}//end of COL
pY += (deltaY);
pCb += deltaCbCr;
pCr += deltaCbCr;
pDst -= (dst_width); //goes back to the beginning of the line;
//copy down
offset = (_mColPix[row] * dst_pitch);
if (_mColPix[row-1] && _mColPix[row] != 1)
oscl_memcpy(pDst + offset, pDst + dst_pitch, dst_width*2);
if (_mColPix[row-1] == 2)
oscl_memcpy(pDst + offset + dst_pitch, pDst + dst_pitch, dst_width*2);
else if (_mColPix[row-1] == 3)
oscl_memcpy(pDst + offset + dst_pitch, pDst + dst_pitch, dst_width*2);
oscl_memcpy(pDst + offset + dst_pitch*2, pDst + dst_pitch, dst_width*2);
//copy up
if (_mColPix[row] == 2)
oscl_memcpy(pDst + dst_pitch, pDst, dst_width*2);
else if (_mColPix[row] == 3)
oscl_memcpy(pDst + dst_pitch, pDst, dst_width*2);
oscl_memcpy(pDst + dst_pitch*2, pDst, dst_width*2);
pDst += dst_pitch * (_mColPix[row-1] + _mColPix[row]);
return 1;
return 0;
#endif // CCSCALING
// platform specfic function in C
int32 cc12sc_rotate(uint8 **src, uint8 *dst, int *disp,
uint8 *clip, uint8 *pErr_horz,
uint8 *_mRowPix, uint8 *_mColPix,
bool _mIsRotateClkwise);
int32 ColorConvert12::cc12ZoomRotate(uint8 **src, uint8 *dst,
DisplayProperties *disp, uint8 *clip, uint8 *pErr_horz)
int disp_prop[6];
disp_prop[0] = disp->src_pitch;
disp_prop[1] = disp->dst_pitch;
disp_prop[2] = disp->src_width;
disp_prop[3] = disp->src_height;
disp_prop[4] = disp->dst_width;
disp_prop[5] = disp->dst_height;
return cc12sc_rotate(src, dst, disp_prop, clip, pErr_horz, _mRowPix, _mColPix, (_mRotation == CCROTATE_CLKWISE));
// Note:: This zoom algorithm needs an extra line of RGB buffer. So, users
// have to use GetRGBBufferSize API to get the size it needs. See GetRGBBufferSize().
int32 cc12sc_rotate(uint8 **src, uint8 *dst, int *disp,
uint8 *clip, uint8 *pErr_horz,
uint8 *_mRowPix, uint8 *_mColPix,
bool _mIsRotateClkwise)
asm("STMFD sp!,{r0-r11,lr}");
asm("SUB sp,sp,#0x4c");
asm("MOV lr,r0");
asm("MOV r0,r1");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x54]");
asm("LDR r9,[sp,#0x84]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x8c]");
asm("LDR r2,[r1,#8]");
asm("LDR r4,[r1,#4]");
asm("LDR r10,[r1,#0]");
asm("LDR r1,[r1,#0x10]");
asm("MOV r5,r3");
asm("STR r1,[sp,#0x24]");
asm("LDMIA lr,{r6,r12}");
asm("LDR r3,[lr,#8]");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x54]");
asm("MOV r7,#1");
asm("LDR lr,[r1,#0]");
asm("LDR r1,[r1,#0xc]");
asm("CMP r11,#0");
asm("MUL r8,lr,r1");
asm("ADD r7,r7,r8,ASR #2");
asm("ADD r8,r8,#2");
asm("STRNE r8,[sp,#0x28]");
asm("STRNE r7,[sp,#0x20]");
asm("MOV lr,lr,ASR #1");
asm("BNE L1.4940");
asm("RSB r8,r8,#0");
asm("RSB r7,r7,#0");
asm("STR r7,[sp,#0x20]");
asm("STR r8,[sp,#0x28]");
asm("BEQ L1.4972");
asm("SUB r7,r1,#1");
asm("MLA r6,r7,r10,r6");
asm("MVN r7,#0");
asm("ADD r1,r7,r1,ASR #1");
asm("MLA r7,r1,lr,r12");
asm("MLA r8,r1,lr,r3");
asm("B L1.4996");
asm("ADD r1,r6,r2");
asm("SUB r6,r1,#1");
asm("ADD r1,r12,r2,ASR #1");
asm("SUB r7,r1,#1");
asm("ADD r1,r3,r2,ASR #1");
asm("SUB r8,r1,#1");
asm("BEQ L1.5028");
asm("RSB lr,lr,#0");
asm("MOV r3,#1");
asm("ADD r1,sp,#8");
asm("STMIA r1,{r3,lr}");
asm("RSB r10,r10,#0");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#4]");
asm("B L1.5044");
asm("MVN r3,#0");
asm("ADD r1,sp,#8");
asm("STMIA r1,{r3,lr}");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#4]");
asm("SUB r2,r2,#1");
asm("STR r2,[sp,#0x1c]");
asm("CMP r2,#0");
asm("BLE L1.6816");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x24]");
asm("MOV r1,r1,LSL #1");
asm("STR r1,[sp,#0x48]");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x88]");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x1c]");
asm("ADD r1,r1,r2");
asm("STR r1,[sp,#0x44]");
asm("LDRB r1,[r1,#-1]");
asm("CMP r1,#0");
asm("BNE L1.5140");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x88]");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x1c]");
asm("LDRB r1,[r1,r2]");
asm("CMP r1,#0");
asm("BNE L1.5140");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#8]");
asm("ADD r7,r7,r3");
asm("ADD r8,r8,r3");
asm("ADD r6,r6,r3,LSL #1");
asm("B L1.6796");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x54]");
asm("MOV r2,#0");
asm("LDR r1,[r1,#0xc]");
asm("MOV r12,r2");
asm("SUBS r1,r1,#2");
asm("BMI L1.6504");
asm("LDRB r3,[r7,#0]");
asm("LDR lr,[sp,#0xc]");
asm("LDRB r10,[r8],lr");
asm("SUB r3,r3,#0x80");
asm("STR r3,[sp,#0x30]");
asm("ADD r7,r7,lr");
asm("MOV lr,#0xce");
asm("SUB r3,r10,#0x80");
asm("ADD lr,lr,#0xb200");
asm("MUL r11,lr,r3");
asm("LDR lr,[sp,#0x30]");
asm("MOV r10,#0xff");
asm("ADD r10,r10,#0x2a00");
asm("MUL lr,r10,lr");
asm("LDR r10,L1.6824");
asm("ADD lr,r11,lr,LSL #1");
asm("MUL r11,r10,r3");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#0x30]");
asm("LDR r10,L1.6828");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x2c]");
asm("MUL r11,r10,r3");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x30]");
asm("LDRB r3,[r9,r1]");
asm("CMP r3,#0");
asm("LDREQ r10,[sp,#4]");
asm("ADDEQ r6,r6,r10");
asm("BEQ L1.5880");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#8]");
asm("TST r0,#3");
asm("LDRB r10,[r6,r3]");
asm("RSB r11,lr,r10,LSL #16");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x30]");
asm("ADD r3,r11,r10,LSL #16");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x2c]");
asm("ADD r11,r11,r10,LSL #16");
asm("AND r10,r12,#0xff");
asm("ADD r11,r11,r10,LSL #16");
asm("MOV r10,#0xff0000");
asm("AND r10,r10,r12,LSL #8");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("AND r12,r12,#0xff0000");
asm("ADD r11,r10,r11");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x80]");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("ADD r12,r12,r3");
asm("LDR r3,[r10,r1,LSL #2]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("AND r10,r3,#0xff");
asm("ADD r10,r11,r10,LSL #16");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("MOV r10,#0xff0000");
asm("AND r10,r10,r3,LSL #8");
asm("AND r3,r3,#0xff0000");
asm("ADD r3,r3,r12");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("LDR r12,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("ADD r10,r10,r11");
asm("LDRB r11,[r5,r12,ASR #16]");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDRB r10,[r5,r10,ASR #16]");
asm("LDRB r12,[r5,r3,ASR #16]");
asm("AND r3,r11,#0xf0");
asm("MOV r11,r3,LSL #4");
asm("AND r3,r10,#0xf0");
asm("ORR r3,r3,r11");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("AND r10,r10,#0xe");
asm("AND r11,r11,#0xe");
asm("MOV r11,r11,LSR #1");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("MOV r11,r10,LSR #1");
asm("ORR r3,r3,r12,ASR #4");
asm("AND r12,r12,#0xe");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("MOV r11,r12,LSR #1");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDR r12,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("ORR r12,r11,r12,LSL #8");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("LDRB r10,[r6,#0]");
asm("ORR r12,r12,r11,LSL #16");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0x34]");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#4]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("ADD r6,r6,r10");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x34]");
asm("RSB r10,lr,r10,LSL #16");
asm("ADD r10,r10,r11,LSL #16");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x34]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x30]");
asm("ADD r10,r11,r10,LSL #16");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("ADD r10,r10,r11,LSL #16");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x34]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x2c]");
asm("ADD r10,r11,r10,LSL #16");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("ADD r10,r10,r11,LSL #16");
asm("AND r11,r2,#0xff");
asm("ADD r10,r10,r11,LSL #16");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("MOV r10,#0xff0000");
asm("AND r11,r10,r2,LSL #8");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("AND r2,r2,#0xff0000");
asm("ADD r11,r11,r10");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("ADD r2,r2,r10");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDRB r10,[r5,r10,ASR #16]");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDRB r11,[r5,r11,ASR #16]");
asm("LDRB r10,[r5,r2,ASR #16]");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("MOV r2,r10,LSL #28");
asm("MOV r2,r2,LSR #29");
asm("AND r10,r11,#0xe");
asm("ORR r2,r2,r10,LSL #7");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("AND r11,r11,#0xf0");
asm("AND r10,r10,#0xe");
asm("ORR r2,r2,r10,LSL #15");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x80]");
asm("STR r2,[r10,r1,LSL #2]");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("AND r10,r10,#0xf0");
asm("MOV r10,r10,LSL #4");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("ORR r10,r11,r10");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("ORR r10,r10,r11,ASR #4");
asm("LDRB r11,[r9,r1]");
asm("BEQ L1.5804");
asm("CMP r11,#2");
asm("BNE L1.5752");
asm("ADD r11,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRH r3,[r11,#0]");
asm("STRH r3,[r11,#2]");
asm("STRH r10,[r0,#0]");
asm("STRH r10,[r0,#2]");
asm("B L1.5880");
asm("CMP r11,#3");
asm("ADD r11,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRNEH r3,[r11,#0]");
asm("STRNEH r10,[r0,#0]");
asm("BNE L1.5880");
asm("STRH r3,[r11],#2");
asm("ORR r3,r3,r3,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r11,#0]");
asm("STRH r10,[r0,#0]");
asm("ORR r3,r10,r10,LSL #16");
asm("MOV r10,#2");
asm("STR r3,[r10,r0]");
asm("B L1.5880");
asm("CMP r11,#2");
asm("BNE L1.5832");
asm("ORR r3,r3,r3,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r0,r4,LSL #1]");
asm("ORR r3,r10,r10,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r0,#0]");
asm("B L1.5880");
asm("CMP r11,#3");
asm("ADDNE r11,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRNEH r3,[r11,#0]");
asm("STRNEH r10,[r0,#0]");
asm("BNE L1.5880");
asm("ORR r11,r3,r3,LSL #16");
asm("STR r11,[r0,r4,LSL #1]");
asm("ADD r11,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRH r3,[r11,#4]");
asm("ORR r3,r10,r10,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r0,#0]");
asm("STRH r10,[r0,#4]");
asm("LDRB r3,[r9,r1]");
asm("ADD r0,r0,r3,LSL #1");
asm("ADD r3,r9,r1");
asm("STR r3,[sp,#0x40]");
asm("LDRB r3,[r3,#1]");
asm("CMP r3,#0");
asm("LDREQ r10,[sp,#4]");
asm("ADDEQ r6,r6,r10");
asm("BEQ L1.6484");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#8]");
asm("TST r0,#3");
asm("LDRB r10,[r6,r3]");
asm("RSB r11,lr,r10,LSL #16");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x30]");
asm("ADD r3,r11,r10,LSL #16");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x2c]");
asm("ADD r11,r11,r10,LSL #16");
asm("AND r10,r12,#0xff");
asm("ADD r11,r11,r10,LSL #16");
asm("MOV r10,#0xff0000");
asm("AND r10,r10,r12,LSL #8");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("AND r12,r12,#0xff0000");
asm("ADD r11,r10,r11");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x80]");
asm("ADD r12,r12,r3");
asm("ADD r3,r10,r1,LSL #2");
asm("STR r3,[sp,#0x3c]");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("LDR r3,[r3,#4]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("AND r10,r3,#0xff");
asm("ADD r10,r11,r10,LSL #16");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("MOV r10,#0xff0000");
asm("AND r10,r10,r3,LSL #8");
asm("AND r3,r3,#0xff0000");
asm("ADD r3,r3,r12");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("LDR r12,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("ADD r10,r10,r11");
asm("LDRB r11,[r5,r12,ASR #16]");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDRB r10,[r5,r10,ASR #16]");
asm("LDRB r12,[r5,r3,ASR #16]");
asm("AND r3,r11,#0xf0");
asm("AND r11,r10,#0xf0");
asm("ORR r3,r11,r3,LSL #4");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("ORR r3,r3,r12,ASR #4");
asm("AND r11,r11,#0xe");
asm("MOV r11,r11,LSR #1");
asm("STR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("AND r10,r10,#0xe");
asm("MOV r11,r10,LSR #1");
asm("AND r12,r12,#0xe");
asm("MOV r10,r12,LSR #1");
asm("LDR r12,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("ORR r12,r12,r11,LSL #8");
asm("ORR r12,r12,r10,LSL #16");
asm("LDRB r10,[r6,#0]");
asm("STR r10,[sp,#0x34]");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#4]");
asm("ADD r6,r6,r10");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x34]");
asm("RSB lr,lr,r10,LSL #16");
asm("ADD lr,lr,r11,LSL #16");
asm("STR lr,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("LDR lr,[sp,#0x30]");
asm("ADD lr,lr,r10,LSL #16");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x10]");
asm("ADD r11,lr,r10,LSL #16");
asm("LDR lr,[sp,#0x2c]");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x34]");
asm("ADD lr,lr,r10,LSL #16");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("ADD lr,lr,r10,LSL #16");
asm("AND r10,r2,#0xff");
asm("ADD lr,lr,r10,LSL #16");
asm("STR lr,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDR lr,[sp,#0x14]");
asm("MOV r10,#0xff0000");
asm("AND r10,r10,r2,LSL #8");
asm("ADD r10,r10,lr");
asm("LDR lr,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("AND r2,r2,#0xff0000");
asm("LDRB lr,[r5,lr,ASR #16]");
asm("ADD r2,r2,r11");
asm("STR lr,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("LDRB lr,[r5,r10,ASR #16]");
asm("LDRB r10,[r5,r2,ASR #16]");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("AND r11,lr,#0xe");
asm("MOV r2,r2,LSL #28");
asm("MOV r2,r2,LSR #29");
asm("ORR r2,r2,r11,LSL #7");
asm("AND r11,r10,#0xe");
asm("ORR r2,r2,r11,LSL #15");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x3c]");
asm("AND lr,lr,#0xf0");
asm("STR r2,[r11,#4]");
asm("LDR r11,[sp,#0x18]");
asm("AND r11,r11,#0xf0");
asm("ORR lr,lr,r11,LSL #4");
asm("ORR lr,lr,r10,ASR #4");
asm("LDR r10,[sp,#0x40]");
asm("LDRB r10,[r10,#1]");
asm("BEQ L1.6408");
asm("CMP r10,#2");
asm("BNE L1.6356");
asm("ADD r10,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRH r3,[r10,#0]");
asm("STRH r3,[r10,#2]");
asm("STRH lr,[r0,#0]");
asm("STRH lr,[r0,#2]");
asm("B L1.6484");
asm("CMP r10,#3");
asm("ADD r10,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRNEH r3,[r10,#0]");
asm("STRNEH lr,[r0,#0]");
asm("BNE L1.6484");
asm("STRH r3,[r10],#2");
asm("ORR r3,r3,r3,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r10,#0]");
asm("STRH lr,[r0,#0]");
asm("ORR r3,lr,lr,LSL #16");
asm("MOV lr,#2");
asm("STR r3,[lr,r0]");
asm("B L1.6484");
asm("CMP r10,#2");
asm("BNE L1.6436");
asm("ORR r3,r3,r3,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r0,r4,LSL #1]");
asm("ORR r3,lr,lr,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r0,#0]");
asm("B L1.6484");
asm("CMP r10,#3");
asm("ADDNE r10,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRNEH r3,[r10,#0]");
asm("STRNEH lr,[r0,#0]");
asm("BNE L1.6484");
asm("ORR r10,r3,r3,LSL #16");
asm("STR r10,[r0,r4,LSL #1]");
asm("ADD r10,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("STRH r3,[r10,#4]");
asm("ORR r3,lr,lr,LSL #16");
asm("STR r3,[r0,#0]");
asm("STRH lr,[r0,#4]");
asm("LDR r3,[sp,#0x40]");
asm("SUBS r1,r1,#2");
asm("LDRB r3,[r3,#1]");
asm("ADD r0,r0,r3,LSL #1");
asm("BPL L1.5164");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x28]");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x1c]");
asm("ADD r6,r6,r1");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x20]");
asm("ADD r7,r7,r1");
asm("ADD r8,r8,r1");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x24]");
asm("SUB r10,r0,r1,LSL #1");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x88]");
asm("LDRB r0,[r1,r2]");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x44]");
asm("LDRB r1,[r1,#-1]");
asm("MUL r11,r4,r0");
asm("CMP r1,#0");
asm("BEQ L1.6684");
asm("CMP r0,#1");
asm("BEQ L1.6588");
asm("ADD r1,r10,r4,LSL #1");
asm("ADD r0,r10,r11,LSL #1");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x48]");
asm("BL memcpy");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x44]");
asm("LDRB r0,[r1,#-1]");
asm("CMP r0,#2");
asm("BNE L1.6628");
asm("ADD r0,r10,r11,LSL #1");
asm("ADD r0,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("ADD r1,r10,r4,LSL #1");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x48]");
asm("BL memcpy");
asm("B L1.6684");
asm("CMP r0,#3");
asm("BNE L1.6684");
asm("ADD r0,r10,r11,LSL #1");
asm("STR r0,[sp,#0x38]");
asm("ADD r11,r10,r4,LSL #1");
asm("MOV r1,r11");
asm("ADD r0,r0,r4,LSL #1");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x48]");
asm("BL memcpy");
asm("LDR r0,[sp,#0x38]");
asm("MOV r1,r11");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x48]");
asm("ADD r0,r0,r4,LSL #2");
asm("BL memcpy");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x88]");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x1c]");
asm("LDRB r0,[r1,r2]");
asm("CMP r0,#2");
asm("BNE L1.6724");
asm("ADD r0,r10,r4,LSL #1");
asm("MOV r1,r10");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x48]");
asm("BL memcpy");
asm("B L1.6764");
asm("CMP r0,#3");
asm("BNE L1.6764");
asm("ADD r0,r10,r4,LSL #1");
asm("MOV r1,r10");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x48]");
asm("BL memcpy");
asm("ADD r0,r10,r4,LSL #2");
asm("MOV r1,r10");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x48]");
asm("BL memcpy");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x44]");
asm("LDRB r0,[r1,#-1]");
asm("LDR r1,[sp,#0x88]");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x1c]");
asm("LDRB r1,[r1,r2]");
asm("ADD r0,r0,r1");
asm("MUL r0,r4,r0");
asm("ADD r0,r10,r0,LSL #1");
asm("LDR r2,[sp,#0x1c]");
asm("SUB r2,r2,#2");
asm("STR r2,[sp,#0x1c]");
asm("CMP r2,#0");
asm("BGT L1.5072");
asm("ADD sp,sp,#0x5c");
asm("LDMFD sp!,{r4-r11,lr}");
asm("MOV r0,#1");
// asm("BX lr");
asm(".align 0");
asm(".word 0x00015f03");
asm(".word 0x0001bbd2");
return 1;
return 0;
#endif // defined(CCROTATE) && defined(CCSCALING)
#else // straight C version
// Note:: This zoom algorithm needs an extra line of RGB buffer. So, users
// have to use GetRGBBufferSize API to get the size it needs. See GetRGBBufferSize().
int32 cc12sc_rotate(uint8 **src, uint8 *dst, int *disp,
uint8 *clip, uint8 *pErr_horz,
uint8 *_mRowPix, uint8 *_mColPix,
bool _mIsRotateClkwise)
const static uint32 JCoeff[4] =
45774, //65536*0.813/1.164;
89859, //65536*1.596/1.164;
22014, //65536*0.391/1.164;
113618 //65536*2.018/1.164;
uint8 *pCb, *pCr, *pY;
uint16 *pDst;
int32 src_pitch, dst_pitch, src_width;
int32 Y, Cb, Cr, Cg;
uint32 left_err_t, left_err_b; /* error from the left pixels */
uint32 top_err_l, top_err_r; /* error from the top pixels */
int32 deltaY, dst_width, deltaCbCr;
int32 row, col;
int32 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2;
uint32 rgb;
int32 offset;
src_pitch = disp[0];
dst_pitch = disp[1];
src_width = disp[2];
dst_width = disp[4];
if (_mIsRotateClkwise)
deltaY = src_pitch * disp[3] + 2;
deltaCbCr = ((src_pitch * disp[3]) >> 2) + 1;
else // rotate counterclockwise
deltaY = -(src_pitch * disp[3] + 2);
deltaCbCr = -(((src_pitch * disp[3]) >> 2) + 1);
// map origin of the destination to the source
if (_mIsRotateClkwise)
pY = src[0] + src_pitch * (disp[3] - 1);
pCb = src[1] + ((src_pitch >> 1) * ((disp[3] >> 1) - 1));
pCr = src[2] + ((src_pitch >> 1) * ((disp[3] >> 1) - 1));
else // rotate counterclockwise
pY = src[0] + src_width - 1;
pCb = src[1] + (src_width >> 1) - 1;
pCr = src[2] + (src_width >> 1) - 1;
pDst = (uint16 *)dst;
int half_src_pitch, read_idx, tmp_src_pitch;
if (_mIsRotateClkwise)
half_src_pitch = -(src_pitch >> 1);
read_idx = 1;
tmp_src_pitch = -src_pitch;
else // rotate counterclockwise
half_src_pitch = (src_pitch >> 1);
read_idx = -1;
tmp_src_pitch = src_pitch;
for (row = src_width - 1; row > 0; row -= 2)
{ /* decrement index, _mColPix[.] is
symmetric to increment index */
if ((_mColPix[row-1] == 0) && (_mColPix[row] == 0))
pCb += read_idx;
pCr += read_idx;
pY += (read_idx * 2);
left_err_t = left_err_b = 0; /* reset left pixel errors */
for (col = disp[3] - 2; col >= 0; col -= 2)
{/* decrement index, _mRowPix[.] is
symmetric to increment index */
Cb = *pCb;
pCb += half_src_pitch;
Cr = *pCr;
pCr += half_src_pitch;
//Cb = *pCb++; Cr = *pCr++;
//load the bottom two pixels
//Y = *(((uint16 *)pY)+src_pitch);
//Y = *((uint16 *)(((uint16 *)pY) + src_pitch));
Cb -= 128;
Cr -= 128;
Cg = Cr * JCoeff[0];
Cg += Cb * JCoeff[2];
Cr *= JCoeff[1];
Cb *= JCoeff[3];
if (_mRowPix[col]) /* compute this pixel */
//tmp0 = pY[src_pitch]; //bottom left
tmp0 = pY[read_idx];
tmp1 = (tmp0 << 16) - Cg;
tmp2 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cb;
tmp0 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cr;
//add the error from top and left
tmp0 += ((left_err_b & 0xFF) << 16);// err_vert[0];
tmp1 += (((left_err_b >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[1];
tmp2 += (((left_err_b >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[2];
top_err_l = *((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2)));
tmp0 += ((top_err_l & 0xFF) << 16);//pErr_horz[col];
tmp1 += (((top_err_l >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[1][col];
tmp2 += (((top_err_l >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[2][col];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
rgb = (tmp0 >> 3);
rgb = (tmp1 >> 2) | (rgb << 6);
rgb = (tmp2 >> 3) | (rgb << 5);
rgb = (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 4;
rgb |= (tmp1 & 0xF0);
rgb |= (tmp2 >> 4);
tmp0 &= 0xE;
tmp1 &= 0xE;
tmp2 &= 0xE;
tmp0 >>= 1;
tmp1 >>= 1;
tmp2 >>= 1;
//save error
left_err_b = tmp0 | (tmp1 << 8) | (tmp2 << 16); // = top_err_l also
//Y = *pY++; //upper left
Y = *pY;
pY += tmp_src_pitch;
// error from the top already available
tmp1 = (Y << 16) - Cg + (tmp1 << 16);
tmp2 = (Y << 16) + Cb + (tmp2 << 16);
tmp0 = (Y << 16) + Cr + (tmp0 << 16);
//add the error from left
tmp0 += ((left_err_t & 0xFF) << 16);// err_vert[3];
tmp1 += (((left_err_t >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[4];
tmp2 += (((left_err_t >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[5];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
//save error
left_err_t = ((tmp0 & 0xE) >> 1) | ((tmp1 & 0xE) << 7) | ((tmp2 & 0xE) << 15); //= top_err_l also
*((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2))) = left_err_t; // =top_err_l;
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
tmp0 = (tmp0 >> 3);
tmp0 = (tmp1 >> 2) | (tmp0 << 6);
tmp0 = (tmp2 >> 3) | (tmp0 << 5);
tmp0 = (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 4;
tmp0 |= (tmp1 & 0xF0);
tmp0 |= (tmp2 >> 4);
if (((uint)pDst) & 3) //half word aligned
if (_mRowPix[col] == 2)
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*(pDst + dst_pitch + 1) = rgb;
*(pDst) = tmp0;
*(pDst + 1) = tmp0;
else if (_mRowPix[col] == 3)
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*((uint*)(pDst + dst_pitch + 1)) = rgb | (rgb << 16);
*(pDst) = tmp0;
*((uint*)(pDst + 1)) = tmp0 | (tmp0 << 16);
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*(pDst) = tmp0;
else //word aligned
if (_mRowPix[col] == 2)
*((uint*)(pDst + dst_pitch)) = rgb | (rgb << 16);
*((uint*)(pDst)) = tmp0 | (tmp0 << 16);
else if (_mRowPix[col] == 3)
*((uint*)(pDst + dst_pitch)) = rgb | (rgb << 16);
*(pDst + dst_pitch + 2) = rgb;
*((uint*)(pDst)) = tmp0 | (tmp0 << 16);
*(pDst + 2) = tmp0;
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*(pDst) = tmp0;
} /* if(_mRowPix[col]) */
pY += tmp_src_pitch;
pDst += _mRowPix[col];
if (_mRowPix[col+1]) /* compute this pixel */
//load the top two pixels
//Y = *((uint16 *)pY)++;
tmp0 = pY[read_idx];
//tmp0 = pY[src_pitch]; //bottom right
tmp1 = (tmp0 << 16) - Cg;
tmp2 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cb;
tmp0 = (tmp0 << 16) + Cr;
//add the error from top and left
tmp0 += ((left_err_b & 0xFF) << 16);// err_vert[0];
tmp1 += (((left_err_b >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[1];
tmp2 += (((left_err_b >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[2];
top_err_r = *((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2) + 4));
tmp0 += ((top_err_r & 0xFF) << 16);//pErr_horz[col+1];
tmp1 += (((top_err_r >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[1][col+1];
tmp2 += (((top_err_r >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//mErr_horz[2][col+1];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
rgb = (tmp0 >> 3);
rgb = (tmp1 >> 2) | (rgb << 6);
rgb = (tmp2 >> 3) | (rgb << 5);
rgb = (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 4;
rgb |= (tmp1 & 0xF0);
rgb |= (tmp2 >> 4);
tmp0 &= 0xE;
tmp1 &= 0xE;
tmp2 &= 0xE;
tmp0 >>= 1;
tmp1 >>= 1;
tmp2 >>= 1;
//save error
left_err_b = tmp0 | (tmp1 << 8) | (tmp2 << 16); // = top_err_r also
Y = *pY;
pY += tmp_src_pitch;
// Y = *pY++;
// error from the top already available
tmp1 = (Y << 16) - Cg + (tmp1 << 16);
tmp2 = (Y << 16) + Cb + (tmp2 << 16);
tmp0 = (Y << 16) + Cr + (tmp0 << 16);
//add the error from left
tmp0 += ((left_err_t & 0xFF) << 16);// err_vert[3];
tmp1 += (((left_err_t >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[4];
tmp2 += (((left_err_t >> 16) & 0xFF) << 16);//err_vert[5];
tmp0 = clip[tmp0>>16];
tmp1 = clip[tmp1>>16];
tmp2 = clip[tmp2>>16];
//save error
left_err_t = ((tmp0 & 0xE) >> 1) | ((tmp1 & 0xE) << 7) | ((tmp2 & 0xE) << 15);//= top_err_r also
*((uint*)(pErr_horz + (col << 2) + 4)) = left_err_t;// =top_err_r;
#ifdef OUTPUT_RGB_565
tmp0 = (tmp0 >> 3);
tmp0 = (tmp1 >> 2) | (tmp0 << 6);
tmp0 = (tmp2 >> 3) | (tmp0 << 5);
tmp0 = (tmp0 & 0xF0) << 4;
tmp0 |= (tmp1 & 0xF0);
tmp0 |= (tmp2 >> 4);
if (((uint)pDst) & 3) //half word aligned
if (_mRowPix[col+1] == 2)
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*(pDst + dst_pitch + 1) = rgb;
*(pDst) = tmp0;
*(pDst + 1) = tmp0;
else if (_mRowPix[col+1] == 3)
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*((uint*)(pDst + dst_pitch + 1)) = rgb | (rgb << 16);
*(pDst) = tmp0;
*((uint*)(pDst + 1)) = tmp0 | (tmp0 << 16);
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*(pDst) = tmp0;
else //word aligned
if (_mRowPix[col+1] == 2)
*((uint*)(pDst + dst_pitch)) = rgb | (rgb << 16);
*((uint*)(pDst)) = tmp0 | (tmp0 << 16);
else if (_mRowPix[col+1] == 3)
*((uint*)(pDst + dst_pitch)) = rgb | (rgb << 16);
*(pDst + dst_pitch + 2) = rgb;
*((uint*)(pDst)) = tmp0 | (tmp0 << 16);
*(pDst + 2) = tmp0;
*(pDst + dst_pitch) = rgb;
*(pDst) = tmp0;
} /* if(_mRowPix[col]) */
pY += tmp_src_pitch;
pDst += _mRowPix[col+1];
}//end of COL
pY += (deltaY);
pCb += deltaCbCr;
pCr += deltaCbCr;
pDst -= (dst_width); //goes back to the beginning of the line;
//copy down
offset = (_mColPix[row] * dst_pitch);
if (_mColPix[row-1] && _mColPix[row] != 1)
oscl_memcpy(pDst + offset, pDst + dst_pitch, dst_width*2);
if (_mColPix[row-1] == 2)
oscl_memcpy(pDst + offset + dst_pitch, pDst + dst_pitch, dst_width*2);
else if (_mColPix[row-1] == 3)
oscl_memcpy(pDst + offset + dst_pitch, pDst + dst_pitch, dst_width*2);
oscl_memcpy(pDst + offset + dst_pitch*2, pDst + dst_pitch, dst_width*2);
//copy up
if (_mColPix[row] == 2)
oscl_memcpy(pDst + dst_pitch, pDst, dst_width*2);
else if (_mColPix[row] == 3)
oscl_memcpy(pDst + dst_pitch, pDst, dst_width*2);
oscl_memcpy(pDst + dst_pitch*2, pDst, dst_width*2);
pDst += dst_pitch * (_mColPix[row-1] + _mColPix[row]);
return 1;
return 0;
#endif // defined(CCROTATE) && defined(CCSCALING)