blob: 6f4c87ee809e898129a85c73aadd153361bf2a0c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import contextlib
import itertools
import io
import os
import sys
from fontTools import ttLib
from PIL import Image
def to_hex_str(value):
"""Converts given int value to hex without the 0x prefix"""
return format(value, 'X')
def codepoint_to_string(codepoints):
"""Converts a list of codepoints into a string separated with space."""
return '_'.join([to_hex_str(x) for x in codepoints])
def read_cmap12(ttf, glyph_to_codepoint_map, codepoint_map):
cmap = ttf['cmap']
for table in cmap.tables:
if table.format == 12 and table.platformID == 3 and table.platEncID == 10:
for codepoint, glyph_name in table.cmap.iteritems():
glyph_to_codepoint_map[glyph_name] = codepoint
codepoint_map[codepoint_to_string([codepoint])] = glyph_name
# self.update_emoji_data([codepoint], glyph_name)
return table
raise ValueError("Font doesn't contain cmap with format:12, platformID:3 and platEncID:10")
def read_gsub(ttf, glyph_to_codepoint_map, codepoint_map):
gsub = ttf['GSUB']
ligature_subtables = []
context_subtables = []
# this code is font dependent, implementing all gsub rules is out of scope of EmojiCompat
# and would be expensive with little value
for lookup in gsub.table.LookupList.Lookup:
for subtable in lookup.SubTable:
if subtable.LookupType == 5:
elif subtable.LookupType == 4:
for subtable in context_subtables:
add_gsub_context_subtable(subtable, gsub.table.LookupList, glyph_to_codepoint_map, codepoint_map)
for subtable in ligature_subtables:
add_gsub_ligature_subtable(subtable, glyph_to_codepoint_map, codepoint_map)
def add_gsub_context_subtable(subtable, lookup_list, glyph_to_codepoint_map, codepoint_map):
for sub_class_set in subtable.SubClassSet:
if sub_class_set:
for sub_class_rule in sub_class_set.SubClassRule:
subs_list = len(sub_class_rule.SubstLookupRecord) * [None]
for record in sub_class_rule.SubstLookupRecord:
subs_list[record.SequenceIndex] = get_substitutions(lookup_list,
combinations = list(itertools.product(*subs_list))
for seq in combinations:
glyph_names = [x["input"] for x in seq]
codepoints = [glyph_to_codepoint_map[x] for x in glyph_names]
outputs = [x["output"] for x in seq if x["output"]]
nonempty_outputs = filter(lambda x: x.strip() , outputs)
if len(nonempty_outputs) == 0:
print("Warning: no output glyph is set for " + str(glyph_names))
elif len(nonempty_outputs) > 1:
"Warning: multiple glyph is set for "
+ str(glyph_names) + ", will use the first one")
glyph = nonempty_outputs[0]
codepoint_map[codepoint_to_string(codepoints)] = glyph
def get_substitutions(lookup_list, index):
result = []
for x in lookup_list.Lookup[index].SubTable:
for input, output in x.mapping.iteritems():
result.append({"input": input, "output": output})
return result
def add_gsub_ligature_subtable(subtable, glyph_to_codepoint_map, codepoint_map):
for name, ligatures in subtable.ligatures.iteritems():
for ligature in ligatures:
glyph_names = [name] + ligature.Component
codepoints = [glyph_to_codepoint_map[x] for x in glyph_names]
codepoint_map[codepoint_to_string(codepoints)] = ligature.LigGlyph
def read_cbdt(ttf):
cbdt = ttf['CBDT']
glyph_to_image = {}
for strike_data in cbdt.strikeData:
for key, data in strike_data.iteritems():
glyph_to_image[key] =
return glyph_to_image
rgba_map = {}
def similar_img(img1, img2):
# return if images are the same with accepting some changes
if img1 is None and img2 is None: return True
if img1 is None or img2 is None: return False
if not img1.size == img2.size: return False
pixels1 = rgba_map.get(img1, img1.convert('L').getdata())
pixels2 = rgba_map.get(img2, img2.convert('L').getdata())
pixels = itertools.izip(pixels1, pixels2)
diff = 0
for px1, px2 in pixels:
diff = diff + abs(px1-px2)
pixel_count = 1.0 * img1.size[0] * img1.size[1]
normalized_diff = diff / pixel_count / 255.0 * 100.0
if normalized_diff <= 0.5: return True
return False
def main(argv):
codepoint_map_1 = {}
codepoint_map_2 = {}
glyph_to_codepoint_map_1 = {}
glyph_to_codepoint_map_2 = {}
with contextlib.closing(ttLib.TTFont(argv[1])) as ttf:
font1_cbdt = read_cbdt(ttf)
read_cmap12(ttf, glyph_to_codepoint_map_1, codepoint_map_1)
read_gsub(ttf, glyph_to_codepoint_map_1, codepoint_map_1)
with contextlib.closing(ttLib.TTFont(argv[2])) as ttf:
font2_cbdt = read_cbdt(ttf)
read_cmap12(ttf, glyph_to_codepoint_map_2, codepoint_map_2)
read_gsub(ttf, glyph_to_codepoint_map_2, codepoint_map_2)
glyphs1 = set(font1_cbdt.keys())
glyphs2 = set(font2_cbdt.keys())
codepoints_set1 = set(codepoint_map_1.keys())
codepoints_set2 = set(codepoint_map_2.keys())
if codepoints_set1 != codepoints_set2:
print "Codepoints set has changed: : %s" % (codepoints_set1 ^ codepoints_set2)
all_codepoints = set(codepoint_map_1.keys()).union(codepoint_map_2.keys())
for key in all_codepoints:
glyph1 = codepoint_map_1[key] if key in codepoint_map_1 else None
glyph2 = codepoint_map_2[key] if key in codepoint_map_2 else None
image1 = font1_cbdt[glyph1] if glyph1 and glyph1 in font1_cbdt else None
image2 = font2_cbdt[glyph2] if glyph2 and glyph2 in font2_cbdt else None
if not similar_img(image1, image2):
print 'Glyph %s has different image' % key
if image1:
with open(os.path.join(argv[3], '%s_old.png' % key), 'w') as f:
if image2:
with open(os.path.join(argv[3], '%s_new.png' % key), 'w') as f:
def print_usage():
"""Prints how to use the script."""
print("usage: old_font new_font output_dir")
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 3: