blob: 4dbab3294bd21d4e696cea4d6c364d54fd03ccc1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "pvmf_protocol_engine_internal.h"
#define DATAPATHLOGGER_TAG "protocolenginenode.protocolengine"
#define DATAPATHERRLOGGER_TAG "datapath.sourcenode.protocolenginenode"
class UserCommands
virtual ~UserCommands() {}
// aSeekPosition can be time-based (in MS HTTP streaming) or byte-based (in progressive streaming
virtual void seek(const uint32 aSeekPosition) = 0;
virtual void stop(const bool isAfterEOS = false) = 0;
virtual void pause(const bool isFirstCallInPause = true) = 0;
virtual void resume() = 0;
virtual void sendRequest() = 0;
virtual void gotoNextState() = 0;
virtual void bitstreamSwitch() = 0;
// Any http-based protocol(progressive download, fasttrack, ms http streaming and real http cloaking)
// can be viewed as a http request-response sequence, which can be addressed by GoF state pattern, i.e. ProtocolState class
// And protocol variances can be abstracted and hidden by using a common interface class, HttpBasedProtocol
// HttpBasedProtocol serves as the context of state class, and also provides the APIs for protocol user.
enum ProtocolEngineOutputDataType
ProtocolEngineOutputDataType_HttpHeader = 0,
struct ProtocolEngineOutputDataSideInfo
ProtocolEngineOutputDataType iDataType;
// for OutputDataType_FirstDataPacket, iData = iFirstPacketNumber
// for OutputDataType_NormalData, iData = iCurrentDataStreamOffset (for fasttrack) / iCurrPacketNum (for http streaming)
OsclAny *iData;
// constructors
ProtocolEngineOutputDataSideInfo() : iDataType(ProtocolEngineOutputDataType_HttpHeader), iData(0)
ProtocolEngineOutputDataSideInfo(const ProtocolEngineOutputDataType aType, OsclAny *aData) :
iDataType(aType), iData(aData)
void set(const ProtocolEngineOutputDataType aDataType, const OsclAny *aData = 0)
iDataType = (ProtocolEngineOutputDataType)aDataType;
iData = (OsclAny *)aData;
struct ProtocolEngineOutputDataSideInfoForFasttrack
uint32 iCurrDataStreamOffset;
uint32 iCurrPlaybackTime;
ProtocolEngineOutputDataSideInfoForFasttrack() :
iCurrDataStreamOffset(0), iCurrPlaybackTime(0) {}
enum ProtocolRequestType
ProtocolRequestType_Normaldata = 0,
struct ProtocolStateCompleteInfo
bool isDownloadStreamingDone; // true => current state complete means download or streaming is done/complete
bool isWholeSessionDone; // true => current state is the last state of the state transition table
bool isEOSAchieved; // true => EOS packet is received in streaming, or download reaches EOS (content-length, server discconnect or maximum file size)
// for protocol engine side, isDownloadStreamingDone=true <=> isEOSAchieved=true, but node will use this structure for other
// purposes, e.g. this flag can be used to differentiate stop case and true EOS case
// constructors
ProtocolStateCompleteInfo(const ProtocolStateCompleteInfo &x)
isDownloadStreamingDone = x.isDownloadStreamingDone;
isWholeSessionDone = x.isWholeSessionDone;
isEOSAchieved = x.isEOSAchieved;
ProtocolStateCompleteInfo(const bool aDownloadStreamingDone, const bool aSessionDone, const bool aEOSAchieved) :
// assignment operator
ProtocolStateCompleteInfo& operator=(const ProtocolStateCompleteInfo& x)
isDownloadStreamingDone = x.isDownloadStreamingDone;
isWholeSessionDone = x.isWholeSessionDone;
isEOSAchieved = x.isEOSAchieved;
return *this;
// clear
void clear()
isDownloadStreamingDone = false;
isWholeSessionDone = false;
isEOSAchieved = false;
// This observer class is designed to notify state user (specifically, protocol) when one protocol state is completely finished, i.e.
// one http request-response is completely done or parsing response is completely done. Then user may change to next protocol state
class ProtocolStateObserver
virtual ~ProtocolStateObserver() {}
virtual void ProtocolStateComplete(const ProtocolStateCompleteInfo &aInfo) = 0;
virtual void OutputDataAvailable(OUTPUT_DATA_QUEUE &aOutputQueue, ProtocolEngineOutputDataSideInfo& aSideInfo) = 0;
virtual void ProtocolStateError(int32 aErrorCode) = 0; // server response error or other internal fatal error
virtual bool GetBufferForRequest(PVMFSharedMediaDataPtr &aMediaData) = 0; // to contruct HTTP request
virtual void ProtocolRequestAvailable(uint32 aRequestType = ProtocolRequestType_Normaldata) = 0; // need to send to port
// This class is based on state pattern, to encapsulate all state specific behavior.
class ProtocolState : public HttpParsingBasicObjectObserver,
public UserCommands
// has base implementation, basically create a templete
virtual int32 processMicroState(INPUT_DATA_QUEUE &aDataQueue);
// protocol objects own these objects, observer, composer and parser
// need to pass these objects down to state objects
void setObserver(ProtocolStateObserver *aObserver)
iObserver = aObserver;
void setComposer(HTTPComposer *aComposer)
iComposer = aComposer;
void setParser(HttpParsingBasicObject *aParser)
iParser = aParser;
// set functions, will be delegated to ProtocolState to handle
// set config info for composing request
void setURI(const INetURI &aUri)
iURI = aUri;
virtual void setLoggingURI(const INetURI &aUri)
virtual void setConfigInfo(OsclAny* aConfigInfo) = 0;
// get functions to expose the information that node needs
// The header could be http header, sdp or asf header
virtual bool getHeader(Oscl_Vector<OsclRefCounterMemFrag, OsclMemAllocator> &aHeader) = 0;
virtual uint32 getContentLength()
return (iParser == NULL ? 0 : iParser->getContentLength());
virtual uint32 getDownloadSize()
return (iParser == NULL ? 0 : iParser->getDownloadSize());
virtual uint32 getRemainingSize()
if (iParser == NULL || iParser->getContentLength() == 0) return 0;
return iParser->getContentLength() - iParser->getDownloadSize();
virtual uint32 getDownloadRate();
uint32 getDownloadTimeForEstimation();
uint32 getResponseStatusCode()
return (iParser == NULL ? 0 : iParser->getStatusCode());
bool getRedirectURI(OSCL_String &aRedirectUri)
return iParser->getRedirectURI(aRedirectUri);
bool getContentType(OSCL_String &aContentType)
return iParser->getContentType(aContentType);
bool getAuthenInfo(OSCL_String &aRealm)
return iParser->getAuthenInfo(aRealm);
bool isServerSupportBasicAuthentication()
return iParser->isServerSupportBasicAuthentication();
bool isServerSendAuthenticationHeader()
return iParser->isServerSendAuthenticationHeader();
void getBasicPtr(const StrPtrLen aAuthenValue, uint32 &length)
iParser->getBasicPtr(aAuthenValue, length);
void getRealmPtr(const char *&ptrRealm, uint32 &len, uint32 &length)
iParser->getRealmPtr(ptrRealm, len, length);
virtual uint32 getCurrentPlaybackTime()
return 0; // only used in fast track
virtual uint32 getTimeoutInMs()
return 0; // ms http streaming only
virtual uint32 getServerVersionNumber()
return (iParser == NULL ? 0 : iParser->getServerVersionNumber());
virtual void prepare()
; // prepare for the new state, especially store data from the previous state, for the current state
bool isSendingNewRequest()
return (iProcessingState == EHttpProcessingMicroState_SendRequest);
virtual bool isCurrentStateOptional()
return false; // optional state can be by-passed regardless of any error happened
virtual void setLastState()
// user commands
virtual void seek(const uint32 aSeekPosition)
OSCL_UNUSED_ARG(aSeekPosition); // only used in ms http streaming for now
virtual void stop(const bool isAfterEOS = false)
OSCL_UNUSED_ARG(isAfterEOS); // only used in ms http streaming for now
virtual void pause(const bool isFirstCallInPause = true)
OSCL_UNUSED_ARG(isFirstCallInPause); // only used in ms http streaming for now
virtual void resume()
; // only used in ms http streaming for now
virtual void sendRequest()
iProcessingState = EHttpProcessingMicroState_SendRequest;
virtual void bitstreamSwitch()
void gotoNextState()
// constructor
ProtocolState() : iComposer(NULL),
iLogger = PVLogger::GetLoggerObject("datapath.sourcenode.protocolenginenode");
virtual ~ProtocolState()
iComposer = NULL;
iParser = NULL;
iObserver = NULL;
iLogger = NULL;
virtual void reset()
if (iComposer) iComposer->reset();
if (iParser) iParser->reset();
iNeedGetResponsePreCheck = true;
// From HttpParsingBasicObjectObserver
virtual int32 OutputDataAvailable(OUTPUT_DATA_QUEUE *aOutputQueue, const bool isHttpHeader)
/////// Following APIs are related composing and sending http request ///////
// check all the info is ready for composing and sending a request
virtual int32 processMicroStateSendRequestPreCheck();
virtual int32 processMicroStateSendRequest();
int32 composeRequest(OsclMemoryFragment &aFrag);
// By default HTTP GET method, derived class may need to override this one
virtual void setRequestBasics() = 0;
// Each derived class needs to implement this one
virtual bool setHeaderFields() = 0;
// do final compose, fixed for all derived classes
virtual int32 doCompose(OsclMemoryFragment &aFrag);
bool setExtensionFields(Oscl_Vector<OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator>, OsclMemAllocator> &aExtensionHeaderKeys,
Oscl_Vector<OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator>, OsclMemAllocator> &aExtensionHeaderValues,
Oscl_Vector<uint32, OsclMemAllocator> &aMaskBitForHTTPMethod,
Oscl_Vector<bool, OsclMemAllocator> &aExtensionHeadersPurgeOnRedirect,
const HTTPMethod aMethod = HTTP_METHOD_GET);
virtual bool getProtocolRequestType()
return (uint32)ProtocolRequestType_Normaldata;
// HTTP basic/digest authentication (RFC 2617)
bool constructAuthenHeader(OSCL_String &aUserID, OSCL_String &aPasswd);
/////// Following APIs are related parsing http response ////////////////////
// check all the info is ready for parsing a new response
virtual int32 processMicroStateGetResponsePreCheck();
virtual int32 processMicroStateGetResponse(INPUT_DATA_QUEUE &aDataQueue);
// shared routine for all the download protocols
virtual int32 checkParsingStatus(int32 parsingStatus);
virtual bool isDownloadStreamingDoneState()
return false;
virtual bool isLastState()
return false;
// factor processMicroState() into the following methods to prevent processMicroState() getting bloated
int32 doProcessMicroStateSendRequestPreCheck();
int32 doProcessMicroStateSendRequest();
int32 doProcessMicroStateGetResponsePreCheck();
int32 doProcessMicroStateGetResponse(INPUT_DATA_QUEUE &aDataQueue);
// support setExtensionFields()
uint32 getBitMaskForHttpMethod(Oscl_Vector<uint32, OsclMemAllocator> &aMaskBitForHTTPMethod,
const HTTPMethod aMethod);
// called by checkParsingStatus()
int32 handleParsingSyntaxError();
// called by constructAuthenHeader()
int32 base64enc(char *data, char *out);
// http composer and parser should be life-time long, shouldn't be affected by state transition.
// So protocol object owns these two objects.
HTTPComposer *iComposer;
HttpParsingBasicObject *iParser; // wrap http parser to do parsing for each input media data
pvHttpProcessingMicroState iProcessingState;
ProtocolStateObserver *iObserver;
INetURI iURI; // wrapper for url parsing
TimeValue iStartTime;
bool iNeedGetResponsePreCheck;
ProtocolEngineOutputDataSideInfo iDataSideInfo;
PVLogger *iLogger;
// This observer class is designed to notify protocol user (specifically, node) when one protocol state is completely finished, i.e.
// one http request-response or parsing response is completely done. Then user may change to next protocol state
class ProtocolObserver
virtual ~ProtocolObserver() {}
virtual void ProtocolStateComplete(const ProtocolStateCompleteInfo &aInfo) = 0;
virtual void OutputDataAvailable(OUTPUT_DATA_QUEUE &aOutputQueue, ProtocolEngineOutputDataSideInfo &aSideInfo) = 0;
virtual void ProtocolStateError(int32 aErrorCode) = 0; // server response error or other internal fatal error
virtual bool GetBufferForRequest(PVMFSharedMediaDataPtr &aMediaData) = 0; // to contruct HTTP request
virtual void ProtocolRequestAvailable(uint32 aRequestType = ProtocolRequestType_Normaldata) = 0; // need to send to port
// Any http-based protocol(progressive download, fasttrack, ms http streaming and real http cloaking)
// can be viewed as a http request-response sequence, which can be addressed by GoF state pattern
class HttpBasedProtocol : public ProtocolStateObserver,
public UserCommands
// each http based protocol must implment this interface
virtual int32 runStateMachine(INPUT_DATA_QUEUE &aDataQueue)
return iCurrState->processMicroState(aDataQueue);
// From ProtocolStateObserver
virtual void ProtocolStateComplete(const ProtocolStateCompleteInfo &aInfo)
// change to the next protocol state and notify the user that data processing at the current state is completely done
if (iObserver) iObserver->ProtocolStateComplete(aInfo);
//if(isSuccess) iCurrState = getNextState();
virtual void OutputDataAvailable(OUTPUT_DATA_QUEUE &aOutputQueue, ProtocolEngineOutputDataSideInfo &aSideInfo)
if (iObserver) iObserver->OutputDataAvailable(aOutputQueue, aSideInfo);
virtual void ProtocolStateError(int32 aErrorCode)
if (iObserver) iObserver->ProtocolStateError(aErrorCode);
virtual bool GetBufferForRequest(PVMFSharedMediaDataPtr &aMediaData)
return iObserver->GetBufferForRequest(aMediaData);
virtual void ProtocolRequestAvailable(uint32 aRequestType = ProtocolRequestType_Normaldata)
if (iObserver) iObserver->ProtocolRequestAvailable(aRequestType);
// initialize means passing protocol owned objects down to state objects
virtual void initialize() = 0;
// user commands
void stop(const bool isAfterEOS = false)
virtual void seek(const uint32 aSeekPosition)
virtual void pause(const bool isFirstCallInPause = true)
virtual void resume()
virtual void bitstreamSwitch()
void sendRequest()
void gotoNextState()
iCurrState = getNextState();
// set protocol observer for protocol user
void setObserver(ProtocolObserver *aObserver)
iObserver = aObserver;
// set functions, will be delegated to ProtocolState to handle
void setURI(const INetURI &aUri)
ProtocolState *state = NULL;
while ((state = getNextState()) != iCurrState) state->setURI(aUri); // set uri for all states
void setLoggingURI(const INetURI &aUri)
ProtocolState *state = NULL;
while ((state = getNextState()) != iCurrState) state->setLoggingURI(aUri); // set uri for all states
virtual void setConfigInfo(OsclAny* aConfigInfo)
ProtocolState *state = NULL;
while ((state = getNextState()) != iCurrState) state->setConfigInfo(aConfigInfo); // set config info for all states
// get functions to expose the information that node needs
// The header could be http header, sdp or asf header
bool getHeader(Oscl_Vector<OsclRefCounterMemFrag, OsclMemAllocator> &aHeader)
return iCurrState->getHeader(aHeader);
uint32 getContentLength()
return iCurrState->getContentLength();
uint32 getDownloadSize()
return iCurrState->getDownloadSize();
uint32 getRemainingSize()
return iCurrState->getRemainingSize();
uint32 getDownloadRate()
return iCurrState->getDownloadRate();
uint32 getDownloadTimeForEstimation()
return iCurrState->getDownloadTimeForEstimation();
uint32 getResponseStatusCode()
return iCurrState->getResponseStatusCode();
bool getRedirectURI(OSCL_String &aRedirectUri)
return iCurrState->getRedirectURI(aRedirectUri);
bool getContentType(OSCL_String &aContentType)
return iCurrState->getContentType(aContentType);
bool getAuthenInfo(OSCL_String &aRealm)
return iCurrState->getAuthenInfo(aRealm);
bool isServerSupportBasicAuthentication()
return iParser->isServerSupportBasicAuthentication();
bool isServerSendAuthenticationHeader()
return iParser->isServerSendAuthenticationHeader();
void getBasicPtr(const StrPtrLen aAuthenValue, uint32 &length)
iParser->getBasicPtr(aAuthenValue, length);
void getRealmPtr(const char *&ptrRealm, uint32 &len, uint32 &length)
iParser->getRealmPtr(ptrRealm, len, length);
uint32 getCurrentPlaybackTime()
return iCurrState->getCurrentPlaybackTime(); // only used in fast track
uint32 getTimeoutInMs()
return iCurrState->getTimeoutInMs(); // only used in ms http streaming
uint32 getServerVersionNum()
return iCurrState->getServerVersionNumber();
bool isSendingNewRequest()
return iCurrState->isSendingNewRequest();
bool isCurrentStateOptional()
return iCurrState->isCurrentStateOptional(); // optional state can be by-passed regardless of any error happened
void resetTotalHttpStreamingSize()
if (iParser) iParser->resetTotalHttpStreamingSize();
virtual void reset()
if (iParser) iParser->resetForBadConnectionDetection();
// constructor
HttpBasedProtocol() : iCurrState(NULL),
virtual ~HttpBasedProtocol()
virtual ProtocolState* getNextState() = 0;
ProtocolState *iCurrState;
ProtocolObserver *iObserver;
HTTPComposer *iComposer;
HttpParsingBasicObject *iParser; // wrap http parser to do parsing for each input media data