soft-fp64/fadd: Instead of tracking "b < a", track sign of the difference

Results on the 308 shaders extracted from the fp64 portion of the OpenGL

Tiger Lake and Ice Lake had similar results. (Tiger Lake shown)
total instructions in shared programs: 824403 -> 822766 (-0.20%)
instructions in affected programs: 756260 -> 754623 (-0.22%)
helped: 68
helped stats (abs) min: 1 max: 118 x̄: 26.26 x̃: 18
helped stats (rel) min: 0.02% max: 0.97% x̄: 0.31% x̃: 0.23%
HURT stats (abs)   min: 149 max: 149 x̄: 149.00 x̃: 149
HURT stats (rel)   min: 0.17% max: 0.17% x̄: 0.17% x̃: 0.17%
95% mean confidence interval for instructions value: -31.94 -15.51
95% mean confidence interval for instructions %-change: -0.37% -0.23%
Instructions are helped.

total cycles in shared programs: 6828935 -> 6816791 (-0.18%)
cycles in affected programs: 6385191 -> 6373047 (-0.19%)
helped: 73
helped stats (abs) min: 2 max: 852 x̄: 166.36 x̃: 120
helped stats (rel) min: <.01% max: 0.80% x̄: 0.22% x̃: 0.17%
95% mean confidence interval for cycles value: -210.80 -121.91
95% mean confidence interval for cycles %-change: -0.27% -0.17%
Cycles are helped.

total fills in shared programs: 1442 -> 1497 (3.81%)
fills in affected programs: 1442 -> 1497 (3.81%)
helped: 0

Reviewed-by: Matt Turner <>
Part-of: <>
diff --git a/src/compiler/glsl/float64.glsl b/src/compiler/glsl/float64.glsl
index 3cc8aa7..46cae0a 100644
--- a/src/compiler/glsl/float64.glsl
+++ b/src/compiler/glsl/float64.glsl
@@ -771,14 +771,14 @@
       bExp = mix(bExp, 1, aExp == 0);
       aExp = mix(aExp, 1, aExp == 0);
       bool zexp_normal = false;
-      bool blta = true;
+      uint sign_of_difference = 0;
       if (bFracHi < aFracHi) {
          __sub64(aFracHi, aFracLo, bFracHi, bFracLo, zFrac0, zFrac1);
          zexp_normal = true;
       else if (aFracHi < bFracHi) {
          __sub64(bFracHi, bFracLo, aFracHi, aFracLo, zFrac0, zFrac1);
-         blta = false;
+         sign_of_difference = 0x80000000;
          zexp_normal = true;
       else if (bFracLo < aFracLo) {
@@ -787,11 +787,11 @@
       else if (aFracLo < bFracLo) {
          __sub64(bFracHi, bFracLo, aFracHi, aFracLo, zFrac0, zFrac1);
-          blta = false;
+         sign_of_difference = 0x80000000;
           zexp_normal = true;
-      zExp = mix(bExp, aExp, blta);
-      aSign = mix(aSign ^ 0x80000000u, aSign, blta);
+      zExp = mix(bExp, aExp, sign_of_difference == 0u);
+      aSign ^= sign_of_difference;
       uint64_t retval_0 = __packFloat64(uint(FLOAT_ROUNDING_MODE == FLOAT_ROUND_DOWN) << 31, 0, 0u, 0u);
       uint64_t retval_1 = __normalizeRoundAndPackFloat64(aSign, zExp - 11, zFrac0, zFrac1);
       return mix(retval_0, retval_1, zexp_normal);