blob: 93683a3a088cd928df1a5c51b034bb7bcc9db0f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.mockftpserver.fake
import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.FileEntry
import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.FileSystemEntry
import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.Permissions
import org.mockftpserver.test.AbstractGroovyTestCase
* Tests for UserAccount
* @version $Revision$ - $Date$
* @author Chris Mair
class UserAccountTest extends AbstractGroovyTestCase {
private static final USERNAME = "user123"
private static final PASSWORD = "password123"
private static final HOME_DIR = "/usr/user123"
private static final GROUP = 'group'
private UserAccount userAccount
void testConstructor() {
def acct = new UserAccount(USERNAME, PASSWORD, HOME_DIR)
assert acct.username == USERNAME
assert acct.password == PASSWORD
assert acct.homeDirectory == HOME_DIR
void testGetPrimaryGroup() {
assert userAccount.primaryGroup == UserAccount.DEFAULT_GROUP
userAccount.groups = ['abc']
assert userAccount.primaryGroup == 'abc'
assert userAccount.primaryGroup == 'abc'
userAccount.groups = []
assert userAccount.primaryGroup == UserAccount.DEFAULT_GROUP
void testIsValidPassword() {
userAccount.username = USERNAME
userAccount.password = PASSWORD
assert userAccount.isValidPassword(PASSWORD)
assert !userAccount.isValidPassword("")
assert !userAccount.isValidPassword("wrong")
assert !userAccount.isValidPassword(null)
void testIsValidPassword_UsernameNullOrEmpty() {
userAccount.password = PASSWORD
shouldFailWithMessageContaining('username') { userAccount.isValidPassword(PASSWORD) }
userAccount.username = ''
shouldFailWithMessageContaining('username') { userAccount.isValidPassword(PASSWORD) }
void testIsValidPassword_OverrideComparePassword() {
def customUserAccount = new CustomUserAccount()
customUserAccount.username = USERNAME
customUserAccount.password = PASSWORD
println customUserAccount
assert customUserAccount.isValidPassword(PASSWORD) == false
assert customUserAccount.isValidPassword(PASSWORD + "123")
void testIsValidPassword_PasswordNotCheckedDuringValidation() {
userAccount.username = USERNAME
userAccount.password = PASSWORD
userAccount.passwordCheckedDuringValidation = false
assert userAccount.isValidPassword("wrong")
void testIsValid() {
assert !userAccount.valid
userAccount.homeDirectory = ""
assert !userAccount.valid
userAccount.homeDirectory = "/abc"
assert userAccount.valid
void testCanRead() {
// No file permissions - readable by all
testCanRead(USERNAME, GROUP, null, true)
// UserAccount has no username or group; use World permissions
testCanRead(USERNAME, GROUP, '------r--', true)
testCanRead(USERNAME, GROUP, 'rwxrwx-wx', false)
userAccount.username = USERNAME
userAccount.groups = [GROUP]
testCanRead(USERNAME, GROUP, 'rwxrwxrwx', true) // ALL
testCanRead(USERNAME, GROUP, '---------', false) // NONE
testCanRead(USERNAME, null, 'r--------', true) // User
testCanRead(USERNAME, null, '-wxrwxrwx', false)
testCanRead(null, GROUP, '---r-----', true) // Group
testCanRead(null, GROUP, 'rwx-wxrwx', false)
testCanRead(null, null, '------r--', true) // World
testCanRead(null, null, 'rwxrwx-wx', false)
void testCanWrite() {
// No file permissions - writable by all
testCanWrite(USERNAME, GROUP, null, true)
// UserAccount has no username or group; use World permissions
testCanWrite(USERNAME, GROUP, '-------w-', true)
testCanWrite(USERNAME, GROUP, 'rwxrwxr-x', false)
userAccount.username = USERNAME
userAccount.groups = [GROUP]
testCanWrite(USERNAME, GROUP, 'rwxrwxrwx', true) // ALL
testCanWrite(USERNAME, GROUP, '---------', false) // NONE
testCanWrite(USERNAME, null, '-w-------', true) // User
testCanWrite(USERNAME, null, 'r-xrwxrwx', false)
testCanWrite(null, GROUP, '----w----', true) // Group
testCanWrite(null, GROUP, 'rwxr-xrwx', false)
testCanWrite(null, null, '-------w-', true) // World
testCanWrite(null, null, 'rwxrwxr-x', false)
void testCanExecute() {
// No file permissions - executable by all
testCanExecute(USERNAME, GROUP, null, true)
// UserAccount has no username or group; use World permissions
testCanExecute(USERNAME, GROUP, '--------x', true)
testCanExecute(USERNAME, GROUP, 'rwxrwxrw-', false)
userAccount.username = USERNAME
userAccount.groups = [GROUP]
testCanExecute(USERNAME, GROUP, 'rwxrwxrwx', true) // ALL
testCanExecute(USERNAME, GROUP, '---------', false) // NONE
testCanExecute(USERNAME, null, '--x------', true) // User
testCanExecute(USERNAME, null, 'rw-rwxrwx', false)
testCanExecute(null, GROUP, '-----x---', true) // Group
testCanExecute(null, GROUP, 'rwxrw-rwx', false)
testCanExecute(null, null, '--------x', true) // World
testCanExecute(null, null, 'rwxrwxrw-', false)
void testDefaultPermissions() {
assert userAccount.defaultPermissionsForNewFile == new Permissions('rw-rw-rw-')
assert userAccount.defaultPermissionsForNewDirectory == Permissions.ALL
// Helper Methods
private void testCanRead(owner, group, permissionsString, expectedResult) {
def file = createFileEntry(owner, permissionsString, group)
assert userAccount.canRead(file) == expectedResult, file
private void testCanWrite(owner, group, permissionsString, expectedResult) {
def file = createFileEntry(owner, permissionsString, group)
assert userAccount.canWrite(file) == expectedResult, file
private void testCanExecute(owner, group, permissionsString, expectedResult) {
def file = createFileEntry(owner, permissionsString, group)
assert userAccount.canExecute(file) == expectedResult, file
private FileSystemEntry createFileEntry(owner, permissionsString, group) {
def permissions = permissionsString ? new Permissions(permissionsString) : null
return new FileEntry(path: '', owner: owner, group: group, permissions: permissions)
void setUp() {
userAccount = new UserAccount()