blob: 6ac7191dd6f2f9e0d0c0fa63ce871f91c1726205 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
/** class CCRGB12toYUV420.cpp
#include "ccrgb12toyuv420.h"
OSCL_EXPORT_REF ColorConvertBase* CCRGB12toYUV420 :: New()
CCRGB12toYUV420* self = OSCL_NEW(CCRGB12toYUV420, ());
return OSCL_STATIC_CAST(ColorConvertBase*, self);
// add destructor code here
if (_mInitialized == true)
void CCRGB12toYUV420::freeRGB2YUVTables()
if (iY_Table) oscl_free(iY_Table);
if (iCb_Table) oscl_free(iCb_Table);
if (iCr_Table) oscl_free(iCr_Table);
iY_Table = NULL;
iCb_Table = iCr_Table = ipCb_Table = ipCr_Table = NULL;
int32 CCRGB12toYUV420:: Init(int32 Src_width, int32 Src_height, int32 Src_pitch, int32 Dst_width,
int32 Dst_height, int32 Dst_pitch, int32 nRotation)
int i;
uint8 *pTable;
if ((Src_width != Dst_width) || (Src_height != Dst_height) || (nRotation != 0 && nRotation != CCBOTTOM_UP))
return 0;
iBottomUp = false;
if (nRotation == CCBOTTOM_UP)
iBottomUp = true;
if (_mInitialized == true)
_mInitialized = false;
/* memory allocation */
if ((iY_Table = (uint8*)oscl_malloc(384)) == NULL)
return 0;
if ((iCb_Table = (uint8*)oscl_malloc(768 * 2)) == NULL)
return 0;
if ((iCr_Table = (uint8*)oscl_malloc(768 * 2)) == NULL)
return 0;
#define pv_max(a, b) ((a) >= (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define pv_min(a, b) ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b))
/* Table generation */
for (i = 0; i < 384; i++)
iY_Table[i] = (uint8) pv_max(pv_min(255, (int32)(0.7152 * i + 16 + 0.5)), 0);
pTable = iCb_Table + 384;
for (i = -384; i < 384; i++)
pTable[i] = (uint8) pv_max(pv_min(255, (int32)(0.386 * i + 128 + 0.5)), 0);
ipCb_Table = iCb_Table + 384;
pTable = iCr_Table + 384;
for (i = -384; i < 384; i++)
pTable[i] = (uint8) pv_max(pv_min(255, (int32)(0.454 * i + 128 + 0.5)), 0);
ipCr_Table = iCr_Table + 384;
_mSrc_width = Src_width;
_mSrc_height = Src_height;
_mSrc_pitch = Src_pitch;
_mDst_width = Dst_width;
_mDst_height = Dst_height;
_mDst_mheight = Dst_height;
_mDst_pitch = Dst_pitch;
_mInitialized = true;
return 1;
int32 CCRGB12toYUV420::GetOutputBufferSize(void)
OSCL_ASSERT(_mInitialized == true);
// only return value for _mState = 0 case
return ((((_mSrc_width + 15) >> 4) << 4) * (((_mSrc_height + 15) >> 4) << 4) * 3 / 2);
int32 CCRGB12toYUV420::SetMode(int32 nMode)
OSCL_ASSERT(_mInitialized == true);
if (nMode == 1) // do not allow scaling nor rotation
_mState = 1;
return 0;
_mState = 0;
return 1;
int32 CCRGB12toYUV420::SetYuvFullRange(bool range)
OSCL_ASSERT(_mInitialized == true);
if (range == true)
return 0; // not supported yet
return 1;
extern "C"
int32 ccrgb12toyuv(uint8 *rgb12, uint8 *yuv[], uint32 *param, uint8 *table[]);
int32 CCRGB12toYUV420::Convert(uint8 *rgb12, uint8 *yuv420)
uint32 param[3];
uint8 *table[3];
int32 size16 = _mDst_pitch * _mDst_mheight;
uint8 *yuv[3];
OSCL_ASSERT(_mInitialized == true);
param[0] = (uint32) _mSrc_width;
param[1] = (uint32) _mSrc_height;
param[2] = (uint32) iBottomUp;
table[0] = iY_Table;
table[1] = ipCb_Table;
table[2] = ipCr_Table;
yuv[0] = yuv420;
yuv[1] = yuv420 + size16;
yuv[2] = yuv[1] + (size16 >> 2);
return ccrgb12toyuv(rgb12, yuv, param, table);
int32 CCRGB12toYUV420::Convert(uint8 *rgb12, uint8 **yuv420)
uint32 param[3];
uint8 *table[3];
OSCL_ASSERT(_mInitialized == true);
param[0] = (uint32) _mSrc_width;
param[1] = (uint32) _mSrc_height;
param[2] = (uint32) iBottomUp;
table[0] = iY_Table;
table[1] = ipCb_Table;
table[2] = ipCr_Table;
return ccrgb12toyuv(rgb12, yuv420, param, table);
int32 ccrgb12toyuv(uint8 *rgb12, uint8 *yuv[], uint32 *param, uint8 *table[])
uint32 *inputRGB = NULL;
int i, j, ilimit, jlimit;
uint32 *tempY, *tempU, *tempV;
uint32 pixels;
uint32 pixels_nextRow;
uint32 yuv_value;
uint32 yuv_value1;
uint32 yuv_value2;
int R_ds; /* "_ds" is the downsample version */
int G_ds; /* "_ds" is the downsample version */
int B_ds; /* "_ds" is the downsample version */
int tmp;
uint32 temp;
int32 width = param[0];
int32 height = param[1];
int32 width_16 = ((width + 15) >> 4) << 4;
int32 height_16 = ((height + 15) >> 4) << 4;
uint32 iBottomUp = param[2];
uint8 *y_tab = table[0];
uint8 *cb_tab = table[1];
uint8 *cr_tab = table[2];
int32 size16 = height_16 * width_16;
int adjust = (width >> 1);
inputRGB = (uint32*) rgb12;
/* do padding at the bottom first */
/* do padding if input RGB size(height) is different from the output YUV size(height_16) */
if (height < height_16 || width < width_16)
{ /* if padding */
int offset = (height < height_16) ? height : height_16;
offset = (offset * width_16);
if (width < width_16)
offset -= (width_16 - width);
tempY = (uint32 *)yuv[0] + (offset >> 2);
oscl_memset((uint8 *)tempY, 16, size16 - offset); /* pad with zeros */
tempU = (uint32 *)yuv[0] + (size16 >> 2) + (offset >> 4);
oscl_memset((uint8 *)tempU, 128, (size16 - offset) >> 2);
tempV = (uint32 *)yuv[0] + (size16 >> 2) + (size16 >> 4) + (offset >> 4);
oscl_memset((uint8 *)tempV, 128, (size16 - offset) >> 2);
/* then do padding on the top */
tempY = (uint32 *)yuv[0]; /* Normal order */
tempU = tempY + ((size16) >> 2);
tempV = tempU + ((size16) >> 4);
/* To center the output */
if (height_16 > height)
if (width_16 >= width)
i = ((height_16 - height) >> 1) * width_16 + (((width_16 - width) >> 3) << 2);
/* make sure that (width_16-width)>>1 is divisible by 4 */
j = ((height_16 - height) >> 2) * (width_16 >> 1) + (((width_16 - width) >> 4) << 2);
/* make sure that (width_16-width)>>2 is divisible by 4 */
i = ((height_16 - height) >> 1) * width_16;
j = ((height_16 - height) >> 2) * (width_16 >> 1);
inputRGB += (width - width_16) >> 2;
oscl_memset((uint8 *)tempY, 16, i);
tempY += (i >> 2);
oscl_memset((uint8 *)tempU, 128, j);
tempU += (j >> 2);
oscl_memset((uint8 *)tempV, 128, j);
tempV += (j >> 2);
if (width_16 >= width)
i = (((width_16 - width) >> 3) << 2);
/* make sure that (width_16-width)>>1 is divisible by 4 */
j = (((width_16 - width) >> 4) << 2);
/* make sure that (width_16-width)>>2 is divisible by 4 */
inputRGB += (((height - height_16) >> 1) * width) >> 1;
oscl_memset((uint8 *)tempY, 16, i);
tempY += (i >> 2);
oscl_memset((uint8 *)tempU, 128, j);
tempU += (j >> 2);
oscl_memset((uint8 *)tempV, 128, j);
tempV += (j >> 2);
i = 0;
j = 0;
inputRGB += (((height - height_16) >> 1) * width + ((width - width_16) >> 1)) >> 1 ;
/* ColorConv RGB12-to-YUV420 with cropping or zero-padding */
if (height < height_16)
jlimit = height;
jlimit = height_16;
if (width < width_16)
ilimit = width >> 1;
ilimit = width_16 >> 1;
if (iBottomUp == 1)
inputRGB += (jlimit - 1) * (width >> 1) ; // move to last row
adjust = -adjust;
width = width_16 - width;
for (j = 0; j < jlimit; j++)
for (i = 0; i < ilimit; i += 4)
pixels = inputRGB[i];
temp = (827 * (pixels & 0x000F000F) + 2435 * ((pixels & 0x0F000F00) >> 8));
yuv_value = (y_tab[((temp&0x0FFFF)>> 9) + (pixels & 0x000000F0)] |
(y_tab[(temp >>25) + ((pixels & 0x00F00000)>>16)] << 8));
pixels = inputRGB[i+1];
temp = (827 * (pixels & 0x000F000F) + 2435 * ((pixels & 0x0F000F00) >> 8));
*tempY++ = (yuv_value |
(y_tab[((temp&0x0FFFF)>> 9) + (pixels & 0x000000F0)] |
(y_tab[(temp >>25) + ((pixels & 0x00F00000)>>16)] << 8)) << 16);
pixels = inputRGB[i+2];
temp = (827 * (pixels & 0x000F000F) + 2435 * ((pixels & 0x0F000F00) >> 8));
yuv_value = (y_tab[((temp&0x0FFFF)>> 9) + (pixels & 0x000000F0)] |
(y_tab[(temp >>25) + ((pixels & 0x00F00000)>>16)] << 8));
pixels = inputRGB[i+3];
temp = (827 * (pixels & 0x000F000F) + 2435 * ((pixels & 0x0F000F00) >> 8));
*tempY++ = (yuv_value |
(y_tab[((temp&0x0FFFF)>> 9) + (pixels & 0x000000F0)] |
(y_tab[(temp >>25) + ((pixels & 0x00F00000)>>16)] << 8)) << 16);
/* downsampling U, V */
pixels_nextRow = inputRGB[i+3+adjust/*(width>>1)*/];
G_ds = pixels & 0x00F000F0;
G_ds += (pixels_nextRow & 0x00F000F0);
G_ds += (G_ds >> 16);
G_ds -= 2; /* equivalent to adding constant 2<<16 = 131072 */
pixels &= 0x0F0F0F0F;
pixels += (pixels_nextRow & 0x0F0F0F0F);
pixels += (pixels >> 16);
B_ds = (pixels & 0x0003F) << 4;
R_ds = (pixels & 0x03F00) >> 4;
tmp = B_ds - R_ds;
yuv_value1 = cb_tab[(((B_ds-G_ds)<<16) + 19525*tmp)>>18] << 24;
yuv_value2 = cr_tab[(((R_ds-G_ds)<<16) - 6640*tmp)>>18] << 24;
pixels = inputRGB[i+2];
pixels_nextRow = inputRGB[i+2+adjust/*(width>>1)*/];
G_ds = pixels & 0x00F000F0;
G_ds += (pixels_nextRow & 0x00F000F0);
G_ds += (G_ds >> 16);
G_ds -= 2; /* equivalent to adding constant 2<<16 = 131072 */
pixels &= 0x0F0F0F0F;
pixels += (pixels_nextRow & 0x0F0F0F0F);
pixels += (pixels >> 16);
B_ds = (pixels & 0x0003F) << 4;
R_ds = (pixels & 0x03F00) >> 4;
tmp = B_ds - R_ds;
yuv_value1 |= cb_tab[(((B_ds-G_ds)<<16) + 19525*tmp)>>18] << 16;
yuv_value2 |= cr_tab[(((R_ds-G_ds)<<16) - 6640*tmp)>>18] << 16;
pixels = inputRGB[i+1];
pixels_nextRow = inputRGB[i+1+adjust /*(width>>1)*/];
G_ds = pixels & 0x00F000F0;
G_ds += (pixels_nextRow & 0x00F000F0);
G_ds += (G_ds >> 16);
G_ds -= 2; /* equivalent to adding constant 2<<16 = 131072 */
pixels &= 0x0F0F0F0F;
pixels += (pixels_nextRow & 0x0F0F0F0F);
pixels += (pixels >> 16);
B_ds = (pixels & 0x0003F) << 4;
R_ds = (pixels & 0x03F00) >> 4;
tmp = B_ds - R_ds;
yuv_value1 |= cb_tab[(((B_ds-G_ds)<<16) + 19525*tmp)>>18] << 8;
yuv_value2 |= cr_tab[(((R_ds-G_ds)<<16) - 6640*tmp)>>18] << 8;
pixels = inputRGB[i];
pixels_nextRow = inputRGB[i+adjust/*(width>>1)*/];
G_ds = pixels & 0x00F000F0;
G_ds += (pixels_nextRow & 0x00F000F0);
G_ds += (G_ds >> 16);
G_ds -= 2; /* equivalent to adding constant 2<<16 = 131072 */
pixels &= 0x0F0F0F0F;
pixels += (pixels_nextRow & 0x0F0F0F0F);
pixels += (pixels >> 16);
B_ds = (pixels & 0x0003F) << 4;
R_ds = (pixels & 0x03F00) >> 4;
tmp = B_ds - R_ds;
*tempU++ = yuv_value1 | (cb_tab[(((B_ds-G_ds)<<16) + 19525*tmp)>>18]);
*tempV++ = yuv_value2 | (cr_tab[(((R_ds-G_ds)<<16) - 6640*tmp)>>18]);
/* do padding if input RGB size(width) is different from the output YUV size(width_16) */
if ((width > 0) && j < jlimit - 1)
oscl_memset((uint8 *)tempY, 16/*(*(tempY-1))>>24*/, width);
tempY += width >> 2;
if (j++ == (jlimit - 1))
break; /* dealing with a odd height */
if ((width > 0) && j < jlimit - 1)
oscl_memset((uint8 *)tempU, 128/*(*(tempU-1))>>24*/, width >> 1);
tempU += width >> 3;
oscl_memset((uint8 *)tempV, 128/*(*(tempV-1))>>24*/, width >> 1);
tempV += width >> 3;
inputRGB += adjust; /* (160/2 = 80 ) */ /*(width>>1)*/; /* move to the next row */
for (i = 0; i < ilimit; i += 4)
pixels = inputRGB[i];
temp = (827 * (pixels & 0x000F000F) + 2435 * ((pixels & 0x0F000F00) >> 8));
yuv_value = (y_tab[((temp&0x0FFFF)>> 9) + (pixels & 0x000000F0)] |
(y_tab[(temp >>25) + ((pixels & 0x00F00000)>>16)] << 8));
pixels = inputRGB[i+1];
temp = (827 * (pixels & 0x000F000F) + 2435 * ((pixels & 0x0F000F00) >> 8));
*tempY++ = (yuv_value |
(y_tab[((temp&0x0FFFF)>> 9) + (pixels & 0x000000F0)] |
(y_tab[(temp >>25) + ((pixels & 0x00F00000)>>16)] << 8)) << 16);
pixels = inputRGB[i+2];
temp = (827 * (pixels & 0x000F000F) + 2435 * ((pixels & 0x0F000F00) >> 8));
yuv_value = (y_tab[((temp&0x0FFFF)>> 9) + (pixels & 0x000000F0)] |
(y_tab[(temp >>25) + ((pixels & 0x00F00000)>>16)] << 8));
pixels = inputRGB[i+3];
temp = (827 * (pixels & 0x000F000F) + 2435 * ((pixels & 0x0F000F00) >> 8));
*tempY++ = (yuv_value |
(y_tab[((temp&0x0FFFF)>> 9) + (pixels & 0x000000F0)] |
(y_tab[(temp >>25) + ((pixels & 0x00F00000)>>16)] << 8)) << 16);
/* do padding if input RGB size(width) is different from the output YUV size(width_16) */
if ((width > 0) && j < jlimit - 1)
oscl_memset((uint8 *)tempY, 16/*(*(tempY-1))>>24*/, width);
tempY += width >> 2;
inputRGB += adjust; /* (160/2 = 80 ) */ /*(width>>1)*/; /* move to the next row */
} /* for(j=0; j<jlimit; j++)*/
return 1;