blob: 59c889421bcf6a476168e815e6d4a00421e855e5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Common setup among container builds before we get to building code.
export CCACHE_DIR=/cache/mesa/ccache
export PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH
# CMake ignores $PATH, so we have to force CC/GCC to the ccache versions.
# Watch out, you can't have spaces in here because the renderdoc build fails.
export CC="/usr/lib/ccache/gcc"
export CXX="/usr/lib/ccache/g++"
# Force linkers to gold, since it's so much faster for building. We can't use
# lld because we're on old debian and it's buggy. ming fails meson builds
# with it with " ERROR: Unable to determine dynamic linker"
find /usr/bin -name \*-ld -o -name ld | \
grep -v mingw | \
xargs -n 1 -I '{}' ln -sf '{}.gold' '{}'
ccache --show-stats
# Make a wrapper script for ninja to always include the -j flags
echo '#!/bin/sh -x' > /usr/local/bin/ninja
echo '/usr/bin/ninja -j${FDO_CI_CONCURRENT:-4} "$@"' >> /usr/local/bin/ninja
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ninja
# Set MAKEFLAGS so that all make invocations in container builds include the
# flags (doesn't apply to non-container builds, but we don't run make there)