v3dv: fix blit path for copies from 3D compressed images

The aliasing we were using was not always correct. Particularly,
for 3D images, the simulator would complain about image strides
not being large enough in some cases.

This patch fixes this by aliasing both src and dst images and
carefully choosing the alias dimensions taking into account the
format chosen for the copy and the ratio of block sizes between
both images.

Playing a bit with the image dimensions used by the relevant CTS
tests we confirmed this works well for all tile layouts (lineartile,
ublinear1/2 and UIF).

This fixes all CTS tests involving 3D image copies from compressed
formats without needing to force UIF layout for all compressed
images (which would actually not work for all image sizes either).

Part-of: <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/6766>
diff --git a/src/broadcom/vulkan/v3dv_meta_copy.c b/src/broadcom/vulkan/v3dv_meta_copy.c
index 84feb92..7fbffa4 100644
--- a/src/broadcom/vulkan/v3dv_meta_copy.c
+++ b/src/broadcom/vulkan/v3dv_meta_copy.c
@@ -1259,6 +1259,59 @@
+ * Takes the image provided as argument and creates a new image that has
+ * the same specification and aliases the same memory storage, except that:
+ *
+ *   - It has the uncompressed format passed in.
+ *   - Its original width/height are scaled by the factors passed in.
+ *
+ * This is useful to implement copies from compressed images using the blit
+ * path. The idea is that we create uncompressed "image views" of both the
+ * source and destination images using the uncompressed format and then we
+ * define the copy blit in terms of that format.
+ */
+static struct v3dv_image *
+create_image_alias(struct v3dv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
+                   struct v3dv_image *src,
+                   float width_scale,
+                   float height_scale,
+                   VkFormat format)
+   assert(!vk_format_is_compressed(format));
+   VkDevice _device = v3dv_device_to_handle(cmd_buffer->device);
+   VkImageCreateInfo info = {
+      .imageType = src->type,
+      .format = format,
+      .extent = {
+         .width = src->extent.width * width_scale,
+         .height = src->extent.height * height_scale,
+         .depth = src->extent.depth,
+      },
+      .mipLevels = src->levels,
+      .arrayLayers = src->array_size,
+      .samples = src->samples,
+      .tiling = src->tiling,
+      .usage = src->usage,
+   };
+    VkImage _image;
+    VkResult result =
+      v3dv_CreateImage(_device, &info, &cmd_buffer->device->alloc, &_image);
+    if (result != VK_SUCCESS) {
+       v3dv_flag_oom(cmd_buffer, NULL);
+       return NULL;
+    }
+    struct v3dv_image *image = v3dv_image_from_handle(_image);
+    image->mem = src->mem;
+    image->mem_offset = src->mem_offset;
+    return image;
  * Returns true if the implementation supports the requested operation (even if
  * it failed to process it, for example, due to an out-of-memory error).
@@ -1268,40 +1321,77 @@
                 struct v3dv_image *src,
                 const VkImageCopy *region)
+   const uint32_t src_block_w = vk_format_get_blockwidth(src->vk_format);
+   const uint32_t src_block_h = vk_format_get_blockheight(src->vk_format);
+   const uint32_t dst_block_w = vk_format_get_blockwidth(dst->vk_format);
+   const uint32_t dst_block_h = vk_format_get_blockheight(dst->vk_format);
+   const float block_scale_w = (float)src_block_w / (float)dst_block_w;
+   const float block_scale_h = (float)src_block_h / (float)dst_block_h;
    /* We need to choose a single format for the blit to ensure that this is
     * really a copy and there are not format conversions going on. Since we
     * going to blit, we need to make sure that the selected format can be
     * both rendered to and textured from.
    VkFormat format;
-   uint32_t divisor = 1;
+   float src_scale_w = 1.0f;
+   float src_scale_h = 1.0f;
+   float dst_scale_w = block_scale_w;
+   float dst_scale_h = block_scale_h;
    if (vk_format_is_compressed(src->vk_format)) {
       /* If we are copying from a compressed format we should be aware that we
        * are going to texture from the source image, and the texture setup
        * knows the actual size of the image, so we need to choose a format
        * that has a per-texel (not per-block) bpp that is compatible for that
-       * image size. For example, for a source image with size Bw*WxBh*H image
+       * image size. For example, for a source image with size Bw*WxBh*H
        * and format ETC2_RGBA8_UNORM copied to a WxH image of format RGBA32UI,
        * each of the Bw*WxBh*H texels in the compressed source image is 8-bit
        * (which translates to a 128-bit 4x4 RGBA32 block when uncompressed),
-       * so we specify a blit with size Bw*WxBh*H and we choose a format with
+       * so we could specify a blit with size Bw*WxBh*H and a format with
        * a bpp of 8-bit per texel (R8_UINT).
-       * Unfortunately, when copying from a format like ETC2_RGB8A1_UNORM we
-       * would need a 4-bit format, which we don't have, so instead we still
-       * choose an 8-bit format, but we apply a divisor to the row dimensions
-       * of the blit, since we are copying two texels per item.
+       * Unfortunately, when copying from a format like ETC2_RGB8A1_UNORM,
+       * which is 64-bit per texel, then we would need a 4-bit format, which
+       * we don't have, so instead we still choose an 8-bit format, but we
+       * apply a divisor to the row dimensions of the blit, since we are
+       * copying two texels per item.
+       *
+       * Generally, we can choose any format so long as we compute appropriate
+       * divisors for the width and height depending on the source image's
+       * bpp.
-      format = VK_FORMAT_R8_UINT;
+      assert(src->cpp == dst->cpp);
+      uint32_t divisor_w, divisor_h;
+      format = VK_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT;
       switch (src->cpp) {
       case 16:
+         format = VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT;
+         divisor_w = 4;
+         divisor_h = 4;
       case 8:
-         divisor = 2;
+         format = VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT;
+         divisor_w = 4;
+         divisor_h = 4;
          unreachable("Unsupported compressed format");
+      /* Create image views of the src/dst images that we can interpret in
+       * terms of the canonical format.
+       */
+      src_scale_w /= divisor_w;
+      src_scale_h /= divisor_h;
+      dst_scale_w /= divisor_w;
+      dst_scale_h /= divisor_h;
+      src = create_image_alias(cmd_buffer, src,
+                               src_scale_w, src_scale_h, format);
+      dst = create_image_alias(cmd_buffer, dst,
+                               dst_scale_w, dst_scale_h, format);
    } else {
       format = src->format->rt_type != V3D_OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_NO ?
          src->vk_format : get_compatible_tlb_format(src->vk_format);
@@ -1326,35 +1416,31 @@
     * to the copy command are specified in terms of the source image. With that
     * in mind, below we adjust the blit destination region to be consistent with
     * the source region for the compatible format, so basically, we apply
-    * the block size factor to the destination offset provided by the copy
+    * the block scale factor to the destination offset provided by the copy
     * command (because it is specified in terms of the destination image, not
     * the source), and then we just add the region copy dimensions to that
     * (since the region dimensions are already specified in terms of the source
     * image).
    const VkOffset3D src_start = {
-      region->srcOffset.x / divisor,
-      region->srcOffset.y,
+      region->srcOffset.x * src_scale_w,
+      region->srcOffset.y * src_scale_h,
    const VkOffset3D src_end = {
-      src_start.x + region->extent.width / divisor,
-      src_start.y + region->extent.height,
+      src_start.x + region->extent.width * src_scale_w,
+      src_start.y + region->extent.height * src_scale_h,
       src_start.z + region->extent.depth,
-   const uint32_t src_block_w = vk_format_get_blockwidth(src->vk_format);
-   const uint32_t src_block_h = vk_format_get_blockheight(src->vk_format);
-   const uint32_t dst_block_w = vk_format_get_blockwidth(dst->vk_format);
-   const uint32_t dst_block_h = vk_format_get_blockheight(dst->vk_format);
    const VkOffset3D dst_start = {
-      DIV_ROUND_UP(region->dstOffset.x * src_block_w, dst_block_w) / divisor,
-      DIV_ROUND_UP(region->dstOffset.y * src_block_h, dst_block_h),
+      region->dstOffset.x * dst_scale_w,
+      region->dstOffset.y * dst_scale_h,
    const VkOffset3D dst_end = {
-      dst_start.x + region->extent.width / divisor,
-      dst_start.y + region->extent.height,
+      dst_start.x + region->extent.width * src_scale_w,
+      dst_start.y + region->extent.height * src_scale_h,
       dst_start.z + region->extent.depth,