blob: e5946b201da4bb5ba3ce4efcc35d30590c50de77 [file] [log] [blame]
Python-Markdown 2.0.1 Release Notes
Python-Markdown 2.0.1 is a bug-fix release. No new features have been added.
Most notably, various issues with the command line script have been fixed.
There have also been a few fixes for minor parsing bugs in some edge cases.
For a full list of changes, see the git log.
Backwards-incompatible Changes
Due to various complications in how Python handles command line scripts in
differance systems and with differant installation tools, we were forced to
rename the commandline script to ``markdown`` (no ".py"). A matching batch
script will get installed on Windows. Any shell scripts which call
```` will need to be altered to call ``markdown`` instead.