blob: 8e566416c4203f9905bf8e4376a922166e2d9ec0 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* @file pvmf_fileoutput_node.h
* @brief Simple file output node. Writes incoming data to specified
* file without any media type specific file format
#include "oscl_base.h"
#include "osclconfig_io.h"
#include "oscl_mem.h"
#include "oscl_file_io.h"
#include "oscl_priqueue.h"
#include "oscl_scheduler_ao.h"
#include "pvmf_media_clock.h"
#include "pvmf_format_type.h"
#include "pvmf_simple_media_buffer.h"
#include "pvmf_media_data.h"
#include "pvmf_node_interface.h"
#include "pvmf_fileoutput_config.h"
#include "pvmf_fileoutput_factory.h"
#include "pvmf_composer_size_and_duration.h"
#include "pvmf_nodes_sync_control.h"
#include "pvmf_node_utils.h"
#include "pvmf_fileoutput_inport.h"
// Macros for AMR header
#define AMR_HEADER "#!AMR\n"
class PVMFFileOutputAlloc : public Oscl_DefAlloc
void* allocate(const uint32 size)
void* tmp = (void*)oscl_malloc(size);
return tmp;
void deallocate(void* p)
//Default vector reserve size
//Starting value for command IDs
//memory allocator type for this node.
typedef OsclMemAllocator PVMFFileOutputNodeAllocator;
// Forward declaration
class PVMFFileOutputInPort;
class PVLogger;
//Node command type.
typedef PVMFGenericNodeCommand<PVMFFileOutputNodeAllocator> PVMFFileOutputNodeCommandBase;
class PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand: public PVMFFileOutputNodeCommandBase
//constructor for Custom2 command
void Construct(PVMFSessionId s, int32 cmd, int32 arg1, int32 arg2, int32& arg3, const OsclAny*aContext)
PVMFFileOutputNodeCommandBase::Construct(s, cmd, aContext);
iParam1 = (OsclAny*)arg1;
iParam2 = (OsclAny*)arg2;
iParam3 = (OsclAny*) & arg3;
void Parse(int32&arg1, int32&arg2, int32*&arg3)
arg1 = (int32)iParam1;
arg2 = (int32)iParam2;
arg3 = (int32*)iParam3;
enum PVFileOutputNodeCmdType
//Command queue type
typedef PVMFNodeCommandQueue<PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand, PVMFFileOutputNodeAllocator> PVMFFileOutputNodeCmdQ;
//Mimetypes for the custom interface
#define PVMF_FILE_OUTPUT_NODE_CUSTOM1_MIMETYPE "pvxxx/FileOutputNode/Custom1"
#define PVMF_FILE_OUTPUT_NODE_MIMETYPE "pvxxx/FileOutputNode"
#define PVMF_BASEMIMETYPE "pvxxx"
class PVMFFileOutputNode : public OsclActiveObject, public PVMFNodeInterface,
public PvmfFileOutputNodeConfigInterface,
public PvmfComposerSizeAndDurationInterface,
public PvmfNodesSyncControlInterface,
public PvmiCapabilityAndConfig
PVMFFileOutputNode(int32 aPriority);
// Virtual functions of PVMFNodeInterface
PVMFStatus ThreadLogon();
PVMFStatus ThreadLogoff();
PVMFStatus GetCapability(PVMFNodeCapability& aNodeCapability);
PVMFPortIter* GetPorts(const PVMFPortFilter* aFilter = NULL);
PVMFCommandId QueryUUID(PVMFSessionId, const PvmfMimeString& aMimeType,
Oscl_Vector<PVUuid, PVMFFileOutputNodeAllocator>& aUuids,
bool aExactUuidsOnly = false,
const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId QueryInterface(PVMFSessionId, const PVUuid& aUuid,
PVInterface*& aInterfacePtr,
const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId RequestPort(PVMFSessionId aSession
, int32 aPortTag
, const PvmfMimeString* aPortConfig = NULL
, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId ReleasePort(PVMFSessionId, PVMFPortInterface& aPort, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId Init(PVMFSessionId, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId Prepare(PVMFSessionId, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId Start(PVMFSessionId, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId Stop(PVMFSessionId, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId Flush(PVMFSessionId, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId Pause(PVMFSessionId, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId Reset(PVMFSessionId, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId CancelAllCommands(PVMFSessionId, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL);
PVMFCommandId CancelCommand(PVMFSessionId, PVMFCommandId aCmdId, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL);
// Pure virtual from PvInterface
void addRef();
void removeRef();
bool queryInterface(const PVUuid& uuid, PVInterface*& iface);
//from PVMFPortActivityHandler
void HandlePortActivity(const PVMFPortActivity& aActivity);
// Pure virtual from PvmfFileOutputNodeConfigInterface
PVMFStatus SetOutputFileName(const OSCL_wString& aFileName);
// Pure virtual from PvmfComposerSizeAndDurationInterface
PVMFStatus SetMaxFileSize(bool aEnable, uint32 aMaxFileSizeBytes);
void GetMaxFileSizeConfig(bool& aEnable, uint32& aMaxFileSizeBytes);
PVMFStatus SetMaxDuration(bool aEnable, uint32 aMaxDurationMilliseconds);
void GetMaxDurationConfig(bool& aEnable, uint32& aMaxDurationMilliseconds);
PVMFStatus SetFileSizeProgressReport(bool aEnable, uint32 aReportFrequency);
void GetFileSizeProgressReportConfig(bool& aEnable, uint32& aReportFrequency);
PVMFStatus SetDurationProgressReport(bool aEnable, uint32 aReportFrequency);
void GetDurationProgressReportConfig(bool& aEnable, uint32& aReportFrequency);
// Pure virtuals from PvmfNodesSyncControlInterface
PVMFStatus SetClock(PVMFMediaClock* aClock);
PVMFStatus ChangeClockRate(int32 aRate);
PVMFStatus SetMargins(int32 aEarlyMargin, int32 aLateMargin);
void ClockStarted(void);
void ClockStopped(void);
PVMFCommandId SkipMediaData(PVMFSessionId aSessionId,
PVMFTimestamp aResumeTimestamp,
uint32 aStreamID,
bool aPlayBackPositionContinuous = false,
OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
friend class PVMFFileOutputInPort;
friend class PVFileOutputNodeFactory;
// implemetation of PvmiCapabilityAndConfig class functions here
void setObserver(PvmiConfigAndCapabilityCmdObserver* aObserver);
PVMFStatus getParametersSync(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiKeyType aIdentifier,
PvmiKvp*& aParameters, int& num_parameter_elements,
PvmiCapabilityContext aContext);
PVMFStatus releaseParameters(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiKvp* aParameters, int num_elements);
void createContext(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiCapabilityContext& aContext);
void setContextParameters(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiCapabilityContext& aContext,
PvmiKvp* aParameters, int num_parameter_elements);
void DeleteContext(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiCapabilityContext& aContext);
void setParametersSync(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiKvp* aParameters,
int num_elements, PvmiKvp * & aRet_kvp);
PVMFCommandId setParametersAsync(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiKvp* aParameters,
int num_elements, PvmiKvp*& aRet_kvp, OsclAny* context = NULL);
uint32 getCapabilityMetric(PvmiMIOSession aSession);
PVMFStatus verifyParametersSync(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiKvp* aParameters, int num_elements);
// function used in VerifyParametersSync n SetParametersSync of capability class
PVMFStatus VerifyAndSetConfigParameter(PvmiKvp& aParameter, bool aSetParam);
// function used in getParametersSync of capability class
PVMFStatus GetConfigParameter(PvmiKvp*& aParameters, int& aNumParamElements, int32 aIndex, PvmiKvpAttr reqattr);
void ConstructL();
void Run();
void CommandComplete(PVMFFileOutputNodeCmdQ&, PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand&, PVMFStatus, OsclAny* aData = NULL);
PVMFCommandId QueueCommandL(PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand& aCmd);
* Process a port activity. This method is called by Run to process a port activity.
bool ProcessPortActivity();
void QueuePortActivity(const PVMFPortActivity &aActivity);
bool ProcessCommand(PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand&);
bool FlushPending();
//Command handlers.
void DoReset(PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand&);
void DoQueryUuid(PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand&);
void DoQueryInterface(PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand&);
void DoRequestPort(PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand&);
void DoReleasePort(PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand&);
void DoInit(PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand&);
void DoPrepare(PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand&);
void DoStart(PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand&);
void DoStop(PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand&);
void DoFlush(PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand&);
void DoPause(PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand&);
void DoCancelAllCommands(PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand&);
void DoCancelCommand(PVMFFileOutputNodeCommand&);
void CloseOutputFile();
void ChangeNodeState(TPVMFNodeInterfaceState aNewState);
// Handle command and data events
PVMFStatus ProcessIncomingData(PVMFSharedMediaDataPtr aMediaData);
PVMFStatus ProcessIncomingMsg(PVMFPortInterface* aPort);
* Send file size progress report if enabled.
* @return PVMFFailure if informational observer is not set, else PVMFSuccess
PVMFStatus SendFileSizeProgress();
* Send duration progress report if enabled.
* @param aTimestamp Timestamp of current frame in milliseconds.
* @return PVMFFailure if informational observer is not set, else PVMFSuccess
PVMFStatus SendDurationProgress(uint32 aTimestamp);
* Check if maximum file size or duration is reached if a maximum is set.
* @param aFrameSize Size of current frame in bytes.
* @return PVMFSuccess if feature is enabled and the maximum file size / duration is reached.
* PVMFPending if feature is enabled and the max file size / duration has not been reached.
* PVMFErrNotSupported if feature is not enabled.
* PVMFFailure if informational observer is not set or if max file size or duration is set
* but the finalizing output file failed.
PVMFStatus CheckMaxFileSize(uint32 aFrameSize);
* Check if maximum file size or duration is reached if a maximum is set.
* @param aTimestamp Timestamp of current frame in milliseconds.
* @return PVMFSuccess if feature is enabled and the maximum file size / duration is reached.
* PVMFPending if feature is enabled and the max file size / duration has not been reached.
* PVMFErrNotSupported if feature is not enabled.
* PVMFFailure if informational observer is not set or if max file size or duration is set
* but the finalizing output file failed.
PVMFStatus CheckMaxDuration(uint32 aTimestamp);
* Write data to output file.
* @param aData Data to be written to file.
* @param aSize Size of data to be written to file.
* @return PVMFSuccess if data is written, or maximum file size is reached, else PVMFFailure.
PVMFStatus WriteData(OsclAny* aData, uint32 aSize);
* Write memory fragment to output file.
* @param aMemFrag Memory fragment object whose data has to be written to output file.
* @param aTimestamp Timestamp of the frame to be written in milliseconds.
* @return PVMFSuccess if memory fragment is written, or max file size or duration is reached, else PVMFFailure.
PVMFStatus WriteData(OsclRefCounterMemFrag aMemFrag, uint32 aTimestamp);
* Write format specific info to output file.
* @param aData Data to be written to file.
* @param aSize Size of data to be written to file.
* @return PVMFSuccess if data is written, or maximum file size is reached, else PVMFFailure.
PVMFStatus WriteFormatSpecificInfo(OsclAny* aPtr, uint32 aSize);
/** Clear all pending port activity after max file size or duration is reached. */
void ClearPendingPortActivity();
// Queue of commands
PVMFCommandId iCmdIdCounter;
// Input port
PVMFPortInterface* iInPort;
// Output file name
OSCL_wHeapString<OsclMemAllocator> iOutputFileName;
// Allocator
Oscl_DefAlloc* iAlloc;
// Output file
Oscl_FileServer iFs;
Oscl_File iOutputFile;
int32 iFileOpened;
bool iFirstMediaData;
PVLogger* iLogger;
PVMFFormatType iFormat;
uint32 iExtensionRefCount;
PVMFNodeCapability iCapability;
PVMFFileOutputNodeCmdQ iInputCommands;
PVMFFileOutputNodeCmdQ iCurrentCommand;
PVMFPortVector<PVMFFileOutputInPort, PVMFFileOutputNodeAllocator> iPortVector;
Oscl_Vector<PVMFPortActivity, PVMFFileOutputNodeAllocator> iPortActivityQueue;
// Variables for max file size and duration feature
bool iMaxFileSizeEnabled;
bool iMaxDurationEnabled;
uint32 iMaxFileSize;
uint32 iMaxDuration;
uint32 iFileSize;
// Variables for progress report feature
bool iFileSizeReportEnabled;
bool iDurationReportEnabled;
uint32 iFileSizeReportFreq;
uint32 iDurationReportFreq;
uint32 iNextFileSizeReport;
uint32 iNextDurationReport;
// Variables for media data queue and synchronization
PVMFMediaClock* iClock;
int32 iEarlyMargin;
int32 iLateMargin;