blob: b77483fbcdd0b7572cf02bbdd3515cd124bd8b0e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.mockftpserver.fake.command
import org.mockftpserver.core.command.Command
import org.mockftpserver.core.command.CommandHandler
import org.mockftpserver.core.command.ReplyCodes
import org.mockftpserver.core.session.SessionKeys
import org.mockftpserver.core.session.StubSession
import org.mockftpserver.fake.StubServerConfiguration
import org.mockftpserver.fake.UserAccount
import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.DirectoryEntry
import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.FileEntry
import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.FileSystemException
import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.TestUnixFakeFileSystem
import org.mockftpserver.test.AbstractGroovyTestCase
import org.mockftpserver.test.StubResourceBundle
* Abstract superclass for CommandHandler tests
* @version $Revision$ - $Date$
* @author Chris Mair
abstract class AbstractFakeCommandHandlerTestCase extends AbstractGroovyTestCase {
protected static final ERROR_MESSAGE_KEY = 'msgkey'
protected session
protected serverConfiguration
protected replyTextBundle
protected commandHandler
protected fileSystem
protected userAccount
/** Set this to false to skip the test that verifies that the CommandHandler requires a logged in user */
boolean testNotLoggedIn = true
// Tests (common to all subclasses)
void testHandleCommand_ServerConfigurationIsNull() {
commandHandler.serverConfiguration = null
def command = createValidCommand()
shouldFailWithMessageContaining("serverConfiguration") { commandHandler.handleCommand(command, session) }
void testHandleCommand_CommandIsNull() {
shouldFailWithMessageContaining("command") { commandHandler.handleCommand(null, session) }
void testHandleCommand_SessionIsNull() {
def command = createValidCommand()
shouldFailWithMessageContaining("session") { commandHandler.handleCommand(command, null) }
void testHandleCommand_NotLoggedIn() {
if (getProperty('testNotLoggedIn')) {
def command = createValidCommand()
commandHandler.handleCommand(command, session)
// Abstract Method Declarations (must be implemented by all subclasses)
* Create and return a new instance of the CommandHandler class under test. Concrete subclasses must implement.
abstract CommandHandler createCommandHandler()
* Create and return a valid instance of the Command for the CommandHandler class
* under test. Concrete subclasses must implement.
abstract Command createValidCommand()
// Test Setup
void setUp() {
session = new StubSession()
serverConfiguration = new StubServerConfiguration()
replyTextBundle = new StubResourceBundle()
fileSystem = new TestUnixFakeFileSystem()
fileSystem.createParentDirectoriesAutomatically = true
userAccount = new UserAccount()
session.setAttribute(SessionKeys.USER_ACCOUNT, userAccount)
commandHandler = createCommandHandler()
commandHandler.serverConfiguration = serverConfiguration
commandHandler.replyTextBundle = replyTextBundle
// Helper Methods
* Perform a test of the handleCommand() method on the specified command
* parameters, which are missing a required parameter for this CommandHandler.
protected void testHandleCommand_MissingRequiredParameter(List commandParameters) {
commandHandler.handleCommand(createCommand(commandParameters), session)
* Perform a test of the handleCommand() method on the specified command
* parameters, which are missing a required parameter for this CommandHandler.
protected testHandleCommand_MissingRequiredSessionAttribute() {
def command = createValidCommand()
commandHandler.handleCommand(command, session)
* @return a new Command with the specified parameters for this CommandHandler
protected Command createCommand(List commandParameters) {
new Command(createValidCommand().name, commandParameters)
* Invoke the handleCommand() method for the current CommandHandler, passing in
* the specified parameters
* @param parameters - the List of command parameters; may be empty, but not null
protected void handleCommand(List parameters) {
commandHandler.handleCommand(createCommand(parameters), session)
* Assert that the specified reply code and message containing text was sent through the session.
* @param expectedReplyCode - the expected reply code
* @param text - the text expected within the reply message; defaults to the reply code as a String
* @deprecated
protected assertSessionReply(int expectedReplyCode, text = expectedReplyCode as String) {
assertSessionReply(0, expectedReplyCode, text)
* Assert that the specified reply code and message containing text was sent through the session.
* @param replyIndex - the index of the reply to compare
* @param expectedReplyCode - the expected reply code
* @param text - the text expected within the reply message; defaults to the reply code as a String
protected assertSessionReply(int replyIndex, int expectedReplyCode, text = expectedReplyCode as String) {
String actualMessage = session.getReplyMessage(replyIndex)
def actualReplyCode = session.getReplyCode(replyIndex)
assert actualReplyCode == expectedReplyCode
if (text instanceof List) {
text.each { assert actualMessage.contains(it), "[$actualMessage] does not contain [$it]" }
else {
assert actualMessage.contains(text), "[$actualMessage] does not contain [$text]"
* Assert that the specified reply codes were sent through the session.
* @param replyCodes - the List of expected sent reply codes
protected assertSessionReplies(List replyCodes) {
replyCodes.eachWithIndex {replyCode, replyIndex ->
assertSessionReply(replyIndex, replyCode)
* Assert that the specified data was sent through the session.
* @param expectedData - the expected data
protected assertSessionData(String expectedData) {
def actual = session.sentData[0]
assert actual != null, "No data for index [0] sent for $session"
assert actual == expectedData
* Assert that the specified data was sent through the session, terminated by an end-of-line.
* @param expectedData - the expected data
protected assertSessionDataWithEndOfLine(String expectedData) {
assertSessionData(expectedData + endOfLine())
* Assert that the data sent through the session terminated with an end-of-line.
protected assertSessionDataEndsWithEndOfLine() {
assert session.sentData[0].endsWith(endOfLine())
* Execute the handleCommand() method with the specified parameters and
* assert that the standard SEND DATA replies were sent through the session.
* @param parameters - the command parameters to use; defaults to []
* @param finalReplyCode - the expected final reply code; defaults to ReplyCodes.TRANSFER_DATA_FINAL_OK
protected handleCommandAndVerifySendDataReplies(parameters = [], int finalReplyCode = ReplyCodes.TRANSFER_DATA_FINAL_OK) {
assertSessionReplies([ReplyCodes.TRANSFER_DATA_INITIAL_OK, finalReplyCode])
* Execute the handleCommand() method with the specified parameters and
* assert that the standard SEND DATA replies were sent through the session.
* @param parameters - the command parameters to use
* @param initialReplyMessageKey - the expected reply message key for the initial reply
* @param finalReplyMessageKey - the expected reply message key for the final reply
* @param finalReplyCode - the expected final reply code; defaults to ReplyCodes.TRANSFER_DATA_FINAL_OK
protected handleCommandAndVerifySendDataReplies(parameters, String initialReplyMessageKey, String finalReplyMessageKey, int finalReplyCode = ReplyCodes.TRANSFER_DATA_FINAL_OK) {
assertSessionReply(0, ReplyCodes.TRANSFER_DATA_INITIAL_OK, initialReplyMessageKey)
assertSessionReply(1, finalReplyCode, finalReplyMessageKey)
* Override the named method for the specified object instance
* @param object - the object instance
* @param methodName - the name of the method to override
* @param newMethod - the Closure representing the new method for this single instance
protected void overrideMethod(object, String methodName, Closure newMethod) {"Overriding method [$methodName] for class [${object.class}]")
def emc = new ExpandoMetaClass(object.class, false)
emc."$methodName" = newMethod
object.metaClass = emc
* Override the named method (that takes a single String arg) of the fileSystem object to throw a (generic) FileSystemException
* @param methodName - the name of the fileSystem method to override
protected void overrideMethodToThrowFileSystemException(String methodName) {
def newMethod = {String path -> throw new FileSystemException("Error thrown by method [$methodName]", ERROR_MESSAGE_KEY) }
overrideMethod(fileSystem, methodName, newMethod)
* Set the current directory within the session
* @param path - the new path value for the current directory
protected void setCurrentDirectory(String path) {
session.setAttribute(SessionKeys.CURRENT_DIRECTORY, path)
* Convenience method to return the end-of-line character(s) for the current CommandHandler.
protected endOfLine() {
* Create a new directory entry with the specified path in the file system
* @param path - the path of the new directory entry
* @return the newly created DirectoryEntry
protected DirectoryEntry createDirectory(String path) {
DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(path)
return entry
* Create a new file entry with the specified path in the file system
* @param path - the path of the new file entry
* @param contents - the contents for the file; defaults to null
* @return the newly created FileEntry
protected FileEntry createFile(String path, contents = null) {
FileEntry entry = new FileEntry(path: path, contents: contents)
return entry