4 billion installs
diff --git a/docs/AppsUsingOboe.md b/docs/AppsUsingOboe.md
index 9285f71..e4b7b9b 100644
--- a/docs/AppsUsingOboe.md
+++ b/docs/AppsUsingOboe.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # Projects using Oboe or AAudio
-Based on Google Play data there are over 200 apps using Oboe. Here is a list of those who have given permission to be listed publicly. 
+Based on Google Play data there are over 200 apps using Oboe, with over 4 billion installs. Here is a list of those who have given permission to be listed publicly. 
 Want your project added? [Add a comment to issue #214](https://github.com/google/oboe/issues/214) with 
 your project name and Play Store URL.