blob: e9a8de16486e717c69c45f5f3e335cb781312eb8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 Square, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package okio.internal
import okio.leftRotate
internal class Sha1 : HashFunction {
private var messageLength = 0L
private val unprocessed = ByteArray(64)
private var unprocessedLimit = 0
private val words = IntArray(80)
private var h0 = 1732584193
private var h1 = -271733879
private var h2 = -1732584194
private var h3 = 271733878
private var h4 = -1009589776
override fun update(
input: ByteArray,
offset: Int,
byteCount: Int
) {
messageLength += byteCount
var pos = offset
val limit = pos + byteCount
val unprocessed = this.unprocessed
val unprocessedLimit = this.unprocessedLimit
if (unprocessedLimit > 0) {
if (unprocessedLimit + byteCount < 64) {
// Not enough bytes for a chunk.
input.copyInto(unprocessed, unprocessedLimit, pos, limit)
this.unprocessedLimit = unprocessedLimit + byteCount
// Process a chunk combining leftover bytes and the input.
val consumeByteCount = 64 - unprocessedLimit
input.copyInto(unprocessed, unprocessedLimit, pos, pos + consumeByteCount)
processChunk(unprocessed, 0)
this.unprocessedLimit = 0
pos += consumeByteCount
while (pos < limit) {
val nextPos = pos + 64
if (nextPos > limit) {
// Not enough bytes for a chunk.
input.copyInto(unprocessed, 0, pos, limit)
this.unprocessedLimit = limit - pos
// Process a chunk.
processChunk(input, pos)
pos = nextPos
private fun processChunk(input: ByteArray, pos: Int) {
val words = this.words
var pos = pos
for (w in 0 until 16) {
words[w] =
((input[pos++].toInt() and 0xff) shl 24) or
((input[pos++].toInt() and 0xff) shl 16) or
((input[pos++].toInt() and 0xff) shl 8) or
((input[pos++].toInt() and 0xff))
for (w in 16 until 80) {
words[w] = (words[w - 3] xor words[w - 8] xor words[w - 14] xor words[w - 16]) leftRotate 1
var a = h0
var b = h1
var c = h2
var d = h3
var e = h4
for (i in 0 until 80) {
val a2 = when {
i < 20 -> {
val f = d xor (b and (c xor d))
val k = 1518500249
(a leftRotate 5) + f + e + k + words[i]
i < 40 -> {
val f = b xor c xor d
val k = 1859775393
(a leftRotate 5) + f + e + k + words[i]
i < 60 -> {
val f = (b and c) or (b and d) or (c and d)
val k = -1894007588
(a leftRotate 5) + f + e + k + words[i]
else -> {
val f = b xor c xor d
val k = -899497514
(a leftRotate 5) + f + e + k + words[i]
e = d
d = c
c = b leftRotate 30
b = a
a = a2
h0 += a
h1 += b
h2 += c
h3 += d
h4 += e
/* ktlint-disable */
override fun digest(): ByteArray {
val unprocessed = this.unprocessed
var unprocessedLimit = this.unprocessedLimit
val messageLengthBits = messageLength * 8
unprocessed[unprocessedLimit++] = 0x80.toByte()
if (unprocessedLimit > 56) {
unprocessed.fill(0, unprocessedLimit, 64)
processChunk(unprocessed, 0)
unprocessed.fill(0, 0, unprocessedLimit)
} else {
unprocessed.fill(0, unprocessedLimit, 56)
unprocessed[56] = (messageLengthBits ushr 56).toByte()
unprocessed[57] = (messageLengthBits ushr 48).toByte()
unprocessed[58] = (messageLengthBits ushr 40).toByte()
unprocessed[59] = (messageLengthBits ushr 32).toByte()
unprocessed[60] = (messageLengthBits ushr 24).toByte()
unprocessed[61] = (messageLengthBits ushr 16).toByte()
unprocessed[62] = (messageLengthBits ushr 8).toByte()
unprocessed[63] = (messageLengthBits ).toByte()
processChunk(unprocessed, 0)
val a = h0
val b = h1
val c = h2
val d = h3
val e = h4
return byteArrayOf(
(a shr 24).toByte(),
(a shr 16).toByte(),
(a shr 8).toByte(),
(a ).toByte(),
(b shr 24).toByte(),
(b shr 16).toByte(),
(b shr 8).toByte(),
(b ).toByte(),
(c shr 24).toByte(),
(c shr 16).toByte(),
(c shr 8).toByte(),
(c ).toByte(),
(d shr 24).toByte(),
(d shr 16).toByte(),
(d shr 8).toByte(),
(d ).toByte(),
(e shr 24).toByte(),
(e shr 16).toByte(),
(e shr 8).toByte(),
(e ).toByte()
/* ktlint-enable */
private fun reset() {
messageLength = 0L
unprocessedLimit = 0
h0 = 1732584193
h1 = -271733879
h2 = -1732584194
h3 = 271733878
h4 = -1009589776