mesa/program: fix shadow property for samplers

When creating a sampler-type, we need to pass the correct vaclue for
the "is_shadow"-parameter to glsl_sampler_type(), otherwise the compiler
backend will have no clue about this being a shadow-sampler.

Fixes: 1c0f92d8a8c ("nir: Create sampler variables in prog_to_nir.")
Reviewed-by: Marek Olšák <>
Part-of: <>
diff --git a/src/mesa/program/prog_to_nir.c b/src/mesa/program/prog_to_nir.c
index 14dc891..fcdeec1 100644
--- a/src/mesa/program/prog_to_nir.c
+++ b/src/mesa/program/prog_to_nir.c
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@
    nir_variable *var = c->sampler_vars[prog_inst->TexSrcUnit];
    if (!var) {
       const struct glsl_type *type =
-         glsl_sampler_type(instr->sampler_dim, false, false, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT);
+         glsl_sampler_type(instr->sampler_dim, instr->is_shadow, false, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT);
       char samplerName[20];
       snprintf(samplerName, sizeof(samplerName), "sampler_%d", prog_inst->TexSrcUnit);
       var = nir_variable_create(b->shader, nir_var_uniform, type, samplerName);