blob: 10956659162277496d6ed736748e8dc08f20c269 [file] [log] [blame]
# Get the current local path as the first operation
LOCAL_PATH := $(call get_makefile_dir)
# Clear out the variables used in the local makefiles
include $(MK)/
TARGET := pvauthorengine
XINCDIRS += ../../../common/include ../../src/single_core
SRCDIR := ../../src
INCSRCDIR := ../../include
SRCS := pvaenodeutility.cpp pvauthorengine.cpp
HDRS := pvauthorenginefactory.h pvauthorengineinterface.h
include $(MK)/
doc_target := pvauthor_engine
doc_title := "PV Author Engine"
doc_paths := "$(SRC_ROOT)/engines/common/include $(SRC_ROOT)/engines/author/include"
include $(MK)/
sdkinfo_target := $(LOCAL_SRCDIR)/pvauthorengine.cpp
sdkinfo_header_filename := $(LOCAL_SRCDIR)/pv_author_sdkinfo.h
sdkinfo_header_macro := PV_AUTHOR_SDKINFO
sdkinfo_label_macro := PVAUTHOR_ENGINE_SDKINFO_LABEL
sdkinfo_date_macro := PVAUTHOR_ENGINE_SDKINFO_DATE
include $(MK)/