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StubFtpServer FTP Commands and CommandHandlers
StubFtpServer - FTP Commands and CommandHandlers
The following table lists the main FTP server commands with their corresponding FTP client commands,
and the <<StubFtpServer>> <CommandHandler> classes that implements support for the FTP server command.
See the Javadoc for each <CommandHandler> class for information on how to customize its behavior
through configuration, as well as what command invocation data is available.
| <<FTP Server Command>> | <<FTP Client Command>> | <<CommandHandler Class(es)>> |
| ABOR | -- | AborCommandHandler |
| ACCT | -- | AcctCommandHandler |
| ALLO | -- | AlloCommandHandler |
| APPE | APPEND | AppeCommandHandler |
| CDUP | -- | CdupCommandHandler |
| CWD | CD | CwdCommandHandler |
| DELE | DELETE | DeleCommandHandler |
| EPRT | -- | EprtCommandHandler |
| EPSV | -- | EpsvCommandHandler |
| HELP | REMOTEHELP | HelpCommandHandler |
| LIST | DIR / LS | ListCommandHandler |
| MKD | MKDIR | MkdCommandHandler |
| MODE | -- | ModeCommandHandler |
| NLST | -- | NlstCommandHandler |
| NOOP | -- | NoopCommandHandler |
| PASS | USER | PassCommandHandler |
| PASV | -- | PasvCommandHandler |
| PORT | -- | PortCommandHandler |
| PWD | PWD | PwdCommandHandler |
| QUIT | QUIT / BYE | QuitCommandHandler |
| REIN | -- | ReinCommandHandler |
| REST | -- | RestCommandHandler |
| RETR | GET / RECV | RetrCommandHandler |
| | | FileRetrCommandHandler (1) |
| RMD | RMDIR | RmdCommandHandler |
| RNFR | RENAME | RnfrCommandHandler |
| RNTO | RENAME | RntoCommandHandler |
| SITE | -- | SiteCommandHandler |
| SMNT | -- | SmntCommandHandler |
| STAT | STATUS | StatCommandHandler |
| STOR | PUT / SEND | StorCommandHandler |
| STOU | -- | StouCommandHandler |
| STRU | -- | StruCommandHandler |
| SYST | -- | SystCommandHandler |
| TYPE | ASCII / BINARY / TYPE | TypeCommandHandler |
| USER | USER | UserCommandHandler |
(1) An alternative to the default <CommandHandler> implementation. See its class Javadoc.
* Special Command Handlers
There are also <special> <CommandHandler> classes defined (in the <<core>> package).
* <<ConnectCommandHandler>> - Sends a 220 reply code after the initial connection to the server.
* <<UnsupportedCommandHandler>> - Sends a 502 reply when an unrecognized/unsupported
command name is sent from a client.