blob: f8e4e70e53f8ab5a644337c1151e5d99862d2d43 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- X86MCTargetDesc.h - X86 Target Descriptions -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file provides X86 specific target descriptions.
#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
#include <string>
namespace llvm {
class MCAsmBackend;
class MCCodeEmitter;
class MCContext;
class MCInstrInfo;
class MCObjectWriter;
class MCRegisterInfo;
class MCSubtargetInfo;
class MCRelocationInfo;
class MCStreamer;
class Target;
class Triple;
class StringRef;
class raw_ostream;
class raw_pwrite_stream;
extern Target TheX86_32Target, TheX86_64Target;
/// Flavour of dwarf regnumbers
namespace DWARFFlavour {
enum {
X86_64 = 0, X86_32_DarwinEH = 1, X86_32_Generic = 2
/// Native X86 register numbers
namespace N86 {
enum {
EAX = 0, ECX = 1, EDX = 2, EBX = 3, ESP = 4, EBP = 5, ESI = 6, EDI = 7
namespace X86_MC {
std::string ParseX86Triple(const Triple &TT);
unsigned getDwarfRegFlavour(const Triple &TT, bool isEH);
void InitLLVM2SEHRegisterMapping(MCRegisterInfo *MRI);
/// Create a X86 MCSubtargetInfo instance. This is exposed so Asm parser, etc.
/// do not need to go through TargetRegistry.
MCSubtargetInfo *createX86MCSubtargetInfo(const Triple &TT, StringRef CPU,
StringRef FS);
MCCodeEmitter *createX86MCCodeEmitter(const MCInstrInfo &MCII,
const MCRegisterInfo &MRI,
MCContext &Ctx);
MCAsmBackend *createX86_32AsmBackend(const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI,
const Triple &TT, StringRef CPU);
MCAsmBackend *createX86_64AsmBackend(const Target &T, const MCRegisterInfo &MRI,
const Triple &TT, StringRef CPU);
/// Construct an X86 Windows COFF machine code streamer which will generate
/// PE/COFF format object files.
/// Takes ownership of \p AB and \p CE.
MCStreamer *createX86WinCOFFStreamer(MCContext &C, MCAsmBackend &AB,
raw_pwrite_stream &OS, MCCodeEmitter *CE,
bool RelaxAll, bool IncrementalLinkerCompatible);
/// Construct an X86 Mach-O object writer.
MCObjectWriter *createX86MachObjectWriter(raw_pwrite_stream &OS, bool Is64Bit,
uint32_t CPUType,
uint32_t CPUSubtype);
/// Construct an X86 ELF object writer.
MCObjectWriter *createX86ELFObjectWriter(raw_pwrite_stream &OS, bool IsELF64,
uint8_t OSABI, uint16_t EMachine);
/// Construct an X86 Win COFF object writer.
MCObjectWriter *createX86WinCOFFObjectWriter(raw_pwrite_stream &OS,
bool Is64Bit);
/// Construct X86-64 Mach-O relocation info.
MCRelocationInfo *createX86_64MachORelocationInfo(MCContext &Ctx);
/// Construct X86-64 ELF relocation info.
MCRelocationInfo *createX86_64ELFRelocationInfo(MCContext &Ctx);
} // End llvm namespace
// Defines symbolic names for X86 registers. This defines a mapping from
// register name to register number.
#include ""
// Defines symbolic names for the X86 instructions.
#include ""
#include ""