blob: 8034b76221339c49ac84be3e802414ce4d784ebe [file] [log] [blame]
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -*- c++ -*-
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* @file imp3ff.h
* @brief This file defines the MP3 File Format Interface Definition.
* It initializes and maintains the MP3 File Format Library
// Include Files
#include "oscl_base.h"
#include "oscl_vector.h"
#ifndef OSCL_String_H_INCLUDED
#include "oscl_string.h"
#include "oscl_string_containers.h"
#include "oscl_file_io.h"
#include "oscl_mem.h"
#include "pvfile.h"
#include "pv_id3_parcom.h"
// Header files reqd for multiple sample retrieval api
#include "oscl_media_data.h"
#ifndef PV_GAU_H_
#include "pv_gau.h"
// Header files for pvmf metadata handling
#include "pvmf_return_codes.h"
#include "pvmf_meta_data_types.h"
#include "pvmi_kvp.h"
// Global Type Declarations
typedef struct _MP3ContentFormatTypeTag
uint32 Bitrate;
uint32 SamplingRate;
uint32 NumberOfChannels;
uint32 NumberOfFrames;
uint32 FrameSize;
uint32 FileSizeInBytes;
uint32 FrameSizeUnComp;
uint32 ChannelMode; //0: Stereo 1: Joint Ch. Stereo 2: Dual Ch. Stereo 3: Mono
} MP3ContentFormatType;
typedef enum
typedef enum
/* PD related Error values*/
/* Duration related Info value*/
// Forward Class Declarations
class MP3Parser;
class PVMFCPMPluginAccessInterfaceFactory;
* @brief The IMpeg3File Class is the class that will construct and maintain all the
* necessary data structures to be able to render a valid MP3 file to disk.
class IMpeg3File
* @brief Constructor
* @param filename MP3 filename
* @param bSuccess Result of operation: true=successful, false=failed
* @param fileServSession Pointer to opened file server session. Used when opening
* and reading the file on certain operating systems.
* @returns None
OSCL_IMPORT_REF IMpeg3File(OSCL_wString& filename, MP3ErrorType &bSuccess, Oscl_FileServer* fileServSession = NULL, PVMFCPMPluginAccessInterfaceFactory*aCPM = NULL, OsclFileHandle*aHandle = NULL, bool enableCRC = true);
* @brief Constructor
* @param bSuccess Result of operation: true=successful, false=failed
* @returns None
OSCL_IMPORT_REF IMpeg3File(MP3ErrorType &bSuccess);
* @brief Destructor
* @param None
* @returns None
* @brief Returns the parse status of the file
* @param None
* @returns Result of operation
OSCL_IMPORT_REF MP3ErrorType ParseMp3File();
* @brief Returns the configuration details of the file
* @param mp3Config Data structure that will contain config info
* @returns Result of operation: 1=success; 0=fail
OSCL_IMPORT_REF MP3ErrorType GetConfigDetails(MP3ContentFormatType &mp3Config);
* @brief Resets the parser variables so playback can be restarted at the
* specified time.
* @param timestamp value as where to start repositioning to
* @returns Result of operation: 1=success; 0=fail
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint32 ResetPlayback(uint32 timestamp = 0);
* @brief Attempts to read in the number of audio frames specified by n
* @param n Requested number of frames to be read from file
* @param pgau Frame information structure of type GAU
* @returns Result of operation: 1=success; 0=fail
OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 GetNextBundledAccessUnits(uint32 *n, GAU *pgau, MP3ErrorType &err);
* @brief Attempts to peek into the number of audio frames specified by n
* @param n Requested number of frames to be read from file
* @param mInfo Frame information structure of type MediaMetaInfo
* @returns Result of operation: 1=success; 0=fail
OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 PeekNextBundledAccessUnits(uint32 *n, MediaMetaInfo *mInfo);
* @brief Reads the next frame from the file
* @param buf Buffer containing the frame read
* @param size Size of the buffer
* @param framesize Size of the frame data read
* @param timestamp Timestamp of the frame
* @returns Result of operation: true=success; false=fail
OSCL_IMPORT_REF MP3ErrorType GetNextMediaSample(uint8 *buf, uint32 size, uint32& framesize, uint32& timestamp);
* @brief Returns the timestamp of the current frame
* @param None
* @returns Timestamp
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint32 GetTimestampForCurrentSample();
* @brief Moves the file pointer to the specified timestamp
* @param timestamp Time to seek to
* @returns Timestamp seeked to. If timestamp is past end of clip, timestamp is 0.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint32 SeekToTimestamp(uint32 timestamp);
* @brief Queries the seek point file positiion and timestamp corresponding to the specified timestamp
* @param timestamp Time to seek to. Will be set to the actual timestamp.
* @returns File position closest to the specified timestamp. If timestamp is past end of clip, file position is set to 0.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint32 SeekPointFromTimestamp(uint32& timestamp);
* @brief Queries the offset corresponding to the specified timestamp
* @param timestamp Time to seek to. Will be set to the actual timestamp.
* @returns offset
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint32 GetFileOffsetForAutoResume(uint32& timestamp);
* @brief Returns whether random access is allowed or not.
* @param None
* @returns true=allowed, false=not allowed
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint8 RandomAccessDenied();
* @brief Returns the number of tracks in the file.
* @param None
* @returns Number of tracks
OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 GetNumTracks();
* @brief Returns the timescale used.
* @param None
* @returns Timescale
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint32 GetTimescale() const;
* @brief Returns the duration of the clip.
* @param None
* @returns Duration
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint32 GetDuration() const;
* @brief Returns the approximate duration of downloaded data.
* @param aFileSize, aNPTInMS
* @returns aNPTInMS
OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 ConvertSizeToTime(uint32 aFileSize, uint32& aNPTInMS) const;
* @brief Returns the number of frames in the clip.
* @param None
* @returns Number of frames
OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 GetNumSampleEntries();
* @brief Returns the mime type of the clip.
* @param None
* @returns Mime type
OSCL_IMPORT_REF OSCL_wHeapString<OsclMemAllocator> GetMIMEType();
* @brief Returns the maximum buffer size used.
* @param None
* @returns Buffer size
OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 GetMaxBufferSizeDB();
* @brief Returns the content of decoder specific info.
* @param None
* @returns Decoder specific info
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint8 const *GetDecoderSpecificInfoContent() const;
* @brief Returns the size of decoder specific info.
* @param None
* @returns Decoder specific info size
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint32 GetDecoderSpecificInfoSize();
* @brief Returns the number of available metadata keys. Subset is returned if a query string is specified
* @param aQueryString A query string for the keys to select a subset of the all available keys
* @returns Number of available metadata keys
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint32 GetNumMetadataKeys(char* aQueryString = NULL);
* @brief Returns the number of available metadata values based on the key list provided
* @param aKeyList A list of key strings to return the number of values
* @returns Number of available metadata values
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint32 GetNumMetadataValues(PVMFMetadataList& aKeyList);
* @brief Returns a list of the available metadata keys.
* @param aKeyList Reference to a keylist to be filled in by this method.
* @param starting_index Zero based index of which keys to get.
* @param max_entries Max # of entries this method should write to the key list.
* @returns None
OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVMFStatus GetMetadataKeys(PVMFMetadataList& aKeyList, uint32 aStartingKeyIndex, int32 aMaxKeyEntries, char* aQueryString);
* @brief Returns the metadata values corresponding to the specified keys.
* @param aKeyList Reference to a keylist specifying keys for which the values are being requested.
* @param aValueList Reference to value list which this method will fill in.
* @param starting_index
OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVMFStatus GetMetadataValues(PVMFMetadataList& aKeyList, Oscl_Vector<PvmiKvp, OsclMemAllocator>& aValueList, uint32 aStartingValueIndex, int32 aMaxValueEntries);
* @brief Releases memory allocated for the metadata values
* @param aValueKVP Reference to metadata value stored in a KVP to release memory
OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVMFStatus ReleaseMetadataValue(PvmiKvp& aValueKVP);
* @brief Requests call back for parser node when data stream is out of data
* @param aObserver - observer, which would receive the call back once
* the file has been downloaded till provided offset.
* @param aFileOffset - offset for which data is not available.
* @param aContextData - context data
OSCL_IMPORT_REF MP3ErrorType RequestReadCapacityNotification(PvmiDataStreamObserver& aObserver,
uint32 aFileOffset,
OsclAny* aContextData = NULL);
* @brief Retrieves the Metadata size in the mp3 clip
* @param reference to metadatasize
* @returns error type.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF MP3ErrorType GetMetadataSize(uint32& aMetaDataSize);
* @brief Retrieves minimum bytes required for getting the config info
* @param
* @returns byte size of firstframe and id3 tags.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint32 GetMinBytesRequired(bool aNextBytes = false);
* @brief Sets the file size to the parser
* @param aFileSize
* @returns error type.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF MP3ErrorType SetFileSize(const uint32 aFileSize);
* @brief Verifies if the supplied file is valid mp3 file
* @param aFileName
* @param aCPMAccessFactory
* @param aEnableCRC - whether or not to enable crc check
OSCL_IMPORT_REF MP3ErrorType IsMp3File(OSCL_wString& aFileName,
PVMFCPMPluginAccessInterfaceFactory *aCPMAccessFactory,
uint32 aInitSearchFileSize);
OSCL_EXPORT_REF MP3ErrorType ScanMP3File(uint32 aFramesToScan);
OsclAny* AllocateKVPKeyArray(int32& leavecode, PvmiKvpValueType aValueType, int32 aNumElements);
int32 PushKVPValue(PvmiKvp aKVP, Oscl_Vector<PvmiKvp, OsclMemAllocator>& aValueList);
int32 PushKVPKey(const char* aString, PVMFMetadataList& aKeyList);
int32 PushKVPKey(OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator>& aString, Oscl_Vector<OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator>, OsclMemAllocator>& aKeyList);
MP3Parser* pMP3Parser;
PVFile iMP3File;
bool iEnableCrcCalc;
PVFile iScanFP;
Oscl_Vector<OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator>, OsclMemAllocator> iAvailableMetadataKeys;
#endif // #ifndef IMP3FF_H_INCLUDED