blob: 604fd8b741b39ef26825602810d6b925a3c73389 [file] [log] [blame]
The D3D12 driver is a Gallium driver that emits API calls for Microsoft's
:abbr:`D3D12 (Direct3D 12)` API instead of targeting a specific GPU
architecture. This can be used to get full desktop OpenGL 3.3 support on
devices that only support D3D12.
There's a few tools that are useful for debugging D3D12, such as these
environment variables:
.. envvar:: D3D12_DEBUG
Accepts the following comma-separated list of flags:
Enable verbose output to stdout
Trace blit and copy resource calls
Enable experimental shader models feature
Dump DXIL during program compile
Dump disassambly of created DXIL shader
Debug resources
Enable `debug layer`_
Enable `GPU validator`_
.. envvar:: DXIL_DEBUG
Accepts the following comma-separated list of flags:
Enable verbose output to stdout
Write shader blobs
Trace instruction conversion
dump module tree to stderr
.. _debug layer:
.. _GPU validator:
Environment variables that control the behavior of the D3D12 driver.
Specifies a substring to search for when choosing a default adapter to
run on. The first adapter matching the substring is chosen. The substring
is not case sensitive.