blob: 10c47e976d77ea440396302d6e39082e79c6ba6b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem;
import java.util.List;
* Interface for a file system for managing files and directories.
* @author Chris Mair
* @version $Revision$ - $Date$
public interface FileSystem {
* Add the specified file system entry (file or directory) to this file system
* @param entry - the FileSystemEntry to add
public void add(FileSystemEntry entry);
* Return the List of FileSystemEntry objects for the files in the specified directory path. If the
* path does not refer to a valid directory, then an empty List is returned.
* @param path - the path of the directory whose contents should be returned
* @return the List of FileSystemEntry objects for all files in the specified directory may be empty
public List listFiles(String path);
* Return the List of filenames in the specified directory path. The returned filenames do not
* include a path. If the path does not refer to a valid directory, then an empty List is
* returned.
* @param path - the path of the directory whose contents should be returned
* @return the List of filenames (not including paths) for all files in the specified directory
* may be empty
* @throws AssertionError - if path is null
public List listNames(String path);
* Delete the file or directory specified by the path. Return true if the file is successfully
* deleted, false otherwise. If the path refers to a directory, it must be empty. Return false
* if the path does not refer to a valid file or directory or if it is a non-empty directory.
* @param path - the path of the file or directory to delete
* @return true if the file or directory is successfully deleted
* @throws AssertionError - if path is null
public boolean delete(String path);
* Rename the file or directory. Specify the FROM path and the TO path. Throw an exception if the FROM path or
* the parent directory of the TO path do not exist; or if the rename fails for another reason.
* @param fromPath - the source (old) path + filename
* @param toPath - the target (new) path + filename
* @throws AssertionError - if fromPath or toPath is null
* @throws FileSystemException - if the rename fails.
public void rename(String fromPath, String toPath);
* Return the formatted directory listing entry for the file represented by the specified FileSystemEntry
* @param fileSystemEntry - the FileSystemEntry representing the file or directory entry to be formatted
* @return the the formatted directory listing entry
public String formatDirectoryListing(FileSystemEntry fileSystemEntry);
// Path-related Methods
* Return true if there exists a file or directory at the specified path
* @param path - the path
* @return true if the file/directory exists
* @throws AssertionError - if path is null
public boolean exists(String path);
* Return true if the specified path designates an existing directory, false otherwise
* @param path - the path
* @return true if path is a directory, false otherwise
* @throws AssertionError - if path is null
public boolean isDirectory(String path);
* Return true if the specified path designates an existing file, false otherwise
* @param path - the path
* @return true if path is a file, false otherwise
* @throws AssertionError - if path is null
public boolean isFile(String path);
* Return true if the specified path designates an absolute file path. What
* constitutes an absolute path is dependent on the file system implementation.
* @param path - the path
* @return true if path is absolute, false otherwise
* @throws AssertionError - if path is null
public boolean isAbsolute(String path);
* Build a path from the two path components. Concatenate path1 and path2. Insert the file system-dependent
* separator character in between if necessary (i.e., if both are non-empty and path1 does not already
* end with a separator character AND path2 does not begin with one).
* @param path1 - the first path component may be null or empty
* @param path2 - the second path component may be null or empty
* @return the path resulting from concatenating path1 to path2
public String path(String path1, String path2);
* Returns the FileSystemEntry object representing the file system entry at the specified path, or null
* if the path does not specify an existing file or directory within this file system.
* @param path - the path of the file or directory within this file system
* @return the FileSystemEntry containing the information for the file or directory, or else null
public FileSystemEntry getEntry(String path);
* Return the parent path of the specified path. If <code>path</code> specifies a filename,
* then this method returns the path of the directory containing that file. If <code>path</code>
* specifies a directory, the this method returns its parent directory. If <code>path</code> is
* empty or does not have a parent component, then return an empty string.
* <p/>
* All path separators in the returned path are converted to the system-dependent separator character.
* @param path - the path
* @return the parent of the specified path, or null if <code>path</code> has no parent
* @throws AssertionError - if path is null
public String getParent(String path);