spirv/opencl: Drop dest_type from handle_v_load_store

At that point in the function, we don't know if it's a load or a store
so calling it dest_type isn't really helpful.  Also, we don't really
want the glsl_type; we want the base_type.

Reviewed-by: Jesse Natalie <jenatali@microsoft.com>
Part-of: <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/6945>
diff --git a/src/compiler/spirv/vtn_opencl.c b/src/compiler/spirv/vtn_opencl.c
index 975336a..13adb84 100644
--- a/src/compiler/spirv/vtn_opencl.c
+++ b/src/compiler/spirv/vtn_opencl.c
@@ -623,8 +623,8 @@
       type = vtn_get_value_type(b, w[5]);
    unsigned a = load ? 0 : 1;
-   const struct glsl_type *dest_type = type->type;
-   unsigned components = glsl_get_vector_elements(dest_type);
+   enum glsl_base_type base_type = glsl_get_base_type(type->type);
+   unsigned components = glsl_get_vector_elements(type->type);
    nir_ssa_def *offset = vtn_get_nir_ssa(b, w[5 + a]);
    struct vtn_value *p = vtn_value(b, w[6 + a], vtn_value_type_pointer);
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@
          comps[i] = vtn_local_load(b, arr_deref, p->type->access);
          ncomps[i] = comps[i]->def;
       } else {
-         struct vtn_ssa_value *ssa = vtn_create_ssa_value(b, glsl_scalar_type(glsl_get_base_type(dest_type)));
+         struct vtn_ssa_value *ssa = vtn_create_ssa_value(b, glsl_scalar_type(base_type));
          struct vtn_ssa_value *val = vtn_ssa_value(b, w[5]);
          ssa->def = nir_channel(&b->nb, val->def, i);
          vtn_local_store(b, ssa, arr_deref, p->type->access);