blob: d7fabe563d70b2ceb458e714b6afb9bc9c789db5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "manifest_parser.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "disk_interface.h"
#include "eval_env.h"
#include "lexer.h"
#include "metrics.h"
#include "parallel_map.h"
#include "state.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "manifest_chunk_parser.h"
using manifest_chunk::Clump;
using manifest_chunk::DefaultTarget;
using manifest_chunk::Include;
using manifest_chunk::ParserItem;
using manifest_chunk::RequiredVersion;
extern char** environ;
namespace {
static bool DecorateError(const LoadedFile& file, size_t file_offset,
const std::string& message, std::string* err) {
assert(file_offset <= file.content().size());
return DecorateErrorWithLocation(file.filename(), file.content().data(),
file_offset, message, err);
/// Split a single manifest file into chunks, parse the chunks in parallel, and
/// return the resulting parser output.
static std::vector<ParserItem> ParseManifestChunks(const LoadedFile& file,
ThreadPool* thread_pool,
bool experimentalEnvvar) {
std::vector<ParserItem> result;
const std::vector<StringPiece> chunk_views =
METRIC_RECORD(".ninja load : parse chunks");
for (std::vector<ParserItem>& chunk_items :
ParallelMap(thread_pool, chunk_views, [&file, experimentalEnvvar](StringPiece view) {
std::vector<ParserItem> chunk_items;
manifest_chunk::ParseChunk(file, view, &chunk_items, experimentalEnvvar);
return chunk_items;
})) {
std::move(chunk_items.begin(), chunk_items.end(),
return result;
static void ReserveSpaceInScopeTables(Scope* scope,
const std::vector<ParserItem>& items) {
// Reserve extra space in the scope's bindings/rules hash tables.
METRIC_RECORD(".ninja load : alloc scope tables");
size_t new_bindings = 0;
size_t new_rules = 0;
for (const auto& item : items) {
if (item.kind == ParserItem::kClump) {
Clump* clump = item.u.clump;
new_bindings += clump->bindings_.size();
new_rules += clump->rules_.size();
scope->ReserveTableSpace(new_bindings, new_rules);
struct ManifestFileSet {
ManifestFileSet(FileReader* file_reader) : file_reader_(file_reader) {}
bool LoadFile(const std::string& filename, const LoadedFile** result,
std::string* err);
~ManifestFileSet() {
// It can take a surprising long time to unmap all the manifest files
// (e.g. ~70 ms for Android, 25 ms for Chromium).
METRIC_RECORD(".ninja load : unload files");
// TODO: use fork() so Getcwd() is no longer needed.
bool Getcwd(std::string* out_path, std::string* err);
bool Chdir(const std::string dir, std::string* err);
FileReader *file_reader_ = nullptr;
/// Keep all the manifests in memory until all the manifest parsing work is
/// complete, because intermediate parsing results (i.e. StringPiece) may
/// point into the loaded files.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LoadedFile>> loaded_files_;
bool ManifestFileSet::Getcwd(std::string* out_path, std::string* err) {
return file_reader_->Getcwd(out_path, err);
bool ManifestFileSet::Chdir(const std::string dir, std::string* err) {
return file_reader_->Chdir(dir, err);
bool ManifestFileSet::LoadFile(const std::string& filename,
const LoadedFile** result,
std::string* err) {
std::unique_ptr<LoadedFile> loaded_file;
if (file_reader_->LoadFile(filename, &loaded_file, err) != FileReader::Okay) {
*err = "loading '" + filename + "': " + *err;
return false;
*result = loaded_files_.back().get();
return true;
struct DfsParser {
DfsParser(ManifestFileSet* file_set, State* state, ThreadPool* thread_pool, const ManifestParserOptions& options)
: options_(options), file_set_(file_set), state_(state), thread_pool_(thread_pool) {}
void HandleRequiredVersion(const RequiredVersion& item, Scope* scope);
bool HandleInclude(Include& item, const LoadedFile& file, Scope* scope,
const LoadedFile** child_file, Scope** child_scope,
std::string* err);
bool LoadIncludeOrSubninja(Include& include, const LoadedFile& file,
Scope* scope, std::vector<Clump*>* out_clumps,
std::string* err);
bool HandlePool(Pool* pool, Scope* scope, const LoadedFile& file, std::string* err);
bool HandleClump(Clump* clump, const LoadedFile& file, Scope* scope,
std::string* err);
const ManifestParserOptions options_;
/// Load the tree of manifest files and do initial parsing of all the chunks.
/// This function always runs on the main thread.
bool LoadManifestTree(const LoadedFile& file, Scope* scope,
std::vector<Clump*>* out_clumps, std::string* err);
ManifestFileSet* file_set_;
State* state_;
ThreadPool* thread_pool_;
void DfsParser::HandleRequiredVersion(const RequiredVersion& item,
Scope* scope) {
std::string version;
EvaluateBindingInScope(&version, item.version_,
bool DfsParser::HandleInclude(Include& include, const LoadedFile& file,
Scope* scope, const LoadedFile** child_file,
Scope** child_scope, std::string* err) {
std::string path;
EvaluatePathInScope(&path, include.path_, scope->GetCurrentEndOfScope());
if (!file_set_->LoadFile(path, child_file, err)) {
return DecorateError(file, include.diag_pos_, std::string(*err), err);
if (!include.chdir_plus_slash_.empty()) {
// Evaluate chdir expression and add '/' so the following is always valid:
// chdir_plus_slash_ + node.path() == node.globalPath()
EvaluatePathInScope(&include.chdir_plus_slash_, include.chdir_,
include.chdir_plus_slash_ += '/';
include.chdir_.str_ = StringPiece(include.chdir_plus_slash_);
// Create scope so that subninja chdir variable lookups cannot see parent_
char** cmdEnviron = NULL;
if (!include.envvar.empty()) {
// Make a copy of environ and update or add envvar's.
size_t len = 1; // len of 1 counts the NULL terminator.
for (char** p = environ; *p; p++) {
len += include.envvar.size();
cmdEnviron = new char*[len];
char** dst = cmdEnviron;
for (char** p = environ; *p; p++) {
const char* eq = strchr(*p, '=');
if (eq && eq > *p &&
include.envvar.find(string(*p, eq - *p)) != include.envvar.end()) {
// include.envvar overrides the var at *p. Skip *p.
size_t varlen = strlen(*p);
*dst = new char[varlen + 1];
strncpy(*dst, *p, varlen);
(*dst)[varlen] = 0;
for (auto i = include.envvar.begin(); i != include.envvar.end(); i++) {
string out = i->first + "=" + i->second;
*dst = new char[out.size() + 1];
strncpy(*dst, out.c_str(), out.size());
(*dst)[out.size()] = 0;
*dst = NULL; // terminate the new cmdEnviron with a NULL pointer
*child_scope = new Scope(scope, include.chdir_plus_slash_, cmdEnviron);
} else if (include.new_scope_) {
*child_scope = new Scope(scope->GetCurrentEndOfScope());
} else {
*child_scope = scope;
return true;
bool DfsParser::LoadIncludeOrSubninja(Include& include, const LoadedFile& file,
Scope* scope,
std::vector<Clump*>* out_clumps,
std::string* err) {
const LoadedFile* child_file = nullptr;
Scope* child_scope = nullptr;
std::string prev_cwd;
if (!HandleInclude(include, file, scope, &child_file, &child_scope, err))
return false;
if (!include.chdir_plus_slash_.empty()) {
// The subninja chdir must be treated the same as if the ninja
// invocation were done solely inside the chdir. Save the current
// working dir and chdir into the subninja.
if (!file_set_->Getcwd(&prev_cwd, err)) {
*err = "subninja chdir \"" + include.chdir_plus_slash_ + "\": " + *err;
return false;
if (!file_set_->Chdir(include.chdir_plus_slash_, err)) {
*err = "subninja chdir \"" + include.chdir_plus_slash_ + "\": " + *err;
return false;
if (!LoadManifestTree(*child_file, child_scope, out_clumps, err))
return false;
if (!include.chdir_plus_slash_.empty()) {
// Restore the directory used by the parent of the subninja chdir.
// TODO: fork() could be used, though fork() and pthreads do not mix.
// but that would eliminate the need to restore the directory afterward.
if (!file_set_->Chdir(prev_cwd, err)) {
*err = "subninja chdir \"" + include.chdir_plus_slash_ + "\": restore " + prev_cwd + ": " + *err;
return false;
// Still need to find all references to Nodes that this Scope owns. The
// Node could not have known it was in this Scope until now.
if (!out_clumps->empty()) {
return true;
bool DfsParser::HandlePool(Pool* pool, Scope* scope, const LoadedFile& file,
std::string* err) {
std::string depth_string;
EvaluateBindingInScope(&depth_string, pool->parse_state_.depth,
pool->depth_ = atol(depth_string.c_str());
if (pool->depth_ < 0) {
return DecorateError(file, pool->parse_state_.depth_diag_pos,
"invalid pool depth", err);
if (!state_->AddPool(pool, scope)) {
return DecorateError(file, pool->parse_state_.pool_name_diag_pos,
"duplicate pool '" + pool->name() + "'", err);
return true;
bool DfsParser::HandleClump(Clump* clump, const LoadedFile& file, Scope* scope,
std::string* err) {
METRIC_RECORD(".ninja load : scope setup");
// Allocate DFS and scope positions for the clump.
clump->pos_.scope = scope->AllocDecls(clump->decl_count());
clump->pos_.dfs_location = state_->AllocDfsLocation(clump->decl_count());
METRIC_RECORD(".ninja load : scope setup : bindings");
for (Binding* binding : clump->bindings_) {
METRIC_RECORD(".ninja load : scope setup : rules");
for (Rule* rule : clump->rules_) {
if (!scope->AddRule(rule)) {
return DecorateError(file, rule->parse_state_.rule_name_diag_pos,
"duplicate rule '" + rule->name() + "'", err);
for (Edge* edge : clump->edges_) {
for (Pool* pool : clump->pools_) {
if (!HandlePool(pool, scope, file, err)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DfsParser::LoadManifestTree(const LoadedFile& file, Scope* scope,
std::vector<Clump*>* out_clumps,
std::string* err) {
std::vector<ParserItem> items = ParseManifestChunks(file, thread_pool_, options_.experimentalEnvvar);
ReserveSpaceInScopeTables(scope, items);
// With the chunks parsed, do a depth-first parse of the ninja manifest using
// the results of the parallel parse.
for (auto& item_nonconst : items) {
const auto& item = item_nonconst;
switch (item.kind) {
case ParserItem::kError:
*err = item.u.error->msg_;
return false;
case ParserItem::kRequiredVersion:
HandleRequiredVersion(*item.u.required_version, scope);
case ParserItem::kInclude:
if (!LoadIncludeOrSubninja(*item_nonconst.u.include, file, scope,
out_clumps, err))
return false;
case ParserItem::kClump:
if (!HandleClump(item.u.clump, file, scope, err))
return false;
assert(false && "unrecognized kind of ParserItem");
return true;
/// Parse an edge's path and add it to a vector on the Edge object.
static inline bool AddPathToEdge(State* state, const Edge& edge,
std::vector<Node*>* out_vec,
const LoadedFile& file, Lexer& lexer,
std::string* err) {
HashedStrView key;
uint64_t slash_bits = 0;
StringPiece canon_path = lexer.PeekCanonicalPath();
if (!canon_path.empty()) {
key = canon_path;
} else {
LexedPath path;
if (!lexer.ReadPath(&path, err) || path.str_.empty()) {
assert(false && "manifest file apparently changed during parsing");
thread_local std::string tls_work_buf;
std::string& work_buf = tls_work_buf;
EvaluatePathOnEdge(&work_buf, path, edge);
std::string path_err;
if (!CanonicalizePath(&work_buf, &slash_bits, &path_err)) {
return DecorateError(file, edge.parse_state_.final_diag_pos, path_err,
key = work_buf;
Node* node = state->GetNode(edge.pos_.scope()->GlobalPath(key), 0);
node->UpdateFirstReference(edge.dfs_location(), slash_bits);
return true;
static const HashedStrView kPool { "pool" };
static const HashedStrView kDeps { "deps" };
static const HashedStrView kDyndep { "dyndep" };
struct ManifestLoader {
State* const state_ = nullptr;
ThreadPool* const thread_pool_ = nullptr;
const ManifestParserOptions options_;
const bool quiet_ = false;
bool AddEdgeToGraph(Edge* edge, const LoadedFile& file, std::string* err);
/// This function runs on a worker thread and adds a clump's declarations to
/// the build graph.
bool FinishAddingClumpToGraph(Clump* clump, std::string* err);
bool FinishLoading(const std::vector<Clump*>& clumps, std::string* err);
ManifestLoader(State* state, ThreadPool* thread_pool,
ManifestParserOptions options, bool quiet)
: state_(state), thread_pool_(thread_pool), options_(options),
quiet_(quiet) {}
bool Load(ManifestFileSet* file_set, const LoadedFile& root_manifest,
std::string* err);
bool ManifestLoader::AddEdgeToGraph(Edge* edge, const LoadedFile& file,
std::string* err) {
const ScopePosition edge_pos = edge->pos_.scope_pos();
// Look up the edge's rule.
edge->rule_ = Scope::LookupRuleAtPos(edge->parse_state_.rule_name, edge_pos);
if (edge->rule_ == nullptr) {
std::string msg = "unknown build rule '" +
edge->parse_state_.rule_name.AsString() + "'";
return DecorateError(file, edge->parse_state_.rule_name_diag_pos, msg, err);
// Now that the edge's bindings are available, check whether the edge has a
// pool. This check requires the full edge+rule evaluation system.
std::string pool_name;
if (!edge->EvaluateVariable(&pool_name, kPool, edge->pos_.scope(), err, EdgeEval::kParseTime))
return false;
if (pool_name.empty()) {
edge->pool_ = &State::kDefaultPool;
} else {
edge->pool_ = state_->LookupPoolAtPos(pool_name, edge_pos, edge->pos_.dfs_location());
if (edge->pool_ == nullptr) {
return DecorateError(file, edge->parse_state_.final_diag_pos,
"unknown pool name '" + pool_name + "'", err);
edge->outputs_.reserve(edge->explicit_outs_ + edge->implicit_outs_);
edge->inputs_.reserve(edge->explicit_deps_ + edge->implicit_deps_ +
// Add the input and output nodes. We already lexed them in the first pass,
// but we couldn't add them because scope bindings weren't available. To save
// memory, the first pass only recorded the lexer position of each category
// of input/output nodes, rather than each path's location.
Lexer lexer(file.filename(), file.content(), file.content().data());
for (const Edge::DeferredPathList& path_list :
edge->parse_state_.deferred_path_lists) {
std::vector<Node*>* vec =
path_list.type == Edge::DeferredPathList::INPUT ? &edge->inputs_ :
path_list.type == Edge::DeferredPathList::OUTPUT ? &edge->outputs_ :
for (int i = 0; i < path_list.count; ++i) {
if (!AddPathToEdge(state_, *edge, vec, file, lexer, err))
return false;
// Verify that there are no more paths to parse.
LexedPath path;
if (!lexer.ReadPath(&path, err) || !path.str_.empty()) {
assert(false && "manifest file apparently changed during parsing");
// This compatibility mode filters nodes from the edge->inputs_ list; do it
// before linking the edge inputs and nodes.
if (options_.phony_cycle_action_ == kPhonyCycleActionWarn &&
edge->maybe_phonycycle_diagnostic()) {
// CMake 2.8.12.x and 3.0.x incorrectly write phony build statements that
// reference themselves. Ninja used to tolerate these in the build graph
// but that has since been fixed. Filter them out to support users of those
// old CMake versions.
Node* out = edge->outputs_[0];
std::vector<Node*>::iterator new_end =
std::remove(edge->inputs_.begin(), edge->inputs_.end(), out);
if (new_end != edge->inputs_.end()) {
edge->inputs_.erase(new_end, edge->inputs_.end());
if (!quiet_) {
Warning("phony target '%s' names itself as an input; ignoring "
"[-w phonycycle=warn]", out->globalPath();
// Multiple outputs aren't (yet?) supported with depslog.
std::string deps_type;
if (!edge->EvaluateVariable(&deps_type, kDeps, edge->pos_.scope(), err, EdgeEval::kParseTime))
return false;
if (!deps_type.empty() && edge->outputs_.size() - edge->implicit_outs_ > 1) {
return DecorateError(file, edge->parse_state_.final_diag_pos,
"multiple outputs aren't (yet?) supported by depslog; "
"bring this up on the mailing list if it affects you",
// Lookup, validate, and save any dyndep binding. It will be used later
// to load generated dependency information dynamically, but it must
// be one of our manifest-specified inputs.
std::string dyndep;
if (!edge->EvaluateVariable(&dyndep, kDyndep, edge->pos_.scope(), err, EdgeEval::kParseTime))
return false;
if (!dyndep.empty()) {
uint64_t slash_bits;
if (!CanonicalizePath(&dyndep, &slash_bits, err))
return false;
edge->dyndep_ = state_->GetNode(edge->pos_.scope()->GlobalPath(dyndep), 0);
vector<Node*>::iterator dgi =
std::find(edge->inputs_.begin(), edge->inputs_.end(), edge->dyndep_);
if (dgi == edge->inputs_.end()) {
return DecorateError(file, edge->parse_state_.final_diag_pos,
"dyndep '" + dyndep + "' is not an input", err);
return true;
bool ManifestLoader::FinishAddingClumpToGraph(Clump* clump, std::string* err) {
std::string work_buf;
// Precompute all binding values. Discard each evaluated string -- we just
// need to make sure each binding's value isn't coming from the mmap'ed
// manifest anymore.
for (Binding* binding : clump->bindings_) {
for (Edge* edge : clump->edges_) {
if (!AddEdgeToGraph(edge, clump->file_, err))
return false;
return true;
bool ManifestLoader::FinishLoading(const std::vector<Clump*>& clumps,
std::string* err) {
// Most of this pass's time is spent adding the edges. (i.e. The time spent
// evaluating the bindings is negligible.)
METRIC_RECORD(".ninja load : edge setup");
size_t output_count = 0;
for (Clump* clump : clumps)
output_count += clump->edge_output_count_;
// Construct the initial graph of input/output nodes. Select an initial size
// that's likely to keep the number of collisions low. The number of edges'
// non-implicit outputs is a decent enough proxy for the final number of
// nodes. (I see acceptable performance even with a much lower number of
// buckets, e.g. 100 times fewer.)
state_->paths_.reserve(state_->paths_.size() + output_count * 3);
if (!PropagateError(err, ParallelMap(thread_pool_, clumps,
[this](Clump* clump) {
std::string err;
FinishAddingClumpToGraph(clump, &err);
return err;
}))) {
return false;
// Record the in-edge for each node that's built by an edge. Detect
// duplicate edges.
// With dupbuild=warn (the default until 1.9.0), when two edges generate the
// same node, remove the duplicate node from the output list of the later
// edge. If all of an edge's outputs are removed, remove the edge from the
// graph.
METRIC_RECORD(".ninja load : link edge outputs");
for (Clump* clump : clumps) {
for (size_t edge_idx = 0; edge_idx < clump->edges_.size(); ) {
// Scan all Edge outputs and link them to the Node objects.
Edge* edge = clump->edges_[edge_idx];
for (size_t i = 0; i < edge->outputs_.size(); ) {
Node* output = edge->outputs_[i];
if (output->in_edge() == nullptr) {
// Two edges produce the same output node.
if (options_.dupe_edge_action_ == kDupeEdgeActionError) {
return DecorateError(clump->file_,
"multiple rules generate " + output->globalPath().h.str_view().AsString() +
" [-w dupbuild=err]", err);
} else {
if (!quiet_) {
Warning("multiple rules generate %s. "
"builds involving this target will not be correct; "
"continuing anyway [-w dupbuild=warn]",
if (edge->is_implicit_out(i))
edge->outputs_.erase(edge->outputs_.begin() + i);
if (edge->outputs_.empty()) {
// All outputs of the edge are already created by other edges. Remove
// this edge from the graph. This removal happens before the edge's
// inputs are linked to nodes.
clump->edges_.erase(clump->edges_.begin() + edge_idx);
// Now that all invalid edges are removed from the graph, record an out-edge
// on each node that's needed by an edge.
METRIC_RECORD(".ninja load : link edge inputs");
ParallelMap(thread_pool_, clumps, [](Clump* clump) {
for (Edge* edge : clump->edges_) {
for (Node* input : edge->inputs_) {
for (Node* validation : edge->validations_) {
// Find all references to Nodes that newly minted Scopes now own. The Node
// could not have known it was in this Scope until now. Expressions inside
// a chdir were converted to their globalPath() and now get converted back,
// but it makes the global node hash table simple. Note globalPath() is
// unchanged after this transformation.
for (Clump* clump : clumps) {
for (Scope* scope : clump->owner_scope_) {
const std::string& chdir = scope->chdir();
// ConcurrentHashMap has no erase() member - emulate it with 'cleaned'
State::Paths cleaned(state_->paths_.size());
bool wasCleaned = false;
for (State::Paths::iterator i = state_->paths_.begin();
i != state_->paths_.end(); ++i) {
if (!i->first.str_view().AsString().compare(0, chdir.size(), chdir)) {
Node* node = i->second;
if (node->scope() != scope) {
wasCleaned = true;
cleaned.insert(std::make_pair(i->second->globalPath().h, i->second));
if (wasCleaned)
METRIC_RECORD(".ninja load : default targets");
for (Clump* clump : clumps) {
for (DefaultTarget* target : clump->default_targets_) {
std::string path;
EvaluatePathInScope(&path, target->parsed_path_,
uint64_t slash_bits; // Unused because this only does lookup.
std::string path_err;
if (!CanonicalizePath(&path, &slash_bits, &path_err))
return DecorateError(clump->file_, target->diag_pos_, path_err, err);
Node* node =
if (node == nullptr) {
return DecorateError(clump->file_, target->diag_pos_,
"unknown target '" + path + "'", err);
// The .ninja file inside a 'subninja chdir' cannot leak its 'default'
// into the parent .ninja file.
if (node->scope()->chdir().empty()) {
// Add the clump edges into the global edge vector, and assign edge IDs.
// Edge IDs are used for custom protobuf-based Ninja frontends. An edge's ID
// is equal to its index in the global edge vector, so delay the assignment
// of edge IDs until we've removed duplicate edges above (dupbuild=warn).
METRIC_RECORD(".ninja load : build edge table");
// Copy edges to the global edge table.
size_t old_size = state_->edges_.size();
size_t new_size = old_size;
for (Clump* clump : clumps) {
new_size += clump->edges_.size();
for (Clump* clump : clumps) {
std::copy(clump->edges_.begin(), clump->edges_.end(),
// Assign edge IDs.
ParallelMap(thread_pool_, IntegralRange<size_t>(old_size, new_size),
[this](size_t idx) {
state_->edges_[idx]->id_ = idx;
return true;
bool ManifestLoader::Load(ManifestFileSet* file_set,
const LoadedFile& root_manifest, std::string* err) {
DfsParser dfs_parser(file_set, state_, thread_pool_, options_);
std::vector<Clump*> clumps;
if (!dfs_parser.LoadManifestTree(root_manifest, &state_->root_scope_, &clumps,
err)) {
return false;
return FinishLoading(clumps, err);
} // anonymous namespace
bool ManifestParser::Load(const string& filename, string* err) {
METRIC_RECORD(".ninja load");
ManifestFileSet file_set(file_reader_);
const LoadedFile* file = nullptr;
if (!file_set.LoadFile(filename, &file, err))
return false;
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool> thread_pool = CreateThreadPool();
ManifestLoader loader(state_, thread_pool.get(), options_, false);
return loader.Load(&file_set, *file, err);
bool ManifestParser::ParseTest(const string& input, string* err) {
ManifestFileSet file_set(file_reader_);
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool> thread_pool = CreateThreadPool();
ManifestLoader loader(state_, thread_pool.get(), options_, true);
return loader.Load(&file_set, HeapLoadedFile("input", input), err);