Build with core_current

This lib has been built with core-libart and core-oj which include
private APIs. In order to prevent this lib from depending on the private
APIs in the future, directly dependency to the core libraries are
replaced with the pseudo-sdk stub called 'core_current' that has public
core Java APIs only.

Bug: 72206056
Test: mma -j under this directory
Change-Id: Ia60e44081da351d76d548526f9532517274f5cba
diff --git a/ b/
index 8ac44b3..6e38ab2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
 LOCAL_JAVA_RESOURCE_DIRS := MockFtpServer/src/main/resources
 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
 LOCAL_MODULE := mockftpserver
-LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := slf4j-jdk14 core-oj core-libart
+LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := slf4j-jdk14
+LOCAL_SDK_VERSION := core_current
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)